Huuuuh. A thought - maybe we should look into a 'practical human psychology' research or something. Vita seems to have a reasonable grasp on it, as much as the average person, but that still leaves a lot of room for improvement. See if we can get bonuses to diplo/subversion actions, maybe including child rearing. Though not something we should prioritize until we've sorted out the scrapcode generator, obviously. :/
We have full blown diplomatic module what else we can get that Federation may have forgotten to add?
I'm proposing a radical suggestion for this turn — a research-only option. You could drop one of the research actions for a construction action (I rather like @Speedemon22's suggestion, if so), but my tentative preference is all four actions on research for now. We currently have 25 trade goods available to pay rent.

This approach would unlock most of the fundamental technologies, reducing construction costs for the subsequent turn, thus making this a logical use of the current turn.

[] Plan: Full research
-[] Research x4 (800 RP available + Anexa's 25 RP)
--[] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (185/200 -> 200/200, 15 RP spent)
--[] The workings of a Void Abacus (0 -> 150/150, 165 RP spent)
--[] An Introduction to Human Genetics (0 -> 100/100, 265 RP spent)
--[] You don't need no stinkin' medical school (0 -> 100/100, 365 RP spent)
--[] Large-scale Void Manufacturing (0 -> 200/200, 565 RP spent)
--[] The Basics of Psytech (0 -> 200/200, 765 RP spent)
--[] Does in vitro have something to do with wine? (0 -> 60/200, 825 RP spent)
---[] Anexa assists "in vitro" tech
-[] Victan performs counterespionage & communication (passive action)
-[] Scrapcode generator
--[] Destroy it. The sun's right there. Open the shuttle bay doors, fling the whole faraday cage + altar straight towards a giant fusion reaction. At present, the risks are too high.
-[] Klyssar's Nest
--[] Do not turn the station over until you are satisfied that Denva crews are fully trained and capable of operating the station without incident.
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We have full blown diplomatic module what else we can get that Federation may have forgotten to add?

A better theoretical underpinning for actually *using* our module, the same way we just did for physics and biology.

Working on a plan:

[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
[] Diplomacy/Subversion (Klyssar's nest): You'd like that the people here could stand tall and proud on their own. However, you'd also prefer that they didn't blow up themselves and the station you just looted conquered. Offer that as a part of the effort to build ties between their people and you, you will open an academy where you will be teaching temporarily for five years. Offer lessons in fundamental physics, biology, history, psychology, philosophy, ethics, etc. But lean heavily on engineering and such side of things. With "practical lessons" on how to run the station. Try and make the academy self sustaining and recruit capable teachers to take over after we're gone, and maybe begin laying the ground work for more cutting edge and theoretical research.
[] Research x2
-[] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (185 + 15/200 RP)
-[] Void Abacus (150 RP)
-[] Basic Warp Understanding (240/???)
[] Construction (4050 VBP)
-[] Vault Shield x5 (500 BP)
-[] Manufactory x3 (300 BP, 150 CP)
-[] Orbital Manufactory (250 VBP, 40 CP)
-[] Uplift Assistance to Academy & to Denva generally (300 VBP)
-[] Small Shipyard: (1000 VBP, 50 CP) It's time to start building ships
-[] Repair Psychic shielding (150 BP)
-[] Basic Defense Satellite x2 (600 VBP, 20 CP) two near the shipyard and one near the Denva space station
-[] Tiny system monitor x1 (950 VBP, 50 CP)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research Void Abacus.
-[] Victan active action: Assist with Academy
[] Keep it. There's so much you could learn from it, and it would at the very least be invaluable as a way to test psychic defenses and improved chaos resistance. You might also be able to learn hacking from it!
[] No You're going to hold onto the control of the station for now and make sure everything is running smoothly and they all understand the technology before you hand over the keys to the castle.

Could see an argument for having Anexa study on her own this turn? I think having her study the machine spirits and/or the abacus would be fine, but I'm not particularly set on it.

