How about we uplift the hauler's crew into a Cogitare branch? Seems like a 1-2 turn project, three if progress is bad. With a re-established Admech presence they should be able to crush all opposition and re-establish themselves into a worthy outpost system. Especially if we give them a little something to serve as head start.
They're basically a bunch of tribalists running around on an automated ship. You'd be better served inviting a bunch of them aboard, having your tech-priests run a school for them for 20-30 years, then coming back to drop them off.

How much effort would it be to secure some/many/most of those stations and how much BP would they give us?
@Neablis how much does it cost to fix up one of the stations for BP-production and how much BP will we gain?
Oh shoot, I forgot to add some things to the end up the update. Added, and copied here:
You cannot build ground or orbital manufactorys in Vorthryn. However, deep-space manufactories are 25% more productive and cost half as much because you'll be repurposing abandoned Imperial mining stations. That will be true up to about 1500 of them.

Ok. It's time to start expanding the fleet. While we can talk to the inhabitants on the station, We're trying to cram everything onto the Spark of the Ancients and that is not viable long term. I say one Diplomacy action talking to the non-chaos factions in the system while another action is spent researching the ship designs while the last two are used to start building orbital manufactories or take over the abandoned stations, whichever is more viable. @Neablis are we able to take over the abandoned stations or would it end costing about the same?
Added above - you can turn them into Deep Space Manufactories.

If we roll well enough on exploration and get lucky on top of that we could find it as far as I am aware. So @Neablis a question:

Is Ghast on the loot table for this system?
I'm not even sure if that would be a good result or a bad result. Either way, probably not. That explanation makes no sense to me. It might be fairly unique to necromunda.

We don't have the tech and/or design for that, I believe? I'm guessing that it would probably require RP spent on a blueprint design-action to make a cheaper/crippled version of our manned manufactories, so something closer to what the Imperials have. And then teach the locals to actually use it, or just throw them basic primers.
Automated manufactory would probably be enough.

It is aeldari not Eldari.
Fixed, thanks.

I do realize that this is an exaggeration, but I would like to point out if we are approaching "kill hundreds of millions of innocents purging them" I think we might be going a bit too far, like the Imperium. And also doing it very inefficiently, also like the Imperium. I think that LightLan's plan is good because it incorporates improving our psychic sensors, so sniffing out actual warp-corruption should be easier.
Remember there's like... 8 million people total in the system. It's about 0.1% the population of Denva. Less then 10% of them are obviously chaos-aligned.

Nat 1s on important actions two turns in a row. I am screaming inside.
I saw that and just sat there in disbelief for a moment, yeah.

I mean that makes sense. Baldur is immune to all threats, physical and magical, after all.
Did anybody catch the invisitext?

I agree, I've hit my stop loss point on Bongo. He is currently saving us 300 RP on Daemonology, which is teach we primarily want to get because we have him onboard.

I think there is still some value on the table, which is why I prefer the Destructive Investigate, but it wouldn't take much of an argument for me to toss him into the sun.
You can toss Bongo into the sun with a free action at any time. Just gotta win the vote with a plan that includes it.

You've got a number of personal attacks against the thread in general and frankly ridiculous over exaggeration of traits you dislike in the thread. No one is going to argue in favor of 'diplomancing a chaos planet'. No one will argue that Commorragh deserves anything but a thorough cleansing. Because the fastest, most effective method to save those innocent victims is to wipe such things out.
Please don't argue so… cruelly? So insultingly? The rest of the thread isn't your enemy, and Neabolis has proven they can write fascinating and enthralling stories no matter what we decide Vita should do.

Argue for what you want, try to encourage the thread to your way of thinking, be proactive! But don't tear others down, insult others, or belittle the rest of the thread in the process.
@Cookiesndip I'm going to second this. You've been threadbanned a few times and it's derived from your no-holds-barred method of argument. You've made some good points that get overshadowed by your approach. If you were a bit more curious and a little less judgmental it would go a long way towards people engaging productively with your arguments instead of reflex-denial because they were insulted.

