Voting is open
Perhaps, although I would personally prefer it if our ability to do so at all was limited. If congress passes a law with a pretty clear majority, that law ought to go into effect regardless of what we think about it imo.
We theoretically have the ability to fight every law. We don't have the ability to win every fight, or even have a chance. Like how if we wanted to, we could probably have a war with Russia, but this would be a spectacularly bad idea.
I am assuming that the majority a law has when it comes out of Congress is represented in our ability to fight it, and how much political capital we have to expend on the law.

Some laws are literally futile to stop.
Also worth noting that your PC is a leading member of the leading party of the ruling coalition and is all but certain to be A-okay with most legislation that passes as long as that state of affairs persists.

That would be the matter of your PC being a character in their own right as opposed to being a blank slate, a different matter from democracy in politics entirely.
So does the Hague still have the international Court of Justice? Because I want any Victorians that don't get killed in the civil war or potentially by us to be brought before the court for the long list of war crimes and crimes against humanity their country haw committed.
So does the Hague still have the international Court of Justice? Because I want any Victorians that don't get killed in the civil war or potentially by us to be brought before the court for the long list of war crimes and crimes against humanity their country haw committed.
Something tells me a lot of them won't make it to court. They're hand-in-hand with the Russians, who wouldn't be too keen to reveal their involvement in atrocities across America.
Hmmm. Hopefully there will be a limit to how much we can actually do to defy the will of congress. I want them to start successfully pursuing their own agendas different from our own.
The complication there is that we're in a parliamentary system.

If Congress really wants to accomplish something, and the president is in the way and doesn't talk them out of it, the first thing they'll do is fire the president. The trick is, that's not actually a "we lose" scenario, because this is Victoria Falls Quest, not Sara Johnson Quest.

For instance, suppose the Buffalo Campaign had gone badly- that our forces had taken heavy casualties, that the Victorian militias were tougher than we expected, that Blackwell wasn't signing a peace treaty. Opposition to the campaign was already mounting. If it had turned out to be our Gallipoli Campaign, it's very likely that the parties in the Congress would have realigned- say, a Farmer-Labor/Christian Socialists/ Popular-CPP coalition. They would have moved for a vote of no confidence in Sara Johnson and appointed a new president in her place.

The new president would have a locked-in mandate to secure a cease-fire. Because they'd be relying on the CFLP for support they'd probably also have a mandate to, say, spend at least 1 AP every 3-4 turns on Promote Co-Ops or something similar, a moderate re-ordering of the government's priorities to reflect the leftward partisan shift.

But then, we have had mandates throughout the quest, things like:

1) "Catch the assassin" (we did, and stopped an ongoing action bleed and death of characters)
2) "Avoid famine" (we got by and earned a lot of popularity from it) and
3) "Hold elections" (we did, and we got Johnson replacing Burns as the viewpoint character). Or
4) "Resolve the housing crisis" (we partially succeeded and medium-sized bad stuff happened) or
5) "Prepare to repel impending Victorian invasion" (we Took Steps, and as a result were able to fight the Victorian army at Detroit instead of fighting them from our living rooms).

This wouldn't be any different, except that the mechanism by which the consequences and mandate are imposed would be "president is seen as a fuckup, gets removed and replaced by new president who will pursue a more popular and/or less accursed course of action."

Perhaps, although I would personally prefer it if our ability to do so at all was limited. If congress passes a law with a pretty clear majority, that law ought to go into effect regardless of what we think about it imo.
I mean, the limit of our ability to take actions to influence laws is exactly the limit of the PC's ability to persuade Congress to pass, not pass, or otherwise modify a law. If they aren't interested in the president's opinion anymore they'll pass that law... But by the same token, that same situation will usually trigger a vote of no confidence and replacement of the viewpoint character with a new viewpoint character who has a mandate to carry out whatever that law said.
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I just realized "Do not become what you fight",on a meta level,also refers to the need to keep the philosophical and political insights into the trajectory toward catastrophe our own America is on that the book started with without turning into a bloodthirsty wank like the original.
Pure genius.:)
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Non-Canon Omake: The European Bulwark
(Here we go, hopefully an omake that passes muster)

The European Bulwark - Hannah Meier, Speech given to the European Parliament

As we, the Federal Republic stand now, with Germany in the strongest position relative to the European Union, there are many that have asked the question of why not move into a position to dominate Europe as Russia has done with its local area and to rule by an iron fist. The answer lies in our size compared to Russia. For all the effect and the glory that it makes, we must not let history repeat and let the arrogance and hatred overtake us fully. For it is in hubris that we fall.

