@BoneyM What should be the "official" Warhammer name for the Shadowkeep? I have a list of suggestions:
- Schattenburg
- Schatteburg
- Schattigburg
- Schattichburg
- Dämmerburg
- Schattenturm
- Schatteturm
- Schattigturm
- Schattichturm
- Dämmerturm
- Schattenfried
- Schattenfried
- Schattigfried
- Schattichfried
- Dämmerfried
German doesn't actually have a direct translation for "keep" that is different from castle or tower. The closest they get is using the French word Donjon, or the compound words Hauptturm (main tower) or Wohnturm (home tower). They also have the
Bergfried, but that's both a mouth full and not quite the same.
But because Warhammer Reikspiel is not quite correct German and how it sounds to an anglophone ear matters more than linguistic accuracy I gave various not quite correct versions to choose from.
Personally I'm not quite sure yet, but something like Schattigfried has a nice parallel to Sonnigwiese by having the same grammatic weirdness.