I agree with this completely, as all of these facilities would be useful to the people on this planet in some way. I can especially see a cybernetics lab being very useful, as it can boost individual capability quite a lot both mentally and physically if used right. The Mechanicus are not necessarily that advanced in terms of both their implants and their knowledge how to use it, as the updates have demonstrated, so us providing both Superior implants and Superior training and manuals on how to use them would be better in every way.
In terms of an enclave, I would want to buy the land around the forest that we're in, as well as the forest itself. We would definitely want to make it a Fortified Industrial Center, with at least two surface manufactorums which would be notably cheaper because we're not building them underground, though if we do introduce fortifications to each design for defense purposes then the cost would go up a bit anyway.
In terms of defenses, obviously the basics like turrets, bunkers, and trenches, as well as traps, but we're also going to need a significant amount of anti-air and something that can shoot down mechanicus nukes if they decide to new car facility. I do not know if we can build void Shields to defend a large-scale installation, but certainly maybe we can work toward that, if we have something like Titan grade Shields maybe we can just build a bunch of them to cover different critical areas.
I would also like a biology lab and a cybernetics lab, as both would help to massively improve the quality of life with the native population.
As a personal goal of mine, if we did build a biology lab and a cybernetics lab, it occurred to me maybe we could make the equivalent of Replica soldiers from FEAR, only controlled with cybernetic implants instead of psychic telepathy like Alma and her kids had. I feel cybernetics would be more reliable than psyker powers anyway, and I could definitely see a use for actual organic people being used as parts of our crew. I would not necessarily want to rely on an all robotic Force under our control, as there are weaknesses to robots and Androids and such that organics don't necessarily have, and vice versa. If we had both we would have the best of both worlds.
Having organic I assume cloned humans would also make it relatively easy to introduce biomods and a mix of cybernetic, genetic, and possibly chemical and maybe even nanite augments to make them more capable than standard human baseline anyway, so they would be of higher utility than a normal human could anyway. Plus, if we do introduce some form of cybernetic implant that enhances learning or maybe even provides data downloading, we could possibly grow them accelerated kind of like the clone troopers in Star wars, where they grew twice as fast as normal humans, and unlike the Kaminoans we could just design them so that once introduced with a proper biological stimulus they just switch back to normal human growth rates at age 20, so they get the benefits of an accelerated maturation combined with a normal human lifespan, though it would be quite longer with cybernetics and the rejuvenat we could get a hold of.