Not really sure about Victan either. Having him help with the academy is really pushing him outside his comfort zone... But we've been doing that a lot and it only seems to make him stronger, so I'm inclined to keep going. If nothing else, he can keep any of the other powers on Denva from trying to subvert the thing to their own ends.

I will also say that if we're not going to do warp understanding, then I'm strictly against keeping the scrapcode generator and will vote to throw it in the sun. Either we handle it properly or we toss it, no fucking around.

edit: I'm also not sold on the small shipyard, defense satellites, or tiny system monitors, if anyone wants to argue against those.
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Haven't really read the discussion and I'm sore all over thanks to taking a tumble earlier today due to two strategically placed dog toys, so I'm just going to do a gutfeel plan.
Didn't, not couldn't. Bad idea to assume we know it's capabilities just because that is all it has shown us, before it learned anything about us.

And it won't do a game-over on our research roll. Which is a much more limited thing that saying we are safe from game over and 99% safe from any bad outcomes at all.

There's a lot of non-chaos threats in this sector we also need to deal with. Spending all our RP on anti-chaos instead of broad spectrum stuff has potential bad consequences in and of itself, and I really don't want to give a demon time to plan and prepare the way sealing it for a decade or five would.

So take the safe path, chuck it into the sun, and focus on our advantages: manufacturing and archaeotech.
You're jumping at shadows and downplaying both our strengths and our enemies. Chaos is not the only faction that uses psychic attacks, in fact I think the only factions that don't are the nids and the tau! Psytech IS one of our strengths, we built into it during chargen by paying for those those samples and the void abacus.

Sky high as our potential may be, we are still a very small player. This is a game where we have to take risks to grow - controlled ones, when we can - or be overwhelmed by all the big guys in our neighborhood, and it does not matter if our conventional weapons are the shit if our psychic warfare folds like a wet tissue.

Neablis has gone so far as to say that nat1 on directly researching the scrapcode generator, not even the more cautious action of just containing it, the direct research itself, does not have corruption on the table. Also don't forget that the scrapcode generator has spent the last few centuries not being contained at all. There are limits to what it can plausibly do on an isolated vault one dumb kinetic impactor from being sent into the sun.

If we're too timid to take even this safe of a controlled risk to jump ahead, we never will and we will just lose when the big boys decide we're a problem.
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I just straight out copied the construction plan from @Speedemon22, so my thanks to them. It seems like a very solid plan:
[ ] Construction (4050 VBP)
-[ ] Vault shield: (100 BP) maybe double that just to be sure
-[ ] small shipyard: (1000 BP, 50 CP) It's time to start building ships
-[ ] Repair Psychic shielding (150 BP)
-[ ] basic defense satellite X3 (900 BP, 30 CP) two near the shipyard and one near the Denva space station
-[ ] Tiny system monitor X2 (1900 BP, 100 CP)
Besides that: I went with forming a place of learning for Klyssar's nest, working partially as a cover to trying to make sure that nothing bad happens while the locals operate the space station.

On the research side of things: Finishing the Machine Spirit project with Anexa. Biology-focused research so that we can improve on the cybernetics and give much better medical care. Preserving the Scrapcode Generator for now, while focusing on opening fundamental warp research with figuring out the Void Abacus. And finally throwing the spare RP on the miniaturized psychic shielding, which will hopefully get further cost reduction after completing the fundamental warp research, but still is low enough that we can finish it with one research action immediately if needed.

