Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I think the reason Panoramia got slotted in as "chief deputy Wizard wrangler" was because she's the only wizard other than Mathilde with visible technical leadership experience. Max and Johann do all their work themselves; they haven't even recruited dwarven lab assistants or gotten any dwarven mechanical engineers or materials scientists to help with the reverse-engineering. Max is going out on gyrocopters but as a ride-along in the role of a door gunner. Adela sounded like she was working as a somewhat junior partner with Gotri as lead investigator. Gretel hiring contractors to spruce up her tower isn't a wizard thing. Hubert is a noble, but the very first thing we said to him when he got here was that that he's a wizard now and the nobility thing doesn't matter. Panoramia, on the other hand, is straight-up leading a terraforming project. I just can't help but view it through the lens of my own job requirements as a software engineer and, like, Max and Johann might be a fantastic individual contributors, particularly Max, but Panoramia has individual contributions in addition to writing architectural design docs, doing project management, and making resource allocation decisions. For any sort of leadership role I'd hire her over any of the other wizards at K8P in a heartbeat.
On a less jokey note, the ability to quantify a runelord's ability to tell the winds to fuck off could be useful.
I'm now imagining a panel of extremely serious runelords presiding over a journeyman runesmith's exams while he sweats and strains and makes all sorts of funny faces while attempting to achieve the necessary level of indicated disapproval for his next promotion.
It's not a thing that's guaranteed to get it to come along, but we should probably do Cython the courtesy of asking before we tie ourselves up in knots thinking up ways to manipulate it into doing what we want.
Rom-com shenanigans are traditional for Mathilde when she's asking wizards out on dates, though. :V
Is that even remotely needed?

Like if this was an army travelling through Araby then there'd be a point in a keeping things cool spell but the southernmost point of this expedition is going to be Kislev.
I'm not sure. Are the chaos wastes a desert, with accompanying heat problems and water rationing?

Or is it just magical phenomena that make it a wasteland?
I think the reason Panoramia got slotted in as "chief deputy Wizard wrangler" was because she's the only wizard other than Mathilde with visible technical leadership experience. Max and Johann do all their work themselves; they haven't even recruited dwarven lab assistants or gotten any dwarven mechanical engineers or materials scientists to help with the reverse-engineering. Max is going out on gyrocopters but as a ride-along in the role of a door gunner. Adela sounded like she was working as a somewhat junior partner with Gotri as lead investigator. Gretel hiring contractors to spruce up her tower isn't a wizard thing. Hubert is a noble, but the very first thing we said to him when he got here was that that he's a wizard now and the nobility thing doesn't matter. Panoramia, on the other hand, is straight-up leading a terraforming project. I just can't help but view it through the lens of my own job requirements as a software engineer and, like, Max and Johann might be a fantastic individual contributors, particularly Max, but Panoramia has individual contributions in addition to writing architectural design docs, doing project management, and making resource allocation decisions. For any sort of leadership role I'd hire her over any of the other wizards at K8P in a heartbeat.

Wizard wrangler is arguably not a leadership job, though. It's a liason job. You aren't supposed to be telling other wizards what to do or "leading" them in tasks. You're supposed to keep an eye on what they're doing, warn them if they're up to something that'll get the dwarves upset, maybe lend or work out an opportunity to lend a hand if needed.

If I were to compare it to a sports team, wrangler isn't the team coach. It's the team manager, who makes sure the locker room is clean, that everybody's equipment gets put away, and that the training schedule doesn't double-book anything.
About the 'is the food actually demon meat' dilemma just Sauté it in AV before serving. If the meat evaporates and dhar forms, it's demonic sheep and you can go place a complaint to the seller sword point, if dhar doesn't form it was a magical creature and you should be concerned about preservation and ask questions.
Okay, now the mention of cooking with AV has me imagining it as a marinade, and I'm wondering how in the world you'd not only infuse it into meat and keep it there, but if you could even cook it afterwards.

That said, it sounds like quite the novel assassination method: The mark an orcish warboss, biting down on a hunk of meat, only for it to explode spectacularly.

