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I'm really torn on the Anexa vote. On the one hand, there is a huge amount of benefit to be had, both narratively and mechanically, but on the other, that's a LOT of risk!
Hence why I suggest we just get her closer and strengthen our bond before we take her in fully.

For the putting them in contact, here's my idea. We create a "curious forum" where everyone who proves their interest gets access to speak, though initially it'll only be those we vet. Until the mechanicus is more shifted, we encourage them to keep anonymous. We grant them limited access to our reality-simulator research module. Show and prove the benefit of research. I also say we keep up the ARG puzzles in the forum.

Then, when inevitably the magos find out about it, they'll hopefully secretly join in to abuse this great source anonymously. Maybe we stamp our name on the site and it's security, but that's ideally the only name publically known. Someone needs to claim credit, after all and it's best if they don't try digging too deep. I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea to grant similar access to our CI agent.

Building a mountain enclave is... probably a good idea, but sending them on a wild goose chase if they try to find us is also not bad. Then again, false-positives on their end aren't bad for us either. But making it convincing is going to be a drain.
Edit: actually, let's get Aevon in on this red-herring Magos Vita in the mountains plan.
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Cloning is uniquely dangerous in 40K, we do not know why, you would have to ask Fabius Bile, he seems to have cracked the code, but when the IoM tried it the effects range from 'just' being a lot easier to possess by daemons and lower willpower to 'death by bad luck'.
There is this malignant force from beyond reality called GAMES WORKSHOP.It keeps killing any interesting plot points or customisation options for some reason ?
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Cloning is uniquely dangerous in 40K, we do not know why, you would have to ask Fabius Bile, he seems to have cracked the code, but when the IoM tried it the effects range from 'just' being a lot easier to possess by daemons and lower willpower to 'death by bad luck'.
I'm assuming there might be something by way of Dark age technology that could get around that problem, but yes I am aware and 40K that is a unique issue. Possibly we could introduce the equivalent of machine Spirit neural tissue into the replica soldiers so they each have an individual identity in Warp point of view and thus they're not as nutso? I don't know honestly.
I agree with this completely, as all of these facilities would be useful to the people on this planet in some way. I can especially see a cybernetics lab being very useful, as it can boost individual capability quite a lot both mentally and physically if used right. The Mechanicus are not necessarily that advanced in terms of both their implants and their knowledge how to use it, as the updates have demonstrated, so us providing both Superior implants and Superior training and manuals on how to use them would be better in every way.

In terms of an enclave, I would want to buy the land around the forest that we're in, as well as the forest itself. We would definitely want to make it a Fortified Industrial Center, with at least two surface manufactorums which would be notably cheaper because we're not building them underground, though if we do introduce fortifications to each design for defense purposes then the cost would go up a bit anyway.

In terms of defenses, obviously the basics like turrets, bunkers, and trenches, as well as traps, but we're also going to need a significant amount of anti-air and something that can shoot down mechanicus nukes if they decide to new car facility. I do not know if we can build void Shields to defend a large-scale installation, but certainly maybe we can work toward that, if we have something like Titan grade Shields maybe we can just build a bunch of them to cover different critical areas.

I would also like a biology lab and a cybernetics lab, as both would help to massively improve the quality of life with the native population.

As a personal goal of mine, if we did build a biology lab and a cybernetics lab, it occurred to me maybe we could make the equivalent of Replica soldiers from FEAR, only controlled with cybernetic implants instead of psychic telepathy like Alma and her kids had. I feel cybernetics would be more reliable than psyker powers anyway, and I could definitely see a use for actual organic people being used as parts of our crew. I would not necessarily want to rely on an all robotic Force under our control, as there are weaknesses to robots and Androids and such that organics don't necessarily have, and vice versa. If we had both we would have the best of both worlds.

