This would allow us to convert dwarf favors to college favors. We are likely to get more dwarf favors than we know what to do with. While some want to get a super killy weapon we can only get that once. Unless we want to keep wasting dwarf favors on getting more and more crazy weapons.
We only need one super-killy weapon though, and then we're done*. If Mathilde is dead for the lack of one in a critical scenario then it doesn't matter how many favours we would otherwise be ale to earn doing something else. A very powerful weapon also makes it significantly easier to earn more dwarf favours which can be spent otherwise in future. If we headcap a few skaven or greenskin leaders every six months while knocking over their infrastructure then we should have a decent favour income. All that is much easier and safer if Mathilde can one hit kill pretty much anyone. Particularly given how well her spells and the Coin synergise with assassination, and even more so if she can kill quickly enough.
One of the best things we can do with college favour is get magic items made, which the dwarves are probably mostly better at. Of course, something like an item of Inspiration or Law of Logic would also be very, very nice, but our Dwarf Rep is probably high enough that many magic items would be more efficient to buy from the dwarves.
* Edit: Ok, maybe two, if we can find a Rune-Engineer.
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