Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Added: The three with the most votes will be selected.

Makes the vote a little bit less lock-in-y and lets people choose things they want to do now without it feeling like a commitment to that entire career tree.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
[x] You could help the Undumgi and the Ulricans establish themselves.
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[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.

Hooray for top 3 choices!
I mean we've got a source of Qhaysh we've done fuck all with, what the hell motivated that set of decisions exactly?

That shits a gold mine and a potential revolution for human magic use, considering Qhaysh is the only real equal of Dhar.

This is a bit misleading, Qhaysh and Dhar are on opposite sides of the magical spectrum, the first does subtle harmonious things of inhuman precision and the second is madness and destruction given form, it's like comparing an electron microscope to a hydrogen bomb.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
Once K8P becomes a Karak rather than an Expedition - ie, starting now - you serving a Dwarven King is considered an unambiguous good for the Empire's foreign relations, so they'll be fine with it.
Leading the Undumgi would make you basically mayor of Karag Nar, and thus able to tavern your heart out.
I think this is the future I want. Being respected and trusted enough by Belegar to be placed in charge of one of Karak Eight Peaks' peaks, and respected and trusted enough by the humans living there that they're good with it. Getting the nod from the Colleges to move in long-term because goddamn, that's about as prestigious a spot as any human will ever get in a dwarf Karak. Killing orcs and skaven as needed, but not constantly, leaving time for social and research. Maybe seducing some of those Ulrican knights instead of being content with romance novels. Being the highest-ranked magical authority around and probably called just "The Wizard" or something similarly simple-but-impressive by the tens of thousands living here. Having a position that lets us set laws for the glory of Ranald (taste the irony!) and which are fully respectful of those who get magic and ensure that no new-manifested mages ever get casually burned.

It feels like a good place and way to settle down.

[x] You could help the Undumgi and the Ulricans establish themselves.
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[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.

And some kind of advisory role, not too concerned which.

[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
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[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.

(edit: meh don't want to be mayor)
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Well, if that's the case!

[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
Back at Barak Varr, you had assumed that King Belegar had been promising some share of lost wealth or ancient secrets to King Ubarul to secure his assistance. Now you realize that the forgotten treasures of the distant past were of no interest to him. No, the King of a trading hub would turn his gaze not to immediate profit, but to his map, and to those ephemeral and unreliable strings that represented the flow of goods from distant lands. Barak Varr did not need payment, because with one less murderous hurdle between Barak Varr and the distant east, Barak Varr would profit immensely. Doubly, triply, quadruply so, since this new route relied on going up the Blood River, which only Dwarven steam-artifice could fight the flow of.
I have to say, I really enjoy the continued characterization of Belebro as being good at logistics.

Also, holy shit is K8P going to be valuable. Man, I didn't realize we were sitting on the WHF Silk Road.

Been a while, but regarding this option: [ ] You've heard that greatswords and greataxes are near identical in the way they're used, and you happen to be surrounded by experts in the art of the axe. Learn how to use one.

What would that do mechanically? Rolls to get greataxe proficiency up to the current greatsword one, or normal training with a synergy boost, or something else?

One of the objections to the idea of training into a new weapon, I think, is how many actions the original proficiencies took to acquire, so I'm wondering how difficult this one would be to pick up.
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Also, holy shit is K8P going to be valuable. Man, I didn't realize we were sitting on the WHF Silk Road.
Yeah, there's a reason why Karak-Eight-Peaks was second only to the Dwarven capital in might and wealth. It was the key stone for connecting multiple trade routes both underground and above ground.

The wealth that will be able to flow through here is going to be astounding... if they can protect the route.
[x] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
This suggests a future of investigation and study at Karak Eight Peaks, and perhaps helping Johann poke at Skaven technology.

[x] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
This suggests a future catching up on your pre-existing study topics.

Mathilde's done quite a bit of good in the world, made many great rolls, has had a chance to pick up/gain more traits, so I think now is the time to spend a while researching/training/integrating all our various options and take another level in badass before going back out into the world.
As for my 3rd option, while its probably not the role Mathilde will be best at, its the one I think will be the most fun and likely to provide her with the meaning/purpose she's been looking for so lets be a tavern-keeper/mayor

[X] You could help the Undumgi and the Ulricans establish themselves.
This suggests a future assisting Karak Eight Peaks, as leader of the Undumgi and point of contact for the Ulricans.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.

...There are so many choices here that'll be interesting but... I just feel like we'd do more good helping out with Eight Peaks and doing research so that's what I'm voting for.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.

Fine with most others, but I prefer this one.
[x] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[x] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[x] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.

I like these three and they have good synergy.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
No doubt this has been discussed before, but is there any way of enchanting a belt or some such that it can be used to cast shadowsteed? I dunno if it would be worth the time, but it is a very useful item for others, if so.

Speaking of, when we finally get around to making new armour robes with our mastered Armour spell, and whatever magic we need for it to be most effective, I'm think that even partial failures won't be too bad, there's probably someone we can trade the weaker stuff to if we don't get it on the first go.

Oh, and finally, I have had an idea Dunno how well it if work, dunno how many we could get or if there would be problems, but I wanted to float this: Explain to dwarves about how often poor wizard children fall to chaos because they are not found in time, (as I understand it, that's a thing). Then ask the dwarves to make quite a few simple runed items that do nothing but glow or something when touched by a wizard. Then the appropriate empire origination can have them in cities and towns depending on how many we get.

