[X] Plan: Dividing the Space Station Cake With More Ground Industry
[X] Plan: Dividing the Space Station Cake
Voting for these because I agree with using the station first and foremost to ensure improvements to the international political order.
Hmm. @Neablis, are we able to offer to locate new ground manufactories in the other nations (namely, ones being built this turn) to any noticeable effect on the rest of our diplomatic efforts? Given their worry about Aevon being ahead, seems like starting to build up infrastructure local to other places would be a good gesture, even if during this turn it'd mostly be symbolic with so few being built.
Voting for this because I agree with using the station first and foremost to ensure improvements to the international political order.
Hmm. @Neablis, are we able to offer to locate new ground manufactories in the other nations (namely, ones being built this turn) to any noticeable effect on the rest of our diplomatic efforts? Given their worry about Aevon being ahead, seems like starting to build up infrastructure local to other places would be a good gesture, even if during this turn it'd mostly be symbolic with so few being built.
I just figured the manufactories specified in the plan would be built where it's most convenient for us unless otherwise specified, since they're ours until we leave - as opposed to those built using uplift/bribes which would belong to bribed territories immediately.
But of course, basically everybody knows our factories are only spoken for until we leave. However since we haven't yet said to whom (if anyone) we'd be handing the keys on our departure, making the arrangement a bit more explicit and starting to use where our personal infrastructure goes as a bargaining chip could move the needle on diplomacy for cheap.
That assload of shuttles we built last turn can just as easily do continent to continent shipping as they do ground to space, yeah?
I just figured the manufactories specified in the plan would be built where it's most convenient for us unless otherwise specified, since they're ours until we leave - as opposed to those built using uplift/bribes which would belong to bribed territories immediately.
But of course, basically everybody knows it's until we leave. However since we haven't said that we'd be handing the keys to anyone at that point, making the arrangement a bit more explicit and starting to use where our personal infrastructure goes as a bargaining chip could move the needle for cheap.
That assload of shuttles we built last turn can just as easily do continent to continent shipping as they do ground to space, yeah?
Hmm, that's a good point... Though I suspect we'd need shuttleports built elsewhere, if we want to package things up and ship it off from elsewhere. And there'd probably be some inefficiency... And I don't know if Neablis wants to deal with that kind of complexity... Worth asking about though, I suppose.
I'm going to assume Human Genetics is the tech that would provide benefits to psyker studies, and Medical School is the one that would provide benefits or discounts to implants such as OMC. Is that about right, @Neablis ?
Um, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "psyker studies." It is the start of the tree that would let you figure out genetically what makes psykers into psykers, along with several things. With just that (and willing psykers) you might be able to make a genetic test for psykers, but if you actually wanted to clone new psykers you'd probably need the cloning tech as well, and more than the first level of it. Medical school would potentially provide future discounts to cybernetics, though it's dependent on rolls.
Our mothership + 4-6 escort ships + 2-3 dedicated factory ships sounds like a good start to me. What do other people think?
I took a crack at designs to see what we could get with current tech:
Ranger Class Light Scout (1500 bp)
Destroyer, 50 RP, 50 CP.
500 BP, 1600x400 meters
Engines: 8 gravities for 150 BP
Shields: medium for 100
Armor: medium for 100
Weapons: (300 bp)
Medium Lances 200 BP. Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
2x Point Defense 50 BP. A series of turrets on the hull to shoot down enemy fighters, missiles and torpedoes.
Equipment (350 bp)
Warp Drive (50 bp) This ship can jump to the warp. Navigation systems sold separately.
Psychic Shielding (100 bp) This ship has a neural network integrated throughout the whole thing, that thinks "no" as hard as possible, answering the question for any warp-corruption for any beings or objects within the hull.
Tuned Shields (100 bp) These shields recharge significantly faster, but when taken down all the way take slightly longer to reboot.
Low-emission Systems (50 bp) This ship has been tuned to reduce overall emissions, making it stealthier. Not stealthy. Stealthier.
