- Location
- Germany
Ok, here´s my in-depth analysis and plan:
Martial: (Two Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Doubling the Guard: Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.
[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.
Big NO to both, because us directly swelling the numbers of our soldiers in any way will be seen as an act of agression by at least Maretonia, only worsening the problems at hand.
We need to de-escalate as much as possible, not beat the drums of war.
[ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs.
I know, seems a bit hypocritical of me to advocate for this option yet arguing against bolstering our armies. The difference is that souping up the walls is akin to our army getting better equiment instead of the army itself getting bigger (which looks far more aggressive from an investment-standpoint). Plus, we can sell those augmentations as "always having been part of the Hardlbeak Line´s planned outfitting" that simply dragged on for a bit to any other polities getting suspicious.
[ ] Runic Armor: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Runic Armor for Knightly Grandmasters and Imperial Royal Family.
Very important, because it keeps our Elite units alive in the heat of battles or against assasination attempt. Plus, elites being decked in bling is nothing outta the usual, so other powers shouldn´t bat an eye at us getting our family and commanders that gear.
[ ] Cog Conversion: Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.
At first I was thinking of voting for this, but after a while I started doubting its value in the grand scheme of things and decided to rethink my aversion against "Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line"
[ ] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
As much as I´d love to give out western province its own Knightly Order, right now it´s not that important compared to other options.
[ ] Cautious Curiosity: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.
—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.
—[ ] Far South: As of now, it doesn't appear that you and Maretonia will be going to war anytime soon. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.
—[ ] Far East: The Minotaurs hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious nation.
Not really that pressing right now, although I actively dislike "Far South" quite a bit on accout of leading our explorers too close to Maretonia, which might be seen as another military maneuver and so falls into the same category as similarly-problematic Military options.
Diplomacy: (Three Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Canterbury Caravans: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade with Canterbury Established, Increased Trade Income.
Really tough decision between this and "Yak Cannons", but in the end trading with the Canterburians simply wins on account of being cheaper and not having a chance to failure - meaning that in the end it´s a far safer investment of our ressources (to say nothing of getting to know them on a more personal level than through talking to Queen Chevaline)
[ ] Immigration Campaign: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%
Nonononono...not with both the Maretonian Crisis and the population boom still smoldering on, guys
[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.
[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%
Both options aren´t that important right now...that beign said, if I had to choose between either, the Yaks would win on account of a higher success chance.
[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.
[ ] Journey to the Frozen Coast: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Contact made with Caribou Kingdoms, New Actions Unlocked.
Even though @Questor will probably groan in frustration at having to write two two-part diplo interludes back-to-back, I´d really like to get those two done asap to nip any bad reputation we might have gotten from Maretonian word-of-mouth in the bud. As for anyone raising an eyebrow about me nixing any expeditions to the far east to find Saddle Arabia, that´s the problem: Those we would have to find first, while we already know roughly where the EDs and Caribou are thanks to the Neighponese having done the "blindly sailing around" for us already. Simple pragmatism essentially.
[ ] Minotaurs against Maretonia: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Minotaur Republics cease trade with Maretonia. Chance of Success: 60%
Doing this would almost assuredly hand the victory to House Storm, since White Star is only kept afloat by their vast money reserves right now
[ ] Yak Cannons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Yaks begin purchasing Imperial Cannons. Chance of Success: 60%
For a long time I was in favor of this option, because having our unofficial second ally aside from Neighpon be able to field cannons as well just sounded too good to pass (especially since unlike the Neighponese cannons, those are on the same continents as us and therefore would be more aviable to help us if the need arises). After a while I changed my mind and decided to go with Canterbury trade.
Stewardship: (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked
-Rail Network: Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn
Already in-progress...no further need to clarify.
[ ] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.
[ ] Cloth Mills: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.
Not really that important right now imho.
[ ] Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income.
Daaaaamn, normally I´d be all over this one, but "Crystal Agriculture" wins for reasons detailed below.
[ ] Gas Lighting: Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.
That one fails at least partly because of the lack of slots to me. Otherwise I wouldn´t be against installing gas lamps.
[ ] Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.
That one wins hands-down for a few simple reasons: It´s cheaper and - most importantly, it decentralizes our food production, freeing a lot of equipment, time, ressources and "man"power that previously would go into carting the produce from Gryphonia Proper all across our sphere of influence into the Crystal Protectorate. Additionally, any food we don´t have to transport into the Protectorate can feed the core regions - pragmatism at its best.
[ ] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.
Interesting, but not immediately pressing.
Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Sugar Beets: Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.
[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.
[ ] Miniature Ballistae: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.
[ ] Sound the War Horns!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.
None of these are important enough to me to vote for, although "War Horns" only narrowly misses it - that´s why I moved it in the voting list a bit.
[ ] Gas, Gas, Gas: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Lifting Gases Identified.
[ ] Runic Airships: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Explored Viability of Runes in Potential Flying Machines.
We have to take those two to capitalize on Gryphonese air superiority and to me, they just synergize too well together to ignore even one of them - each side of the equation (gas & runes) can address problems the other one faces...to say nothing of the sheer thematic boons.
[ ] Black-Steel Balls: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs
Same problem as so many times before - not enough slots and other stuff is more important.
Intrigue: (Two Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Trust but Verify: Chance of Success: 60%
Would be nice, but it isn´t urgent enough to slot it in right now.
[ ] Eyes on the Skies: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House Storm Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 55%
Getting intel on the other side of the Maretonian Civil would be really important, but unfortunately the Minotaur talk has raised a few troubling questions that need addressing ASAP...so it has to wait for the moment.
[ ] Cold Case: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Queen Mareia's Assassination. Chance of Success: 35%
Time and again I have stressed just how important it is to find out who kill Queen Mareia - the omake about the Royal Guard and now the Minotaur talks only proved my point, since Gryphonia apparently - and honestly quite understandably so - has become one of the prime suspects internationally. I´d rather not be seen as an evil expansionist that crushes annoying polities just because, you know?
[ ] Hoofbeard's Heist: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Finances Ruined, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 60%
[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 50%
[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: Cost: 800. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 65%
The old problem, guys: Doing any of those options would hand Storm the win in the end, although I admit that leaving Hoofbeard or Lady Ambrosia hanging like that isn´t ideal either...We really need to somehow gain intel on Storm - which makes my decision to not spy on them because other stuff is more immediately important even more bitter.
[ ] Scaling the Ivory Towers: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 40%
Time...never enough time...(or slots for that matter)
[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%
What can I say? The Minos seem to be hiding something, to say nothing of us needing to know the opinion of their people about both the Maretonian Crisis and our (perceived) role in it all...Sucks to have that appear right now and take up valuable slot place.
Piety: (One Action Per Turn)
[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.
AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH! It really sucks to put that one on the backburner, but stuff keeps cropping up that simply is more pressing.
[ ] Runic Literacy: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Heart Worshippers gain access to basic Runic Knowledge, Runic literacy spreads.
I know that we have been pushing a lot of support into the Crystal Protectorate and its religion, but worshippers learning to read runes just synergizes too well with my other Magitek votes. The more people can use runes, the more use we are getting outta cramming our equipment full of that stuff.
That being said, @Questor: Will us progressing in one faith tree start to lock us outta the other ones (because of say, their followers getting pissed about being ignored by us and deciding to no longer talk to us? That would really suck, tbh.
[ ] A Sacred Stone: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.
[ ] A Holy Lake: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.
Maybe another time (-fingers-crossed-)
[ ] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
Yes, I know, I vouched for this option during previous talks and normally I would stand by my decision, but as I said: The possible Runic synergy is far too tempting.
[ ] The Imperial Creed: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
Still not trusting those guys (not just because they decided to call their Holy Book "Lectitio Divinitatus", but that´s definitely a big reason)
Personal: (Two Actions per Turn)
[ ] Overtime:
[ ] Imperial Priority:
[ ] Creative Accounting: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%
Naaah, not really all that interested right now.
[ ] Meeting Merlin: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Merlin Ambrosius, chance to unlock new Actions.
The old guy is integral to our endeavours regarding the widespread use of runic enchantments - best capitalize on that and get to know him on a personal basis.
[ ] Pet (Rock) Project: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???
Even if it isn´t about Golems like some have theorized, I am genuinely intrigued and willing to look what our sweet adopted daugthter has discovered.
[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.
Not immediately important rn, since our Runic Gear from Military should help boosting our prowess enough by itself for the moment...also, our old sword still being at our side after all those years dutifully is actually a sentimental point in its favor.
