Voting will open in 2 days, 7 hours
Hey , I'm perfectly fine with a 'containment' policy. Like I said, the whole 'redeeming Chaos cultists' thing is a loooong term prospect and we don't gotta do this now. Just leaving them alive for us to pay attention to later works fine for me.

We shouldn't let fear drive us into atrocity. I'm okay with Vita at some point being in a position where there's no way to avoid certain mass casualties without getting her hands very bloody herself. That is a thing that might happen. But right now, we're absolutely not in anything like that. We can absolutely just go 'alright, we can't handle this right now, leave them more contained then before, maybe dump some humanitarian aid on them and move on'
No humanitarian aid for the chaos cults. Containment yes, aid no. If you won't be complicit in committing atrocities, then I won't be complicit in aiding others who will go on to commit further atrocities.
No humanitarian aid for the chaos cults. Containment yes, aid no. If you won't be complicit in committing atrocities, then I won't be complicit in aiding others who will go on to commit further atrocities.
Do you think the stations under Imperial control aren't committing atrocities? Do you think they're not putting babies in the incinerator for having a mutation, or Psykers for awakening to their powers?

That said, I know I'm in a minority position. If the best I can get is 'don't do anything with 'em' I'll take it.
Any model of Chaotic influence has to reckon equally well with Colchis as it does with The Bloodhives of Most Excellent Slaughter Beneath His Axe.

Colchis had been engaged in esoteric but explicit worship of the Ruinous Powers directly underneath the Emperor's nose. Lorgar thought their theology was enlightening and appealing. They had a stable society, if a harsh one.

What needs to be understood is that Chaos is durable. It will roll with any kind of punches. The Imperium uses "kill on sight", and are they free of Chaos? No. Chaos literally strolled up to the Emperor, the Anathema his-fucking-self, and bargained with him for secret powers.

The key to dealing with Chaos corruption is understanding how the warp works. The warp used to be heaven, before it got tangled up in a downward spiral of agony and self-destruction.
Okay, so. Colchis existed to sneak a metaphysical time bomb into the nascent Imperium. Not devolving into a self-cannibalizing orgy of death was beneficial in the long term.
Any number of cults do the same shit, feigning beneign behavior until they're in a position to make a play for power.
Bongo, our own chaos shitheap, narratively managed to pull the wool over Vita's eyes twice now and only intermittent well-warranted paranoia kept her safe despite it all.
There's exactly zero reason to trust that hypothetical "stable" Chaotic societies will not devolve into the usual mask-off monstrosities.
Hey , I'm perfectly fine with a 'containment' policy. Like I said, the whole 'redeeming Chaos cultists' thing is a loooong term prospect and we don't gotta do this now. Just leaving them alive for us to pay attention to later works fine for me.

We shouldn't let fear drive us into atrocity. I'm okay with Vita at some point being in a position where there's no way to avoid certain mass casualties without getting her hands very bloody herself. That is a thing that might happen. But right now, we're absolutely not in anything like that. We can absolutely just go 'alright, we can't handle this right now, leave them more contained then before, maybe dump some humanitarian aid on them and move on'
I mean, this place is an ongoing mass casualty event - I don't think all those dead stations died at the same time, and the ship is a mobile war.

The trouble is Vita doesn't have a clear solution with or without getting her hands bloody.

Oh hey, here's a notion, though not one we're well positioned to perform right now. How many people are even still here? I bet we could take them someplace else. Maybe someplace with air that doesn't have to come out of decaying centuries-old machines.

Forced relocation has advantages over the other horrible options.

Of course, we don't currently have a spare habitable planet, but that'll probably change sooner or later.

i could argue pages,but it boils down to your take being simply wrong
i honestly belief the exact opposite of everything you just said
is very much as "slow,slow,then all at once" scenario

we arrived here,and we dont have anti-scrying defense,that is enough to paint a target on the system to make answering sacrifices more attractive
and time still plays into a cult advantage,it turns into gradual but accelerating climb up of attrocities and power concentration

over the course of decades (how long turn last),the idea nothing will happen strikes me as absurd

chaos tactical advantage is bringing the AI down to try play savior with half cooked security measures or stay there and eventually react critical mass at wich point recently summoned "HYPER BONGO" slaps vita around

either blow the thing,or commit to going deep on anti-chaos,no half cooked measures
Last edited:
[ ] Plan: Probing the Darkness
-[] Explore:
--[ ] Okay, this place is an abandoned wreck of a former mining system, split between what looks like Imperial Fundamentalists and apparently nascent Chaos Cultists. Not ideal, but we should probably make darned sure that there's nobody here who isn't one of these two factions. Poke around a bit, see if we can find some decent people in this mess, and if we can give them a chance to rise above the rat race. We can't spend forever here, but checking if there's anything that can be salvaged seems reasonable enough. (Explore the system, see if there's some decent people hiding in the margins we can help uplift, or if this place is just going to be Mad Max between Evil and Eviler and thus, should be left alone.)
-[] Research x3 (600 + 112 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Mechanized Agriculture (-100 RP)
--[ ] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (-100 RP)
--[ ] Empathy At Range (90 + 110 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Complex Genetic Enhancement (-150 RP)
--[ ] Psychic Encryption (-150 RP)

