I like Alectai's plan a lot, but still wanted to make some tiny changes. First of all, building one less anti-orbital lance to get us one jammer cogitator bank ready. If things turn out badly due to horrible dice rolls, would be nice to have at least one. Also made a different write-in for the diplomacy action with Thalya/AdMech.
Also, yay, 100 pages! Congrats Neablis!
[] Plan: The Robot-Satan-Snake In The Garden
-[] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[] Look up House Klyssar, and ask the same of Victan's contacts in Aevon. They're one of your main leads to figure out not just what's up with the Mechanicus' station, but also what made them leave a presence on the planet in the first place.
-[] Diplomacy/Subversion (AdMech):
--[] Visit Thalya's Enclave in person this time. Affect a carefully concealed frustrated disposition in the noosphere, and "reveal" that you have need for more assistants than just Anexa at this point to "accelerate the search". Deny taking them just yet, because "you want to ensure they are capable enough" in a way that will hopefully make Thalya think of you being paranoid of her infiltrators and spies. Instead, say that you will take them under your wing in the next five years after making sure that your facilities are ready. Use the cover of scouting new talent in different Enclaves to get in contact with Cogitare Exploraratum, and with Victan assisting remotely, starts fully subverting those that you can, while at least getting your hooks into those you can't. See also about probing for vulnerabilities and installing backdoors to systems of Enclaves with their help, hopefully with improved understanding about emotionally manipulating the machine spirits. (Dedicated subversion effort. Find both true believers and opportunists, as well as those whose loyalties can at least be compromised. Probe for and introduce weaknesses in the systems of the Enclaves.)
-[] Construction x2 (5300 BP = 2650 BP + 2650 BP)
--[] Construction slot, 1st (2650 GBP)
---[] Underground Medium Void Shield installation (2650/3000 BP, 50 CP)
--[] Construction slot, 2nd (2650 GBP)
---[] Underground Medium Void Shield installation (3000/3000 BP, 50 CP) (350 BP)
---[] Underground Spaceport (300 BP, 25 CP)
---[] 22x Basic Stealth Fighters (25 BP, 5 CP) (550 BP, 210 CP) 30 fighters total over 3 spaceports
---[] 1x Underground Machine-spirit Jammer (300 BP, 10 CP)
---[] 2x Underground Anti-Orbital Defenses (300 BP, 5 CP) (600 BP, 10 CP)
---[] 100x Basic Stealth Missiles (5 VBP, 1 CP) (500 VBP, 100 CP) - Launch them using the catapult, not to engage until things get spicy.
---[] Assorted Goods as required by Plans and The Rent (50 BP)
-[] Research x1 (200 + 25 RP)
--[] Blueprint: 50 RP - Basic space stealth missile (5 Void BP, 1 CP)
--[] Blueprint: 25 RP - Machine-spirit Jammer (100 BP, 10 CP)
--[] Machine Spirit Emotional Hacking (150/150 RP)
---[] Anexa assists (+25 RP)
-[] Pay rent (Trade Goods, Aevon 20 -> 70 -> 45)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research (Machine Spirit Emotional Hacking)
-[] Victan active action: Subversion (AdMech)