There could be literally anyone around us. We might have rolled bad and come up with domain of the Two Sisters being right outside our borders. That would be a major issue just due to the pure power those two have.
eh, it wouldn't need to be a bad thing.

It limits our expansion in one direction, but we could surely find some advantages in having them as neighbours. Like joint research in magitech, and a source of magical knowledge. We'd probably be better equipped to deal with some of their threats, like Tirek.
The Age gap not to mention the whole nearly immortal thing might be an issue as well.
eh, age gap was never that important in royal marriages. The bigger problem is the alicorn's longevity (which they might actually NOT know about yet, if they weren't born as such and only recently ascended)
I'd like to remind people who wrote omakes to actually use their bonuses. Some important rolls would probably be on the exploration and the water pumps since they're a precursor to steam engines.
I'd like to remind people who wrote omakes to actually use their bonuses. Some important rolls would probably be on the exploration and the water pumps since they're a precursor to steam engines.
1 thing about that is that exploration is not a percentile thing which i think means its just a random roll of what we find so no bonus would help there also the steam engine is at an 80% chance already so its got a good shot of passing as is unless someone with an omake bonus wants to almost guarantee it.
Mad Dog Disease would probably be the rolled action we want a bonus on the most as we want to make sure we can cure/prevent whatever it is.
1 thing about that is that exploration is not a percentile thing which i think means its just a random roll of what we find so no bonus would help there also the steam engine is at an 80% chance already so its got a good shot of passing as is unless someone with an omake bonus wants to almost guarantee it.

But with a bonus we could crit the roll which might get us more.
1 thing about that is that exploration is not a percentile thing which i think means its just a random roll of what we find so no bonus would help there also the steam engine is at an 80% chance already so its got a good shot of passing as is unless someone with an omake bonus wants to almost guarantee it.

Correct. The Exploration roll is not a "pass-fail", it's just a way of determining what you find.
Vote closed. Setting Sun wins. Let me know if anyone wants their Omake bonuses applied to any particular action.
Adhoc vote count started by Questor on Jan 27, 2019 at 2:50 PM, finished with 112 posts and 47 votes.

