What's even weirder is what else is in the robotics workshop. They're robots all right. Humanoid robots of advanced construction, along with all of the equipment needed to maintain them and build more. But they're not just any humanoid robots. They're... well. They're sex robots. In a stupendous number of configurations, appearances. Every conceivable combination of age, skin color, sexual organ, whatever.

You can't help but look back at the Magos and wonder. But eventually you find a... cleaning log and see that it wasn't the Magos using them. It seems like they were for the express and encouraged use of the denizens of the station, and the Magos was in fact closely coordinating with the research staff on transferring samples from and to the sexbots.

You repeat. Weird.
The Magos is pulling genetic data from the samples in order to figure out How Navigator Do, because the Magos that figures out how to manufacture more Navigators is the Magos that rules the Imperium.

Even figuring out how to fix the inbreeding the Navigators have to resort to to keep the Third Eye would be pretty sweet. That's basically 'ascend your Navigator House of choice to the top of politics, write your paycheck.'
I will note, the cognition filters are for preventing corruption from like, just plain normal chaos knowledge. They probably won't do much against scrapcode. And Psytech is about working with psykers - it might have some relevance, but it's hard to tell how much. What I think we need is the machine spirits, the void abacus, and especially the warp understanding tech locked behind it. *That* should give us enough of an understanding of the problem to know how to actually go about properly solving it. So, I recommend taking two research actions, and throwing all excess RP into the void understanding research after we unlock it with the first action.

-[] The workings of a Void Abacus (150 RP) You have a void abacus. It's pretty complicated, but you also have the manual, and you've always been good at physics. (You're better at using your void abacus, and unlocks the technology to figure out how to manufacture them, half of unlocking research for better warp understanding).

The other half having been the first psi shield tech, which we already researched.
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Gonna vote against keeping the scrapcode generator. We've got effective psychic shielding from chaos, but the principal it is based on is just saying No as loudly and as often as possible. So just say No, layer on the addition ablation, and don't try to understand the cognitohazard. Some games you only win by not playing.
You see, the problem with this is that it works... Until we run into something daemonic that is too powerful to stop with the shielding we will have at that point. Or if we focused too hard in shielding, we risk the chance of it or its pawns winning against us "conventionally" because we lacked the tech to stand up against them in the physical realm. Because big gun research is important too, and we are very bottlenecked in research.

Basically, do you want to take a small risk now in a controlled environment for a better chances against Chaos later on, or face a bigger risk later on unwillingly and try to find a solution against it in an uncontrolled environment? Because completely avoiding the risks is extremely unlikely in the long run.
@Angle, can we do that? Allocate RP to a tech that isn't unlocked yet?

Also, the cognition filters will help us slightly but are more important for Axena who has nothing for that protection. A cognito filter would let her help with the research safely and we promised to tell her the full deal eventually.

I am liking the idea of a triple research turn that others have mentioned. How would people feel about not handing over the station and dropping the diplomacy action?
@Angle, can we do that? Allocate RP to a tech that isn't unlocked yet?

Also, the cognition filters will help us slightly but are more important for Axena who has nothing for that protection. A cognito filter would let her help with the research safely and we promised to tell her the full deal eventually.

I am liking the idea of a triple research turn that others have mentioned. How would people feel about not handing over the station and dropping the diplomacy action?

As long as we unlock it in the same action, or maybe a prior action, I don't see why not.

@Neablis, is this legal? Can we do this?

As for Anexa, yes and no. She can already help with the research safely as long as she stays within our shields. Outside them, she'd face some threat but probably not very much - chaos usually prays on the vulnerable and the desperate, and Anexa is currently neither. For it to make any headway against her, it would need to bring something serious to the table. Which might happen, if she ends up tanking the scrapcode generator to the face, but as long as we keep her miles away under a psi shield, she should be fine. And if she does tank the scrapcode generator to the face, the basic cognition filters are only going to make a very small difference anyway.

