Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a seasoned diplomat who can round up mercenaries for him.
[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.
[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.
While that's true, Khatep wasn't banished to go murder vampires, he was banished until he can actually straight up bring people back to life. And Khatep doesn't seem to have much problem with the curse considering he essentially did it to himself first. I think he looks at it as a stepping stone to proper immortality.

Fair however given that Khatep's motivation for opening Setra's tomb was to save Nehekara from being obliterated by the warring Tomb Kings we can infer that he holds great love for his country and his people, a country and people that necromancers cursed and defiled.
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@BoneyM How would the EIC work as an intelligence aparatus? Do we get options like '[] Poke mysterious disappearances at Stirland' or will it function like a sort of rumor mill from the usual CK2 games?
Hmm... do you think we could distribute this? Not as a part of the Liber Mortis obviously but as a paper on anti-Skaven military tactics and strategy supposedly based on our own insight from fighting in Karak Eight peaks? General knowledge from the Empire from Regimand was that if you really want to know about Skaven ask a dwarf and we have been fighting with them a great deal in reality alongside gathering an extensive collection of Skaven lore for our library.

@BoneyM would we risk any tracking of the Liber mortis back to us from passing this off as our own insights from the campaigns with them or combining them with our own insights? What level of insights would we get from it and would it be possible to get the through or varied modifier?
I am not the QM, but consider the fact that we know that higher-ups in the Colleges and religious hierarchies have access to close-to-original copies of the Liber Mortis, not just the Heavily Redacted Liber Mortis (Approved Edition) that seems to be fairly commonly available, and that they could have very easily made this information available if they thought it was a good idea.

Implications of that being true:
  1. Probably they don't want to publish the skaven stuff because it would break the Conspiracy of Silence, and they don't want to publish the undead stuff because it also applies to leading undead and they don't want to make necromancers more effective.
  2. If we start spreading the exact same insights out of nowhere, that is a dragon-sized red flag. They know they didn't authorize us access to that text.
EDIT: and Boney rated this Informative, lol.
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[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a seasoned diplomat who can round up mercenaries for him.
[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.
[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.
We can apply one action to many things. We can apply half an action to far, far fewer things, and it's not even guaranteed those things will always be productive.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.
[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.
[X] Introduce her to King Byrrnoth of Barak Varr, who would love to have a new distributor in the Empire for all the valuables from the East now that Death Pass is secure.
[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.
Also, this whole interference in his love life is a waste of Anton's talent and ability to provide benefits to both sides of the mountains. He's already proven he can handle himself in that arena after all.
Materiel is the word for military material because English hates us all and wants us to suffer.
While we're on the subject of our shared tongue being a cruel and arbitrary god, I would like to, as gently as possible, mention that while the past tense of "read" is "read," the past tense of "lead" is "led," which is a small error that has appeared in a bunch of updates (including this one).
Holy hell, Mathilde introducing herself in Khalazid is even more dwarfy than I expected.

[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

I'd rather take this, since it is still fairly fast (as to not take too much of Roswita's time), but will have some breathing room to interact with her.

[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings

Because Mathilde is the one who convinced him to take the difficult path of true love, so I do think she should try to help. Got some interesting people here.

[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.

Belegar would benefit from this, and it's a great opportunity for business.

[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

I've never really cared about the EIC very much, happy to drop it. Won't be upset if it becomes info network and we can pick up one more journeyman.
The issue with staying involved with the EIC is that Mathilde is under an immense time crunch, which makes complete sense, given her job.

She's a Grey Wizard, yes, but she's a Grey Wizard doing the job of Court Wizard to a dwarf hold a thousand miles from the Empire. Other Grey Wizards exist. They can pick up the slack when it comes to running spy rings within the Empire, that's their job, and they're probably vastly better at it than Mathilde. For one thing, they'll actually be there.