We are all called to our moment right now. Several years ago, I was called to my moment when a group of terrorists targeted my children together with more than one hundred other innocent civilians. Today, we are all called to this moment. When you look out over Berlin, you see not the capital of the Kaisers, nor the capital of Hitler. You see the cosmopolitan capital of a republic that rose from the ashes. It reminds us of what we are, and what we can be.

We stand in a position not seen anywhere before in our history. Not since the Roman Empire, not since Charlemagne and not since the Thirty Years War have we found ourselves in a position like this. As the last bastion of liberty in a position to fight, fight we must. Fight for our children, fight for our citizens and fight for Europe.

I thank the Union and the Coalition for this historical compromise which brings us closer to liberating Eastern Europe. I would also like to thank the President of the Commission and the Ambassador of the Nordic Union for their contributions to the common European effort. When we think back to the Elyseé Treaty and the Treaty of Rome, European cooperation has been part of the Federal Republic from the very start in 1949. For one-hundred and twenty-one years, we have been working with Europe. It was with this that Germany emerged out of the Wirtschaftswunder, and as the strongest economy in Europe.

Ladies and Gentlemen, today we live in an era that poses a problem that no one nation on the European Continent can answer single-handedly. The question of Russia. The question of an enemy of the 20th Century that has reemerged for the worse. The fight against an enemy with modern weapons and with a hatred for democratic values. For the liberty of the individual and for the systems of government that we have built up and the dignity of both dissent and of agreement. That's why, when we need to find a solution, we must start from a common ground if possible. That is why we have continued to support the Birmingham Accords and the Lyon Conference. Agreement is also needed to build up a strong defence. The parts in an Ocelot 5 are produced all over Europe and assembled in Dortmund to give just one example.

Of course, agreement is also necessary to protect within as with without. When we look through history's pages, it becomes clear that Poland could slow, but it could not stop the Russian influence spreading across Europe as Britain and France fell. And it was only by a united Scandinavia that Finland stood strong and held firm against Russia.

Like everything that the experiences of the European Union tells us is that the Union must stand strong no matter what. Where individual people might falter, the Union can bind us together and create unity from diversity. Where countries left in Romania and Bulgaria, fell to Russian pressure. Where the Baltics faltered in a moment of inattention, they too were conquered by the Tsar. In contrast even as Poland exhausted, and destroyed itself to delay Russia, the European Union was there to give them the support needed for them to stand strong as the Bulwark of Europe. But now we must take up the mantle left behind. We have made progress so far. The old United Kingdom has been reconstructed and the French Republic has been reconstituted. The Benelux stands strong, and the Union can now speak of a 2004-lite Reconstitution together with the Nordic Union included.

And yet, there is much to be done. The Balkans pose a large degree of severity right on our doorstep, even ignoring Russia. And while Spain is now able to contribute to a large degree, the Italian Republic and the Padanian Republic are a large problem. But, I will have to add, negotiations are ongoing and it is very likely, if not certain, I dare say, that a reconciliation in Italy is near. For there are several problems and these are not just in our own continent. For Russia acts globally, and to oppose Russia and through that, preserve Europe and her history, we must act globally too. Europe, as it is cannot stand alone if there is any hope of dethroning Russia from its throne on the world stage.

Of course, this means that we must also unite our efforts and pool our resources. We have done so in the European Union on the regional level, and within Germany on the micro level. And to defeat Russia, we must also do so on the macrolevel.

The MERCOSUR, a key player in the Southern Hemisphere stands at the forefront of this. The ongoing crisis in Venezuela along with Puerto Rico, not to mention the fallen United States stands as evidence to them that Russia poses a threat to them too. It is due to this, and due to the historical and the growing links between our countries that the European Union has been negotiating over the status of French Guiana and to deepen the economic ties between our two continental blocs.