Having organic I assume cloned humans would also make it relatively easy to introduce biomods and a mix of cybernetic, genetic, and possibly chemical and maybe even nanite augments to make them more capable than standard human baseline anyway, so they would be of higher utility than a normal human could anyway. Plus, if we do introduce some form of cybernetic implant that enhances learning or maybe even provides data downloading, we could possibly grow them accelerated kind of like the clone troopers in Star wars, where they grew twice as fast as normal humans, and unlike the Kaminoans we could just design them so that once introduced with a proper biological stimulus they just switch back to normal human growth rates at age 20, so they get the benefits of an accelerated maturation combined with a normal human lifespan, though it would be quite longer with cybernetics and the rejuvenat we could get a hold of.
If we get into clones, I'll note that the starting option (which would have been just a jump ahead in the tech tree of cloning) mentioned being able to select for psykers. (Source of samples: volunteers from the monasteries)

And cybernetically enhanced psykers?
With us having a load of psytech (and shielding) to study?
Yes please!
I'm assuming there might be something by way of Dark age technology that could get around that problem, but yes I am aware and 40K that is a unique issue. Possibly we could introduce the equivalent of machine Spirit neural tissue into the replica soldiers so they each have an individual identity in Warp point of view and thus they're not as nutso? I don't know honestly.

Eventually sure, but even with DAOT tech I do not think that circumvention is automatic, especially since that sounds like a warp problem not a biology one. DAOT humanity was not that good with the warp (barring a few exceptions which may have been very late military research that we are unlikely to have access to).
I thing the problem is not the cloning itself but the method IoM is using.
After all only they seem to have this particular problem.
I'm assuming there might be something by way of Dark age technology that could get around that problem, but yes I am aware and 40K that is a unique issue. Possibly we could introduce the equivalent of machine Spirit neural tissue into the replica soldiers so they each have an individual identity in Warp point of view and thus they're not as nutso? I don't know honestly.
My theory is its Reverse- Space-Marine-Syndrome

The initiates are elevated by sharing in part of their progenitors divine archetype.

Explains why the numbers per primarch have limits.Even if they mostly dont reach those because of attrition.

Clones, i would assume, share the archetype of "some guy."
And thats not divine. Its just some guy. The amount of meaning in the warp that can support is little, so an aspect of the soul has to be shared between all clones, with the aspect being too small, resulting in weakened souls.

And thats my two cents on why clones have problems in 40k.

Tune in next time for : Gork and Mork, and why they are not constantly figthing khorne over the war domain.
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Let's not forget. The DAoT ended because of insufficient Warp shielding on their AI. It's been noted that their warp protections are the only field in which they were worse than IoM and IoM's warp protections aren't that great either.

On another note, let's trust but verify. We've shown a lot of goodwill. I think it's fair we keep a good eye on em, too. To make sure they don't abuse said goodwill too bad.
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I thing the problem is not the cloning itself but the method IoM is using.
After all only they seem to have this particular problem.

Looking at who 'everyone' is:
  1. Chaos, they can just sacrifice souls to fix any warpside problems, sure it will explode half the time anyway, but the same is true for all things Chaos
  2. Dark Eldar Haemonculi belong to a tradition of science and warpcraft that has forgotten more than humanity has ever known
  3. Bile is a genius, straight up. He may be insane, but he's also possibility a better geneticist that the Emperor and he had access to a lot of warp nonsense to study
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Looking at who 'everyone' is:
  1. Chaos, they can just sacrifice souls to fix any warpside problems, sure it will explode half the time anyway, but the same is true for all things Chaos
  2. Dark Eldar Haemonculi belong to a tradition of science and warpcraft that has forgotten more than humanity has ever known
  3. Bile is a genius, straight up, he may be insane, but he's also possibility a better geneticist that the Emperor and he had access to a lot of warp nonsense to study
Space dwarves, Tau.
We do not know what happened with the AI. Warp may have been a factor or it may have been not.
No one knows.
It's canon in this fanwork. Re:first post.
That said, it's also the answer that genuinely makes the most sense, so...
We do not know what happened with the AI. Warp may have been a factor or it may have been not.
No one knows.
Apparently its canon here,which is good to know.

