Great update
@Neablis, I really like how you handled that nat 1. Gave a very believable result.
I'd like to study some of the abandoned stations and the automated ship while we are here. I think both will give some really good insights. I also don't want to leave chaos festering here.
With Chaos tom-foolery afoot, I think we need to grab better psy sensors, Empathy at Range (200 RP), so we can see if there are any bad rituals or the like going on.
As the price of all our techs rise, I'm less worried about spending 450 RP on Daemonology if we want it. So I'm leaning towards Destructive Investigation this turn while he is weak.
Also, we should include the Help Cia Train (50RP) action in every plan for the next few turns.
Those are my initial thoughts, will put together a more detailed effort post in a bit.