High-maneuverability thrusters (50 bp) This ship is more maneuverable, able to flip, spin and dodge more quickly. This lets it maneuver well through dense asteroid clusters and dodge/ram more effectively in combat.
Assembler Class Light Factory Ship (5,200 bp)
Light Cruiser, 150 RP, 200 CP.
Base Hull 2000 BP, 4400x800 meters
Engines: 5 gravities for 300 BP
Shields: medium for 200 bp
Armor: light for 100 bp
Weapons (150 bp):
Light Lances 100 BP. Long range, hitscan burst weapons. Not excellent at sustained fire.
Point Defense 50 BP. A series of turrets on the hull to shoot down enemy fighters, missiles and torpedoes.
Warp Drive (200 bp) This ship can jump to the warp. Navigation systems sold separately.
Psychic Shielding (400 bp) This ship has a neural network integrated throughout the whole thing, that thinks "no" as hard as possible, answering the question for any warp-corruption for any beings or objects within the hull.
Manufactory (1250 bp) Generates 125 void BP.
Repair Bay (500 bp). Repairs damage across friendly ships equal to its cost in repairs.
Alloyed Armor (100 bp) Armor is much tougher but is harder to repair.
Both ships lack a Void Abacus since we don't have details on those yet. I focused on high speed and long range weapons, since we likely want to avoid most fights if we can.
@Neablis, (very low priority) are these valid builds?
Yeah, they look good. In the future it would be best if you segregated combat equipment from regular equipment (or just lumped them in with weapons) to make counting them easier. But yup.
Hmm. @Neablis, are we able to offer to locate new ground manufactories in the other nations (namely, ones being built this turn) to any noticeable effect on the rest of our diplomatic efforts? Given their worry about Aevon being ahead, seems like starting to build up infrastructure local to other places would be a good gesture, even if during this turn it'd mostly be symbolic with so few being built.
Hmm. Yes you can, but it will come with its own drawbacks. Primarily - they'll probably try to spy on/steal tech from them, even if they made agreements not to. Though any maluses from that might replace other negative effects from rolling poorly? I'm not sure. It's not a terrible idea.
My plan and a No OMC version since people are being weird about OMC.
[X] Plan Investing into future help and friends for our Techbean
-[X][Klyssar's Nest] Reserve it for a Mechanicus Enclave Vita wants to found.
--[X]40 orbital manufactories + 1 million people
-[X][Sigulus] Send her home She'll be happy to integrate back into one of the damaged enclaves on Denva secundus.
-[X] Action1: Diplomacy
--[X] With Anexa, search cogitare exploratum for members that would fit well as tech Staff for you future ship/fleet, to become the core of the to-be-founded Explorators Enclave.
---[X] Important qualifiers: Scientific curiosity, willingness to share and cooperate, compatibility with Anexa (and Victan+Vita), with the unlikeliness of finding an universal genius like Anexa: A diverse set of specializations
-[X][Anexa] Search cogitare exploratum for potential colleagues (see Vita diplo action)
-[X][Victan] Subversion: Use his experience with cogitare exploratum to support the search for future Explorators Enclave members
-[X] Action 2: Research (200RP)
--[X] Organic-Machine control (200 RP) Allows you to hook humans into your own command-and-control loop, allowing you to turn over command duties of various bots to humans - though they'll only be able to command combat units. (Unlocks brain implants that allow a human to control some number of CP worth of combat bots/ships. There are more technologies to allow humans to command larger ships/manufacturing systems as well)
-[X] Action 3: Orders, capture the command center
--[X] Use whatever combat bots fit, be carefull to take it intact
-[X] Action 4: Research (200 RP)
--[X] Void Manufacturing Efficiency (50 RP) Now that you've built your first void manufacturing platform, you realize that there are much more efficient ways to do it. Especially in acquiring raw material - you can just send out some light tugs to grab inner-system comets and asteroids instead of building the infrastructure to haul raw materials up from the surface before refining them. (Halves the BP cost of Orbital Manufactories & Deep Space Manufactories).