  • [x] Plan Land of the Setting Sun
    -[x] Expeditious Exploration: You have no real idea what lies beyond your borders. Discord altered the geography of the planet itself, and most records from before his arrival and reign of terror were lost amidst the madness of his reign. You know the world is bigger than your Empire though, and you're almost certain that other races, tribes and kingdoms managed to survive the era of chaos. Such potential neighbors could be allies and trade partners...or a threat to you and your people. Either way, it's better if you find them before they find you. Cost: 200. Time: Variable. Reward: Info on lands beyond your borders.
    --[x] West: The lands beyond the Black Cliffs to the west of Aquileia are a mystery to you. Not even Brochard knew much about them, fixated as he was on issues closer to home. Gather some volunteers to venture amidst the peaks and report back with whatever they find.
    -[x] First Contact Protocols: It's inevitable that your people will eventually journey beyond your borders. And when they do, they will likely encounter other peoples, with their own kingdoms, cultures and languages. First impressions are important, so set up some classes and procedural regulations to prepare diplomats for meeting and negotiating with unknown peoples. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: First Contact Protocols established, bonus to first impressions with other cultures.
    -[x] Repairing Wingbardy: Brochard's Invasion devastated the lands of Talonuelli's Archduchy. Much of the damage has been repaired since, but not all of it. Many farms still lie in ruins, villages still only partially habited, and Wingbardy's famously fertile fields lie fallow. You opened up your coffers for the Kingdom that invaded them, surely you can do the same for the people that you saved? Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Wingbardy returns to pre-Invasion status, Additional Farming Income from Revitalized Agriculture. Chance of Success: 90%
    -[x] Mad Dog Disease: The mind-killing disease the Diamond Dogs told you about is frightening in its lethality and infectivity. You can scarcely imagine the carnage and chaos that would ensue if an outbreak occurred amongst your Dog subjects. Even worse, what if the disease jumped from Dogs to Griffons, as Archimedes says could potentially occur? If you're going to fight this thing, you'll need to understand how it works. And to do that, Archimedes needs to see it up close. Have your soldiers fetch some "test subjects" from the few remaining feral dens and see if your thinkers and healers can't come up with something. Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Feral Disease. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[x] Water Pumps: While the inclusion of Diamond Dogs brought a great deal of innovations and increased productivity to your mines, there was one problem even they couldn't really solve: the issue of flooding and water leaking into the tunnels. It's not often a problem in most mines, but every now and then a excavation has to be halted so a line of buckets can be set up to bail out the water that has seeped in from either rainfall, melting mountain ice, or underground water sources. Archimedes claims to have a solution. Using a complex system of tubes and pipes, a device can be constructed to heat water and produce steam, creating a vacuum that will raise water from below and then use steam pressure to raise it higher and out of the mines. Or something. You honestly had difficulty following much of Archimedes' explanation, but the idea of a device that can improve mine production is certainly an attractive one. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Mining Income. Chance of Success: 80%
    -[x] Lord Ravenburg's Big Book of Blackmail: That earlier issue with the barons served to highlight what a headache they can be at times. Oh sure, you have their loyalty and support now, but at some point in the future you're going to want or need something that they won't want to give you or let you do. Being a member of the nobility himself, Ravenburg has a solution: blackmail. What with all the scheming and backstabbing that the nobility get up to, almost all of them have secrets that they wouldn't want being made public knowledge. It might be a good idea to learn a few of those secrets, just in case some uppity count needs to be "convinced" not to oppose you politically. Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Blackmail on Griffonian nobility acquired.
    -[x] Cracking an Egg: The dragon egg you've acquired is currently stored in a specialized room of your castle, designed to ensure it is kept at the proper temperature. Archimedes, ever the problem-solver, claims he has a way to encourage the egg to hatch, or to prevent it from hatching, should you wish it. Honestly, you're not too sure what to do. Your people know little about dragons beyond the obvious; the closest thing to an expert you have is your wife, who only knows how to kill them. Still, it seems a waste to just leave it sitting in your palace as a glorified paper-weight. Fully grown dragons are forces of nature, capable of taking on entire battalions of Griffon warriors and burning whole villages to the ground in minutes. Then again, those also seem like good reasons not to allow the egg to hatch, now that you think of it. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Hatched Dragon Egg.
    -[x] The Apprentice-The Nutty Professor: Genevieve Talonuelli seems like a good candidate for your privy council, but if she is going to eventually replace one of your advisors she'll need to gain some practical experience. Archimedes has a lot of energy considering his age and workload, but he has a number of learned Griffons around him at all times to assist him in whatever project he's currently invested in. You're sure he'd be more than happy to add the young Genevieve to his staff. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Genevieve Talonuelli becomes assistant to Archimedes, will eventually replace him should it become necessary.
    [X] Plan: Strengthen the Empire
    -[X] The Imperial Army
    -[X] First Contact Protocols
    -[X] New Management
    -[X] Mad Dog Disease
    -[X] Water Pumps
    -[X] Lord Ravenburg's Big Book of Blackmail
    -[X] Cracking an Egg
    -[X] The Apprentice-The Nutty Professor
    [X] Plan Imperial Edict
    -[X] Big Sticks
    -[X] First Contact Protocols
    -[X] Mad Dog Disease
    -[X] Water Pumps
    -[X] Lord Ravenburg's Big Book of Blackmail
    -[X] Cracking an Egg
    -[X] The Apprentice-The Nutty Professor
    [X] Plan National Security
    -[X] The Imperial Army
    -[X] The Second Founding
    -[X] First Contact Protocols
    -[X] New Management
    -[X] Mad Dog Disease
    -[X] Water Pumps
    -[X] Lord Ravenburg's Big Book of Blackmail
    -[X] Getting Swole
    -[X] The Apprentice-The Old Bird
    [X] Water Pumps: While the inclusion of Diamond Dogs brought a great deal of innovations and increased productivity to your mines, there was one problem even they couldn't really solve: the issue of flooding and water leaking into the tunnels. It's not often a problem in most mines, but every now and then a excavation has to be halted so a line of buckets can be set up to bail out the water that has seeped in from either rainfall, melting mountain ice, or underground water sources. Archimedes claims to have a solution. Using a complex system of tubes and pipes, a device can be constructed to heat water and produce steam, creating a vacuum that will raise water from below and then use steam pressure to raise it higher and out of the mines. Or something. You honestly had difficulty following much of Archimedes' explanation, but the idea of a device that can improve mine production is certainly an attractive one. Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Mining Income. Chance of Success: 80%
    [X] Plan: then the Griffin Nation explored
    -[X] Expeditious Exploration: Cost: 200. Time: Variable. Reward: Info on lands beyond your borders.
    —[X] South: The Peregrine Mountains form a natural border to your South, preventing easy travel for Dogs and Griffons alike. Pre-Discord records indicate that the climate is warmer the further south one goes. You suppose there is only one way to find out for sure.
    -[X] First Contact Protocols: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: First Contact Protocols established, bonus to first impressions with other cultures.
    -[X] Repairing Wingbardy: Cost: 500. Time: One Year. Reward: Wingbardy returns to pre-Invasion status, Additional Farming Income from Revitalized Agriculture. Chance of Success: 90%
    -[X] Mad Dog Disease: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Feral Disease. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Water Pumps: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Mining Income. Chance of Success: 80%
    -[X] Lord Ravenburg's Big Book of Blackmail: Cost: 100. Time: One Year. Reward: Blackmail on Griffonian nobility acquired.
    -[X] A Small Blade: Cost: 50. Time: One Year. Reward: Master-Crafted Dagger for Gawain.
    -[X] The Apprentice-The Nutty Professor: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Genevieve Talonuelli becomes assistant to Archimedes, will eventually replace him should it become necessary.
    [X]plan time to explore
@Questor : forgot to use the @ with your name to showcase the omake I have written:

