You know I think something may have gotten a bit lost since Vita doesn't mention using it very often. This: some Orikan the Diviner level computational power 'I can dry run all my actions in VR because the V is as good as R' (only for research not the whole galaxy). This is what makes Vita powerful over and above just being a (Wo)man of Stone. We did not spent 4 shinnies on this to be defeated by the some third rate Chaos Malware.
Yeah, good to call out. You've been using this every turn you do research. It's why you have 200 RP instead of 100 & a +20 to the roll - you can do the experiment 10x computationally and then only do it once in reality to confirm. The V is
not as good as the R, but it's 90% of the way there and that counts for a lot. The +20 effectively means you
cannot fail research rolls except on a natural 1. That is the bonus, and it also carries over to doing research on Chaos whatsits. If you didn't have the reality simulators the chance of a capitol-B Bad outcome would be 15%. With it the chance is 1%. That's a hell of a lot better. (And in neither case would it end the quest or corrupt Vita. It would just be bad).
Besides, if you want more fundamental warp/psychic research, don't go for the psytech. Instead, go for the Void Abacus. It opens up the research tree for that when completed along with a project we've already completed. But I'm still interested in what the psytech research looks past the first research project, so going to ask: @Neablis, how does the research tree unlocked from the Void Abacus + (Basic) Psychic Shielding research projects differ from the psytech research and what it potentially unlocks? If Vita knows enough to make an educated guess, that is.
Void Abacus + psychic shielding is a much more
material approach to the warp. Using technology to address the problem technologically, and get consistent, reliable and
limited results. Most of the outputs will be big installations and pieces of ship equipment that will be expensive. Psytech is much weirder, and also generally requires psykers to do things with. But it's also powerful, broad-ranging and requires less overall investment, since most of what you're building is smaller in scale.
Does that answer the question?
I do like the idea of getting ships so I would be in favor of this plan, but @Neablis can we produce ships with a shipyard the turn it is built like this? or would we need to build the ships next turn?
Yup, this is fine. My general principle is that you're not gated by ordering of things. The turns are 5 years, you can build a shipyard in 3 and then use it to build a ship in 2.
The Imperiums experts on getting away from know points! (typo swapped the g and v @Neablis )
Fixed. My dyslexia is showing.
What would it cost to get research agreements with the governments of Denva?
Diplo Action(s) and then Automatic support from them for research they care about If we are okay with sharing?
Diplo action to come to the agreement and help them get set up for some serious research, likely some BP to give out some research labs of whatever kind of thing you want to research. They're not... great technologically but are improving. Depending on the roll they'll probably produce +10 to +50 RP/turn (but only on turns you do research) at the start, and only want to work on techs that directly benefit them. You could take additional diplomatic actions to further educate them to improve the RP number and what they're willing to work on. It'll also help improve their overall technology base.
As long as we unlock it in the same action, or maybe a prior action, I don't see why not.
@Neablis, is this legal? Can we do this?
but it's a bit riskier. If you roll poorly on the first tech it might increase the cost of the second tech, or require you to do an intermediate tech first (like how you needed to do bio research before you could try artificial organs again). But there's no scenario where the RP are wasted, they'd still get spent on fixing the mistake/the intermediate tech if necessary.
Also, @Neablis, do we know what the 'subsequent biology tech' requirement for Advanced Neural Implants is? I suspect medical school, but want to confirm
Yup, edited to reflect that.
That's a point, yeah. Cognition filters are still pretty expensive as a technology, though. Like, advanced Cybernetics is 200 RP, We probably want medical school and organ replacements redux first for another 150 RP, and the cognition filter tech itself is of unknown price, but probably at least 200 RP, maybe as much as 600 RP... I dunno, I don't think this should be a priority. I think we should go for the warp understanding. Not the cheapest thing either, no, but we need to have a basic understanding of what we're dealing with here.
Comment on cognition filters & warp protection. There's two methods of warp protection that you know about. Your "nope" shielding. The Imperium's machine spirit/faith denial. Both work differently with different advantages and disadvantages. This is trying to add a
third layer of denial, which is effectively "error correction" to at least notice chaos corruption before it gets bad and further down the tech tree eventually fix it. It's going to start with tech for
you, and you'll need to do additional work to adapt it to Anexa. If you want to shield your beans, doing minaturized psychic shields is by far the easiest approach right now. Or maybe convince them to worship the God Emperor, that seems to work.
Also - re the monasteries, your read on them is mixed. They were established to be safe holding grounds for psykers. They
appear to use some kind of psytech to shield themselves from warpy things. They're insular and closed off by design, but just like the mechanicus they're also trying to figure out their place on this world now that the Imperium is gone. Institutions are complicated places. There very well might be people who want to leave, and the management might or might not be fine with that, especially if you provide bribes - such as your ultimate trump card, juvenat. They might also have problems that you can help with. You won't know until you ask, and unless you literally fail the roll you'll get more than "No, go away."