Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.
[X] Introduce her to King Kazador, the ruler of a Karak that hasn't been able to spend a single penny on luxuries for thousands of years.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.

Not the We and their silk, I think. That is a dwarven secret for now.

[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.

Edit: i changed my vote. Pretty good arguments all around.
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The Asp's Blood pays for itself in gains for us personally, the Colleges, and through those the Empire and its allies. And potentially more immediately the Dwarfs if we can get a Runesmith on this.

The intelligence network only benefits the Empire.
It benefits us, which can also benefit the dwarves. And presumably the College of Spies wouldn't mind if we built a comprehensive spy ring either

Does it take 0.5 actions to take actions that affect an Information network, and 0.5 actions just to passively upkeep the network even if Mathilde does nothing else with that network that turn?

If you make an EIC information network it costs you half an action a turn and you can choose to do one thing a turn with that information network for no additional AP cost. The information gained from it is a passive benefit but you lose it if you give up direct control of it and regain your half action.
I'm sure it doesn't work in the sense that it causes 0.5 actions just to upkeep the information network and 0.5 actions to expand it. Which is what you seem to be implying with your counter-statement.


Does it take 0.5 actions to take actions that affect an Information network organization, and 0.5 actions just to passively upkeep the network even if Mathilde does nothing else with that network that turn? Or is passive collection AP-free and only expansion/development of that network AP consuming?
He outright stated it will not be free. Which is what I'm saying, that we can't make an information network then drop the EIC personal touch and keep the benefits of the network.
If you step away from having a direct hand in the EIC, the information network will funnel information to Wilhelmina and the spy network will shift into an internal affairs type group. I know and understand the desire to want all information about everything everywhere, but if Mathilde isn't going to be directly interacting with the EIC on a regular basis it will not be simulated to the same degree it currently is, because the only way this quest remains a joy instead of a job to me is by very carefully preventing upkeep inflation from taking hold.
But he's also got 0 hate for the Empire, hates Vampires and Nagash and is currently in Naggaroth.
Uh. Why would he be in Naggaroth? And how? He'd stick out like a sore thumb. Plus, he doesn't have anything against vampires. He's pretty much motivated solely by ending his exile. And most of the people on that list don't hate the Empire. They just don't care about it continuing to exist and have goals that could plausibly lead them to conflict with it.
Not really much we can do for her all the way out in K8P. I mean, we could give her an intense one on one study sesh on command, planning and reading the battlefield (and leading) the Undead, a +5 isn't bad

But it's not going to Save Stirland either
I am hoping that it isn't an existential threat to Stirland but just a mind so caught up with death. Allowing her a vacation and see some amazing sights would hopefully do wonders for a stressed mind.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a seasoned diplomat who can round up mercenaries for him.
[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.
[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.
If it comes with an AP cost then it isn't going to inflate the quest upkeep too much. That's why I attach a time investment cost to a lot of things and start slapping hands when the inevitable question of 'can I have the thing without spending AP?' comes up.
Yeah, I mean, we'll have, for example, 8 wizards under us, but will be able to carry only two actions with them. It'll probably be cool to send more than one journeymanling on a task, if that's not much harder to write.
If you make an EIC information network it costs you half an action a turn and you can choose to do one thing a turn with that information network for no additional AP cost. The information gained from it is a passive benefit but you lose it if you give up direct control of it and regain your half action.

So we can basically build it for a few turns, give up direct control of it once we are satisfied with its depth, and regain our half action, while still getting the passive benefits from the network that's already built? Thanks for the clarification.
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The Asp's Blood pays for itself in gains for us personally, the Colleges, and through those the Empire and its allies. And potentially more immediately the Dwarfs if we can get a Runesmith on this.

The intelligence network only benefits the Empire.
The intelligence is our job. Mathide is a Grey Magister, and Boney's made it pretty clear in the past that the other Grey consider the EIC our responsability. As well they should, since we founded it and are the majority shareholder.
Even if it was not, having an intelligence network in the Empire is good to stay abreast of developments there.
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Uh. Why would he be in Naggaroth? And how? He'd stick out like a sore thumb. Plus, he doesn't have anything against vampires. He's pretty much motivated solely by ending his exile. And most of the people on that list don't hate the Empire. They just don't care about it continuing to exist and have goals that could plausibly lead them to conflict with it.

Khatep wants to end his exile and the only person who can do so is Setra who hates Nagash and vampires with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Even part from that I imagine Khatep would also have reason to hate necromancy and its wielders more directly for the great curse it worked upon Nehekara.
So we can basically build it for a few turns, give up direct control of it once we are satisfied with its depth, and regain our half action, while still getting the passive benefits from the network that's already built? Thanks for the clarification.
I mean... that's not what he said. That's the opposite of what he said.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.
[X] Introduce her to King Kazador, the ruler of a Karak that hasn't been able to spend a single penny on luxuries for thousands of years.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.