After this very extensive evaluation, that leaves us with the following plan proposal:
[ ] Plan "Diplomatic De-Escalation & Runic Refurbishing" (version 1.5)
- [ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2000
- [ ] Runic Armor: Cost: 1500
- [ ] Canterbury Caravans: 200
- [ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: Cost: 300
- [ ] Journey to the Frozen Coast: Cost: 400
- [ ] Rail Network: Will Finish This Turn
- [ ] Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800
- [ ] Gas, Gas, Gas: Cost: 300
- [ ] Runic Airships: Cost: 500
- [ ] Cold Case: Cost: 500
- [ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Cost: 500
- [ ] Runic Literacy: Cost: 200
- [ ] Meeting Merlin: Cost: 0
- [ ] Pet (Rock) Project: Cost: 0
Total Cost: 7200
...That´s actually comparetively affordable, all things considered.
Martial: (Two Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Doubling the Guard: Cost: 3000 Time: Two Years. Reward: Imperial Army Doubles in Size.
[ ] Gryphus Foriegn Legion: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Imperial Foreign Legion established, Foreign Auxiliaries recruited.
Big NO to both, because us directly swelling the numbers of our soldiers in any way will be seen as an act of agression by at least Maretonia, only worsening the problems at hand.
We need to de-escalate as much as possible, not beat the drums of war.
[ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Hardbeak Line Fortifications Strengthened with Runic Enchantments, increased upkeep costs.
I know, seems a bit hypocritical of me to advocate for this option yet arguing against bolstering our armies. The difference is that souping up the walls is akin to our army getting better equiment instead of the army itself getting bigger (which looks far more aggressive from an investment-standpoint). Plus, we can sell those augmentations as "always having been part of the Hardlbeak Line´s planned outfitting" that simply dragged on for a bit to any other polities getting suspicious.
[ ] Runic Armor: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: Runic Armor for Knightly Grandmasters and Imperial Royal Family.
Very important, because it keeps our Elite units alive in the heat of battles or against assasination attempt. Plus, elites being decked in bling is nothing outta the usual, so other powers shouldn´t bat an eye at us getting our family and commanders that gear.
[ ] Cog Conversion: Cost: 700 Time: Two Years. Reward: 20 Cogs Converted into 14 Carracks.
At first I was thinking of voting for this, but after a while I started doubting its value in the grand scheme of things and decided to rethink my aversion against "Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line"
[ ] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard Kestrella.
As much as I´d love to give out western province its own Knightly Order, right now it´s not that important compared to other options.
[ ] Cautious Curiosity: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.
—[ ] Far West: The Yaks can't tell you anything about what lies beyond their lands, aside from the fact that they know such lands exist. Prior to meeting you and Sombra they never had any reason to wonder about the lands beyond their steppe. Now you have a chance to satisfy both their curiosity and your own.
—[ ] Far South: As of now, it doesn't appear that you and Maretonia will be going to war anytime soon. As such, some have proposed sending a flotilla of exploration ships South along the coast, to see if your rival kingdom has any neighbors that might prove less antagonistic to you and your people. With any luck, you might find another ally or trade partner, or new resources that you could grab before the Maretonians can.
—[ ] Far East: The Minotaurs hinted at the existence of a land to the East, across the great ocean. But aside from these cryptic hints, you know little about this strange land. The journey will be long, but it is one you and your people must make if they are to have answers to the many questions that have been raised regarding this mysterious nation.
Not really that pressing right now, although I actively dislike "Far South" quite a bit on accout of leading our explorers too close to Maretonia, which might be seen as another military maneuver and so falls into the same category as similarly-problematic Military options.
Diplomacy: (Three Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Canterbury Caravans: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Trade with Canterbury Established, Increased Trade Income.
Really tough decision between this and "Yak Cannons", but in the end trading with the Canterburians simply wins on account of being cheaper and not having a chance to failure - meaning that in the end it´s a far safer investment of our ressources (to say nothing of getting to know them on a more personal level than through talking to Queen Chevaline)
[ ] Immigration Campaign: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 65%
Nonononono...not with both the Maretonian Crisis and the population boom still smoldering on, guys
[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.
[ ] She can see the Futuuure!: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain Information from Queen Chevaline. Chance of Success: 50%
Both options aren´t that important right now...that beign said, if I had to choose between either, the Yaks would win on account of a higher success chance.
[ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Diplomatic Contact established with Emerald Isles, New Actions Unlocked.
[ ] Journey to the Frozen Coast: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Contact made with Caribou Kingdoms, New Actions Unlocked.
