I think the reason Panoramia got slotted in as "chief deputy Wizard wrangler" was because she's the only wizard other than Mathilde with visible technical leadership experience.
When I foolishly brought up this topic - (and for my part in this I apologise, for everyone else that made their own choices, those fall
on the individual in question) I was thinking of the infrastructure at K8P that would be useful for wizards and no one else - "build it and they will come" so to speak.
I was also speaking about the
specific context of "Out of the current wizards at K8P: Mathilde, Johann, Max and Pan were there at K8P from the start, and of those four, three have chosen to go into hell", which is (I have been told) a somewhat risky endeavour.
I was basically thinking in terms of "been here longest" out of Pan, Gretel and Adela (and any other future wizards) (with a side of: "does not have a personaility that clearly makes her unsuited to the role of "pillar of the local [wizard] community"") - I was not thinking in terms of official titles, or Pan not being able to direct other wizards (via holding explicit authority), but a more 'soft power' approach where she is best situated to be the 'general go-to/signposter' person for non-wizards that wish to open a dialogue.
I did not bother to compare her to Max or Johann for this, as they are going to hell, and the bit that really annoys me.... that
genuinely gets my goat, is that I only brought up the idea
at all because I wanted the opportunity to post the words 'Chief Duck'
And you know what... Glau is 100% correct in at least 95% of the things they've said. Especially this:
It does feel like some[1] are more interested in saying "this is why [person] sucks" as in making a
statement about that poster's feelings, rather than actually be interested in a collaborative, constructive dialectic.
[1] I'm not avoiding naming names on purpose, I genuinely can't recall who posted what. Avoiding naming names is a side benefit.