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Honestly I am coming around the Dammarlichreiter. Like if we were to enchant something with it bound and put it Drakenhof to hunt vampires and necromencers we can even keep the legend going for a long time and spook vampires and necromancers in to leaving the city alone.

We might need to do some upkeep and maybe bind more than one to give the impression that dispelling it doesn't work but I am curious if being the patron god of a city would have any effect on Mathile. Or would Dammerlichreiter became a god in its own right.

Altough answer is probably none of the above. But it might be an interesting thought experiment.
[X] [RIDER] The Dämmerlichtreiter
-[x] with Mathilde's heraldry

Cat is losing, ranald is losing, and that meta someone pointed out about how using Mathilde's heraldry counts as a memorial to Abe who gave it to us appeals to me
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Honestly I am coming around the Dammarlichreiter. Like if we were to enchant something with it bound and put it Drakenhof to hunt vampires and necromencers we can even keep the legend going for a long time and spook vampires and necromancers in to leaving the city alone.

We might need to do some upkeep and maybe bind more than one to give the impression that dispelling it doesn't work but I am curious if being the patron god of a city would have any effect on Mathile. Or would Dammerlichreiter became a god in its own right.

Altough answer is probably none of the above. But it might be an interesting thought experiment.

I would love to be proven wrong but I do not think a Rider is smart enough to distinguish a vampire from a human, much less a necromancer. Now if we used one of the apparitions that natively attack dark mages I think it might be doable.
According to one school of thought, Apparitions are embodiments of the fears of the Wizards they prey upon. Under this theory the Rider in Red, which preys upon Bright and Battle Magic, would embody the abstract fear of having one's fate intractably bound to war, as well as the much more prosaic fear that on a battlefield, Wizards are usually the highest priority targets for cavalry.

I wonder what Wisdom's Asps represent under this school of thought. The fear of changing so you don't recognise yourself in the mirror combined with the fear of a silent assassination, possibly with a touch of the self-destructive and seductive allure of forbidden knowledge?

Looks at Mathilde's entire career.

It occurs to me that due to Mathilde making this apparition both her and the Dämmerlichtreiter's legend will likely continue well after Mathilde's eventual death.

And with the reverence of those Stirlandian peasants as a starting point, Mathilde may very well accidentally stumble her way into godhood.

On that note I do think we should maybe spend a social action (or normal action if that's needed) to follow up on the Dämmerlichtreiter thing to make sure the bloody Sigmarites aren't subverting Dämmerlichtreiter somehow and spreading lies about Mathilde.
It occurs to me that due to Mathilde making this apparition both her and the Dämmerlichtreiter's legend will likely continue well after Mathilde's eventual death.

And with the reverence of those Stirlandian peasants as a starting point, Mathilde may very well accidentally stumble her way into godhood.

On that note I do think we should maybe spend a social action (or normal action if that's needed) to follow up on the Dämmerlichtreiter thing to make sure the bloody Sigmarites aren't subverting Dämmerlichtreiter somehow and spreading lies about Mathilde.

Stirland is Kasmir's territory. If anyone is messing with Mathilde's reputation like that, he'll probably drop in for a quiet chat to point out why that's a bad thing, whilst holding his hammer in a totally non-threatening way.
Once we got the spell done we should probably get our hands on more of the statues and enchant them with the spell, then give them to certain people who could use it like Roswita and the Empress.

Since in their lines of work being able to pull out a pocket knight would be useful and help with the legend.
Presumably it's meant in the sense of destructive magic?
Hopefully, but given the potential for the answer to sharply limit what can be done, it seemed like a hair worth splitting.

I'm not super worried otherwise I feel like Boney would have been poking the thread about it much harder, if it were a true and actual threat, but it feels like it could come up. Even if it is the case it works that way I don't think it's necessarily an "abandon the project entirely" question since there's always the hope that a strongly resonant theme could bring it down to "Fiendishly Complicated" or that the limit could be surpassed by using an Ulgu domain Mathilde has solid control in. On the other hand even bypassing those limits definitely seems like something that could be a sticking point if we wanted, say, five of them.

(The even weirder possibility is that it might specifically prey on Battle Magic, but not Cataclysm nor Fiendishly Complex. So you could direct either one, or fifty, but not five.)

It would also be kinda funny to unintentionally continue our streak of not engaging in any Battle Magic outside our specialties by pure accident forcing us to limit the spell's scope.

Worst case scenario: Bring running shoes. Or a Cannon-sword, a Perfected Gold Fist-Wizard, the personal attentions of the God of Luck, and possibly even access to the Grey College's Room of Calamity (if we're still there at the end of the action,) You know if you happen to somehow have all of those on hand.

