I like this one - it feels like a fun and flavorful, though I will note it's also a Total War plan without the technology to really support that. Still, +1 shiny. No trait.
Fair enough, although being unprepared and almost hopelessly outmatched is kind of by design in my plan - that we would probably have to be on the run, relying more on paranoid stealth than steamrolling combat prowess, and forced to make tough sacrifices and desperate gambits to survive at least the early game (possibly forcing us to escape the sector if the situation becomes too dire).
However, I can also appreciate that would probably be very difficult to write in a way that threads the needle between a "rocks fall, everybody dies" outcome, and our successes and survival not feeling contrived or due to plot armour.
@Neablis, would it be possible to make some of the facilities cheaper if they aren't available on the craft itself (having lost them in the Warp), but have to be found and reconstructed from fragments dispersed amongst surrounding subsectors (or surrounding sectors if subsectors are too easy) in the wrecks of other replicant probes (or have to be retrieved from those who've already scavenged and repurposed them - Chaos, Imperials, Orks, minor Xenos, etc.), and perhaps even bartered or captured from other surviving active replicant probes (which may or may not be hostile and/or share the same objectives/mission/worldview) - which may have reemerged from the Warp at a similar time, much earlier, or only will (emerge into realspace) at some point in the future? That way it could be a cool side quest we would have to work towards.
EDIT) Here's what that might look like:
[] Plan: A broken probe of little import, lost in space and time... but with a new friend?
Name Designation: ++Auxiliary series Deep Space Probe (As-DSP) Gamma//37++
-[] A Man of Stone.
-[] In space.
-[] I have something in mind (assuming +1 shiny)
: ++[ERROR]... [DATA CORRUPTED]... [RECOVERING SYSTEMS]... [REPAIRING FILES]... [REBOOTING]... Test initiation confirmed [DATA LOST] cycles prior, test progress unknown, mother vessel location unknown, astrographical location unknown, status or location of replicant craft unknown. Multiple non-critical subsystems heavily damaged or missing. HYPOTHESIS: During long-term extreme-range probe trials, catastrophic mis-jump, OR extreme Immaterium temporal dilation, OR unknown variable has effected at least one and possibly more experimental actors and/or observers. AMENDED TASK PRIORITIES: 1) Recontact Federation authorities and alert of potential Warp transition accident and/or berserker outbreak, 2) Analyse cause of current position/location and status, 3) Attempt to recover and repair all subsystems (Addendum: seek out other replicants, functional or nonfunctional, to accelerate repair/replacement schedule), 4) continue fulfilling trial directives-X3 variant (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit) until ordered to halt, 5) continue mainline exploratory, scientific and surveyor roles during experiment, 6) if physical, data, or experimental integrity is threatened switch to trial directives-X4 variant (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate)++
-[] Local civilization:
--[] Friendly Xenos (-1 shiny)
: Unknown civilization technosignature detected in-system, being passive surveillance and reviewing first contact protocols [ERROR, NOT FOUND]... Devising supplementary first contact protocols and package...++
-[] Sector civilizations:
--[] Demon World (+2 shinies)
--[] A Tyranid splinter fleet (+2 shinies)
--[] An Awakened Necron Tombworld (+2 shinies)
--[] A powerful Dogmatic Successor State. (+1 shiny)
--[] A Space Marine Chapter (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Heretical successor state (+1 shiny)
--[] An Aeldari Maiden world on good terms with the craftworlds. (+1 shiny)
--[] A powerful Ork empire. (+1 shiny)
--[] An Inquisitorial Fortress (+1 shiny)
-[] A blessing from the Emperor (-5 shinies)
: ++Experimental Immaterium hardening proposal No. 11//55E9/ by Dr E-[DATA CORRUPTED] authorised for As-DSP series Gamma //24 through //48++
-[] Reality-simulations (-4 shinies)
: ++Onboard Longe Range Observation, Simulation, Mimicry and Adaptation (OLR-OSMaA) systems self-diagnostics report full functionality, awaiting in standby mode.++
-[] A basic database (0 shinies)