Another one of these issues, though it is related to the issue at hand still stands as a key issue today in North Africa. Even as Egypt is wavering, other nations are still reaching out into the sea, trying to find a willing benefactor. And the European Union must be that benefactor. For if we do not, Russia will be that benefactor and turn them towards us with hostile intent.

There has always been a relationship between Europe and America, dating back all the way to the War of Independence. And though we now face a situation nearly twenty years old with the Scourge of America straddling the Continent there is a ray of hope ahead. For where there was anarchy there are now two states that are taking the fight to Victoria. The Commonwealth of Free Cities and the Republic of Miami. Of these, the first have defeated our mutual enemy in an open war, and the second has been enjoying a time of prosperity free of the yoke. Ladies, gentlemen, this is a turning point in the continued fight against the enemies of the Free World.

And when you think about it, their journey resembles our own in Europe over the last thirty years. From many, we have risen as one, out of diversity came unity. Out of the disparate peoples of Europe rose a blue phoenix from the ashes. That Blue Phoenix is now in a struggle against the Russian Bear, and it is a struggle that will have consequences for the world when it ends. It is the struggle between democracy and autocracy. Between the values of Liberty and of dictatorship. Between, dare I say, good and evil.

I also know, and I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity afforded to me by the Hamburg Group of Parliamentarians for having invited me to speak before the European Parliament today. It is truly soothing to see that there are many people in elected office that are willing to stand up to Russia even when it would have been more comfortable to bend to Alexander's will. There is value in the silk glove in handling diplomatic matters, but if all else fails, if everything else does not pass muster in the eyes of the problem, then we must be ready, and willing to use military force. To strike back hard if attacked, and if attacked with nuclear weapons, to strike back as well. Let history's page, at every stage reflect that when we were called to the service of the world and to the defence of our most sacred values, we were there, and we defended them.

I believe that we have to achieve two things. Firstly to obliterate the threat that we face from the east in Russia and Alexander's puppets. We face the Ottomans at the gates of Vienna and the Mongols at the gates of Krakow. The Russian Bear will stop at nothing to devour Europe, and after that, the world. And to stop and obliterate the threat, we must stand as one, and united. We must unite Europe, in both body and spirit and once that's done, act globally to stop Russian incursions.

I believe that the European People stand as the last Bulwark of Determined Liberal Democracy in Eurasia. Yes, there are others who are opposing Russia on these continents, but while that may be, the European Union alone has carried forward the values of the Enlightenment, of the rule of law, of the diplomatic solutions. But make no mistake, preferring diplomatic solutions does not mean powerless or disarmed. The diplomatic solutions only work if you are willing to call bluffs and go to war if needed. To defend the values with all that you have dear. For if Russia only gains control of us, the world will surely fall. Though parts of the European Union have fallen to Alexander, we, Europe will stand bloodied, but unbowed. And if a final struggle and a final battle between Europe and Russia happens, It will be the duty of every last European to defend the values that originated here with their life and honor, and to stand against the Russian hordes when and if they come.
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actual human beings rather than scarecrows.We give them the chance to make their arguements.
That is also true in the context of the quest and letting them have their argument is a sign of good worldbuilding, but we also can get a laugh on how absurd some of their reactions are?

Edit: sometimes tragedy to one person is another's comedy. Just look at the collapse and how Alexander played most of the world to his tune
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Okay, there've been a lot of omakes and I've been very busy and distracted IRL lately. Can people who've posted an omake to which I've not responded quote their post with it so that I can go back and review?
My earlier omake reposted in the thread, as requested by the QM.

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

The phrase echoed in Malcolm Washington's mind as he strode through the shattered gates before the Governor's House. Soldiers wearing red armbands stacked flannel-clad bodies on a tarp, preparing them for disposal, but Malcolm barely glanced at them. His own soldiers filed through behind him, rifles ready but not aimed, and he made his way forward. Men and women stepped aside at his approach, some of them offering salutes, and he returned the gesture automatically.

The front doors of the Governor's House were broken like the gates, blown off their hinges by a shaped charge. Ellen always had been good with explosives. More soldiers waited just inside, alert for any sign of trouble. The center of government was in their hands, but Malcolm could hear the distant crack of rifle fire as the Sons of Forrest fought to break through and rescue their Governor. A machine gun snarled in response, drowning out the rifles, and it was followed by the dull thud of mortars.