@Shogeton you have a great point, but this quest's portrayal of Chaos went with the extreme "one look and you're corrupted" interpretation, like really extreme. The people you're arguing with can just point to how chaos exposure has been handled before, and unfortunately they would be right, because the QM's interpretation is quest canon.
It very much depends on the gradation. I would say I've gone with that in the context of corruption of computers by a demon specifically tuned to generate computer-corrupting scrapcode.

Empathy at Range is our best bet to get a warning should they choose to start summoning Daemons.
This is true. You'd probably be able to detect that, though maybe not across the system. And you wouldn't necessarily know what it was without demonology.

I don't know! Normally, we need to do more than one Exploration in a turn though. We'll have to get @Neablis to chime in on that.
An asteroid belt is big, and you rolled a 40. There very well might be POIs you missed (though I am neither confirming nor denying that such exist). At the very least it'll likely give you more detailed profiles on all of the individual stations.

Complex Genetic Enhancement is to work towards getting Navigator Genetics, which is important to prevent our Navibean from transforming into a squid.
You explicitly don't need navigator genetics to hatch the navibean. That's more for understanding their genetics and the potential capability to clone more.

Again, I hope that demons never become a "solved" problem. That said, I'm pretty sure we can get to a place that is "good enough".
Good instincts.
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and cost 50% as much because you'll be repurposing abandoned Imperial mining stations. That will be true up to about 1500 of them.
50% as much as in 150% of the price or 50% of the price. I am aware the second is more likely that the first but it's a bit unclear.

If the second is true trough this do make a great opportunity to create a industrial base.
On the topic of smashing demonic bindings, sometimes it doesn't even banish the demon:


Bongo getting loose in a distant system as its prison finally sinks into the local star still rates as preferable to it managing to slither out of the oubliette under our watch to wear Vita as an electronic skinsuit and drowning the local segmentum in a new wave of robotic horrors.

The Cybernetic Revolt destroyed the Federation. Do you envision any contemporary human faction on the far side of the Great Rift to be able to do anything if Bongo gets into Vita and receives an uncensored glimpse (and worse, control) of her true capabilities?
You cannot build ground or orbital manufactorys in Vorthryn. However, deep-space manufactories are 25% more productive and cost 50% as much because you'll be repurposing abandoned Imperial mining stations. That will be true up to about 1500 of them.
Deep Space Manufactory (750 void BP, 40 CP) Manufacturing capacity built near asteroid clusters. Gives +100 void build capacity. Automatic basic stealth. Requires you to do a system survey.
So one will cost 375BP and produce 125BP.

-[] Large-scale Void Manufacturing (100 RP) Unlike ground factories, which have to deal with gravity and atmosphere, there's little stopping you from just... scaling up the principles of void manufacturing. Besides the annoying spaghetti of logistics, but that's a solvable problem. (Allows you to design large void manufactories that are more efficient, improves the manufactories on your ships to be 1/5 instead of 1/10 production. Potential for other void-based platform technologies).
Would this research apply automatically to the Deep Space Manufactory or would we need to do some blue print designing as well? And if so, for how many RP?

This is true. You'd probably be able to detect that, though maybe not across the system. And you wouldn't necessarily know what it was without demonology.
Ah good point to do the 150RP research.
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[] Plan: Humanitarian info gathering & research
-[] [Repair Bay] Full repair - Vita's core, then bongo oubliette
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion: Observe the various inhabited stations and attempt contact with those that appear least corrupted/most amenable. Give gifts/humanitarian aid, and try to discern what the situation on the ground is, extent of cultist forces/total population and what the deal is with the cargo ship. Have Victan handle the specifics and how exactly to distribute the aid.
-[] Construction: Mixture of trade goods - food/basic supplies and replacement components for the stations.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 + 42 RP)
--[] Basic Active Stealth (53 RP)
--[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP)
--[] Demonology (150 RP)
--[] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (89 + 65/400 RP) (Anexa)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action.
-[] Victan active action: Diplomat-Spy - assists any diplomacy action you take, granting +Level to the dice to the action.
-[] Active Psyker improvement: Cia will actively attempt to practice her powers. Roll two d100s. Take the higher roll for determining level-up, but take the lower for perils of the warp. (DCs are unknown but context-dependent. They are currently favorable and will get less favorable as she levels)

