Strongly opposed to sending Cia onto the stations without at least personal Psy Shields and Cognition Filters - and ideally not until after we've sent bots in to some of them to see what kind of resistance we'd actually get.
The problem is three-fold:
- Vita is a woman of stone who has a proven track record of being really bad at commanding battles, and Cia has just recently disobeyed an order to withdraw from a situation she was not prepared for. There are no dice bonuses for military action here - military success for Vita means stacking the deck ahead of time.
- We currently don't have any tech what-so-ever for protecting humans outside our ship from corruption. No faith studies, no cog filters, no personality checks, no personal shields. Any that we develop this turn would be thrust into a live fire environment without us first seeing how much protection they offer. Cia is well equipped for conventional threats, but not yet for this.
- The targets are unscouted and are going to be desparate when we attack.
- Their scuffles with the ship nomads are those of two groups trying to limit their losses as they tussle over resources - not something worth making big sacrifices to the four for a temporary advantage, because not much is actually at stake.
- Against Vita however, they're now a trapped animal fighting for their life, and will pull out all the stops. If they are remotely capable of summoning a demon, or doing a ritual, then it'll happen, and we don't know what it'll be yet.
Vita does not succeed in the heat of battle. She succeeds by winning before the fight even begins. If she hasn't had the opportunity to do that, don't send in anything you're not prepared to lose.
Instead, I propose getting those shields and cog filters, and just sending in bots this turn - we can then decide if Cia can take the field next turn, when she's better equipped and we know more about her opposition and the objectives we want her to achieve.
Cia will accept it if we explain that we just haven't prepared for this type of fight yet, right
@Neablis ?
And look, Bongo kicks us in the teeth yet again, once more getting closer to breaking through to Vita. Can we please just get rid of the thing already?
I agree, I've hit my stop loss point on Bongo. He is currently saving us 300 RP on Daemonology, which is teach we primarily want to get because we have him onboard.
I think there is still some value on the table, which is why I prefer the Destructive Investigate, but it wouldn't take much of an argument for me to toss him into the sun.
Meianmaru has already covered why we want to keep Bongo in general, but here, right now?
I don't think anything has actually changed that much. My reading was that the shield pierce was possible specifically because we changed them to be extra vulnerable. The shield controllers were moved to the inside of the shield and everything.
Bongo was only able pierce through to our second shield because we had sabotaged the vault in a way that made this possible, right
@Neablis? You said in the narrative that no corruption got through, but since there's some worry are you willing to confirm that here OOC as well?
What DID change was that we did what some people claimed was impossible.
We neutered a nat 1! By the end of next turn, it'll be like nothing happened. We're more inconvenienced by the RP requirements going up than the actual attack, and the resulting tech is better than it was before for our trouble. Bongo tried chaos's trademark trick against people who tried to understand chaos and got BTFO - one of the biggest fears about researching him, and we got past it scott free.
Like, for real, that was one of the big X factors and we just aced that shit.
So, yeah. Squirrely table flipping bullshit is what we prepared for, and we succeeded. Stand firm, bongo's only
real chance is if we freak out and do something rushed.
So I'm a bit worried about this, because Bongo at the very same time proved that scrapcode can punch through barriers that aren't fully broken down. And that Vita's narration can be unreliable on this.
Vita's probably okay? But I'm more inclined to worry about the personal(ity) defense.
The budget version (still a 200 RP tech) might be the triple-nesting. So long as we have a layer that wasn't damaged we can be pretty sure it didn't leak...
Honestly, the more important capability is probably Psychic Encryption. Bongo will be far, far less capable of hatching devious plans like this one if he can't see outside of his prison.
Also gets us closer to the new immunity tech, which... yeah, I argued hard for getting that before demonology during the last vote, and I still think that's the way to go. Unfortunate that the cost went up, but at least we get more out of the tech in exchange.
can neuter nat 1s, after all.