Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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"Many months of intensive personal training from a Elector Counts Champion who takes you under his wing" isn't really Miyamoto Musashi level insight.
Well obviously we should do it after developing some more Magic Knight a variation on the Take No Heed to make people we are fighting overlook and forget about us or using Skywalk to do anime style aerial fighting moves.
There are many people who can do that better than we, though many of those are Chaos-aligned or Vampires, and even if we were actually an authority on the topic it's different for each wind of magic and difficult to apply lessons from one to the other.
I mean, the manual for "How to be a wizard knight" is basically just [100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and 10 kilometer run every day] + [Have magic].
Petty Magics: These are the very basics of arcane magic, and are taught to all apprentice wizards before they move on to more complicated spells. Though all the Colleges hold these spells in common, each performs them differently due to using different Winds to achieve the same effect. Mathilde learned all of these at the start of her apprenticeship, but fell out of practice with all but Sounds. Magic 1 required to learn and cast reliably.

K / Drop: Compels someone at short range to drop something they are holding.
K / Glowing Light: Causes something to glow for as long as you hold it, up to one hour.
K / Magic Dart: Strikes someone at short range with an impact comparable to a sling stone.
K / Marsh Lights: Creates a light or lights at medium range which can be moved around as you desire. Lasts an hour.
K / Sleep: Compels someone you touch to fall unconscious for up to half a minute.
K / Sounds: Creates a noise of the type and volume of your choice, projected from where you choose within line of sight, though it can't convincingly mimic speech.

Lesser Magics: More difficult but also more codified than petty magics, these are usually learned out of a book instead of being taught directly. Like Petty Magics, these are common to all the Colleges, and Priests can also achieve the same effect by channelling their Gods. Mathilde learned some of these, but not all, though she can send a letter to the Grey College requesting spellbooks for those she's missing (though if she loses them, she'd be in a world of hurt). Magic 1 required to learn, Magic 2 to cast reliably.

K / Aethyric Armour: Magic wraps around you and acts as armour, with effectiveness based on your mastery of magic. Currently as effective as a full suit of chain.
M / Blessed Weapon: For the next hour, the weapon this is cast upon will count as magical for the purposes of damaging creatures resistant to mundane weapons, such as ghosts.
Mastery - Blessed Hands: You instinctively channel Ulgu along any weapon you wield. Any weapon held by you counts as Magical.
K / Dispel: Allows you attempt to Dispel an ongoing spell within short range. Cannot be used to try to banish demons or unbind the undead.
K / Magic Alarm: Creates a silent alarm at a place you touch, and if any creature comes within a couple of meters of that point you will be alerted that it has been triggered. Lasts until triggered, or until you cast it at a different spot.
K / Magic Lock: Enchants a lock or bolt you touch to be impossible to pick or force open.
K / Move: You can move unsecured light objects around at medium range, and force equivalent to a shove at short range.
K / Silence: Makes someone unable to speak for a few seconds at short range. Interrupts spellcasting.
K / Skywalk: Allows you to walk on air for a few seconds, enough to cover about twenty meters at a run.
A reminder that all these are pan-college. Every Wizard Knight has weightless armor, a ghost-stabbing sword, telekinesis, magic bullets, the ability to disarm people at will, and the ability to run in midair. Every wizard Knight.

And since these are petty and lesser magics, they're about as riskless as Warhammer magic gets.

We want smoke knights? Become a Magister Lord, start our own school of the college here in Stirland, and then teach them to anybody who can't manage to advance beyond apprentice or journeyman (which is a lot more people than make it to Magister).
Also, Lesser Magic explicitly says that Priests can get the same effect by channeling the powers of their gods. We can get smoke knights right now by just funding a serious Ranald Cult and being willing to train the priests in secret.
Also, Lesser Magic explicitly says that Priests can get the same effect by channeling the powers of their gods. We can get smoke knights right now by just funding a serious Ranald Cult and being willing to train the priests in secret.
Not evey priest of a god gets power though so it's really not very feasible to be honest also Ranald isn't very popular with the Empire remember.
What's Wyrdglass?

Those orders have already been sent.

Take command means taking command, not a great move when wounded and as far as I'm aware not part of the official military command structure.

We have our Marshall, our generals and the Dwarf commanders who actually rescued us. Let's not get in the way because we're trying to seize glory, no one wants to be that guy.
Well, Mathilde and Van Hal were directly in charge of the 4th wave. Having Mathilde show up and take command again would have a significant effect on morale.
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Well, Mathilde and Van Hal were directly in charge of the 4th wave. Having Mathilde show up and take command again will have a significant effect on morale.
Van Hal was in charge, we're the tiny but fierce and intimidating wizard sticking by his side in leading the charge. Morale boost from appearing, yes, but I don't think we'd need to (or should) take command. Morale loss if we take another rusty sword wound and go down. Anyway, we're sticking with Van Hal in the tent. Which I believe you voted for?
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Van Hal was in charge, we're the tiny but fierce and intimidating wizard sticking by his side in leading the charge. Morale boost from appearing, yes, but I don't think we'd need to (or should) take command. Morale loss if we take another rusty sword wound and go down. Anyway, we're sticking with Van Hal in the tent. Which I believe you voted for?
Yes I did, and yes we are.

I'm just saying that having a well-known personage in command after the Hunter-count went down would be good for morale, compared to having both hero units down in the first push.
Yes I did, and yes we are.