Plan doodle, this is mostly intended to get a more in-depth look at what exactly we're dealing with in this system beyond the cursory overview since right now we really don't have enough to make a decision other than "start blasting at the stations that have chaos runes on them". Construction action to provide some initial stabilization and hopefully smooth over first contact. We can decide if we want to intervene further or move on next turn.

As for research, finishing off active stealth since it's partially done, in-vitro to work towards our navigator bean, helping out Cia. As for demonology since it doesn't seem like we're going to be throwing Bongo into the sun I'd like to get as much out of it, ideally I'd prefer destructive analysis though i'm quite dubious people would actually vote to get rid of our pet anthropomorphized agent of the arch-enemy.

Intelligence coding since I feel it's better to bite the bullet rather than waiting for any discounts that'll likely not come (what better sample of an AI than Vita herself?) Anexa assists for some bonding time & maybe a specialty? Could swap her around to something else too but working towards personality checking is big imo + unlocking the ai/automation tree also would be neat.
It's not strictly corruptive. And can be used as a way to develop psychic abilities on demand wich is arguably a shinny.
But overall is a very dangerous thing that is not really needed once we get a psytech agumentics setup to deploy our own magical cyborg space ninjas.
[] Plan: Humanitarian info gathering & research
-[] [Repair Bay] Full repair - Vita's core, then bongo oubliette
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion: Observe the various inhabited stations and attempt contact with those that appear least corrupted/most amenable. Give gifts/humanitarian aid, and try to discern what the situation on the ground is, extent of cultist forces/total population and what the deal is with the cargo ship. Have Victan handle the specifics and how exactly to distribute the aid.
-[] Construction: Mixture of trade goods - food/basic supplies and replacement components for the stations.
-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 + 42 RP)
--[] Basic Active Stealth (53 RP)
--[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP)
--[] Demonology (150 RP)
--[] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (89 + 65/400 RP) (Anexa)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action.
-[] Victan active action: Diplomat-Spy - assists any diplomacy action you take, granting +Level to the dice to the action.
-[] Active Psyker improvement: Cia will actively attempt to practice her powers. Roll two d100s. Take the higher roll for determining level-up, but take the lower for perils of the warp. (DCs are unknown but context-dependent. They are currently favorable and will get less favorable as she levels)
I think I mostly agree with the addendum that we need to not get attached as we are planing on leaving sometime soon (we can return from Denva later, they survived centuries, a decade or two won't hurt them). Additionally I think swapping out Intelligence coding and Does in vitro have something to do with wine? or Basic Active Stealth for some mix of Faith is my shield, Psychic tripwires, and/or Machine Spirit Chaos resistance would be a better move at the moment. Especially if we do Demonology this turn.
Alternatively, set our immediate priority to Reliable Void Shields and Abacus Manufacturing then go straight back to Denva to give them that technology and try to organize a full-on humanitarian aid mission to this system as the Denvanners first big step out of their own system.

I'm all for this, but I don't think we ever provided a debrief to Denver regarding Colorado and the dangers that lie within. Maybe we should propose some sort of cognitohazard awareness guide and then see if the space marines would be willing to provide a chaplain. It would have been nice to get the Ecclesiarchy on side, but, you know, space elves. Not that they need to go full imperial, but faith does work.

