We don't need a military engineer right now our military is already incredibly expensive trying for more fancy projects is a shortsighted and foolish move. We need someone who can streamline and cut out the waste. A logicist expert is who can help remake our military from an expensive defensive/aggressive necessity for an existential threat into a lean and efficient defensive force for peacekeeping operations.
[X] Manfred Redbeak
[X] The Silver Talon Society

So a gryph good with logistics for our Martial advisor, and a focus on Diplomacy for our son.
[X] Manfred Redbeak

I, at first, wanted Sebastion Vauban as a person who is at the forefront of the changing times and wanted someone who is knowledgeable with the changes that comes with the advancing tech. I waited for some time to see if there are any arguments against this.

Eventually, I came across a compelling point. Sebastion Vauban is an engineer. A military engineer, but an engineer nonetheless. A different skillset that may not be optimal for being a Marshall of the military. With that point made, I am going for Manfred Redbeak, a gryphon trained in military matters from the get go.

besides, logistics is very important too so its not really all that of a lost.

[X] The Silver Talon Society

I was torn between the this and the The Foundation for Interspecies Camaraderie. The foundation seems like the perfect place to further get our son in touch with the people but after thinking about it, I think getting a rapport with the future movers and shakers of Griffonia is a better option. Gawain is already getting good values in interacting with his now multi-racial family, I think it would be a better idea for him to have some friends and support from the nobles. If nothing else, it will develop the skills (i.e. intrigue and politics) he needs to deal with the noble courts if he ever needs to keep them in line.

We raised our boy as right as we can and did our best to be the best role model for him to follow. I am hoping that Gawain, in interacting with the noble scions of Griffonia, would be a good influence on them and make the future leaders of society be worthy of their status.

We have a very good thing going in Griffonia. I would hate for it to all go bad in the future because there are people in power who are corrupt and ruining it all for everyone. Gawain has to be ready to deal with the noble courts sooner or later.
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[X] Sebastion Vauban
[X] The Silver Talon Society

You know I'm kinda curious if the Crystal Nobility is still around in some form. If they are feudalist we can see about at least giving the nobles their proper titles. The Gryphus Empire is NOT a democracy or even a republic, but a Monarchy. We have to keep these Noble traditions alive... lest the masses go Bastille Day On us one of these days...
[X] Manfred Redbeak

Voting for this as despite my urge to go with Sebastian, as others have made some very good points in this thread previously

[X] The Foundation for Interspecies Camaraderie
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[X] Sebastion Vauban
[X] The Squires of Gryphus

Vaughan because I don't see us campaigning abroad for a while and because while Redbeak is undoubtedly the better logistics focus that's less of an issue for a defensive campaign and our industrialization promises a huge variety of potential logistical booms anyways between airships and the potential for steamboats and trains. While Redbeak could probably utilize these better I really want to establish a corps of engineers to help set up the infrastructure for a more industrial military applications and state works in general.

As for the Squires, it's playing on Gawain's strengths, martial prowess is respected and politically useful in our culture, and it makes a good impression of the Goldfeathers being prepared for future Sombras.
Vaughan because I don't see us campaigning abroad for a while and because while Redbeak is undoubtedly the better logistics focus that's less of an issue for a defensive campaign and our industrialization promises a huge variety of potential logistical booms anyways between airships and the potential for steamboats and trains. While Redbeak could probably utilize these better I really want to establish a corps of engineers to help set up the infrastructure for a more industrial military applications and state works in general.
That is more to do with logistics than engineering. Redbeak is what you want if you are trying to revamp the infrastructure and industrial application. Vaughan is a engineer himself that means he can build and design thing (not that engineers actually know how to build good machines that are actually meant to be worked on.) if you want to organize a corp of engineers you don't get an engineer to do it you get someone that can organize and deal with the logistics of it.
Huh, so how long until we start seeing hipogrifs running around the kingdom?

Also, those two event rolls. Ah shit, here we go again.

Those are a seperate race somewhere out in the world. Also hybrids are not natural they require magic to create and the result has lower fertility and growth rates that is why the Neighpon's main race while being the most numerous is still very low on numbers.
[X] Manfred Redbeak
[X] The Silver Talon Society
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on May 8, 2019 at 2:47 AM, finished with 9169 posts and 43 votes.
[X] Sebastion Vauban

[X] The Foundation for Interspecies Camaraderie

Hell yeah, we got our own Frienship School, and it does some good unlike... What the hell does Twilight's pet project even do? Well, aside from solving the problem with demon child it caused in the first place?
Also yeah, we are becoming too "interspecies" to not take this option for the heir.
[X] Sebastion Vauban

[X] The Silver Talon Society

We already have interspecies family so i believe that our son has that part covered. What we need is to get him in contact with ruling circles of Griffonia.