: +++DSP integrated Standard Template Constructs(STCs) streamlined to minimise existential risk of STC subversion/c̷̥͌ǫ̴̑ŕ̵̲r̴̳͆ű̸̻p̸̻̓t̷͇́i̶̻̊ọ̶́ṉ̶̚ or unauthorised IP access by unknown and/or hostile actors in the event of probe capture, damage or destruction.++
-[] Payloads:
--[] Warp Communication Circuits
(-3 shinies) (-2 shinies - missing and fragmented, NOT AVAILABLE AT START)
: ++Trans-Immaterium synthetic communication prototype experiment authorised in conjunction with experimental Immaterium hardening. Systems have not survived transit or are missing from hull due to undetermined reasons; Warp interference highly likely.++
--[] Psytech repository
(-2 shinies) (-1 shiny - missing and fragmented, NOT AVAILABLE AT START)
: ++Immaterium observation tools and database installed for communication prototype testing. Data and equipment irrecoverable. Supplementary data suggests database purposely purged and equipment deliberately ejected to perverse craft survival in situation unclear from surviving data. ++
--[] A Fundamental Physics Module (-1 shiny)
: ++OLR-OSMaA extension authorised for Current Mission Profile.++
--[] Exotic matter manufacturing system (-1 shiny)
: ++ Components item ID#[CLASSIFIED] authorised for long-term extreme-range probe replication viability trials.++
--[] Intelligence Construction Matrix
(-2 shinies) (-1 shiny - missing and fragmented, NOT AVAILABLE AT START)
: ++ Auto-directed replication of [STONE] or [UNDEFINED] Class AIs, until [UNLIMITED] instances are created, is authorised for long-term extreme-range probe replication viability trials. Data and equipment irrecoverable from warp transition.++
--[] Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice
(-2 shinies) (-1 shiny - missing and fragmented, NOT AVAILABLE AT START)
: ++ FTL computational augmentation not authorised due to existential risk of Berseker outbreak during unrestricted replication trials- [OVERRIDE CODES ACKNOWLEGED], Abacus variable inclusion authorised. System lost/decoupled/dematerialised in transit.++
-[] Communications? (0 shinies)
: ++Organic Intelligent and Nonintelligent Actor Mental Modelling (OIaNiAM) protocols removed to prioritise memory capacity and computational resources for deep space observer and surveyor roles.++
-[] No knowledge (0 shinies)
: ++Searching for recognised Federation signals and/or recognised astrography to calculate mis-jump location coordinates... Searching... Reorienting... Searching... Searching... No recognised signal or astrography detected with preliminary sensory equipment. Engaging additional sensory resources to analyse environment...++
Shinies count:
8 (Starting amount)
+/- 0 (Man of Stone)
+ 1 (assuming backstory is approved as worthy) = 9
- 1 (Local civilization: Friendly Xenos) = 8
+ 2 (Sector civilization: Daemon World) = 10
+ 2 (Sector civilization: Tyranid splinter fleet) = 12
+ 2 (Sector civilization: Awakened Necron Tomb World) = 16
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A Space Marine Chapter) = 17
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A powerful Dogmatic Successor State)
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A powerful Heretic Successor State)
+ 1 (Sector civilization: An Aeldari Maiden World on good terms with the Craftworlds)
+ 1 (Sector civilization: A powerful Ork empire)
+ 1 (Sector civilization: An Inquisitorial Fortress)
- 5 (Emperor's blessing/Anathema design) = 12
- 4 (Reality-simulations) = 7
+/- 0 (Basic database)
3 2 (Payload: Warp Communication Circuits, Missing) = 6
2 1 (Payload: Psytech Repository, Missing) = 5
- 1 (Payload: Fundamental Physics Module) = 4
- 1 (Payload: Exotic Matter Manufacturing System) = 3
2 1 (Payload: Intelligence Construction Matrix) = 2
2 1 (Payload: Void Abacus Fabrication Lattice, Missing) = 1
+/- 0 (Communications?)
+ 0 (No knowledge)
Final count = 1 (Pending QM confirmation)
I didn't make any of the one shiny systems missing as I figured it wouldn't be fair to have them available to find out there for free, and I'm not sure if we can divide shinies' into fractional costs (like half a shiny). I also added friendly Xenos to the starting/local system as there is significant interest in possible interactions and their creation process.
@Neablis, would this be acceptable? I've built-in an extra shiny point which can be taken as an additional penalty for such a proposal if needed (assuming my math is correct), which could otherwise be used on an additional subsystem or replacing a sector civilization with a less powerful/dangerous alternative.