And no, I really don't think we should drop the diplomacy action. Denva is still relatively fragile, I think the planet needs a bit more TLC, and just stonewalling them on the station while we focus our attention elsewhere isn't that.
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I will note, the cognition filters are for preventing corruption from like, just plain normal chaos knowledge. They probably won't do much against scrapcode. And Psytech is about working with psykers - it might have some relevance, but it's hard to tell how much. What I think we need is the machine spirits, the void abacus, and especially the warp understanding tech locked behind it. *That* should give us enough of an understanding of the problem to know how to actually go about properly solving it. So, I recommend taking two research actions, and throwing all excess RP into the void understanding research after we unlock it with the first action.
I'd rather throw the remaining RP into psytech, considering that'd likely be useful for any negotiations we enter with the monasteries.
I'd rather throw the remaining RP into psytech, considering that'd likely be useful for any negotiations we enter with the monasteries.

I'm still skeptical about the monasteries wanting that - and even if they did want it, would they be willing to accept it from us? I mean, we're *clearly* some kind of demonic temptress. Popping up out of nowhere like this, fighting the mechanicus, talking about hope and change? Very Sus. Definitely evil. :/

I expect to need at least a couple of diplo actions before the monasteries are willing to have anything to do with us, unfortunately. C'est La Vie.

Like, this is 40K. If you're a Psyker, and you see something suspicious, and it wants to give you a present, you should scream and run the fuck away. XD
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As for Anexa, yes and no. She can already help with the research safely as long as she stays within our shields. Outside them, she'd face some threat but probably not very much - chaos usually prays on the vulnerable and the desperate, and Anexa is currently neither. For it to make any headway against her, it would need to bring something serious to the table. Which might happen, if she ends up tanking the scrapcode generator to the face, but as long as we keep her miles away under a psi shield, she should be fine. And if she does tank the scrapcode generator to the face, the basic cognition filters are only going to make a very small difference anyway.

The problem isn't her safety during the test, but her having the knowledge in her head. We have seen that anytime someone thinks to hard about chaos it effects them. So while our shield would protect her, it would take damage anytime she thought about Chaos. Since a human has a hard time controlling their thoughts this could be problematic. That's why the Cognito filter is important, it prevents the slow over time corruption (see below).

-[] Basic Cognition Filter: (??? RP) Antimemetic threats are such a hassle. Even the programs you've written to partion your own knowledge are an ad-hoc solution. And aside from having an innate resistance above the zero-tolerance you likely have, humans have a really hard time not thinking about something. Fix it. Work out a method for existing brain-augments to isolate knowledge on cognitohazards to the augment's machine spirit in inert memory vaults. The user will have to instead consciously override the locks on the chosen memories to access them temporarily. That way, stray thoughts about the isolated memories cannot happen, and long-term memories in the brain when the memory vaults are unlocked get instead rerouted to the machine spirit of the brain implant. Will have a harder time isolating knowledge from existing long-term memories formed when not actively using the cognition filter. (Unlocks cognition filter modification to brain implants, unlocks further technologies related to cognition filter and methods for mitigating cognitohazards, basilisk hacks, etc. perceived in real-time.) Requires Advanced Neural Implants, cost to be determined by the roll on that research.

Also, @Neablis, do we know what the 'subsequent biology tech' requirement for Advanced Neural Implants is? I suspect medical school, but want to confirm
-[] Advanced Neural Implants (200 RP) Well, your current neural implants are good, but what if you further integrated them into the brain, improving throughput and allowing the recipient even further integrate themselves with digital systems (unlocks advanced neural implants, unlocks further technologies related to neural implants, such as basic cognition filters). Requires Biology is kind of wet, a subsequent biology tech and Organ replacements.
The problem isn't her safety during the test, but her having the knowledge in her head. We have seen that anytime someone thinks to hard about chaos it effects them. So while our shield would protect her, it would take damage anytime she thought about Chaos. Since a human has a hard time controlling their thoughts this could be problematic. That's why the Cognito filter is important, it prevents the slow over time corruption (see below).

