Could do it in place of Combat Neural Implants, which has less immediate applicability, and the overflow to Intelligence Coding, which has even less.
@Nightlord256 won't you consider it? Faith is my Shield? is really important to get now so we can know whether it is feasible to run one or more positive faith projects here, and whether it would need more research.
Eh. I don't think it's a terrible idea, but the choice was made to start chipping on IC for a reason - and with sending Cia on an operation into a functional imperial defense system, those implants could actually be quite important.
As far as faith experiments go, the diplomacy option in the plan explores that from the other end, so Plan: Beach Episode isn't actually stalled on it. With no chaos presence in the system and no unrest we need to mitigate, the anthropological study setup is a nice to have rather than an extension of something arguably key to success, like it was on Vorthryn.
Vorthryn is of course where I first pitched running a long-term anthropological experiment as a followup to Faith, and that's still something we can do there - the ship is big enough to have, and does have, separate communities within it even besides the stations which are
completely isolated populations analogous to the island nations we see on Caldereth.
Which, like, don't get me wrong Caldereth has advantages for such a study, sure, but it's not a unique opportunity we'd be missing out on, and the payoff is itself a longer term prospect.
Faith Is My Shield is not pressing for this turn nor is Caldereth a pressing or unique opportunity for testing it, is what I'm getting at. The opportunity can be substituted quite easily over the course of our existing travel plans - just drop the faith tech off with Vorthryn alongside the fixed mech ag on our way back to Denva.
Anyways, for comparison:
I've spent a fair bit of time on discussing Intelligence Coding's benefits and what we're probably missing out on for having put it off. Neablis has reaffirmed that it can discount MS Hallucinations and
will lead to RP generation research of its own, to repeat one particularly key finding.
It's also how we find out if Vita has any corruption points - The action itself is about studying her own code, after all, so that's how and where we'd find out. We may have ruled out issues from Bongo's adventures, but the initial catastrophe that wrecked her ship... not so much. It's a niche benefit, but a benefit all the same.
You have a draw a line somewhere for determining when making progress towards achieving a major long term efficiency outweighs an immediate benefit if you want to ever achieve the former, and particularly when combined with the much more important work towards Cia's safety that would also have to be discarded I think that line has clearly been met to favor Intelligence Coding over Faith is My Shield this turn.