Voting is open
It might suggest that but the fact of the matter is that I don't feel qualified to determine which economic system would fare better in the setting and I'm a fucking poli-sci major. If you want to spout your beliefs about the inadequacy of Social Democracy in the setting I can't stop you but you can't force me to have an argument with you on the topic, no matter how much you may wish to denigrate my beliefs.

Also, none of your links actually prove that social democracy couldn't function well in a economy that isn't export-focused. It merely proves that the current Nordic countries have an export-focused economy. You could stand to be a bit more rigorous in your research before making such sweeping claims.

The fact that every single example of a functioning Social Democracy ever depended on complex, modern trade relationships in a highly developed economy is incredibly significant. When every single example of the Nordic Model currently and historically has depended on such trading relationships for having functional economies that isn't a sweeping generalization, it's a fact. If you don't like those facts then produce some supporting your position and I'll note your position has consistently failed to be supported by links, evidence or anything else beyond shouting at Socialists, misrepresentation and blatant dodges like this.

Also it isn't denigration to point out when you're misrepresenting the other side's position or pointing out the very real flaws in your argument. That's called debate. If you have actual facts to support your position then let's see them. Otherwise don't complain when you don't have any.

Oh and also to clarify since you're a big fan of citing the rules for your purposes:

Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for all citizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.

Nothing in there says no free market as you've been consistently implying and stating outright. If you want to play the rules card then be consistent and honest in doing so.
Adhoc vote count started by LHB on Mar 16, 2019 at 8:48 AM, finished with 638 posts and 123 votes.

  • [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a decentralized federal state somewhat akin to the early United States
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a decentralized federal state somewhat akin to the early United States
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a decentralized federal state somewhat akin to the early United States
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a centralized unitary state with no subordinate governments.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat

    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.

    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.​
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.

    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a centralized unitary state with no subordinate governments.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.

    See more…

Adhoc vote count started by LHB on Mar 16, 2019 at 8:48 AM, finished with 638 posts and 123 votes.
Adhoc vote count started by LHB on Mar 16, 2019 at 8:49 AM, finished with 638 posts and 123 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by LHB on Mar 16, 2019 at 8:49 AM, finished with 638 posts and 123 votes.

  • [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a decentralized federal state somewhat akin to the early United States
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a decentralized federal state somewhat akin to the early United States
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a decentralized federal state somewhat akin to the early United States
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][IDEALS] Socialist
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a centralized unitary state with no subordinate governments.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat

    [X][CRUSH] None
    [X][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.

    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.​
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.

    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a centralized unitary state with no subordinate governments.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for allcitizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
    [x][IDEALS] Communist: The old revolutionary ideology has elected to push for their aims in the democratic process. Their modern platform, in this setting, is centered around the absolute implementation of workplace democracy in addition to the same welfare and legal measures proposed by other movements. The aims of the American Communists in the present day are to break the concept of private ownership of businesses, which places them in stark opposition to Capitalist and Social Democrat thought of this era. This is a part of a larger drive towards a transition to a fully Communist society, but the Communists have quite enough to be focused on at the moment and are leaving that aside.
    [x][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
    [X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
    [x][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
    [x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
    [X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
    [X][IDEALS] New Capitalist
    [X][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
    [x][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
    [X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.