Another way to change change the world, I hope :)
I'm imagining the reactions of the Karak Azul dwarfs when they show up to see this.

"That was fast. What do you mean we missed all the best bits and Kragg is going home? And who's Weber anyway? Oh, I see. Well then. We'll just have to make our own fun bits. Because I can see there's lots of fun still to be had."

It was time for men to demonstrate whether or not their performance the previous day was a fluke.
Clearly it wasn't.
[Codrin's archers: 92+15+5(Atoning)=112.]
[Ulthar's archers: 86+15=101.]
[Titus' archers: 70+15=85.]
[Greenskin morale: 76+15+10(Reinforced)=101.]

While the magical duel had been fought, the greenskin assault had been continuing. With mechanical efficiency, row after row of Orcish attackers had been cut down by brutally efficient volleys, and only an expert on fletching could tell you which volley had come from which archers, so alike in speed and accuracy were they.

Not a single man pauses to question his fortune as his adversary freezes in confusion and terror and the sudden disconnect from the Waaagh. Each cuts down the Orc in front of them, and then the next nearest, and then levels their pike and charges forward at those that had a moment ago been charging them, and barely a scrap of resistance is met before they disappear into the Citadel and out of sight.
The day everyone kicked greenskin ass in glorious unison.

"Expedition's done," he says. "Could keep it going a while longer and throw more lives against the other Karags, but I'd rather use the current high spirits to purchase lives instead of deaths. The men..." he pauses.
The men are probably rejoicing like there's no tomorrow from the combination of tactical and strategic victory.
And down the line, I imagine the stories of today's high spirits are probably going to inspire more people to join the army or become sellswords and seek to fight orcs, alongside dwarfs or not, when they hear about how well it's gone here.

Now... Mathilde has a backlog to catch up on!
I want all of them tho :V

Really, I think what I want is:
1. To catch up with events in Empire, just to be in the loop and all.
2. To do some good research.
3. Create a spy network among adventurers and merchants which sprawls from Barak Varr to Cathay.
4. Become a Wizard Lord and get some Battle Spells (at least Teleport sounds amazing).
5. Help dorfs reconquer all of K8P. Dwarfs shall rise again! And they will remember that humans came through and were by their side, as their alliance decrees.

Looking at these options, I see a cross of "work with Grey Order enough to get Wizard Lord rep and learn Battle Magic" (meaning working for them at least a bit), "work with humans are Karag Nar", "research" and "work with Belegar".

[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] Join Karak Azul as they raid and scout in force the other portions of the Karak.
[X] You could help the Undumgi and the Ulricans establish themselves.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] You're going to have a rough time explaining your windfall to the Bursars. Better to get that over with.

Well, those are my preferences. But, honestly, I think all the options can turn out to be amazing in the end. So I am not even going to argue or try to convince anyone, everything is going to be fun.
Perfection. Everything about this update was awesome. From Mathilde spiking the entire Waaagh! Field to her talks with the Journeymen. It's like the dice were actively trying to make Mathilde come across as a grizzled badass as much as humanly possible.

Edit: and if Waaagh Bane is something relatively evident to the Grey Order, I imagine they'll be a lot more willing to teach us Battle Magic, if more likely to try and push us into becoming a Battle Wizard. Being Greenskin magical kryptonite is way too useful for them not to develop it.
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[x] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
Rare opportunity here

[x] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
Needs doing sooner rather than later

[x] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
Yay writing assistants

[x] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
Get in early for the best spot

We've basically zipped through the expedition timewise so there's no great urgency to visit Stirland and Altdorf. We planned for possibly being away years. Plus next turn we can maybe blag a ride on a flying machine for our flying visits.
They all sound good. The below 4 seem most interesting to me right now though:

[ ] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
Catching up on our current research topics. We really do need to do this, because we've got some really great things in our back pocket that need development.

[ ] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
Also really interesting. We've experienced a lot of magical phenomena in Karak 8 peaks, including several natural 100s. This would help deepen Mathilde's knowledge. I'm less interested in Skaven tech at the moment though. That said it could be useful for inspiration once we've got the snake juice down, as it is powered by solidified Dhar, where we will be working with liquid Quish.

For both these options, there is also the waystone network in the area.

[ ] Scout the rest of the Eight Peaks, to find out what other horrors are waiting out there.
This sounds pretty interesting. Plenty of interesting enemies down there. On the other hand less prestigious in terms of college rep, although that could change when the money starts rolling in.

[ ] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
Again, this is pretty interesting. It would get us a chance to potentially do more intrigue on factions other than orcs or Skaven, and would likley be another good way to pick up college favour for the journey to Wizard lord.

At the moment I'm leaning to catching up on our horrendous backlog before anything else.

EDIT: Just saw we could vote for 3.
EDIT: Approval voting for seeing friends again. Don't want to stay, do want to see them.

[X] There's a lot of prime real estate currently unclaimed. Stake out a prime position for a wizard's tower.
[X] Write a series of papers on the magical phenomena you witnessed. Or better yet, get your Journeymanlings to do the actual writing.
[X] Travel to Karaz-a-Karak with King Belegar for the striking out of several well-aged grudges.
[X] All this time away has made you miss your friends. Visit Anton and Wilhelmina.
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Voting is open