[] Plan: A Ministry of Spies & There's No Time Like Overtime v2 (This Time with More Pirates)
-[] The Great Hunt: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Imperial Lands Purged of Monsters and Bandits, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn
-[] Ships of the Line: Time: Two Years. Cost: 1000. Reward: +15 Warships (Carracks) added to Imperial Navy. Will Finish This Turn
-[] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Will Finish This Turn
-[] You Stop That!: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Libertalia momentarily pacified, Additional Options Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.
-[] First Rail: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: First Rail-Line, Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked.
-[] Crystalline Investment: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate Becomes More Developed.
-[] Open Hearth Furnaces: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Increased Tax Income, Decreased Army Recruitment Costs. Will Finish This Turn
-[] Crystal University: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal University Constructed, New Learning Actions Unlocked.
-[] How Do You Do Fellow Pirates?: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Additional Information on Libertalia, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 75%
-[] Overtime: Ministry of Information: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Ministry of Information Created, Additional Intrigue Action Per Turn.
-[] Overtime: Bringing People Together: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists Organized, New Actions Unlocked, Increased Chance of Success for Slave Liberation Actions. Chance of Success: 70%.

Total Plan Cost: 8500
Net Income: (970)
Treasury: 6517

Success Chances (in which somebody has to allocate omakes if they want):
DIPLOMACY: You Stop That! - 60% + 18% = Base 78%
INTRIGUE: How Do You Do Fellow Pirates? - 75% + 13% = Base 88%
Bringing People Together - 70% + 13% = Base 83%

AKA: I told you I wasn't too sure on the Diplo thing in my first one, but I keep forgetting we actually have stats and that other peeps can put up omake pluses, so this might just work out, lol. Also guys, we need to prepare for war, not wage it right away ffs. Let's get the Yaks and the Pirates dealt with before we go kicking in Maretonia's teeth. Get Libertalia to stop raiding us, while infiltrating and seeding their destruction and/or annexation by us or Neighpon (bc let's face it, they need more land). Basically a Dry-Run of what we probably/might[?] do to Maretonia after this is all said and done.

Basically, this plan keeps investing in the Crystal Protectorate, lays some groundwork for if Maretonia nuts up early for war, and deals with the Pirates both directly and indirectly while we beef up our Spy Ministry.

(Also what we truly need besides more Intrigue slots? Something that gives us more learning actions each year, because it's getting crowded over there, more slots would be nice, I'm hoping expanding that will come soon.)

Yeah, really need to set the gorundwork for playing a game of shadows with maretonia while being more upfront with libertaria.

Currently leaning toward this plan myself, which I already mentioned, but doesn't quite do enough on the dip side. mentioned I might just take it and modify it to have a different action, since gazing into the mists of fate isn't as high a priority as getting an audience with the queen or telling the slavers to stop raiding. Maybe even crystal university for canned goods, but both are pretty decent. Depends on if we want to bolster our current army or try to get a handle on magic.

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Hey everyone, just thought of something.

Just how massive will the funeral of Garrick Golden-Feather be when he does die?

Depending on how he dies it could be massively different how it goes down too.
Hey everyone, just thought of something.

Just how massive will the funeral of Garrick Golden-Feather be when he does die?

Depending on how he dies it could be massively different how it goes down too.

Probably Grand as all fuck, like, Garrick pretty much heralded an unprecedented amount of growth and success and progress for the entire Empire. He accomplished SO MUCH in like 19 years already (and longer before Gawain steps up into the throne)? Two wars, massive industry revolutions, we're literally heralding in the Steam Age already. Emperor Garrick dying is gonna be one of the most sad and Grandest funerals in Griffonia History, like, possibly the Winter War vigil-levels of attendance.

Either Garrick dies peacefully, finally enjoying the peace he fought, sweat, and bled for, or he gets assassinated and Gawain, company, and the entire country goes on a roaring rampage of revenge.
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Hey everyone, just thought of something.

Just how massive will the funeral of Garrick Golden-Feather be when he does die?

Depending on how he dies it could be massively different how it goes down too.
"Garrick Golden-Feather, First of His Name, Renovator of Gryphus, Emperor of Griffonia, Light Against the Darkness, the Breaker of Chains, Patron of Industry, the Silver-Tongued, and Father to His People.