I do not think 'Battle Magic' in the sense you are using is a metaphysical quality. What is generally means is 'humans cannot cast this safely unless they have some kind of gimmick'.
Frankly, apparitions are weird enough in their tastes that I don't know where to draw any lines. A far as metaphysical qualities go is that the update theorizes apparitions are about fear. In that vein, fear of a spell you know you cannot and will not ever be able to cast with true safety strikes me as exactly the sort of thing the first paragraph of the update it was talking about with "the fear of having one's fate intractably bound to war."

I wonder what Wisdom's Asps represent under this school of thought. The fear of changing so you don't recognise yourself in the mirror combined with the fear of a silent assassination, possibly with a touch of the self-destructive and seductive allure of forbidden knowledge?

Looks at Mathilde's entire career.

The Snake's deal looks to be Ghur, Hysh, Ulgu, and illusions. Between those three winds and the spell theme, I'd guess it's something between the fear that you will never understand, or the fear of being fooled and lied to. (Hysh being, the clear and simple but wrong answer, Ulgu being the paranoid and overcomplicated answer, Ghur being either avoiding the mysteries in favor of more practical matters or the mind of a beast that cannot understand, and illusions being a the misleading answer.)
Frankly, apparitions are weird enough in their tastes that I don't know where to draw any lines. A far as metaphysical qualities go is that the update theorizes apparitions are about fear. In that vein, fear of a spell you know you cannot and will not ever be able to cast with true safety strikes me as exactly the sort of thing the first paragraph of the update it was talking about with "the fear of having one's fate intractably bound to war."

Sure it might work that way, but from what it says in the update I think it is more likely we are dealing with Battle Magic in the sense of magic that you use in battle, the place where you might be run down by cavalry, also the place you feel you are bound to as a magician. Mathilde does not have that fear. Indeed her use of magic in battle has always been an extension of her other exploits. I think that matters more than if the power of the spell goes over the unseen threshold between FC and BM,
I'd have felt bad about writing all of this (as well as, as always, terrified of confrontation)
Do you reward yourself when you do something like this that is hard for you but you deem to be necessary nonetheless? You really should. Like, deliberately.
Notably, there are no command crystals for human or dwarf or halfling or even elf:
Also none for animals. I find it quite cute that all the mounts of an attacking army (other than daemonic mounts and Squigs which count as Greenskins) are spared.
I think to make a vampire detector you would need a vampire to test it on. We do have all those skulls, but I am not sure how legal letting one of them regen for experimental purposes is.
I think that under K8P jurisdiction Gunnars is the one who'd have to approve it.
In other news, I've been thinking over Windherder possibilities that would lie in the domain of "feedback mechanisms." Most of them that come to mind having already been seen in one form or another.

-Regulator/Overflow control
As we see in the Auditory Seviroscope proposal, the force a wind of magic exerts can be used to trigger mechanisms. If it can be tuned to a particular sensitivity you could probably do all sorts of things with it. This sort of thing seems like it could open a spillway or redirect an energy flow when whatever it's reading for passes a threshold, etc.

Relating to the latter, One of the things noted with Elven Waystones is that they'll keep absorbing winds and making more and more Dhar even when they can't send it. A overflow valve might make it possible to stop drawing in the ambient winds altogether once the storage capacity is full.

-Multi-wind battery.
If you have something designed to store multiple winds in distinct segments you could probably use the presence of each wind to allow storage, or release, of the winds in a controlled manner, using the presence of each wind to influence the storage and release of the others. If this sounds like a Foundation stone, that's because it is. I suspect it would be pretty easy to prioritize discharging the highest wind or winds first, too. (Since the fullest tanks, so to speak, would also be the least bound by the presence of other winds. On a math and logic level it's basically just a "Greater Than" check.)

-Simple logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR)
In particular The Pancollegiate capstone looks like it's either a XOR logic gate (passing one and only one wind) or a NAND gate (passing either zero winds or one, but no more than one) depending on whether being empty counts as zero or Null. NAND and XOR in general seems particularly simple and desirable with the winds to avoid Dhar formation but AND logic would also be useful if you wanted to do something like remove at least two different Winds from a reservoir, but not less than two.

The bright side of the is that Pancollegiate Capstone being possibly an example NAND gate is that if you can make a NAND gate or a NOR gate, you can make the rest of them. Sure, the fact that there are eight winds of magic, and one of them is Ulgu, might make formal logic go a little funny at times, but finding out when and where that breaks down seems like a "you'll know it when you try it" sort of thing. Building anything like a modern computer is probably hubris. Going for Ye Olde 2010 Minecraft Redstone Doors though seems pretty reasonable.

