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Also, Mathilde's already involved because some of those people are going to be taking shots at her, and shanking chaos cultists before they become a major threat to the Empire is kind of her job.

I'm not really sure where "OOC motivation" comes in here. The Everchosen is a known thing that happens, Mathilde has talked about it as a thing that she's prepping for, and both her personality and skills favor proactive solutions to reactive ones. It's not my favorite approach, necessarily - I think securing the Silver Road front so the Dawi can be freed up is probably the most impactful option we have in that regard - but it certainly seems fair to say this is a problem on Mathilde's radar and which she's going to have to deal with to at least a small degree.
Instead of worrying about the everchosen battle Royale and all that "end time", vermintide seems to me a less discussed concern. There quite a bit of good work to be done cutting down on the tunnels if not the lairs themselves. The underempire's great strength is its pseudo underway system. If a treaty is developed to foster cooperation between old-world nations in tunnel monitoring and management, that would be another project on the level of the waystone.

Map is from lexicanum. not sure how canon it sill is but the tunnel from Tilea across the ocean to Araby is crazy. Truly smarter engineers than dwarfs at this moment.

Skaven also just get to cheat.

When you're willing to use warpstone for all your stuff, you don't have to worry about silly little things like "hauling massive amounts of coal" or "actually finding geothermal vents nearby" to power your drills and pumps.
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We've already damaged the under empire a fair amount through simply making their correspondence readable to humans and dwarfs. This allows more effective evaluation of troop movements, internal conflicts, bases, tunnels, supply situation and Depots, capabilities both magical and mundane, current and future leadership and general plans.

Our translation project was a bigger coup then cracking enigma ever was, because at least the allies could read normal German dispatches.
Mathilde's unique qualifications are in assassination, diplomacy and experimental magic, none of which seem terribly useful in the overall war against the Skaven, who spend half their time killing their own leaders and can't be publically acknowledged. Unless the project develops some crazy new waystone design that can sublimate warpstone in an AoE, the tunnels are just too much hostile ground to cover.
Unless the project develops some crazy new waystone design that can sublimate warpstone in an AoE, the tunnels are just too much hostile ground to cover.
Interestingly enough, the Hedgewise can construct these enchanted markers called Fellstaves that prevent the type of creature they are attuned to from approaching it. There's ones for orcs and goblins, wild animals, undead, daemons, mutants and Beastmen. Notably, the Beastman variant is explicitly stated to also repel Skaven.

The only drawback is that the regular Fellstaves are physically pretty fragile, and burn out their enhantment in a month. But if we were to turn our focus, resources and some Hedgewise connections to making bigger and better Fellstaves, ones that are still portable in a cart or the like, one could probably plant them all about underneath the perimeter of cities and seriously hinder the Under-Empire's constant access to humanity and ability to assault Dwarf Holds.
I mean with skaven loot we did defang couple of their (very important) weapons* and give push to our guns so that Skaven would not have advantage over the Empire.

I mean Ratling guns and Lightning Canons both!, Skaven is in a bad time if they go against the Empire in the future.

- I think securing the Silver Road front so the Dawi can be freed up is probably the most impactful option we have in that regard -
I am actually interested in helping in the Silver Road. Aside from freeing up KA it also means there is no passage left that would allow invasion from the east. High Pass and Maddog passes would be weaker links but even then it is good odds to hold up even stronger Waaghs! if we play it right and fortify.

A united Border Princes would mean Southern invasions would be weakened before hitting Blackfire Pass, more soldiers for the pass if nothing else so either doing that or supporting somebody *cough*Gratel*cough* to do it makes sense to me.

Once the canal to Erengard completes Empire fleet can cover the shores and making a deal with Druchii to ensure they stop attacking means fleet can focus on Norseman and ensure no naval invasion happens which would cover west.

If we can come to an agreement with Brettonia with the Waystones so they support the empire in case of the Black Crusade Empire will be covered from every direction and can focus on the north without fearing any external threat.

Except Merineburg. But then again surely they would not be foolish enough to try anything? Surely not!
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Mathilde's unique qualifications are in assassination, diplomacy and experimental magic, none of which seem terribly useful in the overall war against the Skaven, who spend half their time killing their own leaders
That's actually a really interesting point... Skaven institutions can't be destabilised in the same way that just about any other society would be vulnerable to because they exist in a strange state of self-regulating chronic instability. Skaven are utterly used to infighting because their living conditions and culture actively promote it, so any power vacuum is treated as an opportunity by those beneath and rapidly causes the formation of a new power structure rather than any more profound systemic shocks. It's an oddly resilient system, born of the fragility of each individual part within it.