Although I think there was a research action for one of the agents to start work on faith actions for combatting chaos. Do that + Void Abacus + either void or Gellar shields and maybe we could propose adopting a new faith in order to have someone who won't get corrupted by the ruinous powers. It was the one thing that bothered me while I was reading through the turns where Vita left Denver. If the quest wants to rush finding a long-term solution for these people. The situation seems stable for the moment though.


Also, lol. Bongo can't catch a break. He's trying to get promoted, but this damn AI won't let him send any emails to upper management and refuses to click on any of the links he's sending. "Baddies in your area want to wash your motherboard!!!" Works every time.
Automated manufactory would probably be enough.
Doesn't our current available tech for automated manufactories require CP, and thus require an AI or OMC manager?
-[] Basic Automated Manufactories (175 RP) If you tool a factory and install a machine spirit optimized to make just one thing, then it can just keep doing it without your oversight. (Unlocks automated ground/orbital/deep space manufactories, which will continue to produce a single kind of product without requiring actions. Will require CP, and cannot make starships or installations. Unlocks further research to increase productivity, flexibility, remove the CP requirement, as well as allow the automated manufactories to produce ships, installations and eventually megastructures).
Strongly opposed to sending Cia onto the stations without at least personal Psy Shields and Cognition Filters - and ideally not until after we've sent bots in to some of them to see what kind of resistance we'd actually get.

The problem is three-fold:
  1. Vita is a woman of stone who has a proven track record of being really bad at commanding battles, and Cia has just recently disobeyed an order to withdraw from a situation she was not prepared for. There are no dice bonuses for military action here - military success for Vita means stacking the deck ahead of time.
  2. We currently don't have any tech what-so-ever for protecting humans outside our ship from corruption. No faith studies, no cog filters, no personality checks, no personal shields. Any that we develop this turn would be thrust into a live fire environment without us first seeing how much protection they offer. Cia is well equipped for conventional threats, but not yet for this.
  3. The targets are unscouted and are going to be desparate when we attack.
    • Their scuffles with the ship nomads are those of two groups trying to limit their losses as they tussle over resources - not something worth making big sacrifices to the four for a temporary advantage, because not much is actually at stake.
    • Against Vita however, they're now a trapped animal fighting for their life, and will pull out all the stops. If they are remotely capable of summoning a demon, or doing a ritual, then it'll happen, and we don't know what it'll be yet.

Vita does not succeed in the heat of battle. She succeeds by winning before the fight even begins. If she hasn't had the opportunity to do that, don't send in anything you're not prepared to lose.

Instead, I propose getting those shields and cog filters, and just sending in bots this turn - we can then decide if Cia can take the field next turn, when she's better equipped and we know more about her opposition and the objectives we want her to achieve.

Cia will accept it if we explain that we just haven't prepared for this type of fight yet, right @Neablis ?

And look, Bongo kicks us in the teeth yet again, once more getting closer to breaking through to Vita. Can we please just get rid of the thing already?
I agree, I've hit my stop loss point on Bongo. He is currently saving us 300 RP on Daemonology, which is teach we primarily want to get because we have him onboard.

I think there is still some value on the table, which is why I prefer the Destructive Investigate, but it wouldn't take much of an argument for me to toss him into the sun.
Meianmaru has already covered why we want to keep Bongo in general, but here, right now?

I don't think anything has actually changed that much. My reading was that the shield pierce was possible specifically because we changed them to be extra vulnerable. The shield controllers were moved to the inside of the shield and everything.

Bongo was only able pierce through to our second shield because we had sabotaged the vault in a way that made this possible, right @Neablis? You said in the narrative that no corruption got through, but since there's some worry are you willing to confirm that here OOC as well?

What DID change was that we did what some people claimed was impossible. We neutered a nat 1! By the end of next turn, it'll be like nothing happened. We're more inconvenienced by the RP requirements going up than the actual attack, and the resulting tech is better than it was before for our trouble. Bongo tried chaos's trademark trick against people who tried to understand chaos and got BTFO - one of the biggest fears about researching him, and we got past it scott free.

