It kinda looks to me like Mathilde could be the lynchpin to wrench open Runesmithing lore access, generally.
So, obviously Mathilde is not born of a Dwarf of the Runesmithing line - human gal with human parents, and all. But her soul has been deemed as Dwarvish by the Ancestor Council - and that soul that is deemed dwarf would have to have had a before, before the current human now. What if that prior iteration of the soul was in the Runesmithing lineage? What if multiple prior iterations of the soul were Runesmiths? More generally, can you prove that a reincarnated Dwarf soul is stealing Runesmithing lore, instead of remembering it from a past Dwarf life? Further, should a soul be judged for being stolen - is a Dwarf babe stolen and raised by Skaven, for example, ineligible to be reclaimed and restored to their proper rights from before the theft? Should, then, a mortal be judged for a God's actions against their soul?
To be clear I am NOT advocating doing this, I do NOT believe it likely to work - but relative to trying to get Mathilde official access to Dwarven Runesmithing knowhow, I don't see a better option that isn't absurdly more risky than 'get into lengthy political and legal debates to convince ruleslawyers to judge the way you want on a matter they don't have a clear answer on'.
And now, I wait for WHF loremasters to come out and explain why this is actually completely nonviable.