... On a side note, the thought of infusing reminds me that I really want to see that AV enchanting action work. I'm pretty curious how it would interact with petty and lesser magic enchantments in particular, since they don't set it off. I'm curious whether that's just a matter of power level, or because these are magics that can work with all winds.
I think the reason Panoramia got slotted in as "chief deputy Wizard wrangler" was because she's the only wizard other than Mathilde with visible technical leadership experience.
When I foolishly brought up this topic - (and for my part in this I apologise, for everyone else that made their own choices, those fall on the individual in question) I was thinking of the infrastructure at K8P that would be useful for wizards and no one else - "build it and they will come" so to speak.

I was also speaking about the specific context of "Out of the current wizards at K8P: Mathilde, Johann, Max and Pan were there at K8P from the start, and of those four, three have chosen to go into hell", which is (I have been told) a somewhat risky endeavour.


I was basically thinking in terms of "been here longest" out of Pan, Gretel and Adela (and any other future wizards) (with a side of: "does not have a personaility that clearly makes her unsuited to the role of "pillar of the local [wizard] community"") - I was not thinking in terms of official titles, or Pan not being able to direct other wizards (via holding explicit authority), but a more 'soft power' approach where she is best situated to be the 'general go-to/signposter' person for non-wizards that wish to open a dialogue.

I did not bother to compare her to Max or Johann for this, as they are going to hell, and the bit that really annoys me.... that genuinely gets my goat, is that I only brought up the idea at all because I wanted the opportunity to post the words 'Chief Duck'

And you know what... Glau is 100% correct in at least 95% of the things they've said. Especially this:

It does feel like some[1] are more interested in saying "this is why [person] sucks" as in making a statement about that poster's feelings, rather than actually be interested in a collaborative, constructive dialectic.

[1] I'm not avoiding naming names on purpose, I genuinely can't recall who posted what. Avoiding naming names is a side benefit.
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What is the source on Halflings not making gods, anyway?
The 'gods' that Halflings have in their pantheon aren't really on the same sort of scale of concepts and forces of nature unto themselves that gods like Manann, Myrmidia or Ulric are ascribed, being more akin to larger than life folk heroes. That said, Halflings do, in a relatively understated fashion, worship Sigmar. They claim it as being out of gratitude for a great deed performed on their behalf in the first years of the Empire, though historians have found no reference to anything of the sort elsewhere.
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Not directly on point, but an interesting couple of quotes about elves and their gods I found when looking up halfling gods,:

'The role of religion as Humans view it is utterly foreign to the Elves, Dwarfs, and Halflings, even though in many respects the deities can and do overlap. Take the Elves for example. Many of the beings that make up their pantheon are direct antecedents to those still venerated in the Empire today. However, the Elves claim they are in direct communication with their divine patrons, sharing a constant mystical link with their Gods. In a sense, all Elves act as priests, directly communing with the spirit that binds their society and race.'

'Elven culture is suffused in mysticism and magic, and Elves believe their Gods surround them and are a part of them. An Elf considers his every action, his every thought, to be mystical in some respect, and therefore everything they do is somehow connected to the Gods, every action is a devotion in its own right.'

It might be relevant for the Eonir and what's happening with worship of elven gods spreading amongst humans.
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Halfling gods are not real since halflings have no (or very little) warp presence which accounts for the lack of wizards and spellcasting priests.
This might not be quest canon:
Random question, are there halfling magisters?
Though you've not encountered any, there's no reason why not. Halflings are underrepresented in the Colleges only because they're such a small percentage of the population of the Empire.
It is possible that Boney has changed this since then, but "halfling have minuscule Warp presence (and thus no gods or magic-users)" should not be assumed to be true in DL.
They'd be delighted to welcome her to the tribe, and feed her the best Chaos Spawn meat, and introduce her to their Gods, and give her the honour of receiving exciting new tattoos and scars...
This is straight out of Cthulhu Mythos. Man, somehow I never made the connection in my head that these northmen are utterly sick and depraved. I've simply pictured them as slightly extra savage nomads until this comment.
Not any different than most Xianxia but points for the classic reference with the meat pies and cannibalism (?).

Also Ravenous was a good film.
Not any different than most Xianxia but points for the classic reference with the meat pies and cannibalism (?).
The definition of cannibalism is to eat a member of your own species. And the scientiffic definition of species are lifeforms that can interbreed and have fertile offspring.