General thrust here is "Hope for the best, but assume the worst", we get Empathy at Range in order to hopefully pick up on any Shenanigans, we get Mechanized Agriculture so that if we do find a potential allied group we can prop up here, we'll be able to spool up to making them self-sufficient in a hurry, and we further our options to getting the Navibean planted, getting Complex Genetic Enhancement and In Vitro sorted out--which puts actually planting them something we can do at any time, and making Navigator Genetics researchable when we plant the bean.

Psychic Encryption is just going to be really good for us regardless as well.
I am not seeing the reason for Complex Genetic Enhancement?

We do have much higher priorities. Machine spirit psychic shields e.g.

Not sure I want to sit around for 5 year watching the situation get worse either.
I mean, we don't even know enough to know if we should start doing anything, which is what my action is meant to learn, are we just supposed to charge in blind or something?

Complex Genetic Enhancement is to work towards getting Navigator Genetics, which is important to prevent our Navibean from transforming into a squid.
I mean, we don't even know enough to know if we should start doing anything, which is what my action is meant to learn, are we just supposed to charge in blind or something?

Complex Genetic Enhancement is to work towards getting Navigator Genetics, which is important to prevent our Navibean from transforming into a squid.
Even Imperials rate much higher to save on my list than chaos cultists.

Even imperials can be taught better. As long as we have the superior fire power, which we do in this system.
Okay, so. Colchis existed to sneak a metaphysical time bomb into the nascent Imperium. Not devolving into a self-cannibalizing orgy of death was beneficial in the long term.
Any number of cults do the same shit, feigning beneign behavior until they're in a position to make a play for power.
Bongo, our own chaos shitheap, narratively managed to pull the wool over Vita's eyes twice now and only intermittent well-warranted paranoia kept her safe despite it all.
There's exactly zero reason to trust that hypothetical "stable" Chaotic societies will not devolve into the usual mask-off monstrosities.

That alleges a level of conspiratorial behavior that is not possible for humans. Daemons can lie in wait for centuries, perfectly crafting lies while searching for any cracks in one's defenses, but cultists cannot.

Chaos is a downward spiral, but that does not mean anyone who's ever seen a daemon or sworn by the name of a Ruinous Power is an instantaneous suborned time bomb. In fact, that's not really how Chaos cultists act at all. They're free-willed. Every step into the dark is voluntary. Do daemons want to put their fingers on the scale? Of course they do.

But until one reaches spawndom or daemonhood, they remain a person with their own soul and own mind, able to make choices. There are even canonical instances of Chaos Astartes turning away. Hell, the entire conceit of the Alpha Legion is that you can play these games back at Chaos.

Furthermore, there is no grand plan from Chaos. Not even from the Ruinous Powers themselves, and sure as shit not from individual daemons or cultists. It's the ultimate shambolic nightmare, as is only appropriate for such a force. They are flat-out doing whatever.

Consider also societies like Q'Sal, which would come off as utopian at a glance. They're continuously feeding blood and souls to daemons in exchange for all those blessings, but the fact remains that daemons can be mercenary like that. Some play the long game, some aren't playing a game at all, just being what they are.

Chaos will choose a strategy to respond to however we treat it, including blunt refusal. You think they haven't heard that one before?
Do you think the stations under Imperial control aren't committing atrocities? Do you think they're not putting babies in the incinerator for having a mutation, or Psykers for awakening to their powers?

That said, I know I'm in a minority position. If the best I can get is 'don't do anything with 'em' I'll take it.
Fine, let me clarify: I won't be complicit in sending more souls directly to the big 4.
I mean, I'd argue that "no, it really isn't, you see a Chaos Glyph and you just suddenly become a cultist" is the norm, "Every step is by your own choice" is generally only for people who have non-trivial willpower, and as we keep seeing, even that is questionable (Since they just remove your ability to make other choices with their mere presence, as we keep seeing with Cain until Jurgen walks in to cancel it).
Since they just remove your ability to make other choices with their mere presence, as we keep seeing with Cain until Jurgen walks in to cancel it
Good ole Jurgen. Man could solo a primarch if he had his melta on him.

Actually there's a thought: if we just parked a blank next to our AI core, would that work to provide shielding?
And just like that, the attack peters out. The shielding on your core held, the shielding on the vault stabilizes once more, and Bongo retreats to sulk inside its prison, prodding unhappily at the psychic barrier that have reformed around the vault. They're tattered but still intact - and nothing will pass without you knowing it. Furthermore, your psychic sensors are conclusive, every ounce of scrapcode that escaped the vault was targeted directly at you. You don't need to worry about any of it infesting other parts of the ship.
So I'm a bit worried about this, because Bongo at the very same time proved that scrapcode can punch through barriers that aren't fully broken down. And that Vita's narration can be unreliable on this.