--[X] A Study in Physics (125/150) -> (150/150)
--[X] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (35/200) -> (160/200)
[X] Plan Investing into future help and friends for our Techbean-No OMC
-[X][Klyssar's Nest] Reserve it for a Mechanicus Enclave Vita wants to found.
--[X]40 orbital manufactories + 1 million people
-[X][Sigulus] Send her home She'll be happy to integrate back into one of the damaged enclaves on Denva secundus.
-[X] Action1: Diplomacy
--[X] With Anexa, search cogitare exploratum for members that would fit well as tech Staff for you future ship/fleet, to become the core of the to-be-founded Explorators Enclave.
---[X] Important qualifiers: Scientific curiosity, willingness to share and cooperate, compatibility with Anexa (and Victan+Vita), with the unlikeliness of finding an universal genius like Anexa: A diverse set of specializations
-[X][Anexa] Search cogitare exploratum for potential colleagues (see Vita diplo action)
-[X][Victan] Subversion: Use his experience with cogitare exploratum to support the search for future Explorators Enclave members
-[X] Action 2: Research (200RP)
--[X] Miniaturized psychic shielding: (300 RP) Right now you can build and repair psychic shielding that's roughly ship-sized. Maybe aiming for building-sized next? (Lets you build smaller and less expensive versions of the psychic shielding. Unlocks further research to "nest" the shielding, as well as build person-sized versions).
-[X] Action 3: Orders, capture the command center
--[X] Use whatever combat bots fit, be carefull to take it intact
-[X] Action 4: Research (200 RP)
--[X] Void Manufacturing Efficiency (50 RP) Now that you've built your first void manufacturing platform, you realize that there are much more efficient ways to do it. Especially in acquiring raw material - you can just send out some light tugs to grab inner-system comets and asteroids instead of building the infrastructure to haul raw materials up from the surface before refining them. (Halves the BP cost of Orbital Manufactories & Deep Space Manufactories).
--[X] A Study in Physics (125/150) -> (150/150)
--[X] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (35/200) -> (160/200)
Hmm. Yes you can, but it will come with its own drawbacks. Primarily - they'll probably try to spy on/steal tech from them, even if they made agreements not to. Though any maluses from that might replace other negative effects from rolling poorly? I'm not sure. It's not a terrible idea.
Hm. Something to think about for next turn I suppose - that down side sounds like it'll be less of an issue the more settled everyone is. And unless we source weapons production at those new locations, there's not a lot of tech that we strictly want to keep secret that we manufacture at those places, I think?
It's pretty late, I may just not be remembering obvious tech we want to stay secret here.
[X] Plan: Dividing the Space Station Cake w/ Deep Space
-[X] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] You are interested about the monasteries of Denva and the psykers that they hold, but know little about the psychic individuals beyond the bare basics. That they are seen as a danger for everyone and are ostracized for it. However, you lack the concrete facts about what they can actually do, and on what scale. So you are going to take a look into the classification the Imperium and the Inquisition use, named charmingly "The Assignment". I mean really, how bad it can be?
-[X] Orders (Klyssar's Nest): Conquer and explore the rest of Klyssar's nest. Use your light/medium bots to soak the losses to preserve your heavy bots where you can. More than that, try to preserve as much of the station as you can, even if it causes heavier losses for your bots.
-[X] Diplomacy/Subversion (Denva): Contact Aevon about your analysis on the reaction the other nations are likely to have to their advantage in the long-term. Work together to avoid this. Dangle Klyssar's nest as a prize for nations who cooperate with each other, with Aevon presenting the idea. A neutral ground divided equally between the nations who come to an agreement for at least some form of permanent unified political forum... With those who don't do so of course being left out of the initial cutting and sharing of the space-station-cake. Bribe people with whatever non-military goods required where needed (Aevon itself included if it comes to that) to sweeten the deal.