Even though @Questor will probably groan in frustration at having to write two two-part diplo interludes back-to-back, I´d really like to get those two done asap to nip any bad reputation we might have gotten from Maretonian word-of-mouth in the bud. As for anyone raising an eyebrow about me nixing any expeditions to the far east to find Saddle Arabia, that´s the problem: Those we would have to find first, while we already know roughly where the EDs and Caribou are thanks to the Neighponese having done the "blindly sailing around" for us already. Simple pragmatism essentially.
[ ] Minotaurs against Maretonia: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Minotaur Republics cease trade with Maretonia. Chance of Success: 60%
Doing this would almost assuredly hand the victory to House Storm, since White Star is only kept afloat by their vast money reserves right now
[ ] Yak Cannons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Yaks begin purchasing Imperial Cannons. Chance of Success: 60%
For a long time I was in favor of this option, because having our unofficial second ally aside from Neighpon be able to field cannons as well just sounded too good to pass (especially since unlike the Neighponese cannons, those are on the same continents as us and therefore would be more aviable to help us if the need arises). After a while I changed my mind and decided to go with Canterbury trade.
Stewardship: (Two Actions Per Turn) One Action Locked
-Rail Network: Reward: National Freight Railway Network Constructed. Increased Tax Income. New Options Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn
Already in-progress...no further need to clarify.
[ ] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.
[ ] Cloth Mills: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.
Not really that important right now imho.
[ ] Aggressive Agricultural Expansion: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Expanded Agriculture, Secured Food Supply, Increased Income.
Daaaaamn, normally I´d be all over this one, but "Crystal Agriculture" wins for reasons detailed below.
[ ] Gas Lighting: Cost: 1200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Gas Lamps installed in all major population centers in the Empire, Increased Tax Income due to Increased Productivity and Reduced Crime Rates.
That one fails at least partly because of the lack of slots to me. Otherwise I wouldn´t be against installing gas lamps.
[ ] Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate gains a substantial agricultural base and is no longer dependent upon food imports from the Griffonlands. Increased Agricultural Income.
That one wins hands-down for a few simple reasons: It´s cheaper and - most importantly, it decentralizes our food production, freeing a lot of equipment, time, ressources and "man"power that previously would go into carting the produce from Gryphonia Proper all across our sphere of influence into the Crystal Protectorate. Additionally, any food we don´t have to transport into the Protectorate can feed the core regions - pragmatism at its best.
[ ] Crystal Forests: Cost: 400. Time: Three Years. Reward: Crystal Protectorate develops domestic logging industry, increased logging income.
Interesting, but not immediately pressing.
Learning: While Archimedes and Genevieve form the core of your scholastic efforts, the Neighponese Trio and the newly arrived Canterbury Experts, particularly the venerable Merlin, have become increasingly important to your Empire's research and development efforts, providing new insights and research opportunities to exploit. (Two Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Sugar Beets: Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.
[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.
[ ] Miniature Ballistae: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Crossbows.
[ ] Sound the War Horns!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.
None of these are important enough to me to vote for, although "War Horns" only narrowly misses it - that´s why I moved it in the voting list a bit.
[ ] Gas, Gas, Gas: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Lifting Gases Identified.
[ ] Runic Airships: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Explored Viability of Runes in Potential Flying Machines.
We have to take those two to capitalize on Gryphonese air superiority and to me, they just synergize too well together to ignore even one of them - each side of the equation (gas & runes) can address problems the other one faces...to say nothing of the sheer thematic boons.
[ ] Black-Steel Balls: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Army gains Black-Steel Cannonballs
Same problem as so many times before - not enough slots and other stuff is more important.
Intrigue: (Two Actions Per Turn)
[ ] Trust but Verify: Chance of Success: 60%
Would be nice, but it isn´t urgent enough to slot it in right now.
[ ] Eyes on the Skies: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Intel on House Storm Activities, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 55%
Getting intel on the other side of the Maretonian Civil would be really important, but unfortunately the Minotaur talk has raised a few troubling questions that need addressing ASAP...so it has to wait for the moment.
[ ] Cold Case: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Queen Mareia's Assassination. Chance of Success: 35%
Time and again I have stressed just how important it is to find out who kill Queen Mareia - the omake about the Royal Guard and now the Minotaur talks only proved my point, since Gryphonia apparently - and honestly quite understandably so - has become one of the prime suspects internationally. I´d rather not be seen as an evil expansionist that crushes annoying polities just because, you know?