-All together
It strikes me from there, that if you have a set of logic gates, a multipart battery, and a regulator for monitoring the overall system, then you could probably combine them into one for spells, machinery, and enchantments that do some cool complicated stuff. Spells that require more than one wind, Precise timings, variable rates of flow or steps to an enchantment... As long as you can figure out the valid feedback each step provides you can probably feed that into the next step.

Thinking about, it part of me is laughing. Of course the Windherder could make a logic controlled spell. A mass of spells controlled by machinery is basically what the towers of Karag Nar already are. Mathilde got the Windherder trait from a massive, semi-autonomous, multispell enchantment. From that perspective stuff like Seviroscopes and Waystones are just... making more of the same.

Seems fitting in a way, that the information warfare wizard might have a path to go into information technology.
In other news, I've been thinking over Windherder possibilities that would lie in the domain of "feedback mechanisms." Most of them that come to mind having already been seen in one form or another.

-Regulator/Overflow control
As we see in the Auditory Seviroscope proposal, the force a wind of magic exerts can be used to trigger mechanisms. If it can be tuned to a particular sensitivity you could probably do all sorts of things with it. This sort of thing seems like it could open a spillway or redirect an energy flow when whatever it's reading for passes a threshold, etc.

Relating to the latter, One of the things noted with Elven Waystones is that they'll keep absorbing winds and making more and more Dhar even when they can't send it. A overflow valve might make it possible to stop drawing in the ambient winds altogether once the storage capacity is full.

-Multi-wind battery.
If you have something designed to store multiple winds in distinct segments you could probably use the presence of each wind to allow storage, or release, of the winds in a controlled manner, using the presence of each wind to influence the storage and release of the others. If this sounds like a Foundation stone, that's because it is. I suspect it would be pretty easy to prioritize discharging the highest wind or winds first, too. (Since the fullest tanks, so to speak, would also be the least bound by the presence of other winds. On a math and logic level it's basically just a "Greater Than" check.)

-Simple logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR)
In particular The Pancollegiate capstone looks like it's either a XOR logic gate (passing one and only one wind) or a NAND gate (passing either zero winds or one, but no more than one) depending on whether being empty counts as zero or Null. NAND and XOR in general seems particularly simple and desirable with the winds to avoid Dhar formation but AND logic would also be useful if you wanted to do something like remove at least two different Winds from a reservoir, but not less than two.

The bright side of the is that Pancollegiate Capstone being possibly an example NAND gate is that if you can make a NAND gate or a NOR gate, you can make the rest of them. Sure, the fact that there are eight winds of magic, and one of them is Ulgu, might make formal logic go a little funny at times, but finding out when and where that breaks down seems like a "you'll know it when you try it" sort of thing. Building anything like a modern computer is probably hubris. Going for Ye Olde 2010 Minecraft Redstone Doors though seems pretty reasonable.

-All together
It strikes me from there, that if you have a set of logic gates, a multipart battery, and a regulator for monitoring the overall system, then you could probably combine them into one for spells, machinery, and enchantments that do some cool complicated stuff. Spells that require more than one wind, Precise timings, variable rates of flow or steps to an enchantment... As long as you can figure out the valid feedback each step provides you can probably feed that into the next step.

Thinking about, it part of me is laughing. Of course the Windherder could make a logic controlled spell. A mass of spells controlled by machinery is basically what the towers of Karag Nar already are. Mathilde got the Windherder trait from a massive, semi-autonomous, multispell enchantment. From that perspective stuff like Seviroscopes and Waystones are just... making more of the same.

Seems fitting in a way, that the information warfare wizard might have a path to go into information technology.

One thing that we had vague plans of building was an automatically updating 3D map of Karak Eight Peaks. The "3D Map" part is relatively easy - just have Mathilde enchant a MAPP. But having it automatically feed position data on underground Skaven movements in the depths, Orc movements from Drazh, and population concentrations across the Karak... that's more tricky, and those sorts of information control methods would be directly helpful.
One thing that we had vague plans of building was an automatically updating 3D map of Karak Eight Peaks. The "3D Map" part is relatively easy - just have Mathilde enchant a MAPP. But having it automatically feed position data on underground Skaven movements in the depths, Orc movements from Drazh, and population concentrations across the Karak... that's more tricky, and those sorts of information control methods would be directly helpful.
I wonder if we could tap into the waystone network to do that, but with the whole Empire...
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