[] Plan: The Seasonal Chaos Vaccination
-[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion (Klyssar's nest): You'd like that the people here could stand tall and proud on their own. However, you'd also prefer that they didn't blow up themselves and the station you just looted conquered. Offer to help in forming of an academy in Klyssar's nest. You would be there to help them form a basic curriculum with teaching materials. Throw in your database on various academic papers you've gathered and even the new fundamental research you've done on physics, biology and (hopefully soon) medicine. But also include subjects helpful to running the station, like engineering. With "practical lessons" on how to do that to keep the chances of a true catastrophe as low as feasible. Hint that you would be willing to potentially do technology sharing in the future with the academy, as the reason why you are doing this in the first place.
-[] Construction x1 (4050 BP; 3500 GBC (3500 LC); VBC 550)
--[] Construction, 1st slot
---[] Shielded Vault, Scrapcode Generator (100 BP) (add a Machine Spirit "canary" system to the design)
---[] Psychic Shielding: 85/100 -> 100/100 (150 BP)
---[] Small Shipyard (1000 void BP, 50 CP)
---[] 3x Basic Defense Satellite (300 void BP, 10 CP)
---[] 2x Tiny system monitor (950 void BP, 50 CP)
-[] Research x2
--[] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (185/200 RP -> 200/200 RP)
---[] Anexa +30 RP
--[] The workings of a Void Abacus (150 RP)
--[] You don't need no stinkin' medical school (100 RP)
--[] Organ replacements, Redux (50 RP)
--[] Miniaturized psychic shielding: (115/300 RP)
-[] What to do about the Scrapcode Generator?
--[] Keep it.
-[] Do you turn over command of Klyssar's Nest?
--[] Yes
-[] Anexa active Action: Research (Secrets of the Machine Spirits)
-[] Victan active action: Subversion (Klyssar's nest)
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[ ] Plan: Trust the People of Denva
-[] Construction: (3500 Ground BP, 550 Void BP))
--[ ] 1x Small Shipyard (-1000 VBP, -50 CP)
--[ ] 11x Orbital Manufactories (-2750 VBP, -440 CP)
--[ ] Danger Vault! (-100 VBP to isolate the Scrap Code Generator somewhere well out of reach in orbit with no access to production material, and a warning to tell us if the shield drops below, say, 70%. Maybe Machine Spirits too if we can? We've got a little excess wiggle-room in the budget if we need it.)
--[ ] Repair Psychic Shielding (-150 BP)
--[ ] Restore Combat Losses (-120 BP)
-[ ] Research x3 (+600 RP + 30 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Efficient Weapon Distribution (-100 RP)
--[ ] Heavy Cruisers (-300 RP)
--[ ] Secrets of the machine Spirits (15 Anexa RP, Completed!)
--[ ] An Introduction to Human Genetics (-100 RP)
--[ ] The Basics of Psytech (-115/200 RP, remaining Anexa RP)
-[] [ANEXA] Research (Secrets of the Machine Spirits)
-[] [VICTAN] Communications
-[] [CRAPCODE] Keep It--in a 100 BP vault many, many clicks away in orbit, with no production abilities, locked behind psy-shielding and hopefully defended by our first batch of homebrew Machine Spirits, and with only a single beacon that will light up if it hits 70% integrity for us. We'll get to it sooner rather than later. And yes, I know what I titled this as.
-[] [STATION] Yes, we've got to have faith. They have the tools they need to make this work.

