Imperial intervention forces moving through the Crystal Empire while under heavy assault by the Pegicles in experimental armoured transports (colourised).
Well that's basically a nuke weaponizing hurricanes is devastating we need a response to have something that can block that or something just as deadly for mad

We need to see if rune magic could be used for weather control maybe combined with airships to calm storms?
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Well, I'm glad to see the Neighpon are doing pretty well and making friendships with the Minotaurs.
Should we risk intervening in the little civil war that Mare-A-Ton is in right now? I mean, if we intervene with our militray and make them some type of vassal state, or we just straight up inperialize them, we can have more power. We can establish more farms and build industrial lands over there. We clearly dont want anyone winning in that war. They were crazy enough to throw a Hurricane at their enemy! I honestly think we must snuff out that threat.
I am worried about Canterbury though, we may be their ally but if we both attempt to take over Mare-A-Ton, we will either be forced to make a deal or leave.
Well so much for us taking down House White Star via theft and economy, hot damn. Maybe we should double down on Military expansion/upgrades and our Intrigues? Maybe consolidate out Diplos too. Also holy shit.

Maybe now that White Star got their shit kicked in, we might be able to raid their magic college tower for Intrigue much easier? Hopefully the chances have been improved greatly (if it hasn't already been flattened).
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Well, I'm glad to see the Neighpon are doing pretty well and making friendships with the Minotaurs.
Should we risk intervening in the little civil war that Mare-A-Ton is in right now? I mean, if we intervene with our militray and make them some type of vassal state, or we just straight up inperialize them, we can have more power. n

Making sure the wmd tossing guys are gone is number one priority in my opinion figuring out who rules the place comes after

also I wonder if rune magic could be used to make some shields like city sized
this is why I'm always worried when we fight Pegasus. They control the weather, hell in the winter wrap up episode a bunch of civilians managed to effortlessly form a tornado, imagine what a coordinated army could do? Hell just heavy rains could make it so our troops couldn't fly and that's saying nothing on what all the ground turning into mud would do to our logistics as most of that plus our auxiliaries and siege weapons are all ground based so would be slowed or made completely useless in thick mud as they'd get stuck in the mud if they're to heavy. And that's just them passively fucking with us. God forbid that they just don't turn any battle field they're on into tornado ally or call down a lighting storm (they can control where the bolts land as well I believe) to turn the sky above their enemies into the worlds biggest bug zapper. Even if we have our troops fly above the storms our guys still need to land at some point and even if we get sky ships while that would let us carry supplies and siege weapons over the storms the heavy cloud cover would still conceal any movement they'd make under the clouds.

(sigh) Either way though I believe we should start prioritizing buffing up the abolitionist to be able to actually stand agains storm before the Star falls as I'm not sure we can still justify a war against storm yet. I mean I believe our people are still receiving from the last war, and while a lot of civilians died it was (technically) their own civilians so I'm unsure if that justifies us declaring war both to our own people and our neighbors. Guess we'll find out next turn.
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Making sure the wmd tossing guys are gone is number one priority in my opinion figuring out who rules the place comes after

also I wonder if rune magic could be used to make some shields like city sized
Yeah, I was hoping runes would be of use. Runes seem very versatile and I believe they will spearhead us into a new era of MagicTechnology.
Does our people know how Hurricanes are made?
What if we develop some type of wide-spread scatter shot cannon for the Pegasi? If we get desperate, maybe we could attempt to pollute the sky to poison the Pegasi, though we will need a way to clean the pollutants.
Okay we have the Pegicles able to weaponize hurricanes and whatever the college did to get rid of it, we'll probably need a lot of information on what else the two sides have planned for the civil war.
Hurricane to demolish your enemy? *double thumbs up at the incidental mirror of an old tactic in a completely different game*

Still. This does give us a causus belli (even if it's just a moderate one so don't expect our alies to respond the same as the Sombra Affair) as that was a Weapon of Mass Destruction meant to tear apart civilian infrastructure and population.
The pegasi could only make such a great storm on top of the sea/coast. Just focus on a spearhead inland and at most we will get hit by few tornadoes and storms, nothing like a hurricane.
Pegicles just went full-blown warcrimes and decided that collateral damage is gravy.
What Pegicles did gave him a massive advantage over his opponents, granting him the upper hand over his opponent. Now, does it mean he did the right thing, no. However, he did this not out of senseless cruelty, but out of ruthless pragmatism.

So lets just slow down, and send some diplomats to hash this out. Hopefully Pegicles will be willing to play ball and establish a proper democracy
Well, I'm glad to see the Neighpon are doing pretty well and making friendships with the Minotaurs.
Should we risk intervening in the little civil war that Mare-A-Ton is in right now? I mean, if we intervene with our militray and make them some type of vassal state, or we just straight up inperialize them, we can have more power. We can establish more farms and build industrial lands over there. We clearly dont want anyone winning in that war. They were crazy enough to throw a Hurricane at their enemy! I honestly think we must snuff out that threat.
I am worried about Canterbury though, we may be their ally but if we both attempt to take over Mare-A-Ton, we will either be forced to make a deal or leave.
Thing is, I am...leery with directly intervening with our military. I don't want us to seem like conquering imperialists looking to obtain more land. Our Casus Belli to start a war when they kidnapped our citizens is long gone since we opted to rescue them all with intrigue and semi-deniability. All that is left is the fact that we don't agree with their philosophy of rampant slavery. Sure, it may be an open secret at this point that we are supporting the abolitionist faction but its something that we can publicly deny if anyone starts asking questions, even if no one believes it.

Suddenly coming in with the Military without any Casus Belli will make it seem that we are going in where they are at their weakest and conquer the land for ourselves. We manage to get away with it on the Crystal Empire mainly because the previous ruler was literally a brainwashing, tyrannical, and undeniably EVIL ruler who left the land in such a state that leaving them alone as a state afterwards would be cruel since they literally can't support themselves. Making them our vassal state was the best thing that they could get that leave some level of autonomy for themselves while having the support of the Griffon Empire that they really need in the early stages to survive.

I would hate for our neighbors to suddenly start being very cautious of us and treat us as if we are just waiting for an excuse to conquer them as well.

Until we have justifiable cause, I am sorta against military intervention. I say sorta because leaving the militaristic faction alone with the weather equivalent of a nuke to conquer A-Mare-Thon and having them as our new neighbors also sound like a bad idea.

Suddenly, having two massive walls and fortifications between us and the faction with the weather-nuke gives me some level of security.

Way I see it, I think that no one will complain when we start inexplicably increasing our military might. That and Buffing the Abolitionist as much as possible. I want to see what the Abolitionist have to say with this new development. Will they directly ask us to intervene with our military? despite not having any casus belli?
Well, now we know that House Storm needs to be focused on. Hopefully there's an option to improve our projectile weapons, and manufacture more of those orichalcum bolts to counter enemy magic users. Maybe with some investigation we can figure out where White Star's gold ended up and use it to enrich ourselves and the Abolitionists. Another concern is that Storm might attack the Abolitionists since White Star will be busy trying to regroup, and the Abolitionists did increase their territory. We don't want them to get bushwhacked too.