That's a point, yeah. Cognition filters are still pretty expensive as a technology, though. Like, advanced Cybernetics is 200 RP, We probably want medical school and organ replacements redux first for another 150 RP, and the cognition filter tech itself is of unknown price, but probably at least 200 RP, maybe as much as 600 RP... I dunno, I don't think this should be a priority. I think we should go for the warp understanding. Not the cheapest thing either, no, but we need to have a basic understanding of what we're dealing with here.

Actually, the warp understanding would probably be good for negotiating with the psykers too, simply because we'd be able to share a common understanding of reality - and thus would be less likely to offer them things that we think are gifts and that they think are threats, or the like.
I'm still skeptical about the monasteries wanting that - and even if they did want it, would they be willing to accept it from us? I mean, we're *clearly* some kind of demonic temptress. Popping up out of nowhere like this, fighting the mechanicus, talking about hope and change? Very Sus. Definitely evil. :/

I expect to need at least a couple of diplo actions before the monasteries are willing to have anything to do with us, unfortunately. C'est La Vie.

Like, this is 40K. If you're a Psyker, and you see something suspicious, and it wants to give you a present, you should scream and run the fuck away. XD
Not as a present, but if we want to raise a Navigator child we'll need more knowledge of how psykers actually work. Obviously we probably shouldn't tell them we have the foetus, but having something to trade for the knowledge should make it easier to obtain, and it doubles up as strengthening Denva Secundus for when something eventually comes knocking.
I agree that it is expensive but I think that is why we should start chipping away at it now. It is easy to keep putting off expensive things.

That being said, let me add another expensive tech to our que:
-[] Superconductive Shenanigans (200 RP) Room-temperature superconductors are a thing. But only kind of, and they still need to be highly pressurized to be stable. You know some people cracked this problem, but they didn't publish on it, which was annoying. But you think you might have an idea how they did it. Figuring it out would be great for manufacturing, and drop costs across the board. (A flat production boost of 5-15% depending on rolls).

We should pick this up sooner rather than later, a flat boost to all production is fantastic.

Offline for a bit, got to go defend democracy and SuperEarth
You know I think something may have gotten a bit lost since Vita doesn't mention using it very often. This:

...is some Orikan the Diviner level computational power 'I can dry run all my actions in VR because the V is as good as R' (only for research not the whole galaxy). This is what makes Vita powerful over and above just being a (Wo)man of Stone. We did not spent 4 shinnies on this to be defeated by the some third rate Chaos Malware.
Yeah, good to call out. You've been using this every turn you do research. It's why you have 200 RP instead of 100 & a +20 to the roll - you can do the experiment 10x computationally and then only do it once in reality to confirm. The V is not as good as the R, but it's 90% of the way there and that counts for a lot. The +20 effectively means you cannot fail research rolls except on a natural 1. That is the bonus, and it also carries over to doing research on Chaos whatsits. If you didn't have the reality simulators the chance of a capitol-B Bad outcome would be 15%. With it the chance is 1%. That's a hell of a lot better. (And in neither case would it end the quest or corrupt Vita. It would just be bad).

Besides, if you want more fundamental warp/psychic research, don't go for the psytech. Instead, go for the Void Abacus. It opens up the research tree for that when completed along with a project we've already completed. But I'm still interested in what the psytech research looks past the first research project, so going to ask: @Neablis, how does the research tree unlocked from the Void Abacus + (Basic) Psychic Shielding research projects differ from the psytech research and what it potentially unlocks? If Vita knows enough to make an educated guess, that is.
Void Abacus + psychic shielding is a much more material approach to the warp. Using technology to address the problem technologically, and get consistent, reliable and limited results. Most of the outputs will be big installations and pieces of ship equipment that will be expensive. Psytech is much weirder, and also generally requires psykers to do things with. But it's also powerful, broad-ranging and requires less overall investment, since most of what you're building is smaller in scale.

Does that answer the question?