He is and always shall be not a simple griffon.
Not just a father!
Nay, he is not even simply an emperor!
No, he is something far more.
To him,
Free trade is a myth, and Religion is but a suggestion!
We were all extensions of his will, controlled by something greater: An idea.
The essence of griffonkind!
He shapes our will, he is our culture! He is... everything we leave behind.

May he eternally rest, for his guidance continues even beyond the grave..."

But yeah, Gawain has some big shoes to fill.
Probably Grand as all fuck, like, Garrick pretty much heralded an unprecedented amount of growth and success and progress for the entire Empire. He accomplished SO MUCH in like 19 years already (and longer before Gawain steps up into the throne)? Two wars, massive industry revolutions, we're literally heralding in the Steam Age already. Emperor Garrick dying is gonna be one of the most sad and Grandest funerals in Griffonia History, like, possibly the Winter War vigil-levels of attendance.

Either Garrick dies peacefully, finally enjoying the peace he fought, sweat, and bled for, or he gets assassinated and Gawain, company, and the entire country goes on a roaring rampage of revenge.

I thought as much.
I'm just starting to realize just how much STUFF has happened in this quest, and this train has no brakes so we are only going to do more.
Martial: (Two Actions per Turn) Two Actions Locked

hopefully we won't NEED to go to war (except against the pirates), so overtime is not necessary here. I'll still give a look for the most important actions for the next turn.

-The Great Hunt: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Imperial Lands Purged of Monsters and Bandits, New Actions Unlocked. Will Finish This Turn

And with this we'll finally be safe in our own lands! Hopefully we can let our army rest a bit after this

-Ships of the Line: Time: Two Years. Cost: 1000. Reward: +15 Warships (Carracks) added to Imperial Navy. Will Finish This Turn

And with this we now have a qualitative edge on everyone else's ships (though Neighpon will probably surpass us relatively soon, if they haven't already. they still got an overwhelming number superiority anyway.)

[ ] The West Wall-Watchtowers: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Western Border Watchtowers built, removes possibility of surprise attacks, may discourage raids into core territory.

Let's be real: short of a Yak civil war or the rise of a war lord we're unlikely to ever consider this.

[ ] And Push It Somewhere Else!: Cost: 1500. Time: Three Years. Reward: Peregrine Line "Relocated" to Maretonian Border.

well, this reduces building time from 2+3 to just 3 years, which is VERY good. If talks break down or we antagonize Maretonia too much this will be necessary, and will probably need to be boosted by imperial order. And it wil still be highly desirable anyway (if we get our people back we're unlikely to actually be the one to start any offensive after all.)

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard the Western Frontier.

This is not the border we need to concentrate on. Pass.

[ ] Black Knights: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Knights of the Inner Circle equipped with Black Steel weapons.

Fortunately this is a 1 year action, so we can wait to take it.

[ ] Dog Knights: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Diamond Dog Knights.

[ ] Crystal Knights: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Establishment of Crystal Knightly Order.

Both this are really nice, and we MIGHT take one of this (preferably the crystal knights, as they don't have anything more than a militia to defend themselves right now) instead of the black knights next turn.

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: Cost: 200. Time: Variable. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

F*** No. We already have enough problems. We have no time (and actions) to spare on anyone else

Diplomacy: (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked

I believe any action on the Yak side should wait for Guiding Talon to end. This leaves Maretonia to deal with.

-A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Will Finish This Turn

[ ] Immigration Campaign: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 60%

There are no words to express how much i want this,especially if we're going to start the crystal university! But we simply can't!

[ ] Gaze upon the mists of Fate: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Chance to gain information from Yak Seers. Chance of Success: 60%.

"The spirits tell me...that you should have used your actions on Maretonia".

Jokes aside, i have hope the shamans would TELL us if any Sombra level threat was coming, and we already have enough options for everything else. Their powers are supposed to be pretty vague anyway, and if our relationships with the Yaks continue to get better there is a chance they might explain some things of their own initiative (Certainly we don't have to do everything ourselves?!)

[ ] Calling the Old Yaks Out: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Broken Horns publicly confronted with evidence of their deception, other Yak Clans alerted to potential power-play. Further Diplomatic Actions Available. Chance of Success: 55%

Let's wait for guiding talon to end, than we can consider it.

[ ] You Stop That!: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Libertalia momentarily pacified, Additional Options Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.

