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Also, 1 turn is much, much longer than Star Trek spends on any one planet, though...we often don't feel that scale and given our information loop reducing times so far would be hard. As a humanitarian concern, though, there are even less people here than in the last place and their situation may be slowly improving rather than collapsing. It's a nice chance to intervene, but a relatively weak imperative.
In like, 80 full turns, yes. Although I'm fairly sure that irritant, given the sheer magnitude of the quantities, will accumulate in the atmosphere until even the masks cannot handle it and mere skin exposure is painful, likely eventually deadly. Keep in mind we have little biology knowledge and nothing on terraforming, so Vita isn't a reliable narrator in her analysis, especially with the complexities involved.

Point being, it makes more sense to fix it here and now instead of leaving it to a nebulous later. We aren't in a rush or on a schedule here, but we might be next time.

Especially since the likelihood we come back this way soon is low. I suspect after Denva, we'll explore one of the other branches, or maybe we'll do one more short circuit, who knows? But I doubt in that case it will be more than a brief stint and certainly not enough to fix things.
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The most time efficient thing to do is what my plan is doing - using the Spark's megascale weaponry to do controlled burns of the surface mats. Should dent the problem for at least a few decades.
The most time efficient thing to do is what my plan is doing - using the Spark's megascale weaponry to do controlled burns of the surface mats. Should dent the problem for at least a few decades.

The problem is oxygen depletion, and burning things requires oxygen. It's entirely possible this just extends the duration of the problem.

[X] Plan: Vacation in Ocean Hell

[X][Cia] Focus
[x] Plan: Beach Episode

Sure why not. I also want Cia to learn Holocaust at some point so:

[x] [Cia] Focus

Also can someone tell me if my old posts about Navigators got used in the newest round of discussion about their powerset?
@Neablis how much will drop pods cost to build? need to adjust my plan for their BP.
If you're talking about doing the boarding tech research then you'll probably unlock a 100-bp weapon that lets you drop 5000 troops at once to a planetary surface?

But that's not what you're talking about. You're talking about something that'll let you drop trade goods from orbit. Eh, below the level of abstraction and thus free. Maybe you kick them out the door with shuttles, more likely you just make thin ablative heat shields and dinky little parachutes.

@Neablis, since this is the first time using the new unit design I want to confirm this is correct:
Specter – Light infiltration bot
  • Light Bot Body - Base 25 BP, 10 RP, 200 CP
  • Humanized +15 BP base
  • Machine-Spirit Jammers +10 BP base
    • 50 BP base total
  • Machine-Spirits +50% [Base] BP = +25 BP, -90% [CP Cost] = -180 CP
  • Stealth +25% [Base] BP = 13 BP, +100% [RP Costs] = 10 RP*
  • Final Costs 20 RP, 88 BP per 1,000, 20 CP
Let's see. Light bots, 25 BP, humanized & machine-spirit jammers, 50 bp total yup, Machine spirits +25 BP, stealth +13 yes.

Looks good to me! There's a slight risk of a low roll on ground force stealth causing Problems, but I'll probably just find something else to penalize if you roll low. Besides, surely the crappy research rolls can't continue forever?

Also @Neablis, just confirming that Cia's specialization vote is not part of the normal plan vote. We did this for Anexa, but it wasn't specifically called out one way or the other.
It is not. I've made that edit to the threadmark. It is also an approval vote, so feel free to vote for several options.

-[X] Orders: Use the Spark and her fighters to attack and burn the current overabundance of seaweed mats. Carefully.
Bold move. I'm super curious to see how it works out.

Overall, I'm worried about our lack of firepower this late into the quest,
We're still in earlygame as far as I'm concerned. Midgame will have you getting probed by various people and lategame will have them throwing fleets at each other.

Neablis asked us to leave bots with Quorath only in increments of 1k.
It's probably excusable for the ones we do not have a full 1k, but not for the Heavy bots where we do.

Also iirc Cia can't be both training and be part of the assault.
I think those numbers are even better since it balances out the number of bots to even thousands. I'm fine with it.

And correct - Cia can't both be training and part of the assault in a big way. If this vote wins she'll probably spend most of her time training and that will determine her roll, while she'll only be present for the operation a little bit. @Nightlord256 in case you want to edit.
We're still in earlygame as far as I'm concerned. Midgame will have you getting probed by various people and lategame will have them throwing fleets at each other.
Ah. So the Denva was a tutorial. Thanks for clarifying this, I don't remember if this was discussed before, but I might've just forgotten. This recontextualizes some things for planning for me. Not enough to change my vote, but less worried if we don't go for military-focused techs immediately.
[X] Plan: Mercantilism V3
-[X][FREE] Refit the 7x manufactories to 7x Machine-spirit Manufactories (630 BP), Outer Hull 232/240 HP -> 240/240 HP (40 BP), Bongo Oubliette 535/540 HP -> 540/540 HP (25 BP), 305 BP left.
-[X] Diplomacy: Introduce yourself to the natives and offer to help them with the stank problem in exchange for basing rights in the system and on the planet. Ask them where the best place to begin setting up a planetary headquarters for the Cogitare would be, given that they'll both be recruiting and running manufactories producing masks among other things. They'll likely be running a hospital as well.
--[X] Victan assist
-[X] Construction (600 VBP, 500 LC):
--[X] Build 1 Spaceport (100 BP)
--[X] Build 1 Anti-personnel Bunker, Psychic Shielding (40 BP)
--[X] Build 1 Machine Spirit Manufactory on the ground. (120 BP)
--[X] Build 1 Small automated medical facility (50 BP)
--[X] Build 1 Basic Stealth Assault Shuttle (25 BP)
--[X] Build 1,200,000 masks to give to the locals. (120 BP)
--[X] Build 2,000 Light Humanized Machine-spirit infantry bots (120 BP)
--[X] Build 5 personal void shields to offer as an incentive for Cogitare to stay here and recruit / run the manufactories when we leave next turn. (25 BP)
-[X] Research 2x (400 + 75 + 20 = 495 RP)
--[X] Abacus Manufacturing (100 RP)
--[X] Reliable Gellar Fields (300 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Psychic Shielding Reliability (95 / 100 RP)
-[X] Cia: Active Psyker improvement