Long story short, this puts us in a position where we can start building up our void presence properly in the system, has faith in Denva to roll better than sub-10, and uses that to make a big push so we can get to designing our beautiful hero ship as soon as next turn if nothing catches fire, by getting the Heavy Cruiser research done (Which unlocks a Grand Cruiser scale hero ship), the Efficient Weapons Distribution to give it sharper teeth, and Introduction to Human Genetics to hopefully reduce some of the other med-tech costs, while also putting Psytech reasonably in reach.
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[ ] Plan: Trust the People of Denva
-[] Construction: (3500 Ground BP, 550 Void BP))
--[ ] 1x Small Shipyard (-1000 VBP, -50 CP)
--[ ] 11x Orbital Manufactories (-2750 VBP, -440 CP)
--[ ] Danger Vault! (-100 VBP to isolate the Scrap Code Generator somewhere well out of reach in orbit with no access to production material, and a warning to tell us if the shield drops below, say, 70%)
--[ ] Repair Psychic Shielding (-150 BP)
--[ ] Restore Combat Losses (-120 BP)
-[ ] Research x3 (+600 RP + 30 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Efficient Weapon Distribution (-100 RP)
--[ ] Heavy Cruisers (-300 RP)
--[ ] Secrets of the machine Spirits (15 Anexa RP, Completed!)
--[ ] An Introduction to Human Genetics (-100 RP)
--[ ] The Basics of Psytech (-115/150 RP, remaining Anexa RP)
--[] [ANEXA] Research (Secrets of the Machine Spirits)
--[] [VICTAN] Communications
--[] [CRAPCODE] Keep It--in a 100 BP vault many, many clicks away in orbit, with no production abilities, locked behind psy-shielding, and with only a single beacon that will light up if it hits 70% integrity for us. We'll get to it sooner rather than later. And yes, I know what I titled this as.
-[] [STATION] Yes, we've got to have faith. They have the tools they need to make this work.
Putting Scrap Code Generator in orbit is way too excessive.
---[] Shielded Vault, Scrapcode Generator (100 BP)
--[ ] Danger Vault! (-100 VBP to isolate the Scrap Code Generator somewhere well out of reach in orbit with no access to production material, and a warning to tell us if the shield drops below, say, 70%)
Reminder that we can integrate machine spirits into the vault as at least a canary system, if we specify it in the vault production action.
Hard pass on leaving the station's life support to chance. Wondering if the secrets of machine spirits research will let us enhance that vault this turn, even if only in a "canary in the coal mine" fashion. Thoughts, @Neablis?
Mmm. Probably? Especially if you call it out in the action constructing the vault.
My plan's been through many revisions so I'll just post version 4 here. With word of god that miniaturizing shielding is the fastest path to protecting our beans, I'm comfortable dropping the rush for cognito filters. I think it makes sense to grab the warp fundamentals tech as well to discount everything else, so I've allocated the remaining RP to pushing towards that. I like @Speedemon22's idea of getting an orbital presence, I just want to keep adding factories since we will always want more BP. So I split build between factories, defenses, and ships.

I also set our free look around to check on anything scrapcode related. It feels on point and I would hate to miss low hanging fruit.

[] Plan: One Station, Hold the Chaos
-[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[] Having encountered it directly now you a portion of your processing capacity into poring over the available archive logs, focusing specifically on references to "scrapcode" and its various manifestations. Your goal is to unearth any details on transmission vectors and defensive protocols against these insidious code-parasites. You look for notes on the relationship between standard encryption methods and psychic infiltration, hoping to find either known countermeasures or at least theoretical frameworks for hardening machinery against hostile machine-spirits.
-[] Construction 1 (3500 GBP->VBP + 550 VBP = 4050 VBP)
--[] 6x Orbital Manufactories (1500 VBP, 240 CP)
--[] Repair Psychic Shield (150 BP)
--[] 1x Defense Satellite (300 VBP) [Denva Orbit near Shipyard]
--[] Scrapcode containment (150 BP), built underground at the end of a long tunnel
--[] Light Shipyard in Denva Orbit (1000 VBP)
--[] Tiny System Monitor (950 VBP)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 25 RP)
--[] Secrets of Machine Spirits (15 RP)
--[] The workings of a Void Abacus (125+25 RP) You have a void abacus. It's pretty complicated, but you also have the manual, and you've always been good at physics. (You're better at using your void abacus, and unlocks the technology to figure out how to manufacture them, half of unlocking research for better warp understanding).
---[] Axena Helps
--[] Warp Fundamentals (all remaining RP)
-[]Diplomatic Action
--[] You propose a carefully supervised transition of authority that emphasizes partnership and mentorship rather than a sudden handover. With a series of structured workshops, simulations, and guided maintenance drills, you'll invite their engineers, administrators, and security teams aboard Klyssar's Nest for lessons on calibrating life support systems, managing energy distributions, and overseeing essential machine-spirits. Throughout these sessions, the station remains nominally under your command, ensuring that any crisis can be swiftly resolved before it escalates. Gradually, as the denizens of Denva gain confidence and skill, you step back and encourage them to handle more complex challenges on their own. Yet you never fully disappear—like a parent jogging just behind a toddler's bike, you stand ready to steady their progress if they start to wobble. This training program not only transfers operational knowledge, but also fosters trust and respect, allowing both sides to see that Klyssar's Nest is best served by cooperation rather than immediate independence.
-[] Anexa active Action: Research – Void Abacus
-[] Victan active action: Assist with Diplomatic Action, specifically check to make sure there are no malcontents/anyone looking to sabotage the project.
-[] Keep It
-[] Yes, hand over Klyssar's Nest
Added that in, I did say I didn't read the discussion though, it's been a day that happened.
You're jumping at shadows and downplaying both our strengths and our enemies. Chaos is not the only faction that uses psychic attacks, in fact I think the only factions that don't are the nids and the tau! Psytech IS one of our strengths, we built into it during chargen by paying for those those samples and the void abacus.