We dont know if its canon in the mainline,but regardless, chaos-scrapcode has infected several ai in the mainline canon, so it is definitely possible.

Since we want to research the warp at some point, and have proof that we are not immune, having defences is a good idea.

I know extremely little about the space dwarfs. Anyone got a link with info other then the wiki?
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Would it be possible to construct specialized manufactories? Say we build a factory meant for ship construction, that factory provides a bonus towards building ships like double what a normal manufactory would provide but this would prevent us from using the BP for others things
Definitely had some Thonks on this whole matter while I was napping just now, I think I'm going to try putting some of them down now.
And the rest goes into production capacity. There isn't much point in building a tunnel given the cost. 50 BP/mile means that with a full construction action spent on it we would get 4 miles. Four miles is nothing to a determined search. Given the treasure trove we hold we can expect that if a search is made (if relations break down with Avon, the ad mech invade etc..) they are going to be determined.
Note that I adjusted tunnel cost to 20 bp/mile. It's going to be a fairly high-capacity tunnel, to effectively turn your aboveground "known" manufactory and your belowground "ship" manufactory into a single complex, so you don't have to deal with logistical annoyances of multiple complexes and trying to keep transport between them covert.

The thing that even a few miles of separation will give you is time, and potentially distance from the blast zone. If the mechanicus nukes your aboveground manufactory and it's a few miles away from your belowground you're much more likely to survive. Same with a bunch of ground troops - if they invade your aboveground complex you'll detonate the tunnel and it'll take them time to find you - and if you hide it well enough then they may assume they got you.

Huh. I thought Vita was just using the psytech to get some idle insight relating to her psychic shielding. Should have commented on it when I noticed it the first time.
Fixed. It's a little clunky but it works.

Would it be possible to construct specialized manufactories? Say we build a factory meant for ship construction, that factory provides a bonus towards building ships like double what a normal manufactory would provide but this would prevent us from using the BP for others things
Ehhhh kind of but not really, mostly because I just don't want to keep track of it.

There's a path for building "automated" manufactories that produce a set blueprint every turn (i.e. spend 125 BP on a "light infantry manufactory" that automatically produces one light infantry every turn separate from your normal BP). I'll add it to your blueprint design tab. (It's in the threadmark, not the update... Yet).
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I want an automated manifactorum that produces automated manufactorums.
We could leave it on a planet and come back sometime later.
I see no way for this to go wrong!
I want an automated manifactorum that produces automated manufactorums.
We could leave it on a planet and come back sometime later.
I see no way for this to go wrong!
Explicitly can't make installations. But even if you could, that's what the CP limit is there for. Your exponential growth will be capped. But there's research to figure out how to extend the cap.

I believe that research is called 'make more AI'. :V
Yeah, that would work.
I totally think we should do the AI research at some point. That way we can have some daughters with us as we explore the galaxy. Maybe some of them will even grow up and go on their own adventures or stick around and help the people we meet on our journeys. If we want to uptech the whole galaxy going von neumann would be one way to do it.
It's on the list, but we've got a lot of things on the list and a lot of things splitting our focus.

Good news at least, I think we're doing well enough we can cut down to one Diplo action right now.
Anyway, @Neablis, nother question.

Is there anything interesting happening in the world right now? Any important crisises, flare ups, mechanicus blowing things up kinda deals. Basically, what's the news headline?
Another question from me too @Neablis: how good the cover for our new aboveground base should be when it comes to the satellites? Because if the local AdMech can see there being signs of new heavy industry somewhere, even if they can't make out the details, I would assume it would get their attention. So basically, how much can we trust our political cover here with the ACI working to distract the AdMech on top of this, or is the "basic stealth" -option still something we might want to at least consider at this point?
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