He passed inside, leaving his guards at the entrance. The Governor's House looked exactly like Malcolm had imagined, vast rooms with polished oak furniture and portraits of Lee, Davis and Forrest hanging on the walls. Kraft and Rumford stood alongside them, gazing down in triumph at the world they had made. Their eyes seemed to follow him as he made his way towards the staircase, stepping between patches of drying blood.

Ellen was waiting for him on the second floor. She had a bandage above her eye and a bruise on one side of her head, but she still greeted him with a smile and a handshake. He smiled back, conscious of the eyes watching them, and gestured towards the Governor's quarters. They walked together, General Malcolm Washington and Colonel Ellen Brown, the allies who had fought together to bring down Governor Rutherford and his "Confederate State of North Carolina".

He waited until the door was safely closed before he spoke. "You lied to me, Ellen. We had an agreement." She tilted her head, considering, and he kept his hand away from the pistol at his side with an effort. Even if he wasn't surrounded by her people, the cause could not afford a power struggle. They had to march in lockstep, to show everyone that Revivalist forces were strong and united. America was more important than his personal feelings.

Ellen said, "I did lie to you, Malcolm." She walked over and sat down in the Governor's chair, ignoring the body lying on the floor. "It was necessary, and I don't apologize for doing what needed to be done. I can understand why you're upset, but while I think your Old World principles are admirable, we don't have the luxury of following them."

Hundreds of voices rose in a bloodcurdling howl, a high-pitched shriek that drowned out all other sound. It rose and rose until the walls seemed to echo with it, and then it gradually began to fade away. The snarl of machine guns broke through the Rebel yell, and now the battle cry was mingled with screams of agony. They sat and listened as the noise of the battle gradually died away, with one last voice howling in defiance until the crack of a rifle silenced it forever.

"Victorian training," Ellen said. "They couldn't live with the shame of running away from "orcs", and now they won't have to." Her gaze was cold and thoughtful. "Greensboro is yours. The Legislature will name you Governor of the American State of North Carolina, and we will be one step closer to rebuilding our country."

Malcolm said, "The Provisional Legislature of the American State of North Carolina may declare me Provisional Governor. And you're changing the subject." He rubbed his face wearily. "We're fighting to restore America, Ellen. Not just to make ourselves into the new warlords. You betrayed everything that we're fighting for."

They had huddled in a basement together, reading the United States Constitution while the Sons of Forrest searched the house above them, and Malcolm had believed that she understood. He was America's past, but he had hoped that "Red Ellen" might be his country's future. Half of his "National Guard" units were nothing more than a warlord's personal troops, with all the casual brutality and greed that he had come to expect. Ellen's Reds were something more, something better, and he had allowed his faith in her to blind him to the truth.

Justice demanded a proper court-martial. Justice had been in short supply since the United States of America ceased to exist, and Malcolm knew exactly what the Acting Legislature would want him to do. Of course, he was free to disobey whenever he wanted to, and there was nothing they could do about it. Nothing at all.

"It was an unknown soldier," he said quietly. "During the firefight to seize the mansion. The National Guard of North Carolina deeply regrets the loss of innocent life."

Ellen nodded respectfully. "My people already know what to say," she told him. Rising to her feet, she saluted. "General Washington, the Fourth Regiment of the North Carolina National Guard awaits your orders."

After Ellen was gone, he sat in the Governor's office. James Rutherford lay dead at his feet, a pistol clutched in his hand, and Malcolm looked down at his old enemy. He had never really believed that they could win, but now the Rutherford dynasty had finally fallen, as the old Romanovs had. Without a Governor Rutherford, the generals would fight among themselves, trying to carve out their own empires, and the Revivalists could take advantage of the chaos.

He rose to his feet and went down the hallway. One door stood open, with a guard outside, an older man who saluted and snapped to attention as Malcolm approached. Malcolm entered and closed the door behind him. Paintings hung on this room's walls, but they were of mountains and forests instead of Lee and Davis. Kraft and Rumford were also absent; instead, Jesus Christ on the cross stared down sorrowfully at Malcolm.

God, we ask for your mercy, he prayed. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we beg that you forgive us our trespasses...