Like, for real, that was one of the big X factors and we just aced that shit.

So, yeah. Squirrely table flipping bullshit is what we prepared for, and we succeeded. Stand firm, bongo's only real chance is if we freak out and do something rushed.

So I'm a bit worried about this, because Bongo at the very same time proved that scrapcode can punch through barriers that aren't fully broken down. And that Vita's narration can be unreliable on this.

Vita's probably okay? But I'm more inclined to worry about the personal(ity) defense.

The budget version (still a 200 RP tech) might be the triple-nesting. So long as we have a layer that wasn't damaged we can be pretty sure it didn't leak...
Honestly, the more important capability is probably Psychic Encryption. Bongo will be far, far less capable of hatching devious plans like this one if he can't see outside of his prison.

Also gets us closer to the new immunity tech, which... yeah, I argued hard for getting that before demonology during the last vote, and I still think that's the way to go. Unfortunate that the cost went up, but at least we get more out of the tech in exchange.

We can neuter nat 1s, after all.
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I think I mostly agree with the addendum that we need to not get attached as we are planing on leaving sometime soon (we can return from Denva later, they survived centuries, a decade or two won't hurt them). Additionally I think swapping out Intelligence coding and Does in vitro have something to do with wine? or Basic Active Stealth for some mix of Faith is my shield, Psychic tripwires, and/or Machine Spirit Chaos resistance would be a better move at the moment. Especially if we do Demonology this turn.
I suppose I could be convinced of that yeah, could probably focus on hatching the navigator bean later since a lot of people want to hold off until we return to Denva. Decisively solving the Bongo Question is probably my top priority, along with keeping up with exploration.

Another possibility is avoiding contact and perhaps exploring the system/abandoned stations a bit more and moving on, perhaps returning when we have more ships.
Would this research apply automatically to the Deep Space Manufactory or would we need to do some blue print designing as well? And if so, for how many RP?
Depends on rolls. It's unlikely to automatically improve the deep space manufactory but it might unlock stations that are better but bigger, or stations that improve the efficiency of a set number of other stations.

Bongo pierced through to our second shield specifically because we had sabotaged our vault's own shielding in a way that made this possible, right @Neablis ?
Pretty much.

We neutered a nat 1!
This is always possible. Nat 1's are on the very far end of the probability scale, but not off it entirely. Paranoid, redundant shielding is how you defend against it, and that's what you have.

In general this is true. A nat 1 hurts, but it'll hit prepared defenses first.
We are in a system with active chaos cults.
Empathy at Range is our best bet to get a warning should they choose to start summoning Daemons.
Empathy at Range is also useful for detecting active chaos worshipers, it will have false positives but IMO a lot of those may be socially mal-adaptive practices which need stamping out anyway.

It would be actually be great if using Empathy at Range can be used to detect domestic abuse incidents
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[ ] Plan: Probing the Darkness
-[] Explore:
--[ ] Okay, this place is an abandoned wreck of a former mining system, split between what looks like Imperial Fundamentalists and apparently nascent Chaos Cultists. Not ideal, but we should probably make darned sure that there's nobody here who isn't one of these two factions. Poke around a bit, see if we can find some decent people in this mess, and if we can give them a chance to rise above the rat race. We can't spend forever here, but checking if there's anything that can be salvaged seems reasonable enough. (Explore the system more closely, see if there's some decent people hiding in the margins we can help uplift, or if this place is just going to be Mad Max between Evil and Eviler and thus, should be left alone.)
-[] Research x3 (600 + 112 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Empathy At Range (90 + 110 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Psychic Encryption (-150 RP)
--[ ] Personal-sized Psychic Shielding (-100 RP)
--[ ] Armor Device Integration (200 RP)
--[] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)

Broadly, this is a similar, but less scatterbrained focus from my original draft. We're still proving to see if there's anyone salvagable here, but we're also doing a focused push to getting Cia some experience on a relatively weak target while also giving her the protection she needs to do well. Armor Device Integration is important, because that + Personal Sized and Armor Integration should let us update her gear so it includes a ward, while also letting us plug in other components as we roll them out.

