Sounds like tungsten. How are we able to process it, work it, or use it in any way when it doesn't melt with our current tech? I don't recall us inventing coke-fired blast furnaces, much less the more modern magnetic smelters. We currently don't make tungsten ingots anyway, we use a chemical process under high temperature and pressure to extract it and then alloy it with nickel or similar, a process which wasn't even used heavily until the early 1900s, much further ahead than we are now.
Read the update it even says we need to make the coke furnace before we can even smelt it. We also have the option to make the forge. As for what it is it is a classic fantasy metal that is extremely powerful, Some times it has magical properties other times it is just a very good metal.
Eh, maybe? who knows, it varies from series to series. It might just an exceptionally hard metal.

Also my gods we really are the Empire from Wahammer Fantasy, a mostly normal army with cannons and flamethrowers going to fight a an evil Sorcerer and his army of evil spewing from a frozen wasteland.
Nah man Orichalcum is a fantasy metal that's usually magical in some form.
Read the update it even says we need to make the coke furnace before we can even smelt it. We also have the option to make the forge. As for what it is it is a classic fantasy metal that is extremely powerful, Some times it has magical properties other times it is just a very good metal.
:eyeroll: I know what Orichalcum is. More than you two, likely, since I also know that the word came from Plato's description of Atlantis and was described as a yellow, brass-like metal. Though I admit I missed the blast furnace development.
...So it might be key to magi-tech then?

Maybe? Usually when people mean magitech they mean things like runes and enchantments. Orichalcum is usually just an unnaturally strong metal. Think of it like Damascus Steel. Better swords and armor, maybe better tools, but probably no flying cars or infinite energy sources. Then again, we're talking about the properties of a fictitious metal. It can be whatever the GM wants.
[X] All of them
It's good that we are able to pad our numbers a little.

It's even better that we got a grand alliance with Yaks. 10 thousand heavy infantry? That's... that's the difference between victory and failure.
The fact that we won every other roll, and got two more crits? That helps too.
[X] All of them

Sombra is the keystone here. Take him out and his mainline troops cease to be a problem. Those flesh/crystal abominations and shadowy abominations, however... those will be quite difficult to counter without magic. Thank god we have fire weaponry available; fire is quite good at purging such evil.
There is nothing to the North. We haven't observed anything from that direction. We are already in a somewhat frigid environment going North is probably starting to get artic climates which mean at best small communities of scattered tribes.

north could be for all we know the
penguin nation, wendigo kingdom, no life, arendal, hermit wizard

Per the Map we have ocean to the north of us. So we should see signs of boats if anything comes that way.


Unless we have Seahorse Atlantis
[X] All of them

There is only one good path to victory here, taking out the enemy commander without him some if not all of the magic on his forces should end. This will be very tough to do so.
Assistance farming in their inhospitable land would probably be the best help we could offer. High quality tools, techniques, and seeds from our better strains would go a long way towards repaying the debt. That and a promise to come to their aid should the Yaks be threatened by an external power like we are.

[X] All of them
Except all of that would be worthless?

There is a reason Steppes only produced nomads. Seeds from our "better" strains? No such thing just as there is no such thing as a better bird. More specifically the strains we use are specialized for our own wetter mountainous environment. Then there is the reason that Steppes was nomad country; very dry weather. Only thing that can grow out there is grass. Mountain farming tech? In the Steppe plains? Yeah no.

Promise of aid?lol, to who? This is a one time deal Horde to our assistance. This is the first time (in remembered history, mind you. Nomads did not have written history) they are even a Horde at all. The rest of the time, they are going to be disorganized clans squabbling with each other.

If we had Pegasi weather magic? Hot dog, then we can actually help them in a significant way. As is, better to to just gift them massive amounts of goods.

[X] All of them
...sorry to slightly side-track here, but I'm now picturing this song being sung across the empire as we all get ready for war.

It's still MLP, songs are to be expected now and then.
I doubt Sombra will put himself into a position to be killed or hurt. If he is anything like Saron he will send his legions at us while he watches. Like I have said before this is not going to be a war where we beat them and then get the option to move on their territory. This is most likely going to be a war on our land that we spend a few years trying to force him to withdraw and return to his Empire to rebuild and prepare for another round later. This is going to become a looming shadow and threat until we get enough allies that we can take the fight to him.
I doubt Sombra will put himself into a position to be killed or hurt. If he is anything like Saron he will send his legions at us while he watches. Like I have said before this is not going to be a war where we beat them and then get the option to move on their territory. This is most likely going to be a war on our land that we spend a few years trying to force him to withdraw and return to his Empire to rebuild and prepare for another round later. This is going to become a looming shadow and threat until we get enough allies that we can take the fight to him.

He personally attacked and killed our scouts, despite having a massive army he could use for it. In all likelihood he deliberately let a few of them go, for the express purpose of giving us warning. What limited information we have of him is that does not suggest someone who would dance around and avoid a head-on fight. We should be expecting Sauron, not Hannibal.

At a guess, his strategy is something like: let them rally everyone who can bear arms, and gather in one place. Attack them straight on, and destroy them utterly. Now there's no one left to resist you and you can get on with processing the civilians into slaves.
[X] All of them
It's good that we are able to pad our numbers a little.

It's even better that we got a grand alliance with Yaks. 10 thousand heavy infantry? That's... that's the difference between victory and failure.
The fact that we won every other roll, and got two more crits? That helps too.
"Heavy infantry?" Yaks are like compacted Troll-strength cavalry that can survive in a melee like infantry - their charge is going to send everything they hit flying to the stratosphere!

The problem will be that the enemy is unbreakable. The crystal ponies of the Line will hold and jump to stop all enemy momentum, even if it means intentionally putting themselves into a brain-pop from angry yak hooves/pierced by horns.

But this is now absolutely relevant.

[X] All of them
I know now of what the Griffon Empire reminds me of. It reminds me of Russia, since th Epithet of "Then it got worse" seems to be very fitting right around now.
I mean the warring King of Aquilia was horrible and then we got an even more horrible warring Lord on our doorstep! What is next?