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One big reason to enter Karag Dum is to assess the long term viability of the waystone connection.
If they're maintaining it despite being !NotChaos Dwarfs, it's critical to know about it.
I think with the new information on Morghur, the attempt needs to be made even if it fails.

[x] Last minute
[x] LAST: Attempt to infiltrate Karag Dum
[X] Leave

Do not fall prey to the temptations of Chaos.
Some knowledge is best left unknown.
Blessed are the ignorant.
Gods of the Empire, Spare My Arse
- prayer of Yrridan, last horsemaster of Ostland

There is actually no world in which Karak Dum does not fall to Dhar-Wielding forces within the next five centuries. Whether they're Chaos, or some divinity carving a chunk of the Wastes, or Vampires, or some unknown force, they're irredeemable. There is no "warlock" or "demonhunter" class in Warhammer Fantasy. The closest you get to "wielding the powers of the enemy against them" is magic wielding.

There is no Order faction that wields Dhar.

Karak Dum has not fallen to the degree that the waystone is corrupt and it is no longer functioning yet. It is currently fighting marauders and mutating them in exchange for bloodshed. It will be fully Dhar-faction controlled at some point if it isn't already. The only question is how/where to disrupt their connection to Vlag, and whether we should try to utilize that energy flow for something until it falls completely.

In my opinion, Dum should be labeled as one would label the Dawi Zharr outside of those that need to know the nuance
[X] Leave

I'm not really liking the odds or the timeframe we have to work with. The other characters voted to book it so might as well.
[X] Last minute
[X] LAST: Attempt to infiltrate Karag Dum

...perhaps not the most sensible decision, but I have to know more. If the mutate aura was always-on, I'd just vote Leave. As-is... it seems just vaguely doable enough to make the shot. We've done crazier things.
[X] Leave

We showed up in time for Vlag, but there's nothing we can do to save Dum. It's time to make sure the expedition can get home, to share our knowledge with the world, and to keep our end of the bargain with Kislev.
[X] Last minute
[X] LAST: Approach the Kvellige camp peacefully and attempt to discuss the Karak with them

Let's figure out the history of this place before we leave.
[X] Leave

There's nothing there worth dying for.
Here we have an expedition to lead to safety.
Back home we have our family and a sizable backlog of research.
[x] LAST: Attempt to infiltrate Karag Dum
[x] LAST: Attempt to scout the forest at the base of the Karak
[x] Leave
[X] Last minute
[X] LAST: Attempt to infiltrate Karag Dum
I'm getting more skeptical about Karag Dum still being Order aligned the more I think about it. As someone said already, everybody thinks that they're the ones who can ride the tiger and not get mauled. And it never works. It never works.
Chaos wouldn't be keeping an uncorrupted Waystone pumping power to Vlag.
Chaos wouldn't be creating a divine non-Chaos zone in the middle of the Chaos Wastes.
He had to go in and face what his Karag Dum had become, but there was no need to drag us into hell too.
He doesn't know us very well, does he.
The argument that Mathilde could find out WTF is going on by a few hours of sneaking around Dum… is unconvincing.
The Expedition needs Mathilde. And there is almost immeasurable good she can do completely unrelated to this particular mystery.

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