Vita's probably okay? But I'm more inclined to worry about the personal(ity) defense.

The budget version (still a 200 RP tech) might be the triple-nesting. So long as we have a layer that wasn't damaged we can be pretty sure it didn't leak...
[] Plan: More Info and better Anti-Chaos-Tech
-[] Explore:
--[] Explore System look for other groups. Collect Information to Contain/Eliminate Chaos Groups. Collect Info about Imperials.
-[] Research x3 (600 + 112 Anexa RP)
--[] Basic Cognition Filter (138+112=250/250 RP)
---[] 112 Anexa RP
--[] Empathy At Range (200/200 RP)
--[] Psychic Encryption (150/150 RP)
--[] Psychic tripwires (50/50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (62/400 RP)

Plan is to get more Info to then deal with Chaos and Imperials in the System.
Basic Cognition Filter and Psychic tripwires is to help prevent chaos corruption.
Psychic Encryption to prevent Warp based Espionage.
Empathy At Range for better Sensor and to get FTL Communication.
Intelligence Coding we will need it at some Point and it also leads to more protections from Chaos.
We really need to get daemonology done Bongo keeps causing problems and we can easily solve it by doing the tech and throwing Bongo into the sun once and for all.
I will be not satisfied with throwing Bongo away so that he can pop up again somewhere sooner or later, but now free. No, I want for either us to discover a method to use technological means to True Kill daemons, or have Cia reach that point with Pyromancy. It has also the benefit of figuring out how to True Kill daemons in the future too, which's effectiveness I think will be harder to be certain about without our unwilling test-subject.
[] Plan: More Info and better Anti-Chaos-Tech
-[] Explore:
--[] Explore System look for other groups. Collect Information to Contain/Eliminate Chaos Groups. Collect Info about Imperials.
-[] Research x3 (600 + 112 Anexa RP)
--[] Basic Cognition Filter (138+112=250/250 RP)
---[] 112 Anexa RP
--[] Empathy At Range (200/200 RP)
--[] Psychic Encryption (150/150 RP)
--[] Psychic tripwires (50/50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (62/400 RP)

Plan is to get more Info to then deal with Chaos and Imperials in the System.
Basic Cognition Filter and Psychic tripwires is to help prevent chaos corruption.
Psychic Encryption to prevent Warp based Espionage.
Empathy At Range for better Sensor and to get FTL Communication.
Intelligence Coding we will need it at some Point and it also leads to more protections from Chaos.

neat,may you change intelligence coding for personality checks for vita?
i think chiping away the "check you aint chaos compromised" botton is important if we going for a pure anti-chaos plan

but besides that i wholly agree with this plan
we need eyes on the issue

so cognition filter,empathy at range and tripwires give us a way to actually gauge corruption
neat,may you change intelligence coding for personality checks for vita?
i think chiping away the "check you aint chaos compromised" botton is important if we going for a pure anti-chaos plan

but besides that i wholly agree with this plan
we need eyes on the issue

so cognition filter,empathy at range and tripwires give us a way to actually gauge corruption
Can't do personality checks until intelligence coding is done.
Staff Notice - Spaghetti Posting
Well, that went great.
At this point I feel the demon is more deadly then its worth. I think its time to do a dump into a star

Honestly, I don't even like that as a option myself. Feels too risky.

Honestly, I'd say we toss the scrapcode generator into a star. We can find a possessed weapon to use for banishing practice, it's overstayed it's welcome and we've gained all we can from it.... or rather all that we should, given the potency of it's attacks and it's a direct line to Chaos in our house.... not to mention if it decides to attack, say, something other then us when we land somewhere. Like a Space Marine world, or some ancient space station, or anything else really.

Great update @Neablis, I really like how you handled that nat 1. Gave a very believable result.

I'd like to study some of the abandoned stations and the automated ship while we are here. I think both will give some really good insights. I also don't want to leave chaos festering here.

With Chaos tom-foolery afoot, I think we need to grab better psy sensors, Empathy at Range (200 RP), so we can see if there are any bad rituals or the like going on.

As the price of all our techs rise, I'm less worried about spending 450 RP on Daemonology if we want it. So I'm leaning towards Destructive Investigation this turn while he is weak.

Also, we should include the Help Cia Train (50RP) action in every plan for the next few turns.

Those are my initial thoughts, will put together a more detailed effort post in a bit.

