Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Alright. I'll say it.

We need to get out of here. We have a responsibility to the rest of the expedition. She took on this risk. More, she invited it. Nor did she consult us for alternate plans. She is absolutely willing to die for the sake of the mission.

Anyway, I will probably be abed before the vote opens, but I say Fight. Right now is a very good time to bust out the Dragon Flask. This is exactly the shit we commissioned it for: outnumbered against largely conventional forces. We can catch them off-guard -- we're invisible and we can flank them while they focus on Ljiljana
Unfortunately, I doubt we'll get that granularity.

I really feel like to stay here is to die.
Sure, that makes sense. I was just wondering about Dragonflask specifically because of its nature as a one-shot item.
It's rechargeable, rather than a true one-shot.
We've got one use here, and now seems like it might present a good opportunity.

Unusually for me, and possibly because of getting caught up in a very dramatic (and cool) action scene, I'm thinking Fight.

If only because scattering the band, rather than running away and having them in hot pursuit of the Expedition seems a better outcome.
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It occurs to me that this is pretty great in character inspiration for the Fog of War spell. Something for later.

Ljiljana vs everybody: Learning vs Martial, 19+???+???(Widow?)+???(Tor?)+???(Dazh?)+???(Ursun?)=??? vs 66+20=86.]

So Ljiljana has a bonus from the Widow, but also from the Sky, Sun, and Bear. Seems they very much remember their Sister.
Melee doesn't mean much here, there's simply too many. It would be our spellcasting that would matter here, little else. And retreat seems like the better option to me, but I don't know. We survived two roll or dies. A miscast here is likely death, and we'd basically be rolling Melkoth's Miasma here, followed by using the flamethrower. I'm a little worried here, tbh, but if she dies, we can retreat with some safety.
Only certain miscasts would be death; some would just give us arcane marks, cause mundane-ish injuries (which the Seed would heal), or even prove beneficial if Mathilde could turn them as she did during the fight against demons

Also @BoneyM a few more questions.

First, are there any more shamans or otherwise notable-to-Windsight enemies, like Chaos-blessed champions and such?
Second, I assume Mathilde will be using Shadowsteed here?
Third, how does Shadowsteed react if Mathilde is critically injured or outright killed while riding? I.e. is it plausible for it to carry her to safety even if she's incapacitated?
Fourth, is there space for a third option with middling risk like, say, "Become a distraction and then disengage to hopefully draw some enemies away"?

It's rechargeable, rather than a true one-shot.
We've got one use here, and now seems like it might present a good opportunity.
Yeah that's what I was referring to. It's one-shot in the context of this battle.
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Unfortunately our fighting style is great for taking down individual opponents and holding Chokepoints, not so much in an open battlefield when we are surrounded by enemies... Our best bet o affect this battle is MMM.
Roiling Shadows + Cloud of Confusion in this maelstrom, though, seems like it'll enhance the shock-factor.

Fourth, is there space for a third option with middling risk like, say, "Become a distraction and then disengage to hopefully draw some enemies away"?
She's a pragmatic person, and doesn't need to be directed to not fight to the death in this situation if not needed.
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In the end we're still deep in hostile territory right now and we need to both regroup with the Expedition and gain distance from the Chaos Warriors we should be moving to secure and deny Chaos this Goblet so I see Retreat as the best option. And who knows maybe the Ice Witch will be able to break away herself and rejoin us, and if not well then all I can say then is die well.
I can totally see an Ice Witch willing to die to secure this Chaos artifact. Like the Ranaldian Priest getting eaten by Stromfels kind of thing, or a soldier fighting to the death against Greenskins. If they die, they die, but either way they came to fight, and that's what's happening...
[ ] Fight
...Admittedly Matilde is...Not best utilized trying to solo an entire army but I figure all she really needs is to play point defense for the giant living blizzard her Ice Witch companion has become. Plus she's got some sweet tricks above the Ulgu playbook, sooo...
My guesses on the Dark Tongue
Slaakhamshy'y Yg'a'tedaar
First word is presumably his title and has some association with Slaanesh, second word may be his name.
Presumaby "Azyr shaman" meaning "ksy" means "shaman"
"Azyr'iakash?" he asked, and the Shaman shook his head. "Tzeen'iakash? Hysh'iakash? Ksy'akhshami!"
Taking a guess "'iakash" means "(who) is it?" or "is the enemy?". So he's roughly asking "Is it(this magic) Azyr? Is it Tzeentchian? Is it Hysh? What Shaman is it?"
Some word to do with southeners.
"Mnahn'akami syha'hagl? Naflehye!"
"[Southerners] [something]?" And "Naflehye" is presumably expressing disbelief and denial.
Hmm. In regards 'not being pursued', on reflection riding away from an active super-blizzard at super-speed on a shadow-horse probably covers our tracks pretty well.
Oh, I say we fight!

