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It was just the mostly-complete update. I was spamming ctrl-v enter to put a bunch of lines starting with '[ ] [ROOM]' and I guess ctrl-enter means 'post'. There's nothing too major, I just don't want to split the discussion.
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Probably helps with formatting. I hear SV tends to eat formatting if you copy/paste it directly.
I (effectively) write directly in bbcode and paste into the raw edit box, which gives me total control over my text and the ability to use a real editor. I'm a very classic software engineer, so I spend about ten hours a day in Emacs and am about about as limited outside it as a fighter pilot would be in a Cessna. /shrug
A lot of people keep telling me not to write long posts directly in the reply box, but I've been doing it since I joined SV and only ever had issues maybe... twice?

It's actually pretty damn reliable, and just fits better into my flow when I want to write a vote or omake or whatever.
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A lot of people keep telling me not to write long posts directly in the report box, but I've been doing it since I joined SV and only ever had issues maybe... twice?

It's actually pretty damn reliable, and just fits better into my flow when I want to write a vote or omake or whatever,
That reminds me of the stories from the staff of essays and shit being written in the report box.
Server burps can eat whatever you wrote.
It's about half that and about half browser or brain burps - I've had the server lose my post only a couple time, but I've accidentally refreshed the page and lost a draft or clicked on an empty reply box in a second tab and overwritten my draft more than a few times. Also, I dislike accident-posting.
I (effectively) write directly in bbcode and paste into the raw edit box, which gives me total control over my text and the ability to use a real editor. I'm a very classic software engineer, so I spend about ten hours a day in Emacs and am about about as limited outside it as a fighter pilot would be in a Cessna. /shrug
Notepad++ the one true postbox.
Know all the bbcode by heart anyways...
Writing into the text box isn't a bad format, but the site itself doesn't need to mess up in order for stuff to just disappear, and when your posts get eaten it can be really demoralizing. Like, 'just stop posting for a while', and then that while becomes forever, and your quest is dead.
My habit of having fifty tabs open when writing, half of which are to older posts in the thread, does result in having a back-up of sorts, since the reply box for each of them will have the version of the post from the moment the page was opened.
It's not so bad when you're replying to a thread, but when you're starting a new one -- or opening a PM conversation -- accidentally clicking a link or going back results in you losing your entire post, because the automatic Save function is per-thread and so if it's not an existing thread, it's gone forever.

This happened to me when I was making a Staff appeal on someone else's behalf and good god it was demoralizing having my full thousand words of appeal + multiple sourced quotes wiped out. I spent five minutes reconsidering the virtue of having principles in the first place.
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