Nids have psychic powers. See: Tyranids

--[] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (185/200 RP -> 200/200 RP)
---[] Anexa +30 RP
--[] The workings of a Void Abacus (150 RP)
--[] You don't need no stinkin' medical school (100 RP)
--[] Organ replacements, Redux (50 RP)
--[] Miniaturized psychic shielding: (115/300 RP)

Yeah, I like Anexa, but if we want to prioritize stuff for her we shouldn't be fucking around with the scrapcode generator, we should just toss it and focus on her properly. If we're not going to do that, we should rush warp understanding so we have a better idea what we're dealing with and how to handle it, beyond just brute forcing it with psychic shielding. The void abacus research is a good start to this, yeah, but I'd like to double down on it, and not take any longer than necessary.
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Yeah, I like Anexa, but if we want to prioritize stuff for her we shouldn't be fucking around with the scrapcode generator, we should just toss it and focus on her properly. If we're not going to do that, we should rush warp understanding so we have a better idea what we're dealing with and how to handle it, beyond just brute forcing it with psychic shielding.
I really don't get what you are talking about. Specifically, the part about how having a scrapcode generator and Anexa. How does one exclude the other?
I really don't get what you are talking about. Specifically, the part about how having a scrapcode generator and Anexa. How does one exclude the other?

I'm talking about what we spend our research points on. Specifically, we should spend them all on going after the warp understanding tech, and not trying to get cognition filters or it's prereqs, the medical school and the organ replacements, which won't help much against the scrapcode generator.

Miniaturized psychic shielding isn't much help either - we already have psychic shielding against the thing. What we need is the necessary understanding to not just resort to brute force approaches with it.
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-[] Research x4 (800 RP available + Anexa's 25 RP)
Be careful with this. Do too much research at once and Vita will get antsy and not want to do any more for a bit. (I'll slap you with the wayfarer trait and lock research for a few turns). If you're going to do a lot of research it needs to be directly moving you towards your goals of getting off plant, building a ship and exploring. This reads more like you're trying to gestate the psyker, which is a secondary priority for Vita.

-[ ] Research x3 (+600 RP + 30 Anexa RP)
This one is fine - you're researching heavier ships which is moving towards building your own ship, as well as building up your void infrastructure while building a shipyard which is also progressing
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-[ ] Research x3 (+600 RP + 30 Anexa RP)
--[ ] Efficient Weapon Distribution (-100 RP)
--[ ] Heavy Cruisers (-300 RP)
--[ ] Secrets of the machine Spirits (15 Anexa RP, Completed!)
--[ ] An Introduction to Human Genetics (-100 RP)
--[ ] The Basics of Psytech (-115/200 RP, remaining Anexa RP)
--[] [ANEXA] Research (Secrets of the Machine Spirits)
--[] [VICTAN] Communications
--[] [CRAPCODE] Keep It--in a 100 BP vault many, many clicks away in orbit, with no production abilities, locked behind psy-shielding and hopefully defended by our first batch of homebrew Machine Spirits, and with only a single beacon that will light up if it hits 70% integrity for us. We'll get to it sooner rather than later. And yes, I know what I titled this as.