I do like the idea of getting ships so I would be in favor of this plan, but @Neablis can we produce ships with a shipyard the turn it is built like this? or would we need to build the ships next turn?
Yup, this is fine. My general principle is that you're not gated by ordering of things. The turns are 5 years, you can build a shipyard in 3 and then use it to build a ship in 2.

The Imperiums experts on getting away from know points! (typo swapped the g and v @Neablis )
Fixed. My dyslexia is showing.

What would it cost to get research agreements with the governments of Denva?
Diplo Action(s) and then Automatic support from them for research they care about If we are okay with sharing?
Diplo action to come to the agreement and help them get set up for some serious research, likely some BP to give out some research labs of whatever kind of thing you want to research. They're not... great technologically but are improving. Depending on the roll they'll probably produce +10 to +50 RP/turn (but only on turns you do research) at the start, and only want to work on techs that directly benefit them. You could take additional diplomatic actions to further educate them to improve the RP number and what they're willing to work on. It'll also help improve their overall technology base.

As long as we unlock it in the same action, or maybe a prior action, I don't see why not.

@Neablis, is this legal? Can we do this?
Yes, but it's a bit riskier. If you roll poorly on the first tech it might increase the cost of the second tech, or require you to do an intermediate tech first (like how you needed to do bio research before you could try artificial organs again). But there's no scenario where the RP are wasted, they'd still get spent on fixing the mistake/the intermediate tech if necessary.

Also, @Neablis, do we know what the 'subsequent biology tech' requirement for Advanced Neural Implants is? I suspect medical school, but want to confirm
Yup, edited to reflect that.

That's a point, yeah. Cognition filters are still pretty expensive as a technology, though. Like, advanced Cybernetics is 200 RP, We probably want medical school and organ replacements redux first for another 150 RP, and the cognition filter tech itself is of unknown price, but probably at least 200 RP, maybe as much as 600 RP... I dunno, I don't think this should be a priority. I think we should go for the warp understanding. Not the cheapest thing either, no, but we need to have a basic understanding of what we're dealing with here.
Comment on cognition filters & warp protection. There's two methods of warp protection that you know about. Your "nope" shielding. The Imperium's machine spirit/faith denial. Both work differently with different advantages and disadvantages. This is trying to add a third layer of denial, which is effectively "error correction" to at least notice chaos corruption before it gets bad and further down the tech tree eventually fix it. It's going to start with tech for you, and you'll need to do additional work to adapt it to Anexa. If you want to shield your beans, doing minaturized psychic shields is by far the easiest approach right now. Or maybe convince them to worship the God Emperor, that seems to work.

Also - re the monasteries, your read on them is mixed. They were established to be safe holding grounds for psykers. They appear to use some kind of psytech to shield themselves from warpy things. They're insular and closed off by design, but just like the mechanicus they're also trying to figure out their place on this world now that the Imperium is gone. Institutions are complicated places. There very well might be people who want to leave, and the management might or might not be fine with that, especially if you provide bribes - such as your ultimate trump card, juvenat. They might also have problems that you can help with. You won't know until you ask, and unless you literally fail the roll you'll get more than "No, go away."
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Not as a present, but if we want to raise a Navigator child we'll need more knowledge of how psykers actually work. Obviously we probably shouldn't tell them we have the foetus, but having something to trade for the knowledge should make it easier to obtain, and it doubles up as strengthening Denva Secundus for when something eventually comes knocking.

Again though, I don't think offering them psytech will make them like us more, I think it will frighten and upset them and make them like us less. "Hey, you know those evil powers that got your friend eaten by demons and give you constant nightmares about horrific vistas and soul crushing chants of 'BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE'? What if I gave you tech to make them stronger? Oh, yeah, I did pick a fight with the people who are supposed to keep technology safe from demons earlier, what about it?" Yeah no, I don't think it's going to work. :/

I agree that it is expensive but I think that is why we should start chipping away at it now. It is easy to keep putting off expensive things.

Not if we're going to keep the scrapcode generator. If we keep it around, it needs to be our first priority. If we want to prioritize anything else, then we should just throw it into the sun and be done with it.