[] Plan: Something Hinky is Afoot
-[] Research 2x (400 + 70 + 42)
--[] Faith is my shield? (75 RP)
--[] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[] Anexa Assists
--[] Destructive Scrapcode Investigation (200 RP)
--[] Basic Active Stealth (22 -> 59 RP)
--[] Overflow to Basic Active Stealth then Machine Spirit Hallucinations
-[] Explore - Do a loop or two of the asteroid belt exploring the stations from a distance. Explicitly use this to work on our empathy sensors and study multiple different faiths in action.
--[] Victan assists with signal analysis and categorizing different groups to help with the above and find a sane faction for us to work with.
-[] Order/Explore – Board and secure several of the, hopefully abandoned, stations for study
--[] Cia assists the bots with gaining control of the stations. It will be great experience in a mostly safe environment to learn how to lead bots

And look, Bongo kicks us in the teeth yet again, once more getting closer to breaking through to Vita. Can we please just get rid of the thing already?

Y'all gotta remember that we'd be destroying Bongo's binding, not Bongo itself. This is a bit like being beaten by someone who's handcuffed, so you break their handcuffs.

How is this for a start?

This still needs more details on both the attack on the chaos cultist station and on what to build, but it should be a nice start.

[] Plan: Kick Chaos in the Shins
-[] [Free] Fix damage to psychic shields. Vita Core (75/135->135/135 @ 300 BP), Bongo Oubliette (303/540->443/540 @ 700 BP) [1000/1000BP repair bay expended, 485BP of damage left]
-[] [Free][DATA] how do the inquisitors deal with chaos infiltration?
-[] Orders: Attack, conquer and fortify/repair one or more of the chaos cultist stations with bots and Cia
-[] Construction: build personal psychic shields for Crew. Build stuff for repairing and fortifying.
-[] Research x2 (400 RP + 70 Anexa RP + 42 Tech-Priest RP)
--[] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[] Help Cia's Training (50 RP)
--[] Empathy at Range (200 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Machine Spirit Chaos resistance (100 RP)
--[] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP)
--[] Basic Active Stealth (22->34/75 RP)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research
-[] Victan active action: Study the reactions to us kicking over the anthill, find out who could be propped up against chaos with the information gained from the station. Cause you won't stay here forever. Plan is to only prop them up enough against chaos, not nearly as much as the Denvans, especially if besides chaos there are only hardcore imperialists left.
-[] Cia Active Psyker improvement

I am going to argue for a thorough and detailed exploration of this system right after we invent those thought filter implants. And not for the reasons you think. Humanitarian aid is wonderful, purging Chaos is important and setting up a mining base for Denva is important.
Or for us. We've given Denva enough.

[] Plan: Seeds, Seeds, and Seeds
-[] [Repair Bay] Full repair - Vita Core, friendly cycler and station. The rest into Oubliette repairs.
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion: Survey the stations and cycler ship for the best iconoclastic candidate - not Chaos influenced, but as little Imperial fanaticism as possible. Force the surrender of the cycler if it isn't them, and repair it under the control of that faction. Set them to unify the surviving stations and restore full operations. Destroy any stations that are overtly Chaotic.
-[] Explore: Caldereth
-[] Research x2 (400 + 65 + 42 RP)
--[] Basic Active Stealth (53 RP)
--[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (100 RP)
--[] Psychic Encryption (150 RP)
--[] Improved Void Abacus (60 + 65/125 RP) (Anexa)
--[] Machine Spirit Shipboard Manufactories (75 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (4/400 RP)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action.
-[] Victan active action: Diplomat-Spy - assists any diplomacy action you take, granting +Level to the dice to the action.
-[] Passive Psyker improvement: Cia will take lower-risk actions to improve herself, including meditation, study and augmentation.
No plan that involves Cia or Victan interacting with people likely to be corrupted is a starter before we get some cognition filters online. We haven't even told them the name of the Chaos Gods out of a desire to keep them safe. And before anyone says something about paranoia, that wasn't even a vote. Vita chose to do it after reading some restricted files on the Archenemy.

We are in a system with active chaos cults.
Empathy at Range is our best bet to get a warning should they choose to start summoning Daemons.

we both know is a matter of time before the cultists summon ''ahdajdjajfefvefs'' the scourge of stars or some bullshit
leaving it be is a temporary measure at best,leaving it be while we leave to denva would be genocide
only way makes sense leaving the stations untouched is if we stay and commit to anti-chaos research

otherwise,i think blowing them up is mercy

over the course of decades (how long turn last),the idea nothing will happen strikes me as absurd
The way you say it, it makes it sound like we're going to spend ten turns away.

Fact is, if they haven't summoned any demons in the centuries they've been here, they're unlikely to do so in the next couple of decades. And if they are on the brink of doing it then attacking them may give them the motivation (or the attention from Chaos) needed to do it.

The issue is that as I alluded to, Chaos is contagious, and currently we've got no means of detecting it other than through obvious symbols and traits. If it's Nurglite (which it likely is) then we likely have warp-contaminated diseases going about as well, and that stuff needs to be purged by plasma fire.