Speaking of research prioritization, this plan is even worse on the subject. Weapon distribution? Genetics? Heavy cruisers?? Definitely not things we should be focusing on while we have a scrapcode generator lying around. If we want to focus on these immediately, then we should just toss the scrapcode generator into the sun and be done with it.

My plan's been through many revisions so I'll just post version 4 here. With word of god that miniaturizing shielding is the fastest path to protecting our beans, I'm comfortable dropping the rush for cognito filters. I think it makes sense to grab the warp fundamentals tech as well to discount everything else, so I've allocated the remaining RP to pushing towards that. I like @Speedemon22's idea of getting an orbital presence, I just want to keep adding factories since we will always want more BP. So I split build between factories, defenses, and ships.

I also set our free look around to check on anything scrapcode related. It feels on point and I would hate to miss low hanging fruit.

[] Plan: One Station, Hold the Chaos
-[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[] Having encountered it directly now you a portion of your processing capacity into poring over the available archive logs, focusing specifically on references to "scrapcode" and its various manifestations. Your goal is to unearth any details on transmission vectors and defensive protocols against these insidious code-parasites. You look for notes on the relationship between standard encryption methods and psychic infiltration, hoping to find either known countermeasures or at least theoretical frameworks for hardening machinery against hostile machine-spirits.
-[] Construction 1 (3500 GBP->VBP + 550 VBP = 4050 VBP)
--[] 6x Orbital Manufactories (1500 VBP, 240 CP)
--[] Repair Psychic Shield (150 BP)
--[] 1x Defense Satellite (300 VBP) [Denva Orbit near Shipyard]
--[] Scrapcode containment (150 BP), built underground at the end of a long tunnel
--[] Light Shipyard in Denva Orbit (1000 VBP)
--[] Tiny System Monitor (950 VBP)
-[] Research x2 (400 + 25 RP)
--[] Secrets of Machine Spirits (15 RP)
--[] The workings of a Void Abacus (125+25 RP) You have a void abacus. It's pretty complicated, but you also have the manual, and you've always been good at physics. (You're better at using your void abacus, and unlocks the technology to figure out how to manufacture them, half of unlocking research for better warp understanding).
---[] Axena Helps
--[] Warp Fundamentals (all remaining RP)
-[]Diplomatic Action
--[] You propose a carefully supervised transition of authority that emphasizes partnership and mentorship rather than a sudden handover. With a series of structured workshops, simulations, and guided maintenance drills, you'll invite their engineers, administrators, and security teams aboard Klyssar's Nest for lessons on calibrating life support systems, managing energy distributions, and overseeing essential machine-spirits. Throughout these sessions, the station remains nominally under your command, ensuring that any crisis can be swiftly resolved before it escalates. Gradually, as the denizens of Denva gain confidence and skill, you step back and encourage them to handle more complex challenges on their own. Yet you never fully disappear—like a parent jogging just behind a toddler's bike, you stand ready to steady their progress if they start to wobble. This training program not only transfers operational knowledge, but also fosters trust and respect, allowing both sides to see that Klyssar's Nest is best served by cooperation rather than immediate independence.
-[] Anexa active Action: Research – Void Abacus
-[] Victan active action: Assist with Diplomatic Action, specifically check to make sure there are no malcontents/anyone looking to sabotage the project.
-[] Keep It
-[] Yes, hand over Klyssar's Nest

This plan is pretty good though. I could quibble with the exact wording of the diplomatic action, but whatever, should be close enough.
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I'm going to assume it won't instantly break out when it's under better security than it was before. I don't play by the "Chaos can win at any time with contemptuous ease" philosophy, and implications that they can are one of my consistent berserk buttons. It's given a special vault isolated from everything else, it's got psy-shielding, we don't have an option to research it yet, but we are researching Secrets of the Machine Spirits, which lets us make stuff that's even more resistant. I Think it'll be fine for at least one turn.

