...You do realize every single major geopolitical accomplishment of Garrick's reign can be traced back to success in intrigue right?
Integration of the Diamond Dogs.
...You do realize every single major geopolitical accomplishment of Garrick's reign can be traced back to success in intrigue right?
"This Tall-Winged-Bird-Lion has point."
I agree to disagree, then, I respect your opinions. Yay, civil discussion.You do realize we still have to make contact with AT LEAST 2 unknown polities AND 2 known ones, right? We have NO CONTACT with more than half of the relatively close countries.
Diplomacy will probably also be necessary to deal with the post-civil-war Maretonia.
We don't yet have positive relations with almost all our neighbors.
Or he might want to surpass his father in at least one thing, so that he can actually gain a reputation as something more than "more of the same".
Just to be clear, your interpretation is valid. it's just not the only one possible, narratively speaking.
Well, we did have pretty good advisors so we weren't never really alone, but I get your point.
About the "being rounded", Gawain doesn't really have any weakness. He simply has two stats (Learning and Intrigue) that are not quite up to the other ones standards.
Now, raising them to round everything up is certainly a possible option, but giving him one specialization above all others is one too, especially when even his weaker stat (intrigue) is still a respectable 12.
Also, while I LOVE learning options, I really believe that the most important stats for a ruler are diplomacy and stewardship. Martial is nice too, especially in a society like this one.
To me learning and intrigue are actually the least important, especially Learning. A good leader should know enough to understand the importance of tech and education, and to listen to his betters in their fields (like Archimedes).
(Yes, I know the "listen to his betters" can really be applied to every category. I just think it's even more relevant in the learning field)
And im pointing out that this is My Little Pony and quests are escapism, so them going for diplomacy while not exactly good choice is very understandable, If they want to say fuck this far right world using escapism medium, let them.
Never. The cuteness must grow. HUGS!!I am neither assuming nor intimating about any possible personal reasons as to why other players are voting one particular way or the other, as that is their business and the information of which I am not entitled. All I said boils down to, 'Gawain's diplo is so Good that we actually don't need to put him there and should prolly round him out in another department here's also why based on the quest so far'? Peeps have been giving their reasoning for voting diplo, other peeps give their reasoning for learning (including me), it's the typical and mutually respectful back and forth presentation of ideas and reasonings that this whole quest has had for ages and has always been great gobs of fun (there is a tag that is literally, "discussion and votes keep the quest going"), and I don't think I was a jerk about it either so why are you bothering me over it? Can we not do, whatever this is, please? Thanks.
Cease and desist @Gaius Tyrannus, we can only take so much cuteness at once! ~~~![]()
Key word: geopolitical.
The DD were not a polity. They were no more than domestic issues no better than bandits at the time of integration, nor does pointing out "integration of Diamond Dogs" actually do anything against my point so I see no reason why he brought it up in the first place. Like, "will this have international effects" is a really stupid measurement to use when you are playing a state, because literally any action will have international effects. I was very clearly referring to actions between states, as that is the most common usage of geopolitical within the given context. Don't be fallacious man.I am pretty sure that us integrating the DD packs of Greater Gryphus into our budding nation will have international effects, given that there is a whole island nation full of unaffiliated Dogs out there that might react one way or another to our packs.
Frankly, you are making a great generalization: no one action type can be attributed for our successes.The DD were not a polity. They were no more than domestic issues no better than bandits at the time of integration, nor does pointing out "integration of Diamond Dogs" actually do anything against my point so I see no reason why he brought it up in the first place. Like, "will this have international effects" is a really stupid measurement to use when you are playing a state, because literally any action will have international effects. I was very clearly referring to actions between states, as that is the most common usage of geopolitical within the given context. Don't be fallacious man.
That was not the point I was making! Did you even bother to look at what I was quoting? Did you even bother to keep up with what the conversations in this thread have been past the last 5 posts?It's too easy to say "this type of action is the core of all of our victories", but...
???That was not the point I was making! Did you even bother to look at what I was quoting? Did you even bother to keep up with what the conversations in this thread have been past the last 5 posts?
What do you call this, then?...You do realize every single major geopolitical accomplishment of Garrick's reign can be traced back to success in intrigue right?
I did actually say a lot and argued my points during the last vote.For that matter, you guys just watching as bystanders aren't all that great either. You could be piping in as well instead of just posting votes and then lurking all the time. This isn't a PM. Say something.
Look at what I quoted!
To me learning and intrigue are actually the least important, especially Learning. A good leader should know enough to understand the importance of tech and education, and to listen to his betters in their fields (like Archimedes).
Edit: Also, why the face? I didn't exactly say some kind of lie, nor did I say anything incredibly odd. I simply stated a fact - intrigue has been extremely vital to both our diplomatic and martial adventures throughout the entirety of this quest, and therefore does not deserve to be treated as a "minor" stat.
That wasn't aimed at you though? That's aimed at the same people constantly in the "viewing the thread" that only post votes and rarely actually participate in conversations. I find lurkers personally to be quite annoying since they are really hard to actually engage their thoughts, and therefore see what they wish to get from the quest or how to persuade them likewise to differing points of views.I did actually say a lot and argued my points during the last vote.
Maybe you should bother to keep up with what the other person has been doing, too.
That was not the point I was making! Did you even bother to look at what I was quoting? Did you even bother to keep up with what the conversations in this thread have been past the last 5 posts?
For that matter, you guys just watching as bystanders aren't all that great either. You could be piping in as well instead of just posting votes and then lurking all the time. This isn't a PM. Say something.
Once again, not aimed at you either. I LIKE when people pipe in. I don't know why you took that as me saying that I don't want people to pipe in.For the last 2 or so turns I have been an active participants in planning discussions, pal. So I think I have at least some reason to "pipe in" every now and then if I think I can make prudent observations.
You wordings suggest otherwise, pal. Irrelevant on what you were answering to, the way you said it went for "this action type have been critical for all of our major geopolitical gains"
I don't think of intrigue as a "minor" stat myself. I just think it's not, narratively speaking, that important for the leader himself to have.Key word: geopolitical.
Edit: Also, why the face? I didn't exactly say some kind of lie, nor did I say anything incredibly odd. I simply stated a fact - intrigue has been extremely vital to both our diplomatic and martial adventures throughout the entirety of this quest, and therefore does not deserve to be treated as a "minor" stat.
Just to be clear, I believe intrigue (and learning) is not as important FOR THE RULER HIMSELF to have as one of the highest stats (as long as he has a decent score, which we have, and we have a competent spymaster). Same for Learning.My whole freaking point has been emphasizing the fact that unlike Learning and Piety, Intrigue is not a minor avenue for our ruler like Pittauro said.
Or let's continue to argue, but let's be nice about it. That works too!
Probably yes. Seems like a good idea. Ravensburg will probably accidentally take control of the school and install a random pony who will uncover a changling conspiracy and thus free Maretonia from their control, and thus gain us another state/vassal from gratitude.Did anyone else notice that there isn't any random event rolls with the turn results, also should we send any Spies to the Magic School to see what they can be making to deal with House Storm?