-[X] Construction (3300 BP = 3250 GBC (3500 LC) + 50 VBC)
--[X] Construction slot, 1st (3300 BP)
---[X] Repair Psychic Shielding: 95/100 -> 100/100 (50 BBP)
---[X] Replenish Combat Losses (35 GBP)
---[X] Trade goods, Aevon (50 GBP)
---[X] Trade goods, bribes (40 GBP)
---[X] Humanized Heavy Infantry Bots w/ MP-MSJ (125 GBP, 200 CP)
---[X] 5x Manufactory (100 GBP, 50 CP) (500 BP)
---[X] 1x Orbital Manufactory (250 VBP, 50 CP)
---[X] 3x Deep Space Manufactory (750 void BP, 50 CP) (2,250 BP)
-[X] Research x1 (200 + 25 RP)
--[X] A Study in Physics (125/150 -> 150/150 RP)
---[X] Anexa assists (+25 RP)
--[X] Void Manufacturing Efficiency (50 RP)
--[X] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (35/200 -> 185/200 RP)
-[X] Pay rent (Trade Goods, Aevon 50 -> 25)
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research (A Study in Physics)
-[X] Victan active action: Subversion (Denva)
-[X] Klyssar's Nest
--[X] Use it for People
-[X] Sigulus
--[X] Send her home
Everything we've been told about Deep Space Manufactories make them seem better than Orbitals for the cost (automatic stealth, better defended, more CP efficient, more easily upgraded), so considering we're not hurting for overall BP right now I made a variant plan swapping 9 Orbitals for 3 in Deep Space. It'd only be 150 VBP less every Construction action.
Everything we've been told about Deep Space Manufactories make them seem better than Orbitals for the cost (automatic stealth, better defended, more CP efficient, more easily upgraded), so considering we're not hurting for overall BP right now I made a variant plan swapping 9 Orbitals for 3 in Deep Space. It'd only be 150 VBP less every Construction action.
They're less efficient at the "BP retrned per BP spent" metric, which is still the most important thing... I'd like at least one next turn just for the potential unlocks, though. :/
Surprise you are voting for using the station purely to build up Devon Secundus, rather than for the plans using it to build up staff for Space exploration.
You seemed very focussed on not getting bogged down on planetary issues and getting to exploration asap.
[] Plan Investing into future help and friends for our Techbean
[] Plan Investing into future help and friends for our Techbean-No OMC
They're less efficient at the "BP retrned per BP spent" metric, which is still the most important thing... I'd like at least one next turn just for the potential unlocks, though. :/
If we were building up our industry from nothing in space you'd have a point, as we'd want more BP as quickly as possibly, but we already have a significant amount built on the ground.
Once we finish with the Klyssar Station, assuming that our expedition doesn't uncover anything dramatically urgent we need to deal with, and we finish whatever refurbishments we need to do to make it habitable and safe as well as build up planetary infrastructure to allow the nations and enclaves to readily access and utilise the station independently, what should we focus on next?
Contacting the Psykers, contacting the Xenos on Denva Primus, exploring the other smaller space stations around the gas giants, a turn entirely focused on repairing and uplifting Denva Secundus, or something else?
The Brawler was designed for close quarters fighting with other ships. While slower than typical, it is highly maneuverable, well armed, and can ram other ships. Should the enemy attempt to board the ship, they will have a hard time completing their mission as the ship was designed with anti-boarding measures in mind. Even those of the Warp variety will struggle to get a grip on this ship with its psychic shielding installed. For armaments it is equipped with a Prow Ram, a light melta cannon, medium missiles, and medium macrocannons, giving the ship plenty of options to take down other ships.
Base hull
Size: 1900X500 750 BP
Engines: 5 gravities 75 BP
Shields: Medium 150 BP
Armor: Medium 150 BP
non-combat equipment
Psychic shielding: 150 BP
Prow Ram: 50 BP
Light Melta cannon: 200 BP
Medium Missiles: 100 BP
Medium Macrocannons: 200 BP
combat equipment
Medium Boarding Preparations: 100 BP
High Maneuverability thrusters: 100 BP
@Speedemon22 , I like the design and we will probably need some close in ships like this. I think this would still need a warp drive though so it could travel with us.
@Speedemon22 , I like the design and we will probably need some close in ships like this. I think this would still need a warp drive though so it could travel with us.