Petty Magics: These are the very basics of arcane magic, and are taught to all apprentice wizards before they move on to more complicated spells. Though all the Colleges hold these spells in common, each performs them differently due to using different Winds to achieve the same effect. Mathilde learned all of these at the start of her apprenticeship, but fell out of practice with all but Sounds. Magic 1 required to learn and cast reliably.
K / Drop: Compels someone at short range to drop something they are holding.
K / Glowing Light: Causes something to glow for as long as you hold it, up to one hour.
K / Magic Dart: Strikes someone at short range with an impact comparable to a sling stone.
K / Marsh Lights: Creates a light or lights at medium range which can be moved around as you desire. Lasts an hour.
K / Sleep: Compels someone you touch to fall unconscious for up to half a minute.
K / Sounds: Creates a noise of the type and volume of your choice, projected from where you choose within line of sight, though it can't convincingly mimic speech.
Lesser Magics: More difficult but also more codified than petty magics, these are usually learned out of a book instead of being taught directly. Like Petty Magics, these are common to all the Colleges, and Priests can also achieve the same effect by channelling their Gods. Mathilde learned some of these, but not all, though she can send a letter to the Grey College requesting spellbooks for those she's missing (though if she loses them, she'd be in a world of hurt). Magic 1 required to learn, Magic 2 to cast reliably.
K / Aethyric Armour: Magic wraps around you and acts as armour, with effectiveness based on your mastery of magic. Currently as effective as a full suit of chain.
M / Blessed Weapon: For the next hour, the weapon this is cast upon will count as magical for the purposes of damaging creatures resistant to mundane weapons, such as ghosts.
Mastery - Blessed Hands: You instinctively channel Ulgu along any weapon you wield. Any weapon held by you counts as Magical.
K / Dispel: Allows you attempt to Dispel an ongoing spell within short range. Cannot be used to try to banish demons or unbind the undead.
K / Magic Alarm: Creates a silent alarm at a place you touch, and if any creature comes within a couple of meters of that point you will be alerted that it has been triggered. Lasts until triggered, or until you cast it at a different spot.
K / Magic Lock: Enchants a lock or bolt you touch to be impossible to pick or force open.
K / Move: You can move unsecured light objects around at medium range, and force equivalent to a shove at short range.
K / Silence: Makes someone unable to speak for a few seconds at short range. Interrupts spellcasting.
K / Skywalk: Allows you to walk on air for a few seconds, enough to cover about twenty meters at a run.