[ ] Plan need a shell!
-[ ]Diplomacy: Shooshing the Mechanicus
--[ ] Alright, the Mechanicus is getting out of hand; a ground based weapons arsenal, weapon satellites in orbit, and a giant secret space station?! Good grief! Regardless, it's time to send your report and with your recent breakthrough in machine spirits that are more cooperative, you can offer the blueprints to them(with a backdoor of course) in exchange, you'll need some servitors and some servo skulls, explaining you lost some to a collapse when the rocks prove to be more loose than expected. You should also talk to the other enclaves to see if you can make any allies there as well as check up on your 'students'.
-[ ] Research (200RP)
--[ ] 100 RP - Medium Void-shield installation (1000 BP, 50 CP)
--[ ] Small-craft Stealth (100 RP)
-[ ] Construction X2 (1100+1100=2200BP)
--[ ] Medium Void-shield installation, camouflaged (2000 BP, 50 CP)
--[ ] Manufactory X2 (200 BP, 100 CP) Built at the mine site
-[] Anexa passive action: Education - Roll to level, difficulty is DC20 (10+5Xlevel)