I think our ships are currently escorted right now, so it's not urgent. What i really have my eyes on is the next action

[ ] High-Level Talks: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Face-to-Face meeting with Queen Mareia, Chance to Normalize Relations with Maretonia. Possibility to Unlock New Actions, Gain Information. Chance of Success: 40%

THIS! THIS SO MUCH! First: it will give us the moral high ground, as it shows we TRIED everything to NOT go to war even if it fails. And if we can impress on the queen how harmfull a war would be for both of us we have a good chance to get our people back. Add the +40 from Lisain...
We also get a chance of decent relationships, verifying in person the Queen's opinion on slavery, possibly making some plans for the future to help each other. We might also get to worsen the ambassador's/nobles' position, which is a plus in my book.

I Think we should use imperial order on this one as well, we have a decent chance of solving the problem peacefully without even needing Ravenburg's help!

[ ] Gunboat Diplomacy: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Maretonia Reconsiders. Chance of Success: 30% (Critical Failure Leads to War)

We're not ready for war, i would not risk this. We don't even have our new ships ready yet!

Stewardship: (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Neighponese Seed Drills: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Farming Income.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

All three are nice actions. All three have been waiting a long time. All three are likely to wait much longer. Of the three i thing the seed drill would be the best one, simply because we'll need a surpluss in food to actually MAKE the canned food. The more the better.
Actually, now that i think about it, Canned food makes it easier to prepare for any bad harvest..if we had it before Sombra's winter...

[ ] First Rail: Cost: 700. Time: One Year. Reward: First Rail-Line, Increased Income, New Actions Unlocked.

Look, enough has been said about this. Do i even have to start again?

[ ] Crystalline Investment: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate Becomes More Developed.

[ ] Skill-Training Program: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Slightly Increased Tax Income, Crystal Protectorate no longer dependent on Imperial Expertise.

Both are important, but i think developing the Protectorate would be much easier if we got the skilled ponies first. Skill training is also a 1-year action, which gives us extra flexibility in case we want to delay crystalline investment next turn (unlikely, but who knows).

An overtime to take all three would be nice, but we'll probably have to use it elsewhere

Learning: (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked

-Open Hearth Furnaces: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Increased Tax Income, Decreased Army Recruitment Costs. Will Finish This Turn

the steel will be oh so usefull!

[ ] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.

:cry: I so want this, but i don't think we can fit it in the plan :cry:

[ ] Sugar Beets: Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

No. Even if i think it's probably the action that will lead us to biobutanol as an alternative to carbon. Also Sugar and more fuel for our flamethrowers.

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

Can wait. We still have a decent chance to avoid a war.

[ ] Canned Foodstuffs: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Decreased Military Upkeep, Additional Actions Unlocked.

This one is actually more interesting. After all canned food has more uses than simply military ones, and it would allow us to be prepared in case of famines, or if enemy pegasi ruin our weather.

As it has been said, unless you win INCREDIBLY quickly it's logistics that win wars.

[ ] A Different Kind of Mortar: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Mortar Artillery Developed.

More usefull on the offensive that on the defensive, so I'll give this a maybe. We're more likely to fight on the defense for provoking them too much that being the one to actually attack, and i still have hope for a peacefull solution

[ ] Crystal University: Cost: 800. Time: Two Years. Reward: Crystal University Constructed, New Learning Actions Unlocked.

THIS! We want this! at the very least crystal magic would be usefull for construction work and maybe against dark magic (looking at the crystal heart..).
It also gives the protectorate something unique, something they can be proud of that others don't have/can't do as well.

Intrigue: Ravenburg's intelligence coup the previous year succeeded in bringing the Maretonians to the negotiating table, though there was little he could do to prevent the failure of the talks. Naturally, before Olive Branch had even left the capital, your spymaster had already begun drawing up more...underhanded means of liberating your enslaved citizens. (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Covert Kingmaker: Some in the Yak Modernist movement have begun to speak privately of a unified Yakyakistan. Such a unified Kingdom would need a King, or at least a leadership figure of some renown capable of uniting the Clans. You could wait for such a figure to arise naturally...or you could seek one out and begin to covertly "groom them" for leadership. Whether they'll be made aware of such grooming is still up for debate. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Potential Yak Unifier Identified, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%

