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Like, the primary bonding Mathilde has had with Borek is making the point that she not only understands using bad to fight worse, her College are experts at it. He'll believe we just want to talk.
The grey college understands realpolitik, but they have their lines. Fundamentally, binding beastmen and Morgur is like using Necromancy, but turned up to 11. Things the college would and has executed people for. Can we really in good faith claim to be similar when our organization says that doing what they did is never excusable despite all the other shady shit we do? I don't think so.
Regardless, the central point -- that Mathilde is a massively inexperienced woodsperson (she has to ask Cyrston about the trees) trying to sneak through a forest full of hostile predators that use scent as their main sense (something our spells don't help with at all) -- still stands.
Illusion covers scent explicitly.
@BoneyM what about flipping the coin to the Night Crawler allowing Mathilde to belong to the Karak Dum, would that be possible / IC think it works?
Why are we considering investigating? We know that they did something to get Morghur to protect them, either by building a fake one, making an alliance with whatever gods, enchanting him, etc. We know that they do not want to talk to us, and Borek considered them fallen. Any specifics as to exactly how they did this won't change anything, they would only satisfy people's curiosity. Regardless of how exactly they achieved this doesn't matter, they fucked around with dark shit to fight chaos, and are refusing to communicate with us. No matter how they achieved it, the response will be the same. Grudging, followed by ignoring them forever. Nothing we could do or learn will change this, and we have a duty to the expedition to get the information back safely.
I actually think the Beastmen business is not even the most heretical thing Karag Dum has done.
Maybe they recovered Grimnir's body (statue?) from the Deep Wastes and are using it as a battery?
I actually think the Beastmen business is not even the most heretical thing Karag Dum has done.
Maybe they recovered Grimnir's body (statue?) from the Deep Wastes and are using it as a battery?
I can't remember my source but I thought Grimnir was still alive. I remember hearing how he was under the vortex fighting off demons forever.
I would really hesitate to Infiltrate because Morghur is definitely going to go full on Exterminate if he catches us inside his forest, aka the protective perimeter.

And that's going to be a fight we'd need to be very, very lucky to just walk away from.

Ultimately, when I look at the reams of cool stuff we have to do, like Tongs, AV applications, Apparitiom Binding, Spellcrafting some more Mist stuff, Waystone project, etc, I simply see these as way, way more valuable than figuring out the specifics behind KD.

It seems loyal to the Karaz Ankor due the uncorrupted magic. It's doing the best we could reasonably expect it to do- keep channeling magic to the dwarf network, serve as a northern bulwark against chaos. If they kickflipped themselves into the moon to do this, so be it.
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Speaking of waystones.
Are we going to destroy the connection between Vlag and Dum?
Only if we actually know wether we need to or not, currently its ???

Why are we considering investigating? We know that they did something to get Morghur to protect them, either by building a fake one, making an alliance with whatever gods, enchanting him, etc. We know that they do not want to talk to us, and Borek considered them fallen. Any specifics as to exactly how they did this won't change anything, they would only satisfy people's curiosity. Regardless of how exactly they achieved this doesn't matter, they fucked around with dark shit to fight chaos, and are refusing to communicate with us. No matter how they achieved it, the response will be the same. Grudging, followed by ignoring them forever. Nothing we could do or learn will change this, and we have a duty to the expedition to get the information back safely.
they might be unable to communicate with us without physically sending a messenger, which is risky when there are beastmen and kurgans about. making an alliance with whatever gods might not be grudgeworthy depending on the specific god, since dwarves seem a lot looser about what behavior is acceptable for an ally of the dwarves as opposed to an actual dwarf.
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It's unfortunate but we've given Karag Dum plenty of time to give a response.
We've made what observations we can.
We know that Karag Dum is actively using dhar based mutation through Morghur.

There's more answers to be had but nothing that seems to be worth the risks required. Joerg's got a good point, it looks like it's time to go.
Yeah no, whatever Dum has done, their pet guard monster still:
• Emits a fuckload of Dhar in fite mode.
• Actively mutates people exposed to it.
• Eats people.

They didn't purify Morghur, they just leashed him.

That's sketch as fuck even by Grey College standards, nevermind Empire standards, nevermind Dwarf standards.

They kickflipped too greedily and too deep, and I no longer believe it's possible to "clear their names", as it were. If we gather more information it'll be to sate our own curiosity more than anything, since the tactical value of learning more will be pretty limited anyway given how far Dum is from anywhere of importance.
Well, either it's the real Morghur, or something worse has happened. This is the point where I think we need to turn around, because while Dum may at some point completely fall, Mathilde needs to get back home, to inform Belegar, and then Thorgrim, that the flow into Karak Vlag at some point may become corrupted. Information from Karak Dum would be useful - what she already has is vital.

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Loot, Prisoners, Infomation, and if I can push it, assasination Spree of their Runesmiths followed by Waystone Bomb annihilation.

"And then I took care of it" is a line of operation we should aspire to.
Single Handedly attacking a Karak that has unknown capabilities, is using Dhar, somewhat knows our abilities and that we are outside, and being protected by Morghur and an army of beastmen isn't a good idea.
Only if we actually know wether we need to or not, currently its ???

they might be unable to communicate with us without physically sending a messenger, which is risky when there are beastmen and kurgans about. making an alliance with whatever gods might not be grudgeworthy depending on the specific god, since dwarves seem a lot looser about what behavior is acceptable for an ally of the dwarves as opposed to an actual dwarf.
We've been here long enough that if they wanted to send a messenger they could. Though I imagine they would have tried flags and horns first. They have made no attempt to contact us and they obviously don't intend to.
I would really hesitate to Infiltrate because Morghur is definitely going to go full on Exterminate if he catches us inside his forest, aka the protective perimeter.

And that's going to be a fight we'd need to be very, very lucky to just walk away from.

Ultimately, when I look at the reams of cool stuff we have to do, like Tongs, AV applications, Apparitiom Binding, Spellcrafting some more Mist stuff, Waystone project, etc, I simply see these as way, way more valuable than figuring out the specifics behind KD.

It seems loyal to the Karaz Ankor due the uncorrupted magic. It's doing the best we could reasonably expect it to do- keep channeling magic to the dwarf network, serve as a northern bulwark against chaos. If they kickflipped themselves into the moon to do this, so be it.
He seems unwilling to use his aura in the forest, so we'd probably just have to worry about his physical abilities. I don't understand how people can be risk averse for this but okay with learning any of that cool stuff.

The uncorrupted waystone could be in service of the chaos trick at Vlag, and it would be nice to know whether that's the case or not.
I'm glad the update answered some important questions we had! So: Morghur does not mutate anyone unless they are extremely close and provocative. Thus, Mathilde is able to use magic, enabling her to go stealthy, stay at safe range, run away fast, use illusions to send messages (large words, loud sounds, etc), and more. That significantly eases the worries I had.

There will be no other expeditions sent to Karag Dum after this one; the Karaz Ankor took about two centuries just to send the one, Snorri (and probably the vast majority of dawi) thinks they've fallen to Chaos, and OOC, a good chunk of voters do not want anything more to do with this. There is only one attempt Mathilde can make, so she has to make it count.

[ ] Last minute
[ ] LAST: Attempt to infiltrate Karag Dum

Go to the only people who can give her answers. If the attempt fails, she can use magic (especially her Shadowsteed) to get out. If the attempt succeeds, she can find out what exactly they did-- if it has strategic implications akin to the Skaven dictionary-- whether they have done something unforgiveable, or simply something society will shame them for, but she will find understandable, ingenious, necessary, even commendable.
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