Because if it was the kind that could just do whatever it wanted at any time, Klyssar Station would be full of Daemons by now. Presumably, it's got a budget, and can't just instantly subvert a fairly hefty pile of defenses without us getting warned about it, while then manufacturing an infinite swarm of Problems to kill us.

I'm lining up to give a good poke to it next turn, while keeping Wayfarer from acting up by making a conscious effort to be ready to build our Hero Ship. Secrets of the Machine Spirits for instance might go a long way towards improving our ability to design better shields, for instance.
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[] Plan: Full research

I like this, it gets a lot of the things that people are saying we 'have' to do done. Should put us in a position to start building ships next turn.

Chaos is not the only faction that uses psychic attacks, in fact I think the only factions that don't are the nids and the tau! Psytech IS one of our strengths, we built into it during chargen by paying for those those samples and the void abacus.

We have psytech, psy shields, monestaries, research on the fetus, and several biotech research paths for psychic stuff. If we want psychics we should do this stuff.

This is kind exactly what I meant by a red herring. We've got a ton of available investments into psytech. Dropping all those to research a chaos/hacking path does not advance us against anything but chaos and hacking.
This is kind exactly what I meant by a red herring. We've got a ton of available investments into psytech. Dropping all those to research a chaos/hacking path does not advance us against anything but chaos and hacking.

I mean we are in a Science Fantasy setting where we have to travel though Space Hell to get between systems. I'm not sure how an action that helps us deal with both said hell and technology is a bad use of our time and resources. Yeah sure any of the other paths could help address our issues, eventually with good rolls, this is actually addressing them now.
I'm talking about what we spend our research points on. Specifically, we should spend them all on going after the warp understanding tech, and not trying to get cognition filters or it's prereqs, the medical school and the organ replacements, which won't help much against the scrapcode generator.

Miniaturized psychic shielding isn't much help either - we already have psychic shielding against the thing. What we need is the necessary understanding to not just resort to brute force approaches with it.
Hmmm. I really don't think blindly trying to research something is a good idea. Can't know how the dice will roll, and can't know if something becomes suddenly a priority.

Also, I want to unlock the tech further down the line that will give Anexa (and other crewmembers) that miniaturized shielding, on top of nesting research unlocked by the miniaturization being good for layering our shielding. I would presume that we will have our normal shield, then an another shield with its own HP pool. Probably smaller than our main shield, but I would still feel safer with at least two layers of security between us and Chaos corruption.
[ ] Plan: Trust the People of Denva
Hmmm. Might actually end up voting this instead of my own plan.
I'm going to assume it won't instantly break out when it's under better security than it was before. I don't play by the "Chaos can win at any time with contemptuous ease" philosophy, and implications that they can are one of my consistent berserk buttons. It's given a special vault isolated from everything else, it's got psy-shielding, we don't have an option to research it yet, but we are researching Secrets of the Machine Spirits, which lets us make stuff that's even more resistant. I Think it'll be fine for at least one turn.

Because if it was the kind that could just do whatever it wanted at any time, Klyssar Station would be full of Daemons by now. Presumably, it's got a budget, and can't just instantly subvert a fairly hefty pile of defenses without us getting warned about it, while then manufacturing an infinite swarm of Problems to kill us.

I don't know how it was contained on Klyssar station, but whatever method was used we probably disabled it in the process of carrying the thing off. Which means it's only going to get more dangerous, the longer we leave it alone.