(Of course, there are weak links - most notably the breeders who provide the population necessary to maintain their society's horrendous mortality and replacement rates and with them the aforementioned unstable stability - but the Skaven know about those weaknesses and dedicate significant resources to their defence, presumably at least partially out of paranoia that members of their own clan might genuinely destabilise the whole system (and thus their individual power and opportunity within that system) if an opportunity for personal gain from doing so presented itself.)
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Mathilde's unique qualifications are in assassination, diplomacy and experimental magic, none of which seem terribly useful in the overall war against the Skaven, who spend half their time killing their own leaders and can't be publically acknowledged. Unless the project develops some crazy new waystone design that can sublimate warpstone in an AoE, the tunnels are just too much hostile ground to cover.
Mathilde is also among the foremost experts on Skaven psychology and language in the Empire.
How useful that would be in any actions against the Uner Empire would greatly depend on just what is being tried, but it is a qualification.
Also i would not discount experimental magic, nevenr know where you end up after a human wizard really gets going.
I pick up a piece of string and connect the scrap of paper with 'Widow-Maker??' scrawled on it and then walk across the room, ducking over numerous other pieces of string, to connect it to the section labelled 'Ancient Widow'. Then I think further, hesitate, then take a deep breath and also connect the 'Widow-Maker??' to a dusty corner of the room, where a section labelled 'Amazons' has a subsection labelled 'Rigg', which itself has a bit of paper next to it with 'absent husband?' written on it. Then I look at the other major connection to that section that connects to Rigg's daughter, and need to sit down and think for a while.
Well the thread is pretty slow for now, so I have decided to grab a few pieces of string and run with wild abandon around my own cork board, just for fun. Please note, this is for entertainment purposes only. Do not subscribe to any of those theories without consulting your doctor.

1. Drivot claims Rigg had a child with Amex, the elf God of wealth and happiness, but no one has ever heard of Amex. In fact Amex makes no sense as a name for an elf God, as the letter 'X' appears in no Eltharin word or rune I've ever come across. However, the letter does appear in a number of dragon names, among them Abraxas. Drop the last part of his name and you get Abrax, which isn't that far away from Amex if you think about it. Now, according to Deathfang Abraxas is associated with Iz. Iz can also be connected with Rigg - in the sidestory it's noted that one of the members of the Iz team smuggled their spouse to it which caused a bit of a scandal; this could fit Rigg being the only Old One referred to as female, and it explains why she was an outsider as she wasn't supposed to be on the mission.

According to a recently uncovered Eonir myth, Abraxas used to serve one of the Cytharai, and then Isha, and then he left Ulthuan. If that Cytharai was Mathlann, God of the sea, then maybe Drivot got things mixed up because of that, thinking Abraxas was an elf God because of his associations with Ulthuan and that he was a god of the sea because of his service to Mathlann. According to the same Eonir myth, Abraxas left across the sea to serve Rhya. Archives of Empire III tells a story about Rhya having two handmaidens named Vidagg and Rigga. Perhaps Abraxas took Rigg with him, and she too ended up in the service of Rhya? As for Vidagg, there happens to be a water spirit called Viydagg in Laurelorn, the very place this myth came from!

2. Amex is obviously an Old One name - golden plates tell of Inhamex, so Amex is definitely a sound that sometimes appears in Old One speech. This makes sense, since Rigg is an Old One. Why did Drivot mistake Amex for an elf God? Well, in the sidestory the Old Ones have 'deific interfaces', seemingly godly avatars they control. Those deific interfaces are not always associated with the same city as the Old Ones; Cd-3 had a deific interface associated with Qt. Assume that Amex was an Old One and a member of the Iz team, but he had a deific interface in Qt. Qt is associated with the elves, so maybe that's why Drivot thought Amex was an elf God. Qt is also associated with Draugnir, who gave his life to aid in the creation Widowmaker. Perhaps his was not the only life claimed by Widowmaker, and Amex too died to create the blade, leaving Rigg a widow?

Or perhaps Widowmaker claimed Amex's life for another reason. Iz-1 was a traitor, perhaps so was Amex, or perhaps he was suspected as such and killed for it. Yet another reason for his widow to become an outcast.

3. Rigg's manifestation is apparently 'said to stand at a menacing 9 feet tall and have blazing red hair and eyes'. Hag witches can assume the form of the Ancient Widow, 'a grey-haired monstrosity over eight feet in height, with glowing eyes, rusted metal teeth, and long, iron talons', but take a close look at the image in the Ancient Widow's wiki page. The hair isn't grey, it's red, same as the glowing eyes - just like Rigg's eyes and hair! The height fits, too. Rigg is also the patron of a female warrior race, while The Ancient Widow became the patron of a lineage of warrior queens, and grants Her magic only to females.

4. Kalith is, of course, Kalita. This must mean that Rigg and Amex are Shallya and Ranald, respectively. Shallya, the 'mother of mothers', is so called as she is the mother of Kalith which in turn is the mother of the amazons. In addition, Rigg's shrine is found on shores of Lake Lokka, which might be a refrence to Loec, who is surely Ranald. Loec is associated with Draugnir in myth, and Draugnir is associated with Widowmaker. Recall that we heard that Ranald got most of the Widow's siblings killed. Well, perhaps He also got Her husband killed, specifically with a blade made by Ranald's dragon buddy.