[ ] Putting Out Feelers: The Broken Horns are sitting on a literal mountain of Orichalcum, one they've denied any knowledge of. While they lack the capacity to mine and smelt it, you don't like the idea of such a strategically important resource being in the possession of a Clan with mysterious motivations. Truthfully, you just don't like the fact that you don't have access to it. You could wait for the Yaks to unify themselves and then negotiate with the new leadership, but that's a risk you might not want to take. Ravenburg has raised a potential solution to this problem: organize a coup. Surely there is an ambitious young Yak within the Broken Horns willing to overthrow the clan's Elder Council...several such individuals are known to exist within the local group of modernists. Such a aspiring leader would likely be amicable to allowing Imperial access to the Orichalcum deposits in exchange for support and recognition. Of course, you'll have to find such a Yak before you can even think of going through with this, provided you do actually want to go through with this. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Identify potential Broken Horn Coup leader. Chance of Success: 60%.

[ ] How Do You Do Fellow Pirates?: Libertalia is a hub of criminal activity. Pirate vessels, smuggler's boats and slave barges come and go on an almost daily basis. It has no government or central authority, an anarchic territory divided amongst numerous gangs and criminal syndicates. It is the place where every outlaw goes when they need to disappear, where anything can be bought and sold for the right price. In other words, it's the perfect place for infiltration. Ravenburg is practically salivating at the thought of how much information could be gathered in such an environment, as well as other covert activities that could be carried out there. It should be child's play to slip a few Diamond Dogs ashore to gather information and report back on what they find. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Additional Information on Libertalia, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 75%

[ ] Ministry of Information: Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Ministry of Information Created, Additional Intrigue Action Per Turn.


[ ] The Good Kind of People Smuggling: Cost: 600. Time: Two Years. Reward: Enslaved Citizens Liberated. Chance of Success: 35%.

[ ] The Indispensables: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Enslaved Citizens Rescued, Chaos in Maretonia, Chance to Inflame Tensions. Chance of Success: 40%

We should only take one of these NOW if we'll boost them with our higher omake bonuses

I'd prefer to try to talk with the Queen before. If it doesn't work, I'd be fine with either of this.

Yes, we risk leaving our people as slaves a bit longer... but we get only ONE chance to save them, and if we actually go to war many more people will die. I think in the long term we have more to gain from successfull talks than from a successfull hostage rescue.

[ ] Bringing People Together: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Abolitionists Organized, New Actions Unlocked, Increased Chance of Success for Slave Liberation Actions. Chance of Success: 70%.

interesting. Maybe. I'd wait to see how our talk with the Queen goes though, she might even (unofficially) be supportive, who knows.

[ ] Calming Things Down: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Lessened Tensions between Maretonian Political Factions, Potential to Peacefully Resolve the Hostage Crisis. Chance of Success: 30%

This might actually help the talks with the Queen. If she doesn't have to worry (too much) about the nobles she'll probably be more agreeable

[ ] Throwing a Match on the Pile: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Tensions between Maretonian Political Factions, Potential to Incite a Civil War. Chance of Success: 40%

no, civil wars are nearly always a bad thing!

...unless we want to conquer them at their weakest, i suppose..

Personal: You refuse to let your duties as Emperor take up every moment of your day. (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime:

This is a turn i think we could really use an overtime, or even two

[ ] Imperial Priority:

Overtimes are slightly more usefull i think this time. Unless we want to talk to the Queen or save the hostages right this turn, which IS an option.

[ ] Creative Accounting: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: One Small Lump-Sum of Funds. Chance of Success: 60%


[ ] Getting to Know You: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain Improves Relationship with a Friend, May Lead to Further Developments and Benefits Down the Road.

I think this should wait a turn, as right now our empire is more important than our son's friendships (sorry Gawain!:cry:) though if we take i'd prefer the Qilin.
[] First Rail


[] Plan: A Ministry of Spies & There's No Time Like Overtime v2 (This Time with More Pirates)

This one works for me. I'm not entirely happy about using all our personal actions on work instead of having some time for the family, but getting ready for Maretonia is beyond critical. Barring some excellent arguments otherwise in the next few hours I'll come back after the moratorium and toss you a vote.
[ ] High-Level Talks: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Face-to-Face meeting with Queen Mareia, Chance to Normalize Relations with Maretonia. Possibility to Unlock New Actions, Gain Information. Chance of Success: 40%

THIS! THIS SO MUCH! First: it will give us the moral high ground, as it shows we TRIED everything to NOT go to war even if it fails. And if we can impress on the queen how harmfull a war would be for both of us we have a good chance to get our people back. Add the +40 from Lisain...
We also get a chance of decent relationships, verifying in person the Queen's opinion on slavery, possibly making some plans for the future to help each other. We might also get to worsen the ambassador's/nobles' position, which is a plus in my book.