For another, we have so, so many things to get done that an extra action would make a significant difference to. Just next turn, having one extra free action to prepare for war would make a huge difference to planning. The same will be true every turn. It seems likely that the situation with Clan Mors and the great clans won't stay stable forever, and that we'll have to take steps to intervene. At some point the orcs of Black Crag will make a move. We're likely to have to deal with the Bretonnian army currently cleaning up the Badlands. Etc, etc. Each of these will. It also reduced thread heat if we have more discretionary options, as more people can 'win', and get the option that they see as critical into the winning vote.

On Anton, he crit-ed on taking Mathilde's advice. He's a grown man who isn't developmentally disabled. He doesn't need Mathilde to hold his hand all the time. We should treat him like a friend, not a charity case, which means letting him live his own life. As a side note, I'm pretty sure he was attracted to women, which was the whole reason we thought Mathilde had to save him from himself last time, as he was helpless before a pair of breasts.
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If the EIC does turn bad somehow and we're the last to learn of it because we were too busy gallivanting in K8P to spare half a action on keeping an eye on things, we can forget all about becoming a Magister Lord, 'cause it's not happening anymore, no matter how arbitrarily high we get our magic score to.

And if you believe the EIC will stay on the straight and narrow forever because of that one speech we gave at some point, you're considerably more generous about the human nature than I am.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings.
[X] Introduce her to King Byrrnoth of Barak Varr, who would love to have a new distributor in the Empire for all the valuables from the East now that Death Pass is secure.
[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

On one hand, I actually do want Anton to flex his diplomatic ability in K8P. But one another hand, I really do want to see Anton meeting with Panoramia and gushing about stuff like Mathilde misadventure together. I find them by themselves to be quite cute and combined together, we might achieve diabetic cute.

Aside from the whole shipping thing, I also do hope that this trip could help Roswita. It not only gives her some much needed break from Sylvania, it might also give her something she rather needs at the moment. Hope.

From the way I see, Roswita at the moment is not too unlike Thorgrim. She is actively hunting down her sworn enemy regardless of the cost to both her people and herself. She doesn't expect to see a long and bright future and it's very likely that her expectation is to die while trying to wound Sylvania as much as possible. Hopefully enough, maybe Mathilde or Belegar could help her reconsider her position and help her realize that rather than continuously hunting down her family's sworn enemy till she dies, perhaps it is a good time to do something else. Her father had given her a good opportunity to rebuild Stirland and that Stirland potential to grow is greater than ever before. What it simply needs is an elector count that will actually take advantage of it and Roswita could be that count, if she learn to slightly let go her crusade.

However, she does seem to be the stubborn sort and I have some suspicion that both the Sigmar priest and the Witch Hunter are not helping her situation much. Guess we just gotta see how it goes.
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Guys dropping the EIC means we have 5 flex actions a turn, you all want to research snake juice again? Well we would have much more room to incorporate it with any plans, want to learn spells but we have to many actions needed to be spent on tasks for belegar now we can.

Most importantly the flex action gives us the ability to intervene where needed rather than being forced to always put it on the EIC. Those worrying the EIC will be an issue again in the future well we can always intervene again much later were still and always will be the biggest shareholder.
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[X] Ride to Zhufbar, and take enough gyrocopters to transport you, your escort, the Elector Countess, and her escort. Fast, minimizes conversation and comfort.

[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a source of crossbows for the Undumgi.
[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a seasoned diplomat who can round up mercenaries for him.

[X] Introduce her to the We and the silk they produce, so she can begin preparing for the economic upheaval about to hit the unsuspecting Empire.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.

[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.

[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.
[X] The EIC is a tool that can allow Mathilde to economically intervene in all sorts of ways. She will wield it as such for the good of the Empire and its allies.
Honestly, these arguments I see for Anton's love life, besides those motivated by simple fluff, don't seem to get that he is not going to flipflop from his current position on things if he isn't actively handled, either by his own good rolls or our intervention. He's shown time and again that he sticks to his guns.
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