[X][Cia] Focus

[X][Quorath] Bots (703 Light Machine-spirit humanized infantry bots, 840 Medium Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots, 491 Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers, and 143 Heavy Machine-spirit Infantry Bots)
For those modifying plans, Remember that you have to edit the earliest occurrence of the plan for the tallier to pick it up. If you post a new version of the plan using the same name afterwards instead, the tally will ignore the updates and just count it as a vote towards the original.
If you're talking about doing the boarding tech research then you'll probably unlock a 100-bp weapon that lets you drop 5000 troops at once to a planetary surface?

But that's not what you're talking about. You're talking about something that'll let you drop trade goods from orbit. Eh, below the level of abstraction and thus free. Maybe you kick them out the door with shuttles, more likely you just make thin ablative heat shields and dinky little parachutes.
There was also a single easily missable line about using the drop pods to drop troops on the governor's manor.
I suppose that needs those 100 BP?

In space on our ship too, I suppose?
--[] Finish Basic Active Stealth (34 RP)
--[x] Design Specter – Light infiltration bot 88 BP per 1000 (20 RP) (Light (25BP, 10 RP), Humanized (15 BP base), Jammers (10 BP base),[50 BP base] Machine Spirit (+1/2 [25] BP), Stealth (+.25x [13] BP, +1x [10] RP)
---[x] Include Active stealth if possible, budgeting up to 16 additional RP on the design
Hey, just noticed something while looking at this. While it is good that Active Stealth -mod for it is the category "if possible" because we can't guarantee it won't fail... Is "Active Stealth" even meant to unlock anything for ground forces? Or is it just for small flying units, like assault shuttles, and then it unlocks follow-up research for ground forces and spaceships, like we have with passive stealth? Is it dependent on the roll? Has this been answered before? I don't want to ping Neablis yet, in the case it has been.

@Nightlord256 could you give me a quote that this research is about stealth for ground forces, if those exist?
Hey, just noticed something while looking at this. While it is good that Active Stealth -mod for it is the category "if possible" because we can't guarantee it won't fail... Is "Active Stealth" even meant to unlock anything for ground forces? Or is it just for small flying units, like assault shuttles, and then it unlocks follow-up research for ground forces and spaceships, like we have with passive stealth? Is it dependent on the roll? Has this been answered before? I don't want to ping Neablis yet, in the case it has been.

@Nightlord256 could you give me a quote that this research is about stealth for ground forces, if those exist?
There's a "Basic Ground force stealth" tech also in the research for that plan. Basic ground force stealth has wording that it "Will be able to take advantage of some other stealth technologies."

So yes, it does seem like there's a basis to anticipate that that research plan will allow active stealth for ground forces.
There's a "Basic Ground force stealth" tech also in the research for that plan. Basic ground force stealth has wording that it "Will be able to take advantage of some other stealth technologies."

So yes, it does seem like there's a basis to anticipate that that research plan will allow active stealth for ground forces.
Hmmm. I was more assuming that "passive and active stealth (and possibly some more exotic versions) play well together", not that it would automatically unlock other forms of stealth for our ground forces too after their respective tech is researched. Thanks, this has potentially clarified things for me if it is so, but just to make sure:

@Neablis? Will Ground Force Stealth incorporate both the passive stealth we've already unlocked and the active stealth tech that the leading plan is finishing (and maybe more than just them)?
The problem is oxygen depletion, and burning things requires oxygen. It's entirely possible this just extends the duration of the problem.

The water is oxygen depleted, the atmospheric oxygen should be fine. Thus we are burning the surface mat, but the water below continues to be oxygen depleted, so the growth potential of the seaweed will be compromised.
Does no one see a massive issue with setting 90% of the planet on fire? Both ecologically, and from the perspective of the civvies health from burning it all?

The easiest (and safest) way is to just pump oxygen into the ocean and it'll solve itself in a decade. Might need to have some carbon capture to filter the toxic byproducts over time, but that's easy enough for the population and it's far safer than burning the entire ecosystem to the ground.
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@Neablis? Will Ground Force Stealth incorporate both the passive stealth we've already unlocked and the active stealth tech that the leading plan is finishing (and maybe more than just them)?
It will mean that you can apply stealth tech to ground forces. Which includes active stealth once you've unlocked it. I may split active & passive stealth tech into two different blueprint modifications.

I'm not exactly sure where I'll go with stealth tech next. I was originally planning to have stealth for small craft, ships and bots go in different directions but instead there might be a mainline stealth research that unlocks better and better stealth and the "ground force stealth" tech just lets you apply that to your ground forces.

There was also a single easily missable line about using the drop pods to drop troops on the governor's manor.
I suppose that needs those 100 BP?

In space on our ship too, I suppose?
Ah, I didn't see that.

Yes. Drop pods are something you launch from a ship, they need specialized infrastructure (which also builds the pods). You'd need to first research boarding capabilities, then build them to launch troops with them.
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