[ ] Hoofbeard's Heist: Cost: 1000. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Finances Ruined, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 60%
[ ] Hoofbeard's Other Heist: Cost: 1500. Time: One Year. Reward: House White Star's Treasury Raided, Libertalia becomes more prosperous and less dependent on Crime to fuel its economy, Hoofbeard gains more influence and power in Libertalia. Chance of Success: 50%
[ ] Assisted Abolitionist Raids-House White Star: Cost: 800. Reward: Abolitionists raid House White Star Infrastructure, White Star forces weakened and thrown into disarray. Chance of Success: 65%
The old problem, guys: Doing any of those options would hand Storm the win in the end, although I admit that leaving Hoofbeard or Lady Ambrosia hanging like that isn´t ideal either...We really need to somehow gain intel on Storm - which makes my decision to not spy on them because other stuff is more immediately important even more bitter.
[ ] Scaling the Ivory Towers: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Maretonian Colleges of Magic, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 40%
Time...never enough time...(or slots for that matter)
[ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on the Minotaur Republics. Chance of Success: 60%
What can I say? The Minos seem to be hiding something, to say nothing of us needing to know the opinion of their people about both the Maretonian Crisis and our (perceived) role in it all...Sucks to have that appear right now and take up valuable slot place.
Piety: (One Action Per Turn)
[ ] Ancient Empire Excavations: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Ancient Religious Artifacts recovered.
AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH! It really sucks to put that one on the backburner, but stuff keeps cropping up that simply is more pressing.
[ ] Runic Literacy: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Crystal Heart Worshippers gain access to basic Runic Knowledge, Runic literacy spreads.
I know that we have been pushing a lot of support into the Crystal Protectorate and its religion, but worshippers learning to read runes just synergizes too well with my other Magitek votes. The more people can use runes, the more use we are getting outta cramming our equipment full of that stuff.
That being said, @Questor: Will us progressing in one faith tree start to lock us outta the other ones (because of say, their followers getting pissed about being ignored by us and deciding to no longer talk to us? That would really suck, tbh.
[ ] A Sacred Stone: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Brod the Wise carves the first Yakyakistani Runestone for the Empire.
[ ] A Holy Lake: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Church of the Lady granted a protected lake to worship at.
Maybe another time (-fingers-crossed-)
[ ] Seaside Shrines: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Shrines constructed.
Yes, I know, I vouched for this option during previous talks and normally I would stand by my decision, but as I said: The possible Runic synergy is far too tempting.
[ ] The Imperial Creed: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Lectitio Divinitatus published.
Still not trusting those guys (not just because they decided to call their Holy Book "Lectitio Divinitatus", but that´s definitely a big reason)
Personal: (Two Actions per Turn)
[ ] Overtime:
[ ] Imperial Priority:
[ ] Creative Accounting: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%
Naaah, not really all that interested right now.
[ ] Meeting Merlin: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Merlin Ambrosius, chance to unlock new Actions.
The old guy is integral to our endeavours regarding the widespread use of runic enchantments - best capitalize on that and get to know him on a personal basis.
[ ] Pet (Rock) Project: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: ???
Even if it isn´t about Golems like some have theorized, I am genuinely intrigued and willing to look what our sweet adopted daugthter has discovered.
[ ] Rune-Sword of the Emperor: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Rune-Blade.
Not immediately important rn, since our Runic Gear from Military should help boosting our prowess enough by itself for the moment...also, our old sword still being at our side after all those years dutifully is actually a sentimental point in its favor.
After this very extensive evaluation, that leaves us with the following plan proposal:
[ ] Plan "Diplomatic De-Escalation & Runic Refurbishing" (version 1.5)
- [ ] Runic Fortifications-Hardbeak Line: Cost: 2000
- [ ] Runic Armor: Cost: 1500
- [ ] Canterbury Caravans: 200
- [ ] Emerald Isles Emissary: Cost: 300
- [ ] Journey to the Frozen Coast: Cost: 400
- [ ] Rail Network: Will Finish This Turn
- [ ] Crystal Agriculture: Cost: 800
- [ ] Gas, Gas, Gas: Cost: 300
- [ ] Runic Airships: Cost: 500
- [ ] Cold Case: Cost: 500
- [ ] Riddle of the Labyrinth: Cost: 500
- [ ] Runic Literacy: Cost: 200
- [ ] Meeting Merlin: Cost: 0
- [ ] Pet (Rock) Project: Cost: 0
Total Cost: 7200
...That´s actually comparetively affordable, all things considered.