[ ] Plan: We Make Manufactories To Make Manufactories
-[ ] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[ ] You are morbidly curious about what has happened to the Eldar. By the time humanity had reached beyond Sol the first time, the Eldar Dominion was already
the unshakable titan amongst the stars. Had been, according to what they told, for millions of years. And was so still by the time of your accident. What happened to them? Wait, what is this mention about "the Dark Eldar" in your self-censored notes about the sealed Mechanicus files linked to --MAJOR_COGNITOHAZARD_WARP_ENTITY_4--? You had quickly skimmed over the part as not urgently relevant at the time. Sigh. You can already feel your shielding starting to fray a bit again just when thinking about it. Literally. (Learn what you can about the current state of the Eldar, and also sacrifice a (hopefully) small amount of psychic shielding to learn about the Dark Eldar and their link to Slaanesh.)
-[ ] Diplomacy (Admech):
--[ ] Time to construct yet another false report, yay. Thank the stars for your diplomacy and reality-simulation modules. Without those, you would be worried about the report potentially showing inconsistencies. Give just enough to satisfy Thalya, but not to raise her hopes further. Also, continue subverting those interested in your puzzles and lessons, and see if you can maybe widen the net.
-[ ] Construction (1100 BP)
--[ ] Construction slot, 1st
---[ ] 10x Manufactories (100 BP, 50 CP)
---[ ] Shield Repair (50 BP)
---[ ] Trade Goods, Aevon (50 BP) (stored 20 -> 70)
-[ ] Research x2 (400 RP + 10 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Research slot, 1st
---[ ] Blueprint: 100 RP - Medium Void-shield installation (1000 BP, 50 CP)
---[ ] Small-craft Stealth (100 RP)
--[ ] Research slot, 2nd
---[ ] Machine spirit jamming (150 RP)
---[ ] Brain Implants (40 + 10 Anexa RP)
---[ ] Blueprint: 10/15 RP - Anti-personnel Bunker (20 BP, 2 CP)
-[ ] Pay rent (Trade Goods, Aevon 70 -> 55)
-[ ] Anexa active Action: Research (Brain Implants) - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
--[ ] [Free] Write-in: Warn Anexa that you just found that the Mechanicus and the Imperium were right about there being a "corruption" that you both will have to be careful about. Because it is a literal warp-based cognitohazard, particularly dangerous to the AI, but even resistant beings with "souls" like humans and machine spirits can be corrupted. Your shielding took a hit even with all the precautions you set in place, though fortunately it caused only minor fraying and nothing got through, it seems. Tell her that you are hoping to miniaturize your shielding fit for human sizes at some point, thought this is currently far off in the future. Especially important if she is interested in the topic, even in how to combat it. Because you had to seal the information regarding this topic into a memory vault
. Just to stop your shield from continuously fraying from stray thoughts regarding it. Meaning that even during this conversation, you don't know more than the surface details for the very rough warning signs. You ask Anexa to promise to tell you if you or your tech starts to act weirdly, because it might save both of you if it comes to it.
Plan finished, with the reasoning to follow. The most major change when compared to Alectai's plan is putting, once again, nearly all of our production towards, you guessed it: more manufactories! I'm doing this because if we want an underground version of the Medium Void-shield, which will cost 3000 BP. Ten more manufactories puts us at 1600 BP for the start of the next turn, enough so that we can finish it in two actions and still have some spare from just that. Which will hopefully go towards more manufactories, so something like this:
Turn 10 rough draft (construction)
1st construction slot (1600 BP)
Underground Medium Void Shield (1200/3000 BP)
4x Manufactory (100 BP)
2nd construction slot (1800 BP)
Underground Medium Void Shield (3000/3000 BP)
(Potential) 3rd construction slot (1800 BP) OR turn 11 start (1800 BP)
And I want this before we start even dreaming about launching shuttles into space
or using a magnetic launch system, stealth or not. The kill-sats vere a nasty surprise, and we should prepare accordingly. A hidden void shield generator that can pop up from underground when needed (if raising it above-ground is even required for it to function) would go a long way to ensuring the integrity of our manufacturing site. Also, I want it underground because it seems like a big enough structure that we might have to worry it being noticable even while hidden with basic stealth if its on the surface.
On the research side, I'm somewhat counter-intuintively more interested in jamming instead of more advanced hacking. I'm taking this approach because I don't think we want to triggering the AdMech by trying to hack them
before we are ready if we roll badly and they come after us. But jamming will be useful immediately if we kick off a war. Also, we can hack them if needed, it just won't be very fast or reliable.
Anyway, there is a reason brute-force methods like jamming are used in wars. Something that is both fast and actually semi-reliable, if not as devastating as hacking if it does succeed? Very useful in crippling both their weapons and troops. Should also compound nicely with our other defenses against the Mechanicus. Jamming their kill-sats, even if only enough to delay their launches so that they won't be synchronized? Now
that would increase our survivability considerably. Electronic warfare stealth-satellites that we can flip on to jamming or use to hack things might be a good idea.
I also included a couple of write-ins, and would like to ask
@Neablis if they are ok (and if the above-mentioned idea for an EW satellite would work).
First, regarding poking the databases (including the Inquisition's files) on the issue of the Eldar and the Dark Eldar / Slaanesh. The second is warning Anexa about the cognitohazard that is the Chaos without actually (hopefully) exposing her to it. I, for one, don't want to be constantly fixing our psychic shielding due to stray thoughts inside the head of one curious bean.
Just give her a heads up that there are some topics that might not be safe to research at the very least
before we come up with some better counter-measures. I feel like we shouldn't leave her completely in the dark, because that doesn't really work out against the Chaos in the long run in most cases with people like Anexa.
Curiosity is something that the Chaos is good at exploiting, after all, and Vita now has the primer outlining their methods. Even if only on a very basic level.
EDIT: doing some typo correction and wording changes to the plan