Edit: I do get you though, and I would have wanted to help, but once the eight-pointed star is up on the wall then we'd have to look very carefully to find anyone not into it.

Then let us treat it as an epidemic. Like a civilized, humane person treats a contagion. Quarantine, triage, humanitarian aid, research, possible treatment or cure or failing that, palliative care. And it seems like these Chaos cultists are mostly quarantined already. To kill thousands of men, women and children because 'Chaos bad' even if they are no threat at all to us, don't even know we exist would suggest Vita is far more indifferent to human lives than I'd like her to be.

If we were an Imperial character, obviously, even the most iconoclast of Inquisitors would probably blow them up. But we're not of the Imperium. We can and will do better than them.

We can't keep burning all our research on anti-chaos when we haven't even touched huge swaths of the tech tree. Like, we've focused on it for practically every single turn post-unification thus far,same with stealth. Manufacturing, materials, and weaponry have been left by the wayside for the most part.

We aren't even handling Chaos aside from Bongo, which still isn't a problem. Remember, the only reason our core took damage is because we lost the 1/4th modifier for the turn. Still, I know everyone will instead of being sensible, will panic and spend 3 turns just researching anti-chaos =/.
Neablis has said we're not meant to be able to go deep into every branch of the tech tree. It was designed to be too wide for that. You should also keep in mind that we left Denva doing some research for us, and that we are a Woman of Stone, not Steel.

Too much effort for something, very unfortunately, small on the galactic scale. I don't want to make Vita someone who gets bogged down on the suffering of everyone she ever comes across. As it was pointed out to us:

So I'm more towards of a more pragmatic and so brutal approach of killing those infected by the Chaos. And at the same time, offering those not infected minimal aid needed to stabilize them and to stop them from sliding towards worshipping the Chaos Gods in desperation. Because Chaos is a disease that at least currently, we do have to burn out rather than cure.

Of course, we could just let them duke it out and leave. But if we are going to do something, I think we will have to either get our hands dirty or be stuck here for a very long time trying to fix towards reversing existing corruption from the Chaos.

If we are only going to preserve humans that aren't involved somehow in a monstrous atrocity laden regime, then we're gonna be wiping out about 99% of humanity.

Also: of their own free will? I don't imagine that if you tell the rulers of that place 'yeah, I'm not sure I'm feeling the Chaos Gods. I'm just gonna do my own thing, I won't get in your way' is an option. You live on that station, I imagine you perform acts of worship to Chaos or you die. I mean, there's kids on those station. I'm not about to put the moral weight of his choice on a six year old that is proud he finally gets to take part in some ritual with his parents.

(Added note to keep things cool that I recgonise that all of this is fictional, and I'm explicitly not making any suggestions about people's feelings in real life.)

Chaos, Tyranids, and Drukhuri meanwhile are all cancer and rot. None can be trusted, all are antithetical to all who live in reality, and should be destroyed with extreme prejudice. Every little bit of the culture from the last 200 years for ALL OF THEM would need to be destroyed, all of their memories expunged and forcibly wiped, and the whole thing damnatio to prevent them from adopting ANYTHING from their old culture, like cannibalism, or worshipping the chaos gods, or drawing a chaos star on children's heads - everything that kept them alive for 200 years with no resources. Otherwise, even if we 'solved' the problem and somehow removed the chaos taint and killed everyone too far gone, they'd just go down the exact same path yet again, and suddenly the majority are back to being a cult.

Take Chaos seriously.

They don't. The seeds of Chaos would have bloomed long ago and completely consumed humanity, were it so easy. Casual Chaos corruption is everywhere and the Imperium actively if unknowingly aids it. Knowing how to draw the Eight-Pointed Star and chant the name of a daemon is helpful for cultists, but it is by no means necessary to gain the attentions of the Warp.
You are making a logic error. Necessary and sufficient are not synonyms. And we know for a fact that even knowing the names of the Four will draw attention. Why should their sign be any different?

...Does it? We haven't actually had much experience with serious chaos corruption beyond Bongo, and he's literally a warp demon, so I'm not sure he's representative of chaos corruption in any other form. It might be worth poking at the chaos corrupted stations just to get a better view of what chaos actually looks like in the wild...? Though, then again, there are a lot of risks to that. Maybe it should wait for later, I dunno...?
We deal with Chaos in some capacity whenever we go into the Warp... but also, we will have to deal with this place at some point. We also have the experience of reading the names of the Four from a file and that being enough to bring damage onto our shields.

It might mean, 'isolate them, prevent contacts with others while making sure they can survive, when you have the resources, take over control, forbid Chaos worship, possibly move them to a new habitat and then put them under carefully controlled circumstances, still in complete quarantine, until a few generations in, they're no more likely to break out into chaos worship than a random Imperial citizen. Or heck, perhaps in the investigation, you find ways to make them less likely to fall victim to it.