But Malcolm would not forgive his enemies, and so he could not ask for forgiveness. He walked over to the bed, and looked down at the corpses. The youngest woman had long brown hair matted with blood, a beautiful silk dress, and a golden wedding ring on her left hand. Though the diamond on the ring was worth a fortune, the killers had left it untouched. Someone had folded her hands over her chest and closed her eyes.

The boy could not have been more than thirteen years old. He wore the flannel uniform of the Sons of Forrest, and his face was oddly peaceful except for the small hole in his forehead. In his years as a rebel, Malcolm Washington had told one lie more than any other, but in this case it was actually true.

Oliver Rutherford had died quickly and without pain.
Okay, there've been a lot of omakes and I've been very busy and distracted IRL lately. Can people who've posted an omake to which I've not responded quote their post with it so that I can go back and review?

Sure, here you go.

The Network Restored

Garbriel Novac read the words on the grave. The following words were carved into the tombstone. They had been done with care, and showed the reverence for the man. He had ensured that they honored the man so many years ago.

William Rodgers 1991-2036

That was the writing on the Stone tombstone of Gabriel's oldest friend. Lover, once upon a time. Before the CMC found him. Before they burned down his house, with all his books, and him inside it. He sighed. Luckily the Network still endured. Rodgers was one of the founders of the Network. Novac was another. They had worked together to make sure that what had happened to the Library of Alexandria, the knowledge at Pompeii, the Burning of the Books by the Qin Dynasty, the destruction of priceless artifacts by religious extremists all throughout history. Gabriel was more of a computer specialist, back when such things were common. Now he knew the Dewey Decimal system, and after that became 'illegal' and 'immoral', became a man who did inventory for warehouses.

He nodded to his nephew. They took out shovels, and began to dig the grave. If nothing else, the Victorians believed in the sanctity of graves to some extent. At least here in the western parts of Pennsylvania. He remembered the broadcast, the killing of professors, intellectuals, and scientists. Only the 'classics' were allowed to be taught, and only in limited, pre-approved capacities.

Rodgers had been a librarian. A man who was in love with the written word. Too many loyal Victorians, or too many scared people living under the fear of the Victorians, knew who and what he was, and turned him in. That had gotten him killed. Not just for being a homosexual, which was less well known, and was hidden as much as possible, but that he was a librarian. That last word was dangerous. It meant that the man had died in the service of knowledge. In the eyes of the Victorians, he was a Cultural Marxist and intellectual, and was had to be killed for helping people learn.

Beneath his resting place, beneath his coffin, was the Network. Every single treasure they could find to rebuild the world in the decades before and after the Collapse. Gabriel was thankful that he knew how to forge paperwork better than William did. Looking like someone who did inventory before the Collapse was infinitely less dangerous than a database. . Becoming a full time forger wasn't what he wanted his life to be, but it was what it had become. It had kept him alive all these years

Both of them enjoyed reading novels, and had entertained the idea of Isaac Asimov's Foundation. A world full of nothing but librarians, scientists, mathematicians, and other educated people, working to preserve all that would be destroyed when civilization fell.

When they saw what was happening, William had convinced him to use his money to build it. And they had, finishing months before the Collapse really went into full swing. Underneath the Rodger's family plot a converted bomb shelter. Inside said converted bomb shelter was the Rice Avenue Community Public Library. Using money to renovate a bomb shelter had seemed like a odd Prepper hobby before the Collapse. Something that militias even encouraged at times, as long as you were the right sort. Making it suitable for long term storage of several works seemed like it was more important than a place to hold canned preserves and rations for fruit. Every book that they could get their hands on, that went against Retroculture, Victorian stated propaganda, religious texts, anything that could be conceived as part of the modernity or heretical, was put in there. The shelves and storage containers were full of books, literature, artwork, film slides, technical manuals, blueprints, college textbooks, magazines, how to books, instruction manuals, film reels, DVDs, were all boxed up. Unless a bomb directly impacted the shelter, it would be untouched. it was all there, it was all safe. Preserved, and waiting for a time when there was a civilization that could use them.

