How about something along the lines of this
[]Plan Settling the west with banks
total cost: 4,400
[ ] Army Artillery: The cannons have proven their effectiveness on the battlefield, and now that you have the foundries up and running, it's time to start cranking out some more of these explosive artillery pieces. Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: +10 Cannons added to army
[ ] Permanent Neighponese Ambassador: Rather than sending a party of diplomatic staff across the ocean whenever a deal needs to be negotiated or an issue smoothed over, why not simply have them stay in the host country more or less permanently, taking up residence in the court of the local ruler? You can't do this with the Yaks as their decentralized leadership prevents this, but Neighpon is a different story. See if they'd be agreeable to the idea. Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Permanent Diplomatic Mission established in Neighpon, Cheaper Neighpon Diplomatic Actions, New Diplomacy and Intrigue Actions Unlocked.
[ ] Settling the Western Frontier: While the Western Steepes are largely inhospitable and unsuitable for permanent settlement, a significant portion of the land beyond the Black Cliffs is quite similar to your core territory. The Yaks don't appear to have any claims on these stretches of forest, and they may hold resources that could add to the economy. Even if they don't, it would be nice to have some settlements outside of your heartland to make interaction with the Yaks easier, or as a buffer should they prove hostile. Subsidize the construction of a few towns and encourage some of your people to establish homesteads on the unsettled land. Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Western Settlements Established, Additional Income.
[ ] The Bank of Gryphus: Nicklas Bones' treatise on paper currency has raised some...unsettling possibilities. Possibilities that are becoming less theoretical with the advent of paper currency in cities across the Empire. If you're going to prevent this whole paper tender craze from getting out of hand, you're going to need to act quickly. You, Frida, and Nicklas have all cobbled together a framework for a new kind of financial institution: a Central Bank. A bank backed by the government while still being distinct from it, an institution with the sole power to print national banknotes and government IOUs. A bank that will loan hard currency (gold and silver) to other banks, acting as the foundational center and rock of stability for the Imperial Economy. A bank intended to stabilize the economy rather than make a profit. It will also be tasked with handling the national debt, should you ever again find yourself in another Fiscal hole. Naturally, this is going to be a complicated endeavor, but it will be necessary to ensure a prosperous national economy in the long-term. Cost: 600. Time: One Year. Reward: Bank of Gryphus established, slight increase to Tax Income from economic growth, reduced chances of Economic Disasters, Lessens damage to approval when going into Debt.
[ ] Machine Tools: Blacksmiths and other artisans of metal are vital to your realm's economy and technical advancement, but as demand for shaped metal products has begun to grow they have become a bottleneck, straining to keep pace with demand. Both Archimedes and Genevieve say they have some ideas to resolve this problem through the introduction of new tools meant to make the precision working of metal easier. Developing, producing and distributing these devices will be expensive, to say nothing of the time and effort that will have to be expended training Gryphons and Dogs in their use, but it is necessary of your Empire is to advance technologically in your lifetime. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Machine Tools Invented and Distributed, Slight Increase to Tax Income, New Actions Unlocked.
[ ] Rotative Beam Engine: Archimedes and Genevieve have been going over the designs for the Steam Pumps in between other projects for the past couple of years, and they think they've come up with a way to make the devices more versatile. By replacing the piston with something called a flywheel, they can turn the single-use pump into a multi-use engine, allowing for much greater utility. Simple in theory. In practice...well, you'll need to give them some time and funding to see if it's worth it. Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
[ ] It's not Kidnapping, it's Liberation: The Shadow King has enslaved his subjects through some manner of foul sorcery. At Redstone the only means of breaking his hold over their minds and bodies was to kill them. But now you have a basic understanding of magical principles, allies with knowledge of magic, and a miracle metal that disrupts all spells and supernatural energies it comes into contact with. Have Ravenburg's spies infiltrate enemy territory and see if they can't free a few of these poor souls. With any luck, one of them might actually know something of importance they can share with you. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Several Crystal Ponies freed from Sombra's Spell, chance to gain additional intelligence. Chance of Success: 40%
[ ] Foreign Talent: Kōryū has recently been hiring a number of experts in various fields to come work in Neighpon and teach their skills to his people, or to offer their expertise as advisors in his court. Perhaps you should take a page out of his book and see about hiring some foreign experts on magic? Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Neighponese Magic-Experts hired, New Actions Unlocked. Chance of Success: 60%.
[ ] Overtime: Your advisors can only do so much, and sometimes that's just not enough. If it's truly necessary, you can sacrifice some of your otherwise free time to carry out an additional action from another category, provided said action has a duration of only one year. The costs and chances of success for that action remain the same.
-[ ] Flying without Wings: The fragment of the ancient design you found, while sparse on details due to its decay, has given both of your scientific advisors ideas. Big, big ideas. Of course, in order to make those ideas reality they'll need equally big amounts of funding and time. Just for starters they're going to have to figure out whether they can even build such a contraption with the materials they have available, and what other steps will need to be accomplished before they can even start to build this "flying machine". Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.