I Think we should use imperial order on this one as well, we have a decent chance of solving the problem peacefully without even needing Ravenburg's help!
We really, really do not need a "moral high ground" any more than we already have. In fact it could be heavily argued that this would instead lower our high ground because we are seen negotiating with a slave state - no matter what I find it extremely unlikely that Maretonia will ever accept a flat return of all enslaved Neighponese or - Griffonian citizen.

Further, Realpolitik time: if we have to choose, would we rather have:
A) A strong neighboring state that is either still clinging to slavery or demanding industrialization assistance in return of dropping the institution, thus becoming a resource sink that will end up becoming a future economic rival and letting the slave holders escape all punishments since they are peacefully changing directions?
B) Either a weak or strong neighboring state taken over by Abolitionist movements we supported, with possible conquest of some of their ports for us and our Neighponese allies as war reparations?

Even if in option B we still support their industrialization, it will not have the same internal resistance that option A would have, In Griffonia and Maretonia alike.
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Honestly? I want to talk to the Queen just so we can bring up Sombra. Not to boast, oh no.

I want to show her the end of the path her people are walking on.

The mind control helmets.

The suicide bombs.

The breeding pens.

I want her to see, without the comforting lies of tradition and normalcy, just what slavery truly means.
Honestly? I want to talk to the Queen just so we can bring up Sombra. Not to boast, oh no.

I want to show her the end of the path her people are walking on.

The mind control helmets.

The suicide bombs.

The breeding pens.

I want her to see, without the comforting lies of tradition and normalcy, just what slavery truly means.
She would likely just either get insulted that we would compare her and her people to someone as vile as Sombra, or go "Oh, so that's why you are so anti-slavery: you are just still scarred by someone that did much worse and now even an inkling of the same causes you to overreact. DOHOHOHO~"
Honestly? I want to talk to the Queen just so we can bring up Sombra. Not to boast, oh no.

I want to show her the end of the path her people are walking on.

The mind control helmets.

The suicide bombs.

The breeding pens.

I want her to see, without the comforting lies of tradition and normalcy, just what slavery truly means.

Or worse, she gets all insulted and uses that to bludgeon us diplomatically and then proceeds to slowly enact these new Ideas we gave her (or the other Proponents of slavery both in and out [see: Spies] of her Court do).
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She would likely just either get insulted that we would compare her and her people to someone as vile as Sombra, or go "Oh, so that's why you are so anti-slavery: you are just still scarred by someone that did much worse and now even an inkling of the same causes you to overreact. DOHOHOHO~"
Or worse comes to worse, that route gives her (or the other Proponents of slavery both in and out [see: Spies]) or her Court ideas.
Hence why I am more than willing to put her and her entire country to the torch if she pushes me.

I'd rather I didn't have to, but if that's the game she wants to play that's the game I'll damn well play.

If she just helps us get our people back I'll be content to let her rot or rule as chance dictates. If she doesn't the I'll be more than happy to give her the second option from the pointy end of an army and an anti-magical armored squad of Knight Griffins storming her palace.
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Hence why I am more ths
An willing to put her and her entire country to the torch if she pushes me.

I'd rather I didn't have to, but if that's the game she wants to play that's the game I'll damn well play.

If she just helps us get our people back I'll be content to let her rot or rule as chance dictates. If she doesn't the I'll be more than happy to give her the second option from the pointy end of an army and an anti-magical armored squad of Knight Griffins storming her palace.
Problem is that this would still leave a slave state next to our extremely aggressive abolitionist Crystal Protectorate. If we don't do something about Maretonia, either their loyalty will start to plummet, or they will start punitive raids/intrigue actions on their own to ignite the powder kegs.
Problem is that this would still leave a slave state next to our extremely aggressive abolitionist Crystal Protectorate. If we don't do something about Maretonia, either their loyalty will start to plummet, or they will start punitive raids/intrigue actions on their own to ignite the powder kegs.
Wars cost lives. They've lived throught Sombra, they should know this more than anyone else.

Now providing a safe harbor to slaves who cross the border is another thing, and something we can enforce with pointy sticks aimed in the slaving bastards direction.

