[X] Manfred Redbeak
I, at first, wanted Sebastion Vauban as a person who is at the forefront of the changing times and wanted someone who is knowledgeable with the changes that comes with the advancing tech. I waited for some time to see if there are any arguments against this.
Eventually, I came across a compelling point. Sebastion Vauban is an engineer. A military engineer, but an engineer nonetheless. A different skillset that may not be optimal for being a Marshall of the military. With that point made, I am going for Manfred Redbeak, a gryphon trained in military matters from the get go.
besides, logistics is very important too so its not really all that of a lost.
[X] The Silver Talon Society
I was torn between the this and the The Foundation for Interspecies Camaraderie. The foundation seems like the perfect place to further get our son in touch with the people but after thinking about it, I think getting a rapport with the future movers and shakers of Griffonia is a better option. Gawain is already getting good values in interacting with his now multi-racial family, I think it would be a better idea for him to have some friends and support from the nobles. If nothing else, it will develop the skills (i.e. intrigue and politics) he needs to deal with the noble courts if he ever needs to keep them in line.
We raised our boy as right as we can and did our best to be the best role model for him to follow. I am hoping that Gawain, in interacting with the noble scions of Griffonia, would be a good influence on them and make the future leaders of society be worthy of their status.
We have a very good thing going in Griffonia. I would hate for it to all go bad in the future because there are people in power who are corrupt and ruining it all for everyone. Gawain has to be ready to deal with the noble courts sooner or later.