Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Great update Boney! It was fun to read both parts. I really liked how the Grey Lords felt just a tad off. Definitely less personable than Hatalath.

I'm personally leaning towards aiding the waystone project, but I'm not sure what that would look like.
I don't see the point in that. We already have all the magic knowledge we need for waystones. It's not like it will be difficult to hire Collegiate Magisters to handle work on the network, for the Empire anyways.

Help reclaiming the forest of Gloom for Ranald maybe, with a temple to go with it for his holy place? (Vlag boon for the temple)

Or a commitment to build a magical infrastructure project utilizing the power of the waystones? With all 8 colleges working together and all the magic of the old world to tap into, we could build that series of teleporting mage towers across the breadth of the empire. (Vlad boon, great deed?)

Full support of the battle wizards of the colleges in the retaking of nexuses for both the empire and the karaz ankor? (This might be too much for this)
I can't help but think that goes against the spirit of worshiping Ranald. He's not a crusade type of god. Also that's his daughter's hangout.

And the rest of this is stuff that the Colleges are going to do. They're all going to look into tapping into the waystone network themselves, that's invevitable. We don't need to spend a boon on that. Battle Wizards are already going to help reclaim nexuses because that is their duty to the Empire.
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Dang this is a tricky problem, I have to say a combination of selfishly selfless seems most appropriate. Something along the lines of a solid thrust to seize a nexus on our behalf, one that might be venerable to a small but exceedingly skilled strike force perhaps?

Then Mathilde could steal it's secrets research it for the betterment of all, especially the Empire. Purely for the good of all ;)

Also Seliph clearly doesn't know that necromancy predate the entrance to the Empire, he is viewing Sylvania as it's invention when it comes from Nagash. Sounds like a fun secret to draw a recluse into our web...
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I'd say trying to realize a Teleporter between our Tower in K8, Altdorf and possibly a location outside of Tor Lithanel (or inside if the Elves let us) would be a great reward.

I'm not certain the Colleges can actually do that kind of thing, but it would be both personally convenient and a possible example for future infrastructure to enable mutual support between fortress-cities.

Something on a personal scale might be possible, but there's no neglected 'win logistics forever' button just waiting for you to prod the Colleges into pushing it.

I want Algard to spill the beans. We have wanted to be able to make a bag of holding forever.

Anything based on liminal realms cannot make a bag of holding. The way they work cannot be adapted to something that can be moved around.

Is a liminal realm bound to a location.
Or can it be bound to an object?
If it can ve bound to an object, and the colleges are willing to fill the realm with a way to replenish air, a skyship could transport , theoretically, an armys across the world.

But i dont think liminal realms are movable like this, so i wont vote for a skyship here.

It's bound to a location.

Could we ask for
[] The authority to ask for a battle wizard operation against a nexus?

Yes, this is exactly the thing to do. There are plenty of random wizards plagued by apparitions. A deliberate and large-scale attempt to recreate Mathilde's success wouldn't otherwise be possible without buy in from the patriarchs, so now's the time to ask.
The thing is, Wizards Love Morbs. They're already going to devote a ton of time and resources into Apparition blood letting without us insisting on it.
Is a liminal realm bound to a location.
Or can it be bound to an object?
If it can ve bound to an object, and the colleges are willing to fill the realm with a way to replenish air, a skyship could transport , theoretically, an armys across the world.

But i dont think liminal realms are movable like this, so i wont vote for a skyship here.

Edit: throwing ideas at the wall:

A future commitment to Windherder research.

Investigation into sapient species to integrate into the sane realms.( searching for others like the we)

A research project with the hysh dragon to investigate how to achieve a deeper connection with your wind, until your body is more magic then material.

A project to steal as much useful, non-dhar, knowledge as we can from the skaven.
(use a combination of speak with dead,reveal truth, illusions, passion, talk to animals, talk local spirits,breach the unknown and foresight)
Yeah I uh. I got nothing. We kinda did this for the love of the game, with no real thought of reward beyond the fact of having done it. To me its like youre asking what we want as a reward for successfully making a really tasty meal for ourselves
You know what would help reclaim nexuses? Giant research/war airship that rains down hell from on high. We'll even get to keep it to do other stuff too! Travel to far-flung foreign lands for grand adventures. Sure we got the carriage but that can only fit so many people and there's lots of flitting back and forth. Time to bring the lab to the mysteries.
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We have a second chance at a mammoth. We should sieze it with all haste.

First, because having a battle altar would be awesome, and something really cool to enchant.