They had recruited others. Other people who were seeing the writing on the wall. Librarians, teachers, professors, journalists, scientists. All of them had something they wanted to preserve. All of them contributed with what they could to ensure that it wasn't destroyed. Whether it was with materials, know how, bureaucracy, or some other means to help keep their knowledge secret. And so many of them had died for it. Their family members, too. The Inquisitors found out about a few of them, and some didn't help up to interrogation, and named names. William never felt anger at them. Because that was who he was. He was a gentleman, a gentle-man, and he didn't have in him to hold anger towards those who were truly desperate.

Victoria had just seemed impossibly strong, and as if they were here to stay. Over time, all of them had been found, except for the original two founders, William and Gabriel. But, in the end, they had found William. And he had died saying nothing. Victoria had taken another man of knowledge to the fire, because he was both a homosexual, and a librarian, and their society had little want or need for either. To Gabriel, all his hopes and dreams died that day. He still preserved it all, if only to honor William. If only to keep some part of him alive.

But now, with Victoria's civil war after their loss to the Commonwealth, he knew he it was time. Time to transport it somewhere that it would do the most good. Before it was lost to time, before he either became senile, or dropped dead, and the location of the Network's treasure trove was utterly forgotten.

Gabriel had initially wanted to transport it to New York City. But that was too far, and would go through too many checkpoints, too many Victorian militia, too many Inquisitors. The Commonwealth was the answer. If he could give this to them, to their library system, it would ensure that William's work wasn't all for naught. That his life had meaning. That his death had meaning. That the cause he held so close to his heart, that knowledge was important, would be preserved. After their utter smashing of the Victorian military, Chicago was hosting a diplomatic conference. He had to get these items there. Once they were in President Goldblum's hands, he could die knowing that he was absolved. That it all meant something.

The road to Lake Erie was a long one. The roads were destroyed, and the carts used to transport everything required the resources of the last of the Network, and his family's cooperation. This was all they had. All of them transported items discreetly to Chicago. Smuggling them in personal luggage, or in their clothing. Small items, here and there. The first few times they had tried to smuggle things east, to New York City, it had resulted in so many deaths, and so much destruction of so many priceless works. This was why they headed west, to Chicago. With the relative peace, and free trade, they were able to make it Lake Erie, and pay with their entire savings for their passage.

Chicago was so different from Girard, Pennsylvania. They were alive, they were mostly happy, and they seemed full. It shamed him, seeing how they lived, compared to how he had. Compared to what he did to survive. They didn't look at each other with suspicion at all times. He had written a letter, ahead of his travels, urgently requesting a member of Johnson's administration to meet with him. To accept the gifts he wanted to offer them. He wanted them to see it, and accept it, to tell him that his life had meaning. That what he did was worth the sacrifice.

He was just so hungry. Their harvest was bad that year. They couldn't trade what they had, because it was all illegal works, and it needed to be preserved. That's why he had turned William in. If he hadn't, they both would have starved, and their work would have been forgotten. Better that their organization, the Network, survived, and have some chance of success. At least, that's what he said at the time. Now he just felt like a miserable, shameful coward and he needed to atone. If only he had known then, that his services as a forger would provide him with the means to feed himself, and more than enough to feed others. If only....

He would offer his services, both as a keeper of all the works that his love had preserved, and his offers as a person who could make false documents.

'Please, god, let this be my atonement.' he thought. 'This has to mean something.'

Only the Commonwealth could answer such a question. He hoped they said yes, if only to honor William.

I thought someone like the protagonists from Foundation or Lost Horizon would do all they could to store what was left of the world, even if the price kept on getting higher and higher.
So with Victoria's army in disarray, what's the state of their armed forces outside of their borders? They either need to use their military to impose their will and leave themselves weak, or recall their forces in hope of victory and risk losing control.