And yeah, if we have Anexa research chaos without the cognition filter, then we'll probably spend somewhere between 50 BP to maybe a couple hundred BP a turn repairing our shields. That's a price we could pay, if we wanted to. Or we could just keep her on other subjects, for now. Picking a non-warp 50 RP tech to throw her at every turn is something we can do easily enough for at least the next few of turns, which should be long enough to sort out the scrapcode generator.
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You see, the problem with this is that it works... Until we run into something daemonic that is too powerful to stop with the shielding we will have at that point.

Well, yeah. That's also true of void shields and regular armor. There's always a bigger fish and we aren't ever going to get to a power level where we are safe from this.

Heck, if the scrapcode generator can produce 21 worms and keep them hidden until they can all attack simultaneously then it's game over just from this thing.

The part in actually concerned about though is two-fold. First, what if it attacks our manufacturing instead of us? No psyshields, and having to choose between nuking our infrastructure or dealing with endless horses of chaos bots would be bad. (We know we can only take bad consequences on a nat 1 research roll, but I'm betting the demon in it gets a roll for it's own actions too, bc otherwise it would just be safe as long as we didn't touch it.)

Second, we (Vita) knows that knowing or thinking more about chaos makes you more more vulnerable to chaos. I don't actually know if researching chaos will make it easier or harder to fight later. Or both.

Basically, do you want to take a small risk now in a controlled environment for a better chances against Chaos later on,

I'd like to not get distracted from psytech and spaceships by something we cannot safely leave alone. It feels like a red herring to me, given the risks are real and the benefits are speculative but require a lot of investment.
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Again though, I don't think offering them psytech will make them like us more, I think it will frighten and upset them and make them like us less. "Hey, you know those evil powers that got your friend eaten by demons and give you constant nightmares about horrific vistas and soul crushing chants of 'BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE'? What if I gave you tech to make them stronger? Oh, yeah, I did pick a fight with the people who are supposed to keep technology safe from demons earlier, what about it?" Yeah no, I don't think it's going to work. :/
For all we know some of the psytech we have involves making psykers safer.
And the QM just confirmed above that we'll get something out of talking to them from anything except a failure on the roll.
Void Abacus + psychic shielding is a much more material approach to the warp. Using technology to address the problem technologically, and get consistent, reliable and limited results. Most of the outputs will be big installations and pieces of ship equipment that will be expensive. Psytech is much weirder, and also generally requires psykers to do things with. But it's also powerful, broad-ranging and requires less overall investment, since most of what you're building is smaller in scale.

Does that answer the question?

...So the Psi Shield + Void abacus approach is well suited to beating problems over the head with fat stacks of BP and RP until they go away? That seems pretty good for us right now, IMO. XD

For all we know some of the psytech we have involves making psykers safer.
And the QM just confirmed above that we'll get something out of talking to them from anything except a failure on the roll.

Oh, I'm sure it does. But we need to, not only find that thing that makes Psykers safer, and research it separately, but then convince the Psykers that they want it and can trust us to give it to them without sabotage.

As for what we get out of talking to them, I expect they'll be extremely cautious - probably we'll start out with them trading only for things they feel they can verify - loads of raw material, knowledge they can double check, that sort of thing. Then maybe, after 5 to 10 years of this, they'll deign to trust us for things that are slightly less easy to verify, and then again for slightly less easily verified things, and so on and so forth. And maybe, after 10-20 years of this, they'll be trusting enough to consider accepting psytech or something. But in general, if you're a psyker in 40k it pays to be a paranoid asshole, cause they really are out to get you. :/
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I doubt many if any of these people actually know the score on psyker risks. They just know their methods significantly lower the risk of warp perils. This world doesn't have a lot left of Imperial institutional knowledge, and they're obviously stingy with what psykers are and how to train them to begin with.