We don't KNOW what is possible with cleaning out Chaos corruption. Has anyone in the 40K universe tried with anything like the amount of resources we have? Obviously, we're not in the position to do that right now. We want to have the resources and assistance to have it be something 'on the back burner' while we explore. But at some point, we might have those, and these little, isolated, helpless Chaos enclaves would be perfect places to try out humane ways to deal with Chaos invested populations. We don't even have to do all that much right now. Just 'don't kill them to the last person'. We can just leave. We can just destroy their way to be boarded by that ship. We can go in armed, kill their leaders and try to establish something better.
Folks, please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, from where we stand, Chaos is not like a normal sickness, which we can cure with medicines, or an ideology, where separation from leaders and de-programming can help people recover.

It is something that takes root in mind and body, cannot be rooted out with any methods we have or are likely to discover soon, and spreads via word of mouth. Something that enables one to cause untold harm, given time and access to materials.

So we have no hope of curing/restoring people within able time, and any form of quarantining that might be effective in the long run would necessarily involve impeding all outside communication; taking away means to harm others or the self, writing symbols, or otherwise performing rituals; and removing all worldly possessions.

That means we're either killing people or sticking them in a nightmare mix of concentration camp and early 20th century mental hospice.

On giving the locals our manufacturing tech: I think it might end up being an incredibly bad move. Because that is early DAoT -level manufacturing, like I keep saying again and again. And unless we are willing to stay to root out the Chaos totally in this system, and then further securing them against outside forces taking the technology... I'm gonna say that sounds a bit too costly to me.
Valid concern. Uplifting them may not be viable at the moment.

I have nothing against going towards finding a solution. But currently we don't even have an easy-to-reach lead towards that, at least from what I can see. So I don't see much point in trying just for the sake of trying, so that we can say to ourselves that we tried.

In the end, this quest is meant to be mainly about exploration as a concept (and a game-mechanic). If you don't want Vita to get involved in killing those infected, I think that making a plan that doesn't even try interacting with this place and its people at all and instead moves on immediately? Might be the best option.

This is not a normal 40K story, and we're not a normal 40K protagonist. We are explicitly able to work wonders that the 40K universe forgot. We are explicitly a mind that is formed in a brighter, better age and wants to do better. This is not a story about working within the normal constraints of the 40K universe, but to challenge them. And I find the idea of seeking a path of redemption not only for the Turbo-Fash Empire, but also the spiky, tainted people that face them a great challenge. To not do so, and just go 'Chaos is scary, start the massacres' would be wasteful of one of the few 40K stories that offers alternatives.
This is well and good as an aspiration, but we do not have the means to make it happen any time soon. And we can leave the place to its own devices for a while, but it will not keep forever. And as of now we don't have the means to know how close it is to boiling over.

Here's a simple solution: hijack the ship, clear it out to make it more friendly, and then edit its flight path to not visit any of the chaos stations.

We don't kill any babies or whatever, and we reduce the threat of chaos spreading.
What do you mean "clear it"? Kill those who oppose us within it?

[ ] Plan: Probing the Darkness
-[] Explore:
--[ ] Okay, this place is an abandoned wreck of a former mining system, split between what looks like Imperial Fundamentalists and apparently nascent Chaos Cultists. Not ideal, but we should probably make darned sure that there's nobody here who isn't one of these two factions. Poke around a bit, see if we can find some decent people in this mess, and if we can give them a chance to rise above the rat race. We can't spend forever here, but checking if there's anything that can be salvaged seems reasonable enough. (Explore the system, see if there's some decent people hiding in the margins we can help uplift, or if this place is just going to be Mad Max between Evil and Eviler and thus, should be left alone.)
-[] Research x3 (600 + 112 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Mechanized Agriculture (-100 RP)
--[ ] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (-100 RP)
--[ ] Empathy At Range (90 + 110 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Complex Genetic Enhancement (-150 RP)
--[ ] Psychic Encryption (-150 RP)
I do't think we should spend RP on Agriculture before we know there's anyone who could use it here. And anyway meianmaru's argument against placing complex tech here still applies.

If we take away the ship without improving anything else, I suspect the stations will die faster. They're not riding around in a floating warzone and scavenging wrecks while holding their breaths because they think it's fun. (Well, maybe the first bit for some Khornates.)
The ship doesn't seem to bring anything to the stations anymore. It is controlled by its own set of factions which are hostile to the station factions.

Here they're...clearly not accomplishing either of those things. They're open but seem to be about as stable as anything else. They're not infusing Daemons into the transport and having it start eating habitats or whatever. Why not? They've lost technological knowledge, but did they ever need it to do their thing? Ignorance just makes it easier to convince a sorcerer to do something that will get them eaten.
They're still dying out. Just slowly. They need tech for temperature insulation, food, and fresh air. Probably artificial gravity, as well.

