Honesty, I don't think it the Changelings. In part, I really don't want to deal with them anytime soon, and in part, it would have been much more simple to just replace Queen Mareia and/or the leading nobles than to kill her, and throw the empire into chaos and civil war. It makes it all the more harder to gain influence and replace people than before.

We are overthinking things, and somehow, we point to Changelings.

Still, even the idea of someone within Canterbury having a part in offing Queen Mareia is troublesome, and we really gotta dig hard and deep into the next phase.

I actually wonder if we can now win over the Royal Guard and Captain Marecinas if we can find more proof of who murder Queen Mareia. Their control the Capital, and been called the sleeping dragon for good reason. Finding the true assassins could be want we need to give ourselves, and the abolitionists an major ace.
Eh... the problem is in my opinion the Changelings were handled very poorly in cannon, to be fair part of that is because MLP is ultimately a children show but also just poor writing. If it were me i would handle the Changelings like this.

To establish what they are: Changelings are shape-shifters that require the love of others in order to survive (the whole sharing their own love to live doesn't work). changelings can exchange the love they collect if they do not consume it, meaning not every changeling needs to spend their time collecting love. additionally the process of getting love from non-changelings does not have to hurt said people. its only the process of maximizing extraction (i.e. being greedy) that hurts people, passive and even limited active love acquisition is harmless.

This established lets look at what kinds of government society they could have, ignoring the stupid mustache twirling evil ones . I can think of three types off the top of my head.

1. member species: this would be if the Changelings lack a formal government and instead operate as members of the nations they live in. they could be secret or not secret, though with lacking organization they benefit more from being open about their nature.

2. non-territorial nation/organization: Changelings typically operate as an organized group and have their own internal rules/laws and pursue their own goals. they exist across national borders, the extent that they co-operate with and obey the nations its exist in can vary. it could be the equivalent to a corporation to a religion to a shadow government.

3. nation-state: the changelings have their own nation with established boarders, nuf said.

Now all three of these have two things in common, a major focus on the service industry/entertainment and espionage. the service industry and the entertainment industry is the best options for Changelings to get love in a non aggressive manner. from the most crass industries like brothels to general services, to things like running orphanages and nursing homes Changelings would excel at this. the entertainment industry is the same, considering how much people worship and love celebrities. Models, tv-stars, radio-stars, actors, etc. all of which generate love. For Changelings these industries wouldn't just be important for morale, they would be strategic and vital to survival. the espionage thing is the best use of their shape-shifting in an offensive manner, that and their charm abilities can case havoc both on the battlefield and behind enemy lines.

Well, I´d be fine with love that´s freely given being "more nutritious", but none of this "turns into a garishly-colored horsefly thing" nonsense (not only does that angle rob the Changelings of their Dark isn´Evil/Creepy Cute charm, it also implies a "Only Good if Beautiful" message I find rather problematic.

As for territories, what about a mix of your options 2 and 3?

They´ve got one "Ancestral Homeland" where they are born and laid to rest, but most of their life they dwell wherever their "love farming" business takes them. Heck, have the different "hunting grounds" be controlled/Overseen by one particular hive each, with all different Queens meeting at the Homeland. In my mind every hive has its own morality and agenda, with us simply falling prey to one of the more evil/desperate ones who now has to explain themselves "at home" for what happened in Maretonia - would give us both good and evil Changelings to work with.

Honesty, I don't think it the Changelings. In part, I really don't want to deal with them anytime soon, and in part, it would have been much more simple to just replace Queen Mareia and/or the leading nobles than to kill her, and throw the empire into chaos and civil war. It makes it all the more harder to gain influence and replace people than before.

We are overthinking things, and somehow, we point to Changelings.

Still, even the idea of someone within Canterbury having a part in offing Queen Mareia is troublesome, and we really gotta dig hard and deep into the next phase.

I actually wonder if we can now win over the Royal Guard and Captain Marecinas if we can find more proof of who murder Queen Mareia. Their control the Capital, and been called the sleeping dragon for good reason. Finding the true assassins could be want we need to give ourselves, and the abolitionists an major ace.

THe Changelings simply have the best skillset for cloak-and-dagger stuff...but yeah, we shouldn´t be too hasty about pointing fingers their way.

As for contacting the Royal Guard:


Not while things are still just shy of boiling over completely and them getting wind of our findings would push things completly into war.
Merlin himself oversees the forging of the armor, instructing the handpicked smiths entrusted with the task and ensuring that the enchantments properly bind to the metals over the course of the forging process.