[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

Anyway, the impending sense of doom allows for some maximally awkward conversations as Mathilde pokes and prods to see just what bothers Roswita. Shame we didn't bring our Reaper apprentice along.
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But he's also got 0 hate for the Empire, hates Vampires and Nagash and is currently in Naggaroth.
Uh. Why would he be in Naggaroth? And how? He'd stick out like a sore thumb. Plus, he doesn't have anything against vampires. He's pretty much motivated solely by ending his exile. And most of the people on that list don't hate the Empire. They just don't care about it continuing to exist and have goals that could plausibly lead them to conflict with it.
He probably isn't. It's just that TWWII has him starting there.
No. If it isn't costing you actions, you get no information from it, period.

Would we have to rebuild the network again if we relinquish direct control of it, and pick up the network again later on due to changing circumstances/need for information/career path? Or is the network still running even if we relinquish direct control of it - but the information is just going to Wilhemenia instead of us?
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Khatep wants to end his exile and the only person who can do so is Setra who hates Nagash and vampires with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Even part from that I imagine Khatep would also have reason to hate necromancy and its wielders more directly for the great curse it worked upon Nehekara.
While that's true, Khatep wasn't banished to go murder vampires, he was banished until he can actually straight up bring people back to life. And Khatep doesn't seem to have much problem with the curse considering he essentially did it to himself first. I think he looks at it as a stepping stone to proper immortality.

He probably isn't. It's just that TWWII has him starting there.
That seems like a very sketchy source to be taking things from tbh. My guess is that he's in Araby/Nehekhara.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce her to King Byrrnoth of Barak Varr, who would love to have a new distributor in the Empire for all the valuables from the East now that Death Pass is secure.
[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.
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[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a seasoned diplomat who can round up mercenaries for him.
[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
[X] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.
[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.

Strategy - Skaven: You know the strategies of the ratmen. +5 to command and planning rolls while fighting or leading Skaven armies.
Tactics - Skaven: You know the tactics of the ratmen. +5 to command and reading the battlefield while fighting or leading Skaven units.
Hmm... do you think we could distribute this? Not as a part of the Liber Mortis obviously but as a paper on anti-Skaven military tactics and strategy supposedly based on our own insight from fighting in Karak Eight peaks? General knowledge from the Empire from Regimand was that if you really want to know about Skaven ask a dwarf and we have been fighting with them a great deal in reality alongside gathering an extensive collection of Skaven lore for our library.

@BoneyM would we risk any tracking of the Liber mortis back to us from passing this off as our own insights from the campaigns with them or combining them with our own insights? What level of insights would we get from it and would it be possible to get the through or varied modifier?
While that's true, Khatep wasn't banished to go murder vampires, he was banished until he can actually straight up bring people back to life. And Khatep doesn't seem to have much problem with the curse considering he essentially did it to himself first. I think he looks at it as a stepping stone to proper immortality.

That seems like a very sketchy source to be taking things from tbh. My guess is that he's in Araby/Nehekhara.
Just because he isn't out to murder vampires, doesn't change the fact that the hates their Creator and everything he ever made.
I really hope we drop the eic. We need those actions for self improvement and other concerns. With the eic action dropped we could spend an action a turn picking up spells until weve completed our list or any number of things especially as we know things are going to escalate here.

With Clan Eshin being nearby we absolutely need to up our A game.
Would we have to rebuild the network again if we relinquish direct control of it, and pick up the network again later on due to changing circumstances/need for information?

Attempts to 'juggle' institutions like this are likely to be smacked with all kinds of penalties.

@BoneyM would we risk any tracking of the Liber mortis back to us from passing this off as our own insights from the campaigns with them or combining them with our own insights? What level of insights would we get from it and would it be possible to get the through or varied modifier?

This is a danger for the thread to debate and weigh, not for the QM to give you a WoG answer to.
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[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.

[X] Introduce her to King Byrrnoth of Barak Varr, who would love to have a new distributor in the Empire for all the valuables from the East now that Death Pass is secure.

[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.
[X] The EIC is a tool that can allow Mathilde to economically intervene in all sorts of ways. She will wield it as such for the good of the Empire and its allies.
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Still not sure how I'm gonna work it. Idea 1: Ducklings count as a single employee until you finish running them through Wizard Boot Camp and you can choose which you want to keep. Idea 2: Magic Club type organization. Tea and bickies every Festag to tell what you've been up to, complain about any problems you face, and maybe have the Boss Wizard Lady intervene in your troubles or point you towards a particular opportunity. Likely to think of other ideas before it comes time to write it.

Idea 2 sounds good at this scale, might need revisiting if we have more than 10 wizards in it.
If I think of a way to make it interesting, yes, but until it gets name-dropped you've got no more reason to worry about him than you do Narlog the Inevitable.
*Panics about Narlog the Inevitable*
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