... if only to grumble at her for not giving us the hints to bring a heavier party. And maybe overdo it to let go of our current frustration at miscommunicating jerks like her and Borek.
Pity that Dragonflask is one use per encounter; more shots of damage-dealing Battle Magic would be grand to have next time we need to solo a several hundred chaos marauders.
I am all for the Ultra-Violence option. We should not abandon someone else fighting things that go bump in the night. Lets use the flask, drop magical AoEs, and do our best to ensure she lives and the goblet gets out.
wow... magic users live a long time right? I wonder if she's old enough to remember the invasion, because this seems personal for her.

Anyway, my first instinct is to fight because she said she had a way to contain the demon chalice, and right now that thing seems way more dangerous than the surprised and disorganized Kul camp.
Setting aside the cool fight scene aspect of things, there are pragmatic reasons to fight now as well.

The more of the leadership and spellcasters of this outpost we eliminate, the worse their chances of mounting an effective response to our caravan will be. In addition, even assuming she's largely spent and will go back to normal afterwards, having an extra spellcaster will be invaluable for the journey to come, both during fights and for utility while crossing vast ice sheets.

We've got the element of surprise, the dragon flask, and the ability to punk these assholes with a MMM. I say we go for it.
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My preference, thinking on it, is basically a combination cavalry charge and strafing run, to get her enough of an opening to choose to disengage. So basically run, but be showy and destructive enough to hopefully open a hole through the Kul in the process.

Keep in mind that we're in the Wastes and they have a fair number of casters. Our own magical muscle is not guaranteed at all.
Hmmm you know this would be a good time for Randal to boost Mathilde. Make for a great reconciliation with the widow and the northern gods.
I am kinda tempted to let Ljiljana die here because of her own idiocy in not having warned us of her plan (which would have led to us take more people).

But she didn't come alone, actually. See all those bonuses? That's like 3 4 Kislev gods pooling their mojo together. (And bears. Lots of bears.) If she hadn't rolled a 19 she might well have soloed the entire encampment and we wouldn't even have a vote.
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My guesses on the Dark Tongue

First word is presumably his title and has some association with Slaanesh, second word may be his name.

Presumaby "Azyr shaman" meaning "ksy" means "shaman"

Taking a guess "'iakash" means "(who) is it?" or "is the enemy?". So he's roughly asking "Is it(this magic) Azyr? Is it Tzeentchian? Is it Hysh? What Shaman is it?"

Some word to do with southeners.

"[Southerners] [something]?" And "Naflehye" is presumably expressing disbelief and denial.
Quick glance at the Dark Tongue wiki entry says "ksy" means key or solution and "iakash" means lock or obstacle though from context it seems that in this quest at least they can be used to refer to more than their most literal meanings.
My preference, thinking on it, is basically a combination cavalry charge and strafing run, to get her enough of an opening to choose to disengage. So basically run, but be showy and destructive enough to hopefully open a hole through the Kul in the process.
We can radiate terror and shadow-tentacle death, but that seems exactly the sort of half-way move which announces to the remainder 'these assholes are going this way, with our Cup!'
Hmmm you know this would be a good time for Randal to boost Mathilde.
Fight will almost certainly proc the Coin with her, (if either of us survived)
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Yeah, I think it's time for Mathilde to pull her own Super Saiyan appearance. Even setting aside the practical benefits and rule of cool, it would just feel kinda shitty to leave her here to die. Throw all our combat boosts on and drop the MMM, then go to town.

Let's not be Ranald and Ulric, yeah?
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