The process is slower than you'd have expected, hindered by Merlin's insistence that the forging take place solely on nights when the moon is full, but by the end of the year the labor is complete: full suits of Runic armor, enchanted to be as durable as possible and capable of protecting their wearers from magical as well as mundane attacks. The ones intended for your children also possess an enchantment that will allow the armor to grow with them as they age (though this is likely to hit a ceiling in the case of Gwyndlyn). Both the Royal Family and the Knightly Grandmasters now boast a level of personal protection unparalleled in the known world. Grandmasters and Royal Family now possess Runic Armor

This to me it's the final proof that gryphons are mlp's sky-dwarves. We even assimilated the diamond dogs, the ONLY other race who could possibly lay a claim to the title!
I'm not sure what we're supposed to do with that information though. Like, give them a high five and say "strong work?" It's not like the queen will be missed, and the civil war makes our inevitable intervention easier.

..IF it was them, I don't exactly approve, but I can't really say I disapprove.

They DID have more shared history than us, what with past slave raids. And I don't think there's a (realistic) kingdom/nation in existance which is above using assassins in the right situation.

EVEN CELESTIA HAD SECRET AGENTS! They might not have been assassins (mostly because it's a children's cartoon), but she STILL had to use them for something!
Plus it's dishonorable. Poison? That's a peasant's murder weapon. A true Canterburian will look you in the eyes while they crack your skull open with a mace or stab you through your treacherous heart like the Lady intended.
nah, poison has always been a relatively common weapon between nobles. It fits.

Of course they would NEVER admit it publicly (though they MIGHT admit it to us if we ask and are trusted enough. After all they know we wouldn't really care THAT much)

What even is a changling, their chinese cousins?

ok, this REALLY made me laugh :rofl:
We are overthinking things, and somehow, we point to Changelings.
I think it's mostly a mix of paranoia (where are they? WE KNOW THEY EXIST!) and the fact that...well... changelings are cool. I WANT them to appear at some point!

Also, it could ALWAYS be changelings!:p CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
Well, I´d be fine with love that´s freely given being "more nutritious", but none of this "turns into a garishly-colored horsefly thing" nonsense (not only does that angle rob the Changelings of their Dark isn´Evil/Creepy Cute charm, it also implies a "Only Good if Beautiful" message I find rather problematic.

As for territories, what about a mix of your options 2 and 3?

They´ve got one "Ancestral Homeland" where they are born and laid to rest, but most of their life they dwell wherever their "love farming" business takes them. Heck, have the different "hunting grounds" be controlled/Overseen by one particular hive each, with all different Queens meeting at the Homeland. In my mind every hive has its own morality and agenda, with us simply falling prey to one of the more evil/desperate ones who now has to explain themselves "at home" for what happened in Maretonia - would give us both good and evil Changelings to work with.

THe Changelings simply have the best skillset for cloak-and-dagger stuff...but yeah, we shouldn´t be too hasty about pointing fingers their way.

I think it's mostly a mix of paranoia (where are they? WE KNOW THEY EXIST!) and the fact that...well... changelings are cool. I WANT them to appear at some point!

Also, it could ALWAYS be changelings!:p CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

It true the Changelings have the best skill and abilities to pull something like this, and yes, we all know they out there somewhere.

At best, I can see the Changelings have in fact killed Queen Mareia, but these end up dropping the ball, and end up causing the civil war by accident. Heck, they may be acting out of order, or by mistake. Miscommunications at it best. (IE: See Thomas Becket being brutally and very publicly murdered in the middle of the day by some knights over Henry II misinterpreted shouting, and caused an near civil war.)
It true the Changelings have the best skill and abilities to pull something like this, and yes, we all know they out there somewhere.

At best, I can see the Changelings have in fact killed Queen Mareia, but these end up dropping the ball, and end up causing the civil war by accident. Heck, they may be acting out of order, or by mistake. Miscommunications at it best. (IE: See Thomas Becket being brutally and very publicly murdered in the middle of the day by some knights over Henry II misinterpreted shouting, and caused an near civil war.)

Either that or one of the more evil hives in my concept trying a powerplay against one of their more agreeable-for-us rivals in front of the "Great Changeling Thing (*thing* here being the Old Norse version of a court or council, btw)"
Eventually, Hydrogen was settled upon as the best option.
*Hindenburg intensifies*

Just as long as the paint we use for the airships isn't flammable, we should be fine.

Well, there we go. That was fast.