... So are there any recorded instances of demigods in the Warhammer lore? And do any of those have any known children of their own?

This is vital information regarding the ethics of deiphagia, which Mathilde has already been in a position to do once.
Meanwhile, in BorekQuest 3
Since we need more BorekQuest

BorekQuest Sees Abbreviated Character Sheet

DollaryDoo said:
Well, in honour of the shenanigans to come, and since the screams of agony sustain me, I thought I should let you know Mathilde Weber is one of those NPC I fully statted out quite a while ago.
And, since I am a malicious GM, have a look at her abbreviated character sheet, provided to you in bits and pieces.
Mooks said:
SightCentral said:
DollaryDoo said:
Official Titles: Magister of the Grey Order, Knight of Stirland, Thane of Karak Eight Peaks, Loremaster of Karak Eight Peaks, Court Wizard of Karak Eight Peaks.
Other Titles: The Dämmerlichtreiter, Sängerkritisch, Dawongr, Azrildrekked, the Silver Savage.
Former Titles: Spymistress of Stirland, War-Councillor of the Expedition to Karak Eight Peaks.
Some of this we already knew, but holy hell she has hats for days. Although what exactly Dämmerlichtreiter or Sängerkritisch mean, is quite a mystery.
Google-fu tells me this is german, and the titles translate to Twilight Rider (OMINOUS!!!!)and... Song Critic? Critical to singers? Did she at some point, vet the Stirland's court bards or something and use that as a pretext to mind-whammy herself a knighthood?
oliveolave said:
ShortSpeak said:
oliveolave said:
DollaryDoo said:
Magical Items:
Staff of Mistery: +1 Magic, and ???
Runic Gromril Greatsword, Branulhune, aka Bar Rikkaz [Master Rune of Kragg the Grim, Rune of Superior Skill, Rune of the Unknown]
Seed of Regrowth
Belt of the Unshackled Mountain [Spellburner Rune, Rune of Rancour, Rune of Valaya's Vengeance]
????'s Four-Sided Coin
Candle of Cleansing Radiance
Armoured Robes
Most of this stuff is pretty standard for a high-ranked Magister slash Loremaster. Except,
Runic Gromril Greatsword, with Kragg's Personal Rune Of Ultimate T-posing!?
Also, Runic Belt of what sounds like antimagic type - my sourcebooks have a Spelleater rune not SpellBurning Rune, but what ANY of these are, is very AU sounding. Likely custom effects, but how a probable chaos-worshipper can wear anything called 'Valaya's Vengeance' is wholly beyond me.
She's an umgi with stuff personally made by Kragg the Grim. What is going on!?!
Chaos, that is what is going on. Who but a Chaos worshipper would have a Four-Sided Coin? The Schemer of the Four is strong with this one.
Could be. By the by, I have received a few PMs about the Kragg rune. For those unaware, this means the sword hits with the force of a Greatcannon, or something like it. Strenght MAX. Basically, melee-range artillery that doesn't use ammo focused on a single target. Heavy Infantry - kills dead; Warmachines - kills dead; static fortifications - kills dead.
The name Branulhune / Bar Rikkaz can translate to many things, mainly Moonlit Wit / Gate Breaker or Way Opener.
ShortSpeak said:
DollaryDoo said:
Grey Magister
Enchanter [Tool-Free Enchantment]
Warrior of Fog
Familiar [Link of Psyche, Magic Power]
Disdain for Sigmar
Master Swordswoman
>Disdain For Sigmar
>Master Swordswoman
>Warrior Of Fog
Mooks said:
Personal theory? She is Horstmann's secret teacher, if you grab my meaning. His guide to non-sigmarite worhip, if you CATCH MY BLOODY DRIFT.
I still don't get that runic equiment though. Has she converted Kragg the Grim or something?
Ah hah, regardless, we are so screwed.


Actual question: How does 'BoneyM' be lined to 'DollaryDoo' - I've see it before, but I missed the explanation/can't see the link

[1] Sorry[2], was just messing around.
[2] Not actually sorry, sorry[3].
[3] Am actually a bit sorry (i.e. 3) regarding the fact that (2) is correct.