Seems to me like there is little point to trying to help these folk at this point in time, and going "Exterminate!" would probably cause issues—yes, we've got them heavily outgunned, but anyone who knows anything about cults can tell you violent approaches will end on tragedy, and where a real world cult might pull out weapons or commit mass suicide, a Chaos Cult might start summoning things. Things we're not ready to kill right now.

So, how important do y'all think Empathy at Range is? We could get Improved Passive Stealth, Psychic Tripwires, and Psytech Machine Spirits for the same price, which I think would be more useful in the short term. I would still want EaR, like, next turn though, so we can progress towards warp comms...
Honestly, unless we're staying here, not that much. And I don't think we want to stay here.

Psychic Encryption shouldn't have been slept on. Reflecting on how Bongo does things, it is obvious the little scamp is relying far more heavily on scrying than other reality warps to subvert our systems. Without knowing ahead of time what to do, him, the eldar, and every warp bullshit user will be out of luck. Plus, it is explicitly an advanced tech from later down the tree.
This kind of metagaming reasoning doesn't make much sense; a nat 1 was going to have Bongo screw us up somehow. If we had Encryption, it would be something else.

That said, I do want to get Encryption soon.
I mean, we don't even know enough to know if we should start doing anything, which is what my action is meant to learn, are we just supposed to charge in blind or something?

Complex Genetic Enhancement is to work towards getting Navigator Genetics, which is important to prevent our Navibean from transforming into a squid.
Do we need to rush the Navigator already? I get going for one of the techs, but we don't need to be rushing into it yet with a couple more turns of exploration to go.

And you're saying a cursory look has already identified literally everyone in the system?
This is true, though I would imagine we got a lot, and every turn we stay here is a turn where something Chaotic could notice us. Then again, repairs are ongoing...

Cheap Research List update!

Ship Design
-[] Medium Defense Platforms (50 RP) You've already got most of the tools you need to build bigger defensive platforms, but these would be a larger platform to stick guns on, with more ability to withstand damage. (Unlocks medium defensive platforms, potential for other void-based installation options)
General Design
-[] Ground Manufactory Efficiency Improvements (50 RP) You dramatically improved the efficiency of your void manufacturing by stripping out the dumb stuff that was required by stellar federation bureaucracy. There's probably some stuff like that in your ground manufactories too. (Reduces the CP cost but not BP cost of your ground manufactories. Unlocks follow-on tech to build ground manufactories in more challenging conditions such as extreme temp/pressure planetoids).

-[] Mothballing (50 RP) Keeping a bunch of systems functional and ready requires attention that is swiftly running out. Maybe you can figure out how to spend less attention on things that are mostly inactive (Unlocks the ability to mothball an installation for 10% of it's build cost, free reactivation that takes a few weeks. May unlock techs to allow you to freely turn things on and off, as well as increasing the speed of reactivation enough for you to keep military installations mothballed until they're needed.)
-[] Basic Ground force stealth (50 RP) Tanks show up pretty well on scanners, and it would be nice to change that. You might also be able to make your bots hide better. (Unlocks new design options for tanks and ground forces that are less obvious. Unlocks further research towards better ground force stealth. Will be able to take advantage of some other stealth technologies.)

-[] Improved Passive Stealth (50 RP) Ok, you've figured out the basics of hiding your small craft, but you have ideas on what you can do better, that might allow them to hide from even fully-alert enemies. They probably won't be able to close all the way to attack range, but they'll be able to get a lot closer (Unlocks improved stealth designs with improved performance. Unlocks further research for advanced passive stealth technologies. Will synergize with other stealth research.)

-[] Basic Active Stealth (75 RP) Just deflecting away and hiding your signature only helps so much. Then next step is to overlay a hologram over your small craft to make them effectively invisible, and even counter passive sensors. It'll still be a hazy outline, but this is the path towards being able to close to actual combat ranges unobserved (Unlocks improved stealth designs for actively hiding signatures, though they will be expensive. Unlocks further research for improved active stealth, and will synergize with other stealth research.
-[] Improved Armor Articulation (50 RP) From your research on humanizing combat bots you have some ideas about improving the points of articulation on armor to increase the range of motion and make the suits more responsive. (Increased performance & mobility for heavier armor, both for combat bots & people wearing heavy armor you make. May unlock further armor upgrade techs)
Psychic Shielding
-[] Psychic tripwires (50 RP) Standardizing the shielding has given you another idea - you could try to install a very basic version of it into all of your technology, just about the simplest thing that would still generate the desired effect. It wouldn't do much to hinder any warp-corruption of other psyker powers, but it could serve as an alarm or deadman switch setup. (Anything smaller than a ship has psychic tripwires that will alert when warp-based shenanigans happen to them. Will unlock research to use this on ships, and to make civilian-grade versions that could be put into literally everything).