Griffon: *slaps barrel of cannon* "This bad boy can fit so many f*cking explosions in it."
Rutherford: "Well it's pretty cool, but I don't think..."
Griffon: "Plus, you can use it to defend your cities."
Rutherford: "We'll take your entire stock!"
Hmmm. If we invent mortars, they'd fit in well with the yaks' normal tactics. Highly maneuverable artillery would be great for us too if we want to actually make use of our flight ability in combat.
@ChaosTheVoid, @Lisainthank you. Anything less than your +20 bonuses would have meant we'd fail Cold Case, with potentially disastrous consequences if our investigators had been found in the mausoleum or evidence vault.

Another thanks to @Gaius Tyrannus, @Travler66, and @Somebodynobody10 for each of your contributions.

Every single omake bonus this turn saved their corresponding action from failing – congratulations, you five changed the history of Gryphus.
AN: Alright, let's do this official-like.
BTW, am I the only one that has noticed we don't have Maretonia listed in our diplomatic relations?

Title: Analysis over the matter of assassination of the late queen Mareia of Maretonia.

1. What we know is that queen Mareia was assassinated using a poison that supposedly only grows naturally within the borders of Canterburry.

2. Immediately after this assassination, a great power struggle ensued that split the kingdom into four primary factions.

3. Of those factions, three would have the motive to orchestrate the assassination: the Abolitionists, House White Star and House Storm. The Royal Guard will likely sign up with anyone fighting against the culprit of the plot.

4. Maretonia has hostile diplomatic relations with two nations of what we know of, with unknown southern neighbors: Griffonia and Canterbury. They have/had trading relations with the Minotaur Republics.

5. House Storm is located more in the western parts of Maretonia (including the border with Canterbury), whereas House White Star holds the eastern side (with the port cities). Abolitionists hold the northern borders and few exclaves and enclaves

6. Both Houses are apparently looking for the winning ace to turn the balance of power to their favor. House White Star is looking at their unicorn mage hermits while House Storm is planning some kind of vague great plan.

7. Most of the Royal Guard defectors have joined House Storm's forces.

8. Changelings exist :V

Now, from this information, I - well, we - can create multiple potential results.

Let's start with the poison's origins.

Hypothesis 1: the assassination was put into action by someone within Canterburry.

A clear possibility, but not a certainty. The difficulty of maretonians getting their hooves to this particular poison could suggest the assassin had a easier source at hand.
This strain of thought can be further split to two side-paths:

Possibility 1A: The assassination was enacted with the full backing of the royals of Canterbury.

Possibility 1B: The assassination was done without permission or foreknowledge of the royals of Canterbury.

Possibility 1C: The assassination was done by the orders of an unknown faction within Canterbury borders and/or society.

In the case of 1A, Queen Chevaline might've seen some kind of great catastrophe striking her people if Queen Mareia still lived. A diversionary campaign to get new slaves could be a possible reason: get the nobles of Maretonia to strike at something not as dangerous as Griffonia while filling the Empire's slave needs with good ol' pony power.

Even if this could be construed as dishonorable, all royalty has a duty to their kingdom, their people and their family (Order of priorities may differ) that might force their hands.
That being said, would the queen of Canterbury do something such as this, knowing that their new neighbors (Griffonia) was both (overall) honorable and would most likely defend Canterburry from unwarranted aggression?

Given the situation, I find it unlikely she would do so, since Canterbury with home-field advantage in a defensive war and Griffonia opening up a second, wide front for Maretonia to deal with...
It would be such a horrifying mess for Maretonia to handle, to the point they would likely lose the ensuing war(s).

1B is also something to consider: there must be one or more noble house in Canterbury that feels hatred toward their dishonorable neighbors to the point their own honor might slip.

However, there is an issue with this: why Queen Mareia?

House Storm is the closest thing to a martial leader among Maretonia. If there was a target for Canterburian noble to latch on, it would be the closer by, direct miltary threat: Duke of Mare-A-Thon Pegicles himself.
Further, how could a simple noble house - or even a hidden coalition of nobles houses - in Canterbury have the reach to infiltrate Maretonia to the point their reach extended to Queen Mareia herself?

It feels bizarre to think there could be some kind of super-spy noble spy ring that manages to do all this without the support of their royal house. The target doesn't match the aim of such endeavor either, as their rage would likely be directed at House Storm before any other in Maretonia.
Possible? Maybe.
Likely? No.

1C would fit some kind of dark mage expy, Merlin's darker mirror or something that wants to see Maretonia fall. However, this option doesn't leave us with a lot to debate over: we don't even known if this hypothetical spellcaster exist. So unless we receive new information that supports their existence, this is just a hypothetical person that likely doesn't exist or at the very least hadn't anything to do with the assassination.

In effect, it's a random, empty hypothesis that I had to name but will immediately discard.

Hypothesis 2: the poison was somehow traded to Griffonia

Possibility 2A: The assassination was done by the orders of some Griffonian noble house or other group.