We've been up in the top secret government files, and the only explicit reference to Chaotic forces we've found is stolen Inquisitional documents that the Mechanicus didn't even seem to know that they had. The monasteries might have some kind of secluded tradition about daemons, but more likely they just think of psykers as people who can accidentally summon bursts of elemental forces or make people have seizures.
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I doubt many if any of these people actually know the score on psyker risks. They just know their methods significantly lower the risk of warp perils. This world doesn't have a lot left of Imperial institutional knowledge, and they're obviously stingy with what psykers are and how to train them to begin with.

We've been up in the top secret government files, and the only explicit reference to Chaotic forces we've found is stolen Inquisitional files that the Mechanicus didn't even seem to know that they had.

...I could see it going either way. Doesn't really matter though, if anything, them being ignorant just means they'll compensate by being *even more paranoid*.
I think the line I'll try to tread - and we'll see if it works - is that the setting is serious, but the character isn't necessarily. Vita is an optimist and tries not to take things too seriously - and we see things through her lens. But I can try to dial up the grandeur.
Thanks for responding. I'd definitely want Vita to remain an optimistic and a joker - I think that her staying like that despite the grimness of the setting could end up being a meaningful part of her character - having her recognize how grim the situation is while remaining optimistic that things can become better.

Can you tell I'm a Dr. Who fan
Diplo action to come to the agreement and help them get set up for some serious research, likely some BP to give out some research labs of whatever kind of thing you want to research. They're not... great technologically but are improving. Depending on the roll they'll probably produce +10 to +50 RP/turn (but only on turns you do research) at the start, and only want to work on techs that directly benefit them. You could take additional diplomatic actions to further educate them to improve the RP number and what they're willing to work on. It'll also help improve their overall technology base.
Ah, at +50/turn its 4 Turns to break even, probably worth it.
+10/turn its 20 turns. If I suggest staying 20 Turns here I'll be stoned to death.

Do they have any growth chance without paying AP for it?
Like after the "only on turns you do research" getting triggered a few times or having a backlog of x techs interesting to them it changing to "per Vita research action"?

Anyway, stuff they'd probably like:
-[] Ground Manufactory Efficiency Improvements (50 RP) You dramatically improved the efficiency of your void manufacturing by stripping out the dumb stuff that was required by stellar federation beauracracy. There's probably some stuff like that in your ground manufactories too. (Reduces the CP cost but not BP cost of your ground manufactories).
If the CP cost reduction also narratively reduces the manpower demands
-[] The workings of a Void Abacus (150 RP) You have a void abacus. It's pretty complicated, but you also have the manual, and you've always been good at physics. (You're better at using your void abacus, and unlocks the technology to figure out how to manufacture them, half of unlocking research for better warp understanding).
If they are interested in space beyong their system, tech to reach it without Navigators should be EXTREMELY interesting to them.
Without it they are stuck.
-[] Superconductive Shenanigans (200 RP) Room-temperature superconductors are a thing. But only kind of, and they still need to be highly pressurized to be stable. You know some people cracked this problem, but they didn't publish on it, which was annoying. But you think you might have an idea how they did it. Figuring it out would be great for manufacturing, and drop costs across the board. (A flat production boost of 5-15% depending on rolls).
5-15% percent production boost.
Thats not a little thing.
Especially if you consider re-investment and exponential growth like the manufactories.

-[] An Introduction to Human Genetics (100 RP) Humans are complex creatures, but apparently their manufacturing instructions are just 6 billion bits long, and most of that seems redundant. Interesting. (Unlocks very basic genetic enhancements, as well as a basic understanding of mutations. Unlocks research for more complex genetic engineering, and may lead to research to fix mutations)
Genetic enhancements for people not dogmatically against it.
Better understanding of mutation for healthcare.
-[] You don't need no stinkin' medical school (100 RP) You've got a few auto-doc modules that can prescribe drugs based on symptoms or do basic surgeries. If you actually understood the medicine you'd be able to perform better care, as well as do more advanced surgeries (Unlocks better medical care, as well as general enhancements to surgeries, cybernetic augmentations and more. Maybe be a prerequisite to further biomedical research. Also unlocks more research for advanced medical care, which will likely reduce other research costs and be a prerequisite for advanced augmentations.)
Assuming that translates to better standards of medical education:
A boost to standards of live + productivity.
Important Things for democracies.
-[] Organic-Machine control (200 RP) Allows you to hook humans into your own command-and-control loop, allowing you to turn over command duties of various bots to humans - though they'll only be able to command combat units. (Unlocks brain implants that allow a human to control some number of CP worth of combat bots/ships. There are more technologies to allow humans to command larger ships/manufacturing systems as well)