-[] Machine Spirit-controlled Psychic Shields (50 RP) You think it's possible to integrate machine spirits into your chaos shielding, which would probably make it more effective in almost every way except cost. (Unlocks new kinds of psychic shielding that are more resistant to damage, potentially self-repairing and more) Requires Machine Spirit Chaos resistance.
The Warp
-[] Faith is my shield? (75 RP) Clearly the Imperium believes that faith can protect you from warp gribblies. It even seems like it might be true. How? Is there a way you can harness the effect without having to dedicate yourself to the Imperial creed. (Understanding the benefits of Faith. May unlock further research to allow Vita to design a less objectionable faith optimized for warp protection, and help develop better psyker training programs.)
-[] Help Cia's Training (50 RP) By spending more time with Cia, actively monitoring her use of her powers and providing feedback, you can improve the quality and outcomes of her training (Gives a +10 to any Cia training dice this turn, and may result in new kinds of outcomes. Can be improved by further pyromantic research. Repeatable)
-[] Miniaturized antigrav (50 RP) You can make antigrav that reduces the weight of things like shuttles to make them able to make orbit. But there's a floor on how small you can make that technology. The Imperium seems to have solved that. (Unlocks drones, jump-packs etc, as well as additional research to make antigrav vehicles/walkers)
Machine Spirits
-[] Large-scale Machine spirits (75 RP) As it stands, you can integrate machine spirits into small things. Expanding that to military installations and ships is going to require designing even more complex networks and figuring out how to make them work. With Anexa's insights you think it's eminently possible thought (Unlocks machine-spirit equipped versions of frigate-sized or smaller ships and platforms, as well as most defensive installations. Unlocks more research for machine spirits for larger ships & platforms.)

-[] Machine Sprit Production Improvements (75 RP) Your machine spirits seem to be able to suggest more optimal choices than the default under some situations, but you're not confident enough to standardize it. Investigate that, and figure out how to encourage that behavior. (Improves productivity of machine-spirit manufacturing systems, may unlock further boosts to manufactory production or CP discounts).

-[] Machine Spirit Shipboard Manufactories (75 RP) The constraints on shipboard manufactories make them different enough that you haven't been able to apply the machine spirit technology to them. (Improves the BP produced by the shipboard manufactory equipment, likely by about 20%. May unlock tech allowing better cramming for ship manufactories).
-[] Servitorization (50 RP) You find it repulsive, but being able to replace somebody's brain with a computer that drives them around would have its uses. (Unlocks the ability to servitorize people in the medbay. Unlocks follow-on research to replicate their personality as well)

-[] Drugs? Drugs. (75 RP) Human biochemistry is... weird. You've got a standard list of recipies for basic drugs, but if you wanted to get further into it you could start pulling out some stranger and more illicit ones from your research databanks. (Unlocks a wide variety of drugs for things like interrogation, combat, sedation, etc. May lead to research for things like perfect knockout gas, super-adrenaline, psytech drugs, etc.)

-[] Dubious Dark Eldar Dissections (75 RP) You've got some corpses of Dark Eldar. Time to take them apart and see what you can learn! (Gives you some details on Dark Eldar physiology. May provide bonuses towards psyker genetics, or develop medical techniques, drugs or implants for Eldar)
-[] Combat Neural Implants (50 RP) Allows you to install neural implants to calculate trajectories, assist with aiming, further improve reaction time and generally improve human capabilities in combat. (Unlocks combat-focused neural implants. Will synergize with other cybernetics and neural implant technologies)

-[] Remote Organic-Machine control (50 RP) One of the current limitations of the OMC technology is that it requires the controller to be on-site. But if that wasn't true, then you could imagine truly bloodless wars, or operators living in comfortable cities while they controlled factories in orbit. Something to look into. (Allows OMC implants to control installations or units within the same system. Leads to further research for interoperable units, as well as making it possible for human staff to directly contribute to Vita's CP cap.)

Total 1175 RP, not counting current progress. If we go for just the stealth and machine spirit ones, that's 400 minus current progress. Should be enough in two actions to get these plus Faith is My Shield and Psychic Tripwires!
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I've been wanting to dump the Chaos artifact into a star since we got it. BANISHING it would be a close second.
Folks, please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, from where we stand, Chaos is not like a normal sickness, which we can cure with medicines, or an ideology, where separation from leaders and de-programming can help people recover.
The short of it. Chaos is a magical affliction and a cognitohazzard. Knowledge of it on 40K specially (they arent as wanked in fantasy) will induce passive corruption that ear on One's soul. Paranoia says Vita have no particular soul health to avoid falling.

It's a disease on a more macro scale with entire sepcies being a macro organism, A person, a soul on this case is just a cell not the complex organism.

Do with this information what you may.

My personal take is eventually on the high end of psy tech (like eldar tier) or mundane supertech (Necron tier) we could do something about it but we are very not there yet. Immunity the fhaos corruption on demand it one of the big shinny on this scenario.
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