Hmmm. I really don't think blindly trying to research something is a good idea. Can't know how the dice will roll, and can't know if something becomes suddenly a priority.

Also, I want to unlock the tech further down the line that will give Anexa (and other crewmembers) that miniaturized shielding, on top of nesting research unlocked by the miniaturization being good for layering our shielding. I would presume that we will have our normal shield, then an another shield with its own HP pool. Probably smaller than our main shield, but I would still feel safer with at least two layers of security between us and Chaos corruption.

It's a small risk, but Neablis already told us about it - worst comes to worst those RP will just get sunk into unexpected prereqs, which is perfectly acceptable IMO. Much better than the risk of leaving the thing lying around while we're not even *trying* to figure out how to deal with it in the long term.

And yeah, there's lot of other things that would be *nice to have*. But if we have a daemonic artifact lying around, we should focus on dealing with it before it becomes a problem, not sink RP into unnecessary side things and risk getting scrapcoded.
I agree that it is expensive but I think that is why we should start chipping away at it now. It is easy to keep putting off expensive things.

That being said, let me add another expensive tech to our que:
-[] Superconductive Shenanigans (200 RP) Room-temperature superconductors are a thing. But only kind of, and they still need to be highly pressurized to be stable. You know some people cracked this problem, but they didn't publish on it, which was annoying. But you think you might have an idea how they did it. Figuring it out would be great for manufacturing, and drop costs across the board. (A flat production boost of 5-15% depending on rolls).

We should pick this up sooner rather than later, a flat boost to all production is fantastic.

Offline for a bit, got to go defend democracy and SuperEarth
I feel a combination of Superconductive Shenanigans and Advanced Materials would do fantastic things in terms of bonuses to existing research and also dropping or improving construction capabilities. If it reduce costs that's wonderful, if it grants this radically improved abilities and categories we didn't even think of, that's just as likely.

Edit: I'm also very interested in getting our future ship body to be as high quality as possible, and both of these will contribute tremendously to that. If we can have a ship that punches above its weight because it's made of more advanced technology than what the imperium has, that would help us a lot with our survival chances.
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I don't know how it was contained on Klyssar station, but whatever method was used we probably disabled it in the process of carrying the thing off. Which means it's only going to get more dangerous, the longer we leave it alone.

It's a small risk, but Neablis already told us about it - worst comes to worst those RP will just get sunk into unexpected prereqs, which is perfectly acceptable IMO. Much better than the risk of leaving the thing lying around while we're not even *trying* to figure out how to deal with it in the long term.

And yeah, there's lot of other things that would be *nice to have*. But if we have a daemonic artifact lying around, we should focus on dealing with it before it becomes a problem, not sink RP into unnecessary side things and risk getting scrapcoded.

So, you're arguing that despite us rolling well on each attempt to loot Klyssar station, one of our loots will instantly break out and take over the base unless we do nothing but warptech research this turn? That it will iterate faster than we can even notice despite taking some paranoia level precautions, showing fundamental abilities far beyond what it displayed up until now, and we won't even be allowed to react to this happening until it's fucked something up beyond all possible salvaging? Unless we take your specific set of research or blow it up right now, apparently.

Then we might as well give up now, because we'll never, ever manage to beat Scrap Code or even be able to meaningfully resist it, because a single generator apparently has more RP and action economy than we do, when we spent huge amounts of energy buying up our protections and ability to iterate, and spent even further resources to make damn sure it wouldn't be able to instantly break out or call on power from outside.
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I don't know how it was contained on Klyssar station, but whatever method was used we probably disabled it in the process of carrying the thing off. Which means it's only going to get more dangerous, the longer we leave it alone.
Where are you getting this? its outright mentioned that its much weaker now that its no longer in control of the station. At this point I think you invented your own head canon of what's happening while ignoring all the in character and oc evidence that refutes your point