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Does no one see a massive issue with setting 90% of the planet on fire? Both ecologically, and from the perspective of the civvies health from burning it all?
Do you need to phrase your objection to one plan as an accusation against everyone in the thread?
Ah, I didn't see that.

Yes. Drop pods are something you launch from a ship, they need specialized infrastructure (which also builds the pods). You'd need to first research boarding capabilities, then build them to launch troops with them.
Which we could presumably do with the repair bay refit, but would need to be planned in.
Ah, I didn't see that.

Yes. Drop pods are something you launch from a ship, they need specialized infrastructure (which also builds the pods). You'd need to first research boarding capabilities, then build them to launch troops with them.

Which we could presumably do with the repair bay refit, but would need to be planned in.
We'd also need something worth 100 BP to replace. Due to cramming.
Hey I didn't mention a Bias Drive that alters the gravitational constant around the ship! I'm more interested in just a Pitch Drive or a Diametric Drive. Find or make some stuff with some negative mass (a psyker could turn a large amount of lead into stable/permanent negative mass lead, and that would work fine too, but yea you might need a clarketech late-daot reactor to make the stuff otherwise), make sure you have the right negative mass to positive mass ratios in your ship, the negative mass chases the positive mass parts and you are good to go! You just pump the negative mass through pipes all around the ship to rotate, accelerate, decelerate, maneuver, etc. This design is a really big deal because you can put all the stuff that makes the ship go *underneath the armor*. You don't even need to actively adjust the inertial mass of things like in Mass Effect, you just need a stable supply of the stuff, and it will work this way according to the laws of physics. Negative Mass is also useful for things like stabilizing or enlarging natural tiny wormholes, making FTL alcubierre drives, and the like, provided you can get a Jupiter mass of the stuff. Besides, the Casimir effect may indicate that negative mass particles do exist or can be created, as part of actual physics. Anyway, with this clarification for what I was asking about, does that change where things might be, or whether they would require a crit?

Hey @Neablis I'm still interested in a new reply to my reply to your reply, lol. I think you missed it, what with the update.
I first stated that preference with reasons here, then defended it here.
I missed your earlier posts, so thanks for linking again. That convinces me of the utility of focus, so I'll add it to my approval vote.

Neablis asked us to leave bots with Quorath only in increments of 1k.
It's probably excusable for the ones we do not have a full 1k, but not for the Heavy bots where we do.

Also iirc Cia can't be both training and be part of the assault.
And correct - Cia can't both be training and part of the assault in a big way. If this vote wins she'll probably spend most of her time training and that will determine her roll, while she'll only be present for the operation a little bit. @Nightlord256 in case you want to edit.
Thanks for catching that @LightLan. My preference is to keep her attached to the operation, so I will take her off training unless I hear a large preference otherwise.

Let's see. Light bots, 25 BP, humanized & machine-spirit jammers, 50 bp total yup, Machine spirits +25 BP, stealth +13 yes.

Looks good to me! There's a slight risk of a low roll on ground force stealth causing Problems, but I'll probably just find something else to penalize if you roll low. Besides, surely the crappy research rolls can't continue forever?
Excellent! I'm hopeful that the extra RP budget for adding the active stealth will carry the design across the finish line if necessary.

It is not. I've made that edit to the threadmark. It is also an approval vote, so feel free to vote for several options.
Thanks, that is very helpful.

@Nightlord256 could you give me a quote that this research is about stealth for ground forces, if those exist?
I think this was mostly answered, but the the tech is spoiled below for anyone that is curious:

Just deflecting away and hiding your signature only helps so much. Then next step is to overlay a hologram over your small craft to make them effectively invisible, and even counter passive sensors. It'll still be a hazy outline, but this is the path towards being able to close to actual combat ranges unobserved (Unlocks improved stealth designs for actively hiding signatures, though they will be expensive. Unlocks further research for improved active stealth, and will synergize with other stealth research.
Tanks show up pretty well on scanners, and it would be nice to change that. You might also be able to make your bots hide better. (Unlocks new design options for tanks and ground forces that are less obvious. Unlocks further research towards better ground force stealth. Will be able to take advantage of some other stealth technologies.)

edit: and to save anyone from digging for that answer - Neablis confirmed that ground force stealth will allow Passive and Active stealth to be added to ground forces. They might be two separate modifications which is why my plan has a conditional budget of RP/BP to add this.
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@Nightlord256 could I perhaps persuade you to change Anexa's research action over to ether Faith is my shield?, Large-scale Machine spirits, Machine Spirit Shipboard Manufactories or Machine Spirit Chaos resistance as a 25RP item is a bit of a waste of the 95RP she produces per turn.
Hmmm. I was more assuming that "passive and active stealth (and possibly some more exotic versions) play well together", not that it would automatically unlock other forms of stealth for our ground forces too after their respective tech is researched. Thanks, this has potentially clarified things for me if it is so, but just to make sure:

@Neablis? Will Ground Force Stealth incorporate both the passive stealth we've already unlocked and the active stealth tech that the leading plan is finishing (and maybe more than just them)?