Now, Amex might seem a poor fit for Ranald, but think a little deeper: Ranald is associated with humor, and Loec was said to entertain the stars in the night sky, so happiness is a sensible connection for him to have. Wealth is likewise sensible for fairly obvious reasons, and also note that Kalita - Ranald's progeny - is worshipped as a trade God in Kislev. The sea is the stranget assocation, but the myth of Sartossa does imply that Ranald might have some power over the sea. And the fact that Rigg's shrine is near a lake should remind us of another water association Ranald has - His other daughter is the lady of the lake!

5. Rigg is the mother of Kalith, who is the mother of an entire race. In other words, one might call Rigg a 'many-times grandmother'. Perhaps you recognize this title? Yes, Rigg is none other than Esmerelda, head of the halfling pantheon! Esmerelda's symbol is a triangle over a line, which is surely a hint of her Old One origins.
Partially. The counters devrloped need a wizard, so while they are very effective there will still be battles they cant be used in.
The Lightning Canons counter is just a magical lightning rod. I feel like it should be possible to make that a enchantment or just mundane technology. Not sure how hard it is to quickly deploy lightning rods, but it doesn't seem like it would be that hard.
3. Rigg's manifestation is apparently 'said to stand at a menacing 9 feet tall and have blazing red hair and eyes'. Hag witches can assume the form of the Ancient Widow, 'a grey-haired monstrosity over eight feet in height, with glowing eyes, rusted metal teeth, and long, iron talons', but take a close look at the image in the Ancient Widow's wiki page. The hair isn't grey, it's red, same as the glowing eyes - just like Rigg's eyes and hair! The height fits, too. Rigg is also the patron of a female warrior race, while The Ancient Widow became the patron of a lineage of warrior queens, and grants Her magic only to females.
I'm pretty sure that's a red shawl over black-grey hair.
The Lightning Canons counter is just a magical lightning rod. I feel like it should be possible to make that a enchantment or just mundane technology. Not sure how hard it is to quickly deploy lightning rods, but it doesn't seem like it would be that hard.
Maybe, but that doesnt really get around the problem of there being very few wizards compared to all the potential uses for wizard labor
Maybe, but that doesnt really get around the problem of there being very few wizards compared to all the potential uses for wizard labor
While wizard numbers are limited they are not that limited to point that if a need appears that a general or a colonel can't request help and get it.

And if Skaven are lugging lightning canon around than they are numerius enough that collages would respond so it is as good as it is going to get.

The Lightning Canons counter is just a magical lightning rod. I feel like it should be possible to make that a enchantment or just mundane technology. Not sure how hard it is to quickly deploy lightning rods, but it doesn't seem like it would be that hard.
IT acts like lighning rod but it was noted that it was some sort magical lattice so it is not enough to get mundane lightning rod. Enchantment might be possible though, and would be a good idea.
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non skavens cannot meaningfully infiltrate undercities per Boney. They just don't have the musk capabilities to blend in.

Every small advantage then would have to do. A investigation of thr hedgwise fellstave project tying in the father could be very cool. At the very worst, we give something to Ranald ('s kids) who have been ostracized so far. At the best we have something scalable to secure locations against skavens and more creatures.

The quest's world building is reaching a stage where I would like more depth than width (yes to elfcation but not every vacation).

Side projects in settings we have a connection to (hedgewise stave, better rooms of calamity/neutrality for the battlewizards, Marienburg problem,etc.) can help the existing world become fuller.

What are some other "smaller" sideprojects you would like to see Mathilde tackle?
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I think the staves might work as a small scale "protect this house or outpost." But as soon as you use it large scale and for strategic purposes the skaven will turn to their own magic to attack whatever it is that is stopping them from approaching.
Perhaps if Karak Vlag does end up having Fire Spire books, we'll actually actively learn Kislevarin rather than tell ourselves to learn it later.
Perhaps if Karak Vlag does end up having Fire Spire books, we'll actually actively learn Kislevarin rather than tell ourselves to learn it later.
This is a likely outcome IMO. Despite our trait making it easier, learning it through immersion seems unlikely because we just have very little reason or opportunity to surround ourself with Kislevarin-speakers even when we spend time in Kislev (as we are this turn).
I think the staves might work as a small scale "protect this house or outpost." But as soon as you use it large scale and for strategic purposes the skaven will turn to their own magic to attack whatever it is that is stopping them from approaching.
And that'll expose their magic experts to attack when they might not have otherwise been. The Skaven have explosive population growth, but even they can't replace Grey Seers/Plague Priests/Warlock Engineers/Sorcerers at will.
And that'll expose their magic experts to attack when they might not have otherwise been. The Skaven have explosive population growth, but even they can't replace Grey Seers/Plague Priests/Warlock Engineers/Sorcerers at will.
Your right... But they do have a much higher population which one would presume then means they have a much higher amount of magic throwing skaven. And the empire manning every staff or improvement thereof with a wizard, priest or powerful enough hero unit to threaten said magic slinging rat is much more in doubt.

Again, I don't doubt it's useful for small scale camp/outpost protection. But used en Mass will just incure a skaven retaliation against the uses of the staff that will definitely threaten the conspiracy of silence.
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