... Why use that poison in particular?
How did they manage to get their network of infiltration to reach Mareia?
Where did their get their support to do this?

The same problems as with Canterbury nobles repeat themselves here, with only the targeting being a tad more understandable.

While we could point at the old Aquilean advisers wherever they are hiding, it feels an odd place for them to return to the game, so to speak. This action seems to have helped -, not hindered us.

Hypothesis 3: the poison was imported, stolen or otherwise smuggled to Maretonia.

To me, this possibility is the most likely. Maretonia is Canterbury's neighbor, even if a hostile one. They've had history of slave raids with Canterbury and it wouldn't be impossible that either through these raids, smugglers or via careful infiltration by someone from Maretonia, they could get their hooves on the flowers.

Possibility 3A: The poisoner was an Abolitionist.

Possibility 3B: The poisoner was from House White Star.

Possibility 3C: The poisoner was from House Storm.

: a simple possibility being that a person fighting for the cause of abolition could've come up with the idea of sending Maretonia into chaos, leading to the potential rise of a revolution to bring freedom to the enslaved.

It sounds good in theory... but the poison chosen opens up a question.

Why use this particular poison? You can't just get a bottle of "Kill-A-Queen" from the medieval thrift store, but this particular type is even harder to get your hooves on.
And who is this sympathizer that they managed to get to the queen herself?

Once again, the point returns to resources and influence required for these goals to be achievable.

3B: White Star is noted for being the ones better focused on intrigue. They have the merchant connections to potentially have smugglers willing to dare Canterbury justice for a prize, so they could potentially get their hooves on the poison.

They would have the reach, resources and motive to take the queen out. Using that particular flower could be just a costly smokescreen to obscure the responsible party

Yet, I feel the next option is actually more likely.


House Storm.

The House bordering Canterbury. Supporter of slaving raids and conquering of "barbarian" tribes.
One who has the total control of his lands, the most royal guard defectors in his ranks and apparently has a very good anti-intrigue system in place.

Even if his specialty is in the martial sign of things, this doesn't mean he couldn't be without skills in subterfuge. A true general understands that war isn't without its hidden fronts.

Thus, the poison choice can also become a crucial hint.

The royal guards of Mareia will join the likeliest person to bring justice for the death of the queen.
If the poison can be "proven" to be only found only in Canterbury...
Who do you believe the guard will turn to in hopes of exacting justice?

This could also be the plan the Pegicles was hinting at: reveal that they have studied "evidence", happily supplied by certain defectors, and push the blame onto Canterbury.
Point out that House Storm is the one with the best shot in actually bringing war to the "guilty".
And then, watch as House Storm blooms with the addition of the disciplined core of royal guards and the capital city of Maretonia submitting without a fight.

After the civil war is settled, turn the now unified war-machine at Canterbury and finish off one of their strongest rivals, swiftly and decisively, using the poison excuse to deflect claims of unprovoked war. Considering how they've been next to Canterbury for so long, I would likely think Pegicles also feels slighted that there is a neighbor so close that have been rebuffing his expansion. He might also have bad blood specifically with the kingdom after the border war between the two kingdoms.

A devious plan. I see it as a high possibility.
Of course, they might've not planned on using Canterbury as a scapegoat at all and just used what was available for them.

Hypothesis 4: The culprit is from the southern neighbor we haven't met yet.

Possible I suppose, but... We really have nothing to base this on.

Hypothesis 5: changelings.

If we start blaming them every time something intrigue-related happens... :ninja:

In the end, I believe the likeliest truth is this:

Final theory: the poisoner worked for House Storm, likely one or more of the royal guards to defect to them after the queen's death.
Their likely end-game will be to blame Canterbury for the death of Queen Mareia and use this to assimilate the royal guards into their ranks, use this force to subjugate House White Star,then turn the now loyal and strongly unified command structure onto their weaker neighbor, either using diplomatic means in hopes of keeping Griffonia separate from the ensuing war as they would be retaliating against Canterburian aggression, or also blaming Griffonia as Canterbury's "obvious allies", believing that Maretonia led by him could take on both rivals at once.
Well thought out and well reasoned. This could work, with a bit of editing, as a decent spy report to ravenburg
Frankly, I'm baffled that the planner wanted to meet the caribou before the diamond dog kingdom, especially as they were currently discussing allying with Neighpon.
We could've helped them make the choice or otherwise confirm some things, but now we instead made random dialogue with multiple trading/raiding kingdoms.
Frankly, I'm baffled that the planner wanted to meet the caribou before the diamond dog kingdom, especially as they were currently discussing allying with Neighpon.