I doubt we'll sign a trade agreement or an expidition treaty with the pricks.
And yet they are still consistently glamouring for us to wage war against Maretonia.
Because they know: to die is preferable to being a slave.
True, but making other people sacrifice their lives in a fight they didn't want to start is another matter entirely.

Because make no mistake, even if they start the war with Maretopia we will help them fight it, but when all that's said and done we're going to be asking them why they thought it was a good idea to shed the blood of Yaks, Griffins, Diamond Dogs, and the various races of Neighpon who decide to help, in a war we were trying to find a peaceful solution to/putting off until we gained a more advantageous position.

Especially when said war probably killed more slaves in the same way their own people were used as cannon fodder by Sombra than they could have ever hoped to save.

It might be better to die than be a slave, but being free is far better than both.
I'm for war eventually, not to sound like a warmonger, but after we have our people back there will still be countless ponies under the thumb slavery right next door. It wouldn't be very right to leave them. I want future Maretonians (assuming we don't somehow annex them after a war) to look back into their history books with disgust at how they used to be, not look out the window. I want to drag that country into the modern age even it's its kicking and screaming. Abraham Lincoln there arses.

I severely doubt their stance on slavery will change peacefully. Maybe it will be a civil war, the crown vs the nobility vs the abolitionists, even a slave uprising, but this will end in blood.
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True, but making other people sacrifice their lives in a fight they didn't want to start is another matter entirely.

Because make no mistake, even if they start the war with Maretopia we will help them fight it, but when all that's said and done we're going to be asking them why they thought it was a good idea to shed the blood of Yaks, Griffins, Diamond Dogs, and the various races of Neighpon who decide to help, in a war we were trying to find a peaceful solution to/putting off until we gained a more advantageous position.

Especially when said war probably killed more slaves in the same way their own people were used as cannon fodder by Sombra than they could have ever hoped to save.

It might be better to die than be a slave, but being free is far better than both.
The thing is? I don't think a fully peaceful option is workable here and any attempt to do so will end up in internal stability loss, prestige drop and more.

On that note, need to ask the GM something.

@Questor What does our fellow Emperor in Neighpon or their chosen ambassadors tell in our correspondence? Are they looking for a "get our people back and then forget Maretonia exists" solution, or something more decisive?
? Why would we forget Maretonnia after we get our people back? Who would suggest that?

Peacetime wariness is still a thing, after all. We would probably still run missions even if we got the people because right now, they are a threat to us but not enough of one that we would actually have reason to declare war unless they continued to come after us even after the slavers are killed.

This is not a black or white situation.

Frankly, the best I see is a type of Cold War with them if nothing changes.
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The thing is? I don't think a fully peaceful option is workable here and any attempt to do so will end up in internal stability loss, prestige drop and more.

On that note, need to ask the GM something.

@Questor What does our fellow Emperor in Neighpon or their chosen ambassadors tell in our correspondence? Are they looking for a "get our people back and then forget Maretonia exists" solution, or something more decisive?
They want to get their people back and avoid war if at all possible, though if a conflict seems inevitable they'd rather fight it on our terms rather than Maretonia's. Seeing as how Gryphus has more skin in the game than they do (both in terms of geographic proximity and the number of people held captive) they're willing to let you take the lead on this, at least for the foreseeable future.
alright, moratoriam should be over...?

[X] Plan: A Ministry of Spies & There's No Time Like Overtime v2 (This Time with More Pirates)
[X] Full Steam Ahead!
-[X] You Stop That!
-[X] First Rail
-[X] Crystalline Investment
-[X] Flying without Wings
-[X] Ministry of Information
-[X] Overtime
—[X] Bringing People Together
-[X] Getting to Know You
—[X] Isabelle Brissette

So basically we first use our boats that finish this turn to "convince" pirates to go somewhere else, which is important to deal with them raiding our ships and dealing with Maretonia in the future. With Neighpon backing us up, it should be easy!

Rail lines and investing in the Crystal Ponies so that they won't need to toil as hard, and everyone can travel to and from their lands easily.

Airships for the pure utility in transport and spying. And coolness. Rainbow Dash approved!

Ministry of Information to ease up Ravenburg. He's been a good spy birb.

Contact the abolitionists, set the stage to face the Queen later.
And our son with Isabelle since they're cute.

Suggestion for @Questor: more meme options! The lifeblood of any quest!