Second, because making mammoth battle altars standard helps the Empire. Basically, one of the big vulnerabilities of a battle altar is the classic vulnerability of all artillery: people getting close. A mammoth has all the advantages of a tank, without the long range attack. And a steamtank isn't reproducible.

Making Mammoth Altars common (or even existent) gives a frankly game breaking advantage to the Empire. For simple balance reasons, they shouldn't exist, but then we aren't trying to balance stuff. We want to tilt things towards the empire.

I unironically want us to start an imperial mammoth battle altar cavalry. It would be so, incredibly OP.

For those that want us casting Battle Magic? Make a battle Altar which allows for casting. For those that want an enchanted steam tank, this is very close.
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The thing is, Wizards Love Morbs. They're already going to devote a ton of time and resources into Apparition blood letting without us insisting on it.
Yeah, but we can ask for the organization/team working on doing so to be put under Mathilde's authority, and therefor any rewards that come from said apparation juicing would go to us.
The thing is, Wizards Love Morbs. They're already going to devote a ton of time and resources into Apparition blood letting without us insisting on it.
Maybe? Put another way, the question becomes, is this going to become a recurring stream of magical income for Mathilde, or will we be limited to only the AV our original box produces. Getting the intercollegiate project started ASAP, and associated with us means we get more control over that sweet AV.

The gyrocarriage is cool and all but it just doesn't have the same flair as a proper flying ship, not to mention being a mobile base of operations.
Yeah I uh. I got nothing. We kinda did this for the love of the game, with no real thought of reward beyond the fact of having done it. To me its like youre asking what we want as a reward for successfully making a really tasty meal for ourselves
yeah, every one did it for the flex

we didn't considering about the reward all that much

the fuck we gonna do with it

make a second College in 8 Peak ?
I can't help but think that goes against the spirit of worshiping Ranald. He's not a crusade type of god. Also that's his daughter's hangout.
Forest of Gloom not Forest of Shadows - where we found that ancient holy place of Ranald overrun by goblins.

They really need to stop naming forests as forest of "darkness adjacent thing" :V

I don't think the colleges really would be tapping into the waystone network. The person in the best position to do that, and who has the knowledge to do so right now is us. I don't think most of the other colleges have the knowledge or capability to do so right now. The jades and the lights are the only ones who would properly know how.

We'd be asking them for the wizard hours needed to make a large infrastructure project happen, rather than the expertise.
I've been trying to work out what the orb reward is going to be for way too long, so I'm passing the problem to you. There will be a twenty-four hour moratorium. Voting will be in plan format when voting for one thing from each College. Have fun.
Can a promisory note for proper showing of collegiate in skaven hellwars/silver road mk2 be secured or is this something that is not in their powers to grant since that would need emperor's okay?

Dunno if it's wise to put that many wizards near a dwarven campaign but on the other hand I do remember how we needed to always cajole someone and the response to that call has always been somewhat lacklustre so it feels like the thing to ask for a rainbow throng to march once the time comes.
I definitely want to ask for something at least somewhat selfish. Plowing the reward into furthering the Waystone project would be good, but it doesn't quite feel right to me. A flying ship definitely feels the most fun to me right now, but it feels like it wouldn't be that useful for Mathilde currently. Similarly the teleportation towers are cool, but the gyrocopter already gives us crazy continent wide mobility.
Yeah I uh. I got nothing. We kinda did this for the love of the game, with no real thought of reward beyond the fact of having done it. To me its like youre asking what we want as a reward for successfully making a really tasty meal for ourselves
[jk] Nothing. I simply ask that you use them well in service of the Empire credit me in all follow-up research and forward me copies.
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The Golds suspect they do. The Jades have a spell where grasping roots come from underground and try to pull people down, the Ambers have a spell where crows swarm the target. The mechanics of how those spells actually work get a lot easier if you plug in an Apparition that's already prone to acting in that sort of way.
The actual case is that all crows are constantly attempting to teleport to every location, and all the Ambers are doing is temporarily deactivating people's inherent wards against crow teleportation.
You know what would help reclaim nexuses? Giant research/war airship that rains down hell from on high. We'll even get to keep it to do other stuff too! Travel to far-flung foreign lands for grand adventures. Sure we got the carriage but that can only fit so many people and there's lots of flitting back and forth. Time to bring the lab to the mysteries.
Four years and seven months it has lain in slumber, but now, finally, my omake arises again in relevancy. It is time.
Aboard the Dreadnought Protector
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