Ironically, I had the exact same response, noticed the groundforce stealth tech was present, and then deleted my post cause I didn't feel like it added anything to the conversation. XD
@Nightlord256 could I perhaps persuade you to change Anexa's research action over to ether Faith is my shield?, Large-scale Machine spirits, Machine Spirit Shipboard Manufactories or Machine Spirit Chaos resistance as a 25RP item is a bit of a waste of the 95RP she produces per turn.
The plan still uses the full 95RP, the assignment is only where to give Anexa's +10 specialization bonus (or to try for a new one)
The plan still uses the full 95RP, the assignment is only where to give Anexa's +10 specialization bonus (or to try for a new one)
Well when I asked this:
Is this correct @Neablis can Anexa and her tech priests only be assigned one item per turn?
about just this sort of thing Neablis said:
Yes, given the associate roll will determine if she levels up. I might narratively have her spread her effort, but mechanically she must be focused on one thing.
so I've been assuming that her RP can only be applied to one thing ever since and now I'm confused.
Are we voting for Cia separate from the plans? Really wish the beach episode plan had Faith is my Shield?
This is the perfect place to begin developing a healthy anti-chaos, anti-imperium faith/philosophy.
Are we voting for Cia separate from the plans? Really wish the beach episode plan had Faith is my Shield?
This is the perfect place to begin developing a healthy anti-chaos, anti-imperium faith/philosophy.
Beach Episode doesn't have that much loose RP unless you prioritize faith over terraforming, which I sure wouldn't. It's a 1-research plan that calls for two researches feeding into a new design to be used immediately.
Beach Episode doesn't have that much loose RP unless you prioritize faith over terraforming, which I sure wouldn't. It's a 1-research plan that calls for two researches feeding into a new design to be used immediately.
Could do it in place of Combat Neural Implants, which has less immediate applicability, and the overflow to Intelligence Coding, which has even less.

@Nightlord256 won't you consider it? Faith is my Shield? is really important to get now so we can know whether it is feasible to run one or more positive faith projects here, and whether it would need more research.
Could do it in place of Combat Neural Implants, which has less immediate applicability, and the overflow to Intelligence Coding, which has even less.

@Nightlord256 won't you consider it? Faith is my Shield? is really important to get now so we can know whether it is feasible to run one or more positive faith projects here, and whether it would need more research.
Eh. I don't think it's a terrible idea, but the choice was made to start chipping on IC for a reason - and with sending Cia on an operation into a functional imperial defense system, those implants could actually be quite important.

As far as faith experiments go, the diplomacy option in the plan explores that from the other end, so Plan: Beach Episode isn't actually stalled on it. With no chaos presence in the system and no unrest we need to mitigate, the anthropological study setup is a nice to have rather than an extension of something arguably key to success, like it was on Vorthryn.

Vorthryn is of course where I first pitched running a long-term anthropological experiment as a followup to Faith, and that's still something we can do there - the ship is big enough to have, and does have, separate communities within it even besides the stations which are completely isolated populations analogous to the island nations we see on Caldereth.

Which, like, don't get me wrong Caldereth has advantages for such a study, sure, but it's not a unique opportunity we'd be missing out on, and the payoff is itself a longer term prospect.

Faith Is My Shield is not pressing for this turn nor is Caldereth a pressing or unique opportunity for testing it, is what I'm getting at. The opportunity can be substituted quite easily over the course of our existing travel plans - just drop the faith tech off with Vorthryn alongside the fixed mech ag on our way back to Denva.

Anyways, for comparison:

I've spent a fair bit of time on discussing Intelligence Coding's benefits and what we're probably missing out on for having put it off. Neablis has reaffirmed that it can discount MS Hallucinations and will lead to RP generation research of its own, to repeat one particularly key finding.

It's also how we find out if Vita has any corruption points - The action itself is about studying her own code, after all, so that's how and where we'd find out. We may have ruled out issues from Bongo's adventures, but the initial catastrophe that wrecked her ship... not so much. It's a niche benefit, but a benefit all the same.

You have a draw a line somewhere for determining when making progress towards achieving a major long term efficiency outweighs an immediate benefit if you want to ever achieve the former, and particularly when combined with the much more important work towards Cia's safety that would also have to be discarded I think that line has clearly been met to favor Intelligence Coding over Faith is My Shield this turn.
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Faith is my shield seems necessary for the simple fact that we cannot scale psyshield protection to cover populations. Having a tool that can cover 10 million people instead of 10 seems useful.

Terraforming is useful because in the future when we rock up to a planet that is having problems, we won't have to do build or research to know what our fix-it options and costs are.

Warp comms is needed unless we are going to bring all our manufacturing with us as we travel. But depending on bandwidth (a few bytes per minute, if we judge by astropathic choirs?) we'll need child AIs to be able to run the manufacturing we leave behind. Can't remote pilot bots via smoke signal.

Demonology seems like it is addressing a problem we don't actually have yet. Same as Nova Cannons.
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