-[] Organ replacements, Redux (50 RP) Your organ replacements need work. They need to cover more of the functions of a given organ than the primary one, and that's going to take a bit more work. You also have some ideas around some improvements like adrenaline glands, toxin-filters & other miscellaneous internal augments. Not as good as genetic engineering, but easier. (Removes the malus on your artifical organs, unlocks advanced organ replacements that are effectively as good as biological ones, and improved internal augments).
Industrialization 2.0. Being able to use our manufactories when we aren't/when we left without needing to refurbish to manned manufactories.

For dangerous work like mining or logging, dead workers are a tragedy. Destroyed robots are the cost to replace them.
And stuff like robots not giving a fuck if the air in the mine isn't breathable. And Robots being able to lift heavy stuff, etc.

Organ replacements redux:
Organ replacements. Do i need to say more?
Just look at how many die irl each year because there aren't enough donor organs. All that solved.
-[] Advanced Neural Implants (200 RP) Well, your current neural implants are good, but what if you further integrated them into the brain, improving throughput and allowing the recipient even further integrate themselves with digital systems (unlocks advanced neural implants, unlocks further technologies related to neural implants, such as basic cognition filters). Requires You don't need no stinkin' medical school.
Another "make people better at (almost) everything they do.

Depending on politics they could also want some of our military stuff.

Some of those things could be "space race" levels of important to the governments.
Many are very good to have.

Depending on how it goes with the monasteries and how much influence they have, our Psyker/anti-chaos/Warp protection could be anything from "idk" to "very important" to the governments.
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Does that answer the question?
Yes it does, thank you very much. Currently leaning more towards this material approach, but I might start leaning towards psytech if we start interacting more with the local (or later other) psykers.
Well, yeah. That's also true of void shields and regular armor. There's always a bigger fish and we aren't ever going to get to a power level where we are safe from this.

Heck, if the scrapcode generator can produce 21 worms and keep them hidden until they can all attack simultaneously then it's game over just from this thing.

The part in actually concerned about though is two-fold. First, what if it attacks our manufacturing instead of us? No psyshields, and having to choose between nuking our infrastructure or dealing with endless horses of chaos bots would be bad. (We know we can only take bad consequences on a nat 1 research roll, but I'm betting the demon in it gets a roll for it's own actions too, bc otherwise it would just be safe as long as we didn't touch it.)

Second, we (Vita) knows that knowing or thinking more about chaos makes you more more vulnerable to chaos. I don't actually know if researching chaos will make it easier or harder to fight later. Or both.
First, we do have a chance to powerlevel more if we take a risk researching the scrapcode.

Second, it clearly can't do what you are suggesting with just stacking scrapcode worms. It couldn't do it even while fully powered, so game over is not a risk on the table. Our QM has confirmed it, even. So this part doesn't add anything of value to the discussion.

Third, yes risky actions have consequences if we roll badly. It can happen. However, we are going to be leaving to explore, so we are going to be seeing risky rolls quite often, I believe. So avoiding risks completely will be unavoidable, and meanwhile this will likely be the safest we can ever be when researching counters to Chaos.