I literally said that I wanted to do the equivalent of a diplomatic pincer maneuver with Neighpon doing up the side with the Emerald Isles and us doing the Caribou/Olenia side, and meeting somewhere in the middle eventually, leaving no stone unturned.
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Why use this particular poison?
On the poison in question:

I personally find that poison was used because of what happened initially and why it turned out to be a cold case in the first place. Surely, the guard would check for poisons in some manner, correct? Yet somehow, the trail went cold. Meaning, they could not figure out the poison was from Canterbury, a country they had little to no access too, unlike us, who go there regularly. In other words, while I am sure they would check for poisons in their own homeland, the fact that they probably did try to figure out what poisoned her and the results turned up 'inconclusive' may have been the point of using said poison, to make it untraceable to those within maretonia.

Now, that's just speculation. I personally want to work on what we have right now, which would be the poison itself. Questions that need to be answered:

Is it a flower that is common in canterbury?
Where is it grown?
How many know the process to distill it?
Is it difficult to distill?
Is the knowledge it can make a poison common knowledge in canterbury?

Depending on the answers to those questions, the net either expands or contracts. If it is commonly found and is common knowledge, then chances of the knowledge slipping into someone elses hooves is high. If it is difficult to distill, that narrows it down to alchemists and chemists. if it is a rare flower, chances are its canterbury at fault, unless its rare and near the border, in which case, the ball is back in the court of others such as maretonia.
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Frankly, I'm baffled that the planner wanted to meet the caribou before the diamond dog kingdom, especially as they were currently discussing allying with Neighpon.
We could've helped them make the choice or otherwise confirm some things, but now we instead made random dialogue with multiple trading/raiding kingdoms.
I don't see anything we could gain from this, the discussions were likely time-limited too.

Well, I intended to do both the EDs and Olenia (along with focusing on developing the Crystal Protectorates agricultural situation directly instead of bloating things in the Herzland and therefore straining our infrastucture like is happening right now), but for some reason my plan didn´t get enough traction...and now here we are, I guess.
Well, I intended to do both the EDs and Olenia (along with focusing on developing the Crystal Protectorates agricultural situation directly instead of bloating things in the Herzland and therefore straining our infrastucture like is happening right now), but for some reason my plan didn´t get enough traction...and now here we are, I guess.
Where exactly is our infrastructure straining, with the rail network done it looks like its booming now more then ever.
Where exactly is our infrastructure straining, with the rail network done it looks like its booming now more then ever.

Simply the fact that while yes, stuff like the rail network reaches every important locale, the production centres are concentrate onto the Gryphonian Heartland, with the less developed regions like the Protectorate and Kestrella having to import vital vittles from all across the country. This binds ressources, manpower and logistics we could invest far better elsewhere in addition to those long transport routes taking up roads needlessly.
Simply the fact that while yes, stuff like the rail network reaches every important locale, the production centres are concentrate onto the Gryphonian Heartland, with the less developed regions like the Protectorate and Kestrella having to import vital vittles from all across the country. This binds ressources, manpower and logistics we could invest far better elsewhere in addition to those long transport routes taking up roads needlessly.
Generally production is always more centered in the heartland that way there is a stable base to work from so now we can easily begin ramping up production else where with the assistance of the railway making moving building material and goods extremely cheep.
That was good turn . Rail network was finished, our runic research is going wonderfully and thanks to Merlin we might even become proficient, maybe not in flashy type of spells like Unicorns, but we will be quite skilled in enchantments and runes which goes good with our tech route.
Generally production is always more centered in the heartland that way there is a stable base to work from so now we can easily begin ramping up production else where with the assistance of the railway making moving building material and goods extremely cheep.

Maybe, but imagine a series of electrical circuits running all across the ground, with a single generator block more or less in the middle. Sure, the currents will probably reach even the outern-most machines plugged into the circuitry, but it´ll be a long and draining voyage. While yes, upgrading that generator block in the middle might take off some pressure off the previous, in general it´s wiser to install multiple additional generators across the network to cut down on power loss and travel time as much as possible.

Trust me: If I ever learned one thing while playing the likes of Settlers II and the like, then that you wanna keep your production chains and transport routes tight.
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Maybe, but imagine a series of electrical circuits running all across the ground, with a single generator block more or less in the middle. Sure, the currents will probably reach even the outern-most machines plugged into the circuitry, but it´ll be a long and draining voyage. While yes, upgrading that generator block in the middle might take off some pressure off the previous, in general it´s wiser to install multiple additional generators across the network to cut down on power loss and travel time as much as possible.
Which we can now begin doing,