    See more…

Adhoc vote count started by LHB on Mar 16, 2019 at 8:51 AM, finished with 638 posts and 123 votes.
The fact that every single example of a functioning Social Democracy ever depended on complex, modern trade relationships in a highly developed economy is incredibly significant. When every single example of the Nordic Model currently and historically has depended on such trading relationships for having functional economies that isn't a sweeping generalization, it's a fact. If you don't like those facts then produce some supporting your position and I'll note your position has consistently failed to be supported by links, evidence or anything else beyond shouting at Socialists, misrepresentation and blatant dodges like this.
It's a fact that the current Nordic countries rely on exports and/or oil to maintain the welfare states they operate. It's not a fact that this means the only way to maintain a social democratic welfare state is through reliance on exports. This distinction is very important and is central to Black Swan Theory. Given the small number of actual social democratic countries in existence (rather than simply countries with some social democratic policies) your claim that no such state could exist is not supported by the evidence available. In fact it seems to me to be fairly impossible to prove it one way or the other considering that the rise of social democracies happened long after the development of modern trading relationships.
Also it isn't denigration to point out when you're misrepresenting the other side's position or pointing out the very real flaws in your argument. That's called debate. If you have actual facts to support your position then let's see them. Otherwise don't complain when you don't have any.
What possible facts could I provide about a hypothetical situation of a social democracy arising and developing in isolation from the rest of the world that could convince you that it's possible for such a thing to exist?
Nothing in there says no free market as you've been consistently implying and stating outright. If you want to play the rules card then be consistent and honest in doing so.
Could you point me to where I've stated/implied that the Socialist option leaves no room for market competition? I feel like I've been fairly consistent as evidenced from the very first post I made after the Constitutional Convention update as evidenced from this post where I ask Poptart about the specifics of the Socialist option:
I'm uncertain whether or not I'll include the Socialist option in my approval voting. It seems to me that it does allow privately owned businesses. Could you elaborate on this @PoptartProdigy? In particular, I'm interested in whether or not the state is allowed to forcibly appropriate businesses in an arbitrary manner or if certain criteria must be met for the implementation of workplace democracy.(and if so, what those criteria are?)

Also, I'd really appreciate it if you could scale back the hostility a bit. I'll admit that the discussion did get heated in the past but accusing me of arguing in bad faith, misrepresentation, dishonestly and rules lawyering is over the line.
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@Estro Something is weird with your vote. The tally counts you as a socdem/socialist vote when you aren't voting socdem.
huh. well, it counts most recent vote posts, so

[X][IDEALS] Socialist
[X][CRUSH] None
[X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need
[X][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
[x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Aranfan on Mar 16, 2019 at 9:07 AM, finished with 640 posts and 123 votes.
[X][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
[X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
[X][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
[X][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
[X][TEXT] The old Constitution had its flaws, but it was a document of many strengths as well. It lasted two and a half centuries. We shall honor that and preserve the original. Our changes will be amendments, as intended, with our population approving them as specified in the text.
[X][REVIEW] The new Constitution will serve just fine with a standardized system for proposing amendments.
[X][IDEALS] Social Democrat
[X][IDEALS] New Capitalist

[X][CRUSH] None

[X][POWER] You are a devolved unitary state with subordinate governments formed or dissolved by central governmental decrees according to need

[X][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.

[x][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
Huh, well that's a pleasant surprise.
Adhoc vote count started by Cmd. Frost on Mar 16, 2019 at 9:56 AM, finished with 646 posts and 123 votes.
Last edited:
You know, for all that people complain that "SV always goes socialist", SV doesn't really seem to actually go socialist that often?
[X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.

[X][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.

[X][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.

[X][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen sv go actual ever. And I don't know if I want to play another Yay caitalist America simulator.
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[X][IDEALS] Socialist: Having come to refer to a specific political movement rather than an entire branch of ideology, modern socialism is focused on giving the state the power to care for all citizens, and claims that the modern Social Democrat platform does not go far enough in pursuit of this. It also calls for a massive investment into healthcare in order to revitalize the field and make sure that there are enough medical professionals to go around (long-term, they want free healthcare, but there needs to be enough of it first). They also grant unions extensive privileges over private employers. They are fervently in favor of democratized workplaces, and openly campaign in favor of granting them special concessions.
[X][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
[X][REVIEW] The new Constitution should be put to review and possible revision every thirty years.
Last edited:
You can't use an example in a scenario where private property didn't even exist yet. I'm talking a modern or later scenario, but not like star trek levels late.

What do you expect. Even most left leaning people are not tankies and just want to eliminate poverty, not potentially break the system that generates wealth. I am surprised socialism could be leading at all. If we do end up making a coalition government I am okay with compromising on healthcare with an extensive NHS style socialized system rather