Secondly, what's the Czars plan for the NCR making a go for independence? They no longer have Victoria to act as the anvil to their hammer, plus an increasingly united and militarized Europe looking for a weakness.
So with Victoria's army in disarray, what's the state of their armed forces outside of their borders? They either need to use their military to impose their will and leave themselves weak, or recall their forces in hope of victory and risk losing control.
"What armed forces?" The Victorians hit us with their entire army minus the two CMC Divisions currently functioning as the main assets of the Crusader half of the civil war. They don't have forces to recall.
Secondly, what's the Czars plan for the NCR making a go for independence? They no longer have Victoria to act as the anvil to their hammer, plus an increasingly united and militarized Europe looking for a weakness.
We don't know, but at a guess it's more diplomatic maneuvering than a war declaration.
Secondly, what's the Czars plan for the NCR making a go for independence? They no longer have Victoria to act as the anvil to their hammer, plus an increasingly united and militarized Europe looking for a weakness.
The old standby for dealing with countries doing things you don't like, economic sanctions or outright embargoes?
"What armed forces?" The Victorians hit us with their entire army minus the two CMC Divisions currently functioning as the main assets of the Crusader half of the civil war. They don't have forces to recall.

We don't know, but at a guess it's more diplomatic maneuvering than a war declaration.
So basically, all the minor settlements now have far more freedom than normal?
I really like the feeling this speech evokes... That said I'd like to offer some editing and constructive criticism? The following are my suggestions, feel free to ignore my ramblings entirely

As we, the Federal Republic stand now, with Germany in the strongest position relative to the European Union, there are many that have asked the question of why not move into a position to dominate Europe as Russia has done with its local area and to rule by an iron fist.
As we, the Federal Republic, stand now with Germany in the strongest position relative to the European Union; there are many that have asked why not dominate Europe as Russia has done with its local area and to rule with an iron fist?
For all the effect and the glory that it makes, we must not let history repeat and let the arrogance and hatred overtake us fully. For it is in hubris that we fall.
Not quite sure what to make of this pair of sentences... maybe:
Germany has attempted this thrice before, we must not let history repeat itself and let arrogance overtake us. For it is in hubris that we have fallen before, and will fall again.
We are all called to our moment right now. One year ago, I was called to my moment when a group of terrorists targeted my children together with more than one hundred other innocent civilians. Today, we are all called to this moment
We Germans have been called to this moment now. A year ago I was called to my own personal moment when a group of terrorists targeted my children together with more than one hundred other innocent civilians. This will happen again if we do not answer this call
Ladies and Gentlemen, today we live in an era that poses a problem that no one nation on the European Continent can answer single-handedly
Ladies and Gentlemen, today we live in an era defined by the will of The Bear. A problem that no one nation on the European Continent can answer alone
That's why, when we need to find a solution, we must start from a common ground if possible.
I get what you're going for, but at the same time I'd remove this sentence as you've already said this many times previously
In contrast even as Poland exhausted, and destroyed itself to delay Russia
In contrast even as Poland exhausted and destroyed itself to delay Russia (just remove the comma; it breaks the flow)
But now we must take up the mantle left behind
But now we must take up the mantle left to us
The old United Kingdom has been reconstructed and the French Republic has been reconstituted
The old United Kingdom and the French Republic has both been reconstituted
The Balkans pose a large degree of severity right on our doorstep, even ignoring Russia
The Balkans pose a severe threat to stability right on our doorstep, even ignoring Russian meddling
But, I will have to add, negotiations are ongoing and it is very likely, if not certain, I dare say, that a reconciliation in Italy is near
But I will have to add, negotiations are ongoing and it is very likely, if not certain I dare say, that a reconciliation in Italy is near (commas denote a pause in speaking, try not to use too many [admittedly that's one of the hardest parts of speech to get right])
Europe, as it is cannot stand alone if there is any hope of dethroning Russia from its throne on the world stage.
Europe as it is cannot stand alone if there is any hope of dethroning Russia from its pedestal on the world stage. (try not to reuse words or root words if possible)
The ongoing crisis in Venezuela along with Puerto Rico, not to mention the fallen United States stands as evidence to them that Russia poses a threat to them too
The ongoing crisis in Venezuela and Puerto Rico, not to mention the fallen United States, shows the existential threat Russia poses to their sovereignty.
There is value in the silk glove in handling diplomatic matters, but if all else fails, if everything else does not pass muster in the eyes of the problem, then we must be ready, and willing to use military force
There is value in using the silk glove with diplomatic matters. But if all else fails, if everything else falls apart between nations, then we must be ready and willing to use military force
To defend the values with all that you have dear. For if Russia only gains control of us, the world will surely fall
To defend everything you hold dear with all that you have. For if Russia topples our European Union, the rest of the free world will surely fall
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