I'm just saying that having a well-known personage in command after the Hunter-count went down would be good for morale, compared to having both hero units down in the first push.
Well, it is sunny day, and the Dwarves did take the walls. I can envision taking wrathful shadowy action if Van Hal does pass. Could be many things in the shadow of the walls.

Stat wise, we're probably no better than average-to-slightly-better at command, with no actual experience. Or official role in the chain of command. Gustav and the generals might well balk, which could be disastrous.
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Between this and setting up some kind of coterie of ninja shadow knights, you might be in the wrong quest setting and genre... :)

It's already an anime setting with a wizard protecting the wounded witchhunter count against onslaught of gibbles. :V Negative universe's wizard/count shippers must be so smug now.
Stat wise, we're probably no better than average-to-slightly-better at command, with no actual experience. Or official role in the chain of command. Gustav and the generals might well balk, which could be disastrous.
Actualy our effective 15 martial for command purposes not only is solidy above average but more than enough to qualify as a marshal in stirland, wich means we have a good chance of being better than any army general, add to that how we all know why Van Hall organized things to bypass the current marshal and insue orders directly to said generals and I am expecting the update is going to include why taking command would have been a good idea.
It's already an anime setting with a wizard protecting the wounded witchhunter count against onslaught of gibbles. :V Negative universe's wizard/count shippers must be so smug now.
Not to mention this is the same universe that had scenes like Settra doing backflip, killing a greater daemon in the process then charging an entire army solo.
Actualy our effective 15 martial for command purposes not only is solidy above average but more than enough to qualify as a marshal in stirland, wich means we have a good chance of being better than any army general, add to that how we all know why Van Hall organized things to bypass the current marshal and insue orders directly to said generals and I am expecting the update is going to include why taking command would have been a good idea.
Even if our full modifier applies, which I don't believe it would, we still have:
- No official position in the chain of command. We are not part of the Army of Stirland. We're a wizard-spymistress adjunct who comes and goes as she pleases. Some rank-and-file may draw inspiration from the Sangerkritisch, officers might be offended at a slip of a lass muscling in. A broken chain of command in battle is bad.
- No experience in command. IIRC our first fight rolls at the barrow had penalties applied for that reason (or maybe the hand injury- either way, a penalty).
- We are wounded
- There is evidence we're not thinking clearly. Forgetting our weapons, threatening doctors. (Contemplating seizing command from experienced officers.)

For these reasons, I believe theres every chance we'd do more harm than good.

Anyway, the vote is done, nothing to do but wait, for both us and Mathilde.
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- No official position in the chain of command. We are not part of the Army of Stirland. We're a wizard-spymistress adjunct who comes and goes as she pleases. Some rank-and-file may draw inspiration from the Sangerkritisch, officers might be offended at a slip of a lass muscling in. A broken chain of command in battle is bad.

We are also the sencond most powerful and influential penson on Stirland and also aparently the last one to learn about that, we have more than enought status to take comand if we wanted to give it a try and we should keep that in mind in the future, one lecture was enought.

- No experience in command. IIRC our first fight rolls at the barrow had penalties applied for that reason (or maybe the hand injury- either way, a penalty).
- We are wounded
Fist ay more attention when rereading in the future that penalty was due to the training roll in the same update.
I don't know why wound penalties would apply to command rools instead of just combat.

- There is evidence we're not thinking clearly. Forgetting our weapons, threatening doctors.
That is caled being tired just after killing hundreds of skeletons and being angry at people who want to just stare at the deadly wound, perfectly normal reactions.
I don't think we're going to be much of a bodyguard to Van Hal. With our wound, fatigue and no busy work, we'll be at least half-asleep ourself.
I kind of want to read the Van Hal Quest version of this update.

Van Hal wakes up to find Weber Florence Nightingale-ing over him as hard as we can, which in this case mostly involves punching people until they do what we want. There may be a vampire assassin staked to the ground by his bedside. Maybe the one staked to the ground is a doctor who suggested using the extra tent space for wounded from the sawbones tent.
Dice Roller •

Here you can see a dice-roller log. I never ended up using it, but you can see Mathilde's original stats rolled in it, with Learning mistakenly labelled Intrigue.

Due to the importance of a roll in the upcoming update, I will have it on public record, rolled shortly after making this post. This roll is a coinflip, made in d100 format for the sake of tradition. 51 and over is the good result.
And you rolled a 3? Well that's a bummer.
Me too!


Though I note you retain an essentially optimistic assessment of the situation. Good to see!
*shrug* I maintain that any sepsis from some dirty old spear piercing the peritoneum should take a week or two to kill him, and if Kasmir can do magical healing then we're fine.

Unless it turns out Van Hal's lack of faith can be mined for drama by making Sigmar turn away from him or whatever.
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I kind of want to read the Van Hal Quest version of this update.

Van Hal wakes up to find Weber Florence Nightingale-ing over him as hard as we can, which in this case mostly involves punching people until they do what we want. There may be a vampire assassin staked to the ground by his bedside. Maybe the one staked to the ground is a doctor who suggested using the extra tent space for wounded from the sawbones tent.
Or how the "squishy witch" who got knighted mostly as a joke was found standing over your body, having basically taken up your Runefang to utterly fuck up the skeletons.

I imagine a few people might eat their words over wanting someone else.

Also, anyone else find it hilarious that the Grey Witch, IE, someone supposed to be lined up for stealth roles, using a goddamn Greatsword to fight?
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