Ohh... Idea!
Here's a omake:

~~~~~Diversifying Assets~~~~~

Many Years Ago:
You are concernstruggledistanceunity, a... long term position in one of the less habitable lands of the world, or so the Hive believes. Truly, the Hive is far from omniscient, or all powerful. You only need to look at your own talons to remind yourself. Inwardly, you sigh, while working on the biggest library of Griffonkind, remembering what you lost to be here.
Changeling shapeshifting is very good at appearances, specially when the original form is already close to our own. The furthest you go from that, the more energy you need. Mostly love, as always. That will give you a easy to look form, but that won't sustain any sudden impacts unless its short-lived. Among ponies, that is enough, they are amenable enough, simple enough, and the worst you can get usually are a strong hug from a overeager pony. In usual times, at least.

With the banishment of Discord, the entire world is in a shift. New groups are appearing, identities are being remade, and the seed of hope and happiness was there, to the Hive joy (not like we actively partake in each other emotions, but one can feel a emotion tinge in our mutual connection). Queen Chrysalys, May the Hive ever live in her service, is the strongest of all influences by far, and her joy seems to be tempered with caution. She tasked you to be stationed in Griffonia, hence why your form is so away from the Hive, distance so big you barely can hear the whispers of the Hive connecting you to them. Another reminder of your sacrifice, to remain on this form.

For you are a Griffon now(Griffonling?), having slowly and carefully changed your body basic form to one of a griffon, a very expensive and long process that will virtually keep your form to the end of your days. It required larger amounts of love to make this form, more than what you would need for months in sustenance, a very heavy amount of self-contempt, and you partook in a hefty amount of longing, woven into your sense of self, so you didn't forget your mission. All so you had a sturdy body, that could accept a fight with the wilderness lurking around, withstand with its own wings the weight of the unrelenting winds, and bleed like a Griffon.

You can still change your face, the size of your beak, and the color of your feathers, but love tends to not be as available to you as before, so you end up settling in one form, one job... unchanging.

You are concernstruggledistanceunity, tasked by Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalys, to both monitor the griffin lands... and you do your best to make the Hive better off, a grain of sand at a time. Right now, you are looking at The History of Royal Feather, the most credible book in this entire library that concerns the Royal Line. And you just made a choice. You remember this name, was one of the first Griffons that you met while coming to this land, masquerading as a lost griffon: Garrick Golden-Feather, the merchant leader.

He had a unusual mixture of emotions for a griffon, specially at the time. Compassion towards you, Humilty towards himself(compared to most griffins), Composure towards having to deal with the ever chaotic lands of Discord AND THRIVING ON IT. And most of all, on the week you stayed with his group until you parted... he had Hope for the future. You would have called him insane if his Hope, sparingly taken, was what you desperatly needed during the first week you could barely hear the chirp of the Hive. Hope you would help your collective, even if you could barely be called one of them anymore.

So, looking at the History of the Royal Feather, you see the last part of the trail you were searching: two griffons that may claim the blood of the Royal Line. One be Garrick Golden-feather, and the other be Rusticus Rough-Talon. And you know the second name as well, a mercenary leader-sans-soldier for hire, a strong talon and a ruthless heart. Surely, to the martial prone Griffons he would be the more valued choice over being tasked with the burden of leadership of this land. A important task you were given to find.

You might not be a smart ... ling, but the Hive have a wealth of knowledge. We(even I) feel the emotions of our targets, and all too often we see what emotions one routinely have, and what do they bring.
Rusticos might, by accounts, be a strong leader, but would he bring what Changelings need? Contentment, Happyness, Love? Nay, he would make only a land where all thrive for battle, and those with no battle would either drown in fear, or in pride.

So, you take the History of the Royal Feather, and present it to the council of Griffons, the name that will hold the chance to bring Prosperity to the land of the Griffons.

May the Hive ever serve Her Majesty and She, in her wisdow, guide us forward.

PS: if it does warrant omaky bonus, please apply it towards whenever you going to roll the initial opinion of the changelings towards our empire (whenever that happens).
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Ohh... Idea!
Here's a omake:

~~~~~Diversifying Assets~~~~~

Many Years Ago:
You are concernstruggledistanceunity, a... long term position in one of the less habitable lands of the world, or so the Hive believes. Truly, the Hive is far from omniscient, or all powerful. You only need to look at your own talons to remind yourself. Inwardly, you sigh, while working on the biggest library of Griffonkind, remembering what you lost to be here.
Changeling shapeshifting is very good at appearances, specially when the original form is already close to our own. The furthest you go from that, the more energy you need. Mostly love, as always. That will give you a easy to look form, but that won't sustain any sudden impacts unless its short-lived. Among ponies, that is enough, they are amenable enough, simple enough, and the worst you can get usually are a strong hug from a overeager pony. In usual times, at least.