And finally, researching this outside of a Nat 1 will make us safer. I mean, look at the form of Chaos-protection we picked:
-[] Advanced technological shielding. (-3 shinies) Your creators built experimental psytech shielding into your structure, and it protected you through your long hibernation. However, it will not be enough to protect you should the eyes of the Dark Gods fall directly upon you. You will need to research, build and maintain anti-chaos defenses or risk corruption. You are logical, focused on the physical world and less interested in warp-shenanigans for their own sake.
We need to research to get better at this. And good or even basic results from this will likely give us better returns than just trying our best with no samples. Hell, even poor results might give some good insights if we put more research into it later on.

So we can try to ignore it and hope that everything will turn out later, or actually try to solve the problem pre-emptively before we run into the Chaos on a bigger scale and get hit by something much more serious.
Second, it clearly can't do what you are suggesting with just stacking scrapcode worms. It couldn't do it even while fully powered, so game over is not a risk on the table. Our QM has confirmed it, even. So this part doesn't add anything of value to the discussion.

Didn't, not couldn't. Bad idea to assume we know it's capabilities just because that is all it has shown us, before it learned anything about us.

And it won't do a game-over on our research roll. Which is a much more limited thing that saying we are safe from game over and 99% safe from any bad outcomes at all.

There's a lot of non-chaos threats in this sector we also need to deal with. Spending all our RP on anti-chaos instead of broad spectrum stuff has potential bad consequences in and of itself, and I really don't want to give a demon time to plan and prepare the way sealing it for a decade or five would.

So take the safe path, chuck it into the sun, and focus on our advantages: manufacturing and archaeotech.
Again, that's not how daemons work. We've actually got this one in quite a bind, even with how limited our capacity is.

Cheating with reality bends is a precious resource to this thing, now that it has been isolated.

As an AI, we will never be insulated from Chaos in our current paradigm. If a serious customer came to our door they could barge through, and the galaxy is currently crawling with them. That we've gotten the upper hand on a subject of potential research is an immense coup.

Also, being thrown into the sun doesn't kill daemons, it just banishes them, so whoever our little friend here is will be able to take a report back to the Warp with them that there's an uncorrupted true AI out there for the taking.
Do they have any growth chance without paying AP for it?
Like after the "only on turns you do research" getting triggered a few times or having a backlog of x techs interesting to them it changing to "per Vita research action"?
Yeah, they would. It'd be a bit slow though. Of the techs you mention:
Ground Manufactory Efficiency Improvements - only good for automated manufactories. They'd only like it if you did OMC.
The workings of a Void Abacus - probably, but a bit far-future. Depends on the roll you did to set it up.
Superconductive Shenanigans - yeah, almost certainly.
An Introduction to Human Genetics - yup.
You don't need no stinkin' medical school - yup.
Organic-Machine control - 100% interested.
Organ replacements, Redux - yup.
Advanced Neural Implants - maybe. Depends on the roll but probably.
If you rolled well you could also "trade" them. Convince them to work on whatever you wanted and pay them in techs you alrady have.
Huh. Well that's something. You hesitate over the threat on the note, then shrug. Once more, if anybody from the Imperium found you then they'd try to kill you. Adding one more to the stack won't change much. You take a moment to analyze the stasis unit - and it's missing a primary stabilizing coil. Tricky to replace without disturbing ongoing function, but eminently doable. For you, that is.

You get the newly stable stasis unit headed back to Denva, and are not entirely sure what to do with it. Him? Her? You're not sure. Regardless, that's neat. You've got yourself a navigator... fetus? Heir to the house, it sounded like. Fun? That's going to be a bit tricky to figure out.

Do I want to be a mom?

Huuuuh. A thought - maybe we should look into a 'practical human psychology' research or something. Vita seems to have a reasonable grasp on it, as much as the average person, but that still leaves a lot of room for improvement. See if we can get bonuses to diplo/subversion actions, maybe including child rearing. Though not something we should prioritize until we've sorted out the scrapcode generator, obviously. :/

Ah, at +50/turn its 4 Turns to break even, probably worth it.
+10/turn its 20 turns. If I suggest staying 20 Turns here I'll be stoned to death.

I'd be down to try and do this with the same action we use to teach them to run the station reliably. Seems worthwhile.
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