Empathy at Range to give us early warning of Shenanigans, Encryption to shield us from remote viewing, and we squeeze 50 points more to help Cia level up while we're at it, since the sooner she gets to level 10, the better off we'll be.
Did anybody catch the invisitext?
Researched Scrapcode Immunity - rolled 1+20=21, Poor success.
Your psychic shielding is (almost) entirely immune to scrapcode. Or is it?
New research unlocked - Machine Spirit Scrapcode Immunity (350 RP)
New research unlocked - Manufactory Scrapcode Immunity (300 RP)
New research unlocked - Ship system Scrapcode Immunity (300 RP)
New research unlocked - Implant Scrapcode Immunity (250 RP)
I didn't see anything else.

Remember there's like... 8 million people total in the system. It's about 0.1% the population of Denva. Less then 10% of them are obviously chaos-aligned.

Orbital habitat (2000 Void BP per 50,000 people) As city but in space. Includes Hydroponics.

160 Orbital Habitats to completely rehouse everyone, so...320,000 VBP...

Another horrible spreadsheet later:

Saved VBP​
Total VBP​
Manufactories Built​
Leftover VBP​
Time to Build Habitats​
Time Total​
12.8333875903379​ we can rehouse everyone in a minimum of 13 actions, building out 511 Manufactories to crank out the 160 Habitats in less than three decades.
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Vita is a woman of stone who has a proven track record of being really bad at commanding battles, and Cia has just recently disobeyed an order to withdraw from a situation she was not prepared for. There are no dice bonuses for military action here - military success for Vita means stacking the deck ahead of time.
Ten thousand armored killbots with advanced weapons is a pretty stacked deck, though. An absolutely ridiculously stacked deck. And Cia has power armor - not the best stuff, but we're talking about going up against neobarbarians with scrap melee weapons mostly, and she'd also got a personal shield if they pop off an Imperial relic at her.

It's remotely possible for Cia to get hurt in that situation, probably. I don't think there's any way Vita actually loses a fight with any of the human factions here short of them suddenly summoning a greater daemon at us.

I didn't see anything else.

160 Orbital Habitats to completely rehouse everyone, so...320,000 VBP...

Another horrible spreadsheet later:

Saved VBP​
Total VBP​
Manufactories Built​
Leftover VBP​
Time to Build Habitats​
Time Total​
12.8333875903379​ we can rehouse everyone in a minimum of 13 actions, building out 511 Manufactories to crank out the 160 Habitats in less than three decades.

IMO, we'd do better going back to Denva and boot strapping there. Get Warp comms so we can stay in contact, then come back here with a relief fleet. Bonus, we can use the fleet elsewhere, too.
Without Basic Cognition Filter they remain vulnerable to cognitohazards.
Our Psychic shield took 5 points damage when we learn about Chaos and Personal-sized Psychic Shielding is described as weaker.

Yes, that's why this build is about rolling out small scale shields.

That's the point of it. Cognitohazards still ding you but you don't get to corrupt through them, they have to go through the shields before they stick, this just stops you from getting nickel and dimed as an irritation.
I really don't think we should get highly involved here. Like, one, maybe two actions to poke around and offer some immediate help, then go scout Caldereth, then go back to Denva so we can organize a proper relief expedition and go about things efficiently - there are probably a hundred systems just as bad as this one in this sector alone. Hence why we should build up, so we can start helping them systematically.

Honestly, there's an argument for skipping Caldereth, too, but we can argue about that next turn.
So it's generally agreed to send Cia cultist hunting after getting personal psychic shielding and anything else we can prep.