With the banishment of Discord, the entire world is in a shift. New groups are appearing, identities are being remade, and the seed of hope and happiness was there, to the Hive joy (not like we actively partake in each other emotions, but one can feel a emotion tinge in our mutual connection). Queen Chrysalys, May the Hive ever live in her service, is the strongest of all influences by far, and her joy seems to be tempered with caution. She tasked you to be stationed in Griffonia, hence why your form is so away from the Hive, distance so big you barely can hear the whispers of the Hive connecting you to them. Another reminder of your sacrifice, to remain on this form.

For you are a Griffon now(Griffonling?), having slowly and carefully changed your body basic form to one of a griffon, a very expensive and long process that will virtually keep your form to the end of your days. It required larger amounts of love to make this form, more than what you would need for months in sustenance, a very heavy amount of self-contempt, and you partook in a hefty amount of longing, woven into your sense of self, so you didn't forget your mission. All so you had a sturdy body, that could accept a fight with the wilderness lurking around, withstand with its own wings the weight of the unrelenting winds, and bleed like a Griffon.

You can still change your face, the size of your beak, and the color of your feathers, but love tends to not be as available to you as before, so you end up settling in one form, one job... unchanging.

You are concernstruggledistanceunity, tasked by Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalys, to both monitor the griffin lands... and you do your best to make the Hive better off, a grain of sand at a time. Right now, you are looking at The History of Royal Feather, the most credible book in this entire library that concerns the Royal Line. And you just made a choice. You remember this name, was one of the first Griffons that you met while coming to this land, masquerading as a lost griffon: Garrick Golden-Feather, the merchant leader.

He had a unusual mixture of emotions for a griffon, specially at the time. Compassion towards you, Humilty towards himself(compared to most griffins), Composure towards having to deal with the ever chaotic lands of Discord AND THRIVING ON IT. And most of all, on the week you stayed with his group until you parted... he had Hope for the future. You would have called him insane if his Hope, sparingly taken, was what you desperatly needed during the first week you could barely hear the chirp of the Hive. Hope you would help your collective, even if you could barely be called one of them anymore.

So, looking at the History of the Royal Feather, you see the last part of the trail you were searching: two griffons that may claim the blood of the Royal Line. One be Garrick Golden-feather, and the other be Rusticus Rough-Talon. And you know the second name as well, a mercenary leader-sans-soldier for hire, a strong talon and a ruthless heart. Surely, to the martial prone Griffons he would be the more valued choice over being tasked with the burden of leadership of this land. A important task you were given to find.

You might not be a smart ... ling, but the Hive have a wealth of knowledge. We(even I) feel the emotions of our targets, and all too often we see what emotions one routinely have, and what do they bring.
Rusticos might, by accounts, be a strong leader, but would he bring what Changelings need? Contentment, Happyness, Love? Nay, he would make only a land where all thrive for battle, and those with no battle would either drown in fear, or in pride.

So, you take the History of the Royal Feather, and present it to the council of Griffons, the name that will hold the chance to bring Prosperity to the land of the Griffons.

May the Hive ever serve Her Majesty and She, in her wisdow, guide us forward.
+10 to a roll of your choice.

For the record, as to exactly what parts are Canon and'll find out eventually. (Evil Laughter) :drevil:
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@Questor : as for my omake bonuses: the +15 I would like to be rolled for the first roll that will benefit the egg (or us through the egg/the hatched egg). The +10 one goes for whenever we find the changelings when we roll their impression towards us.
@Questor : as for my omake bonuses: the +15 I would like to be rolled for the first roll that will benefit the egg (or us through the egg/the hatched egg). The +10 one goes for whenever we find the changelings when we roll their impression towards us.
There is no "roll" regarding the egg this turn. The only thing attached to that is a coin flip that will determine the gender of the dragon that hatches from it. There will be rolls regarding it later, but not this turn.
After crunching some numbers I've decided to hold on to my omake bonus for now. For those of you wondering why, thanks to our stats all but one (two if your willing to argue) of our chosen actions are guaranteed to succeed.
After crunching some numbers I've decided to hold on to my omake bonus for now. For those of you wondering why, thanks to our stats all but one (two if your willing to argue) of our chosen actions are guaranteed to succeed.
Fair enough. Sometimes hoarding bonuses is completely alright.

On a random note, anyone else having security warnings when trying to enter Spacebattles forum? Not sure if I should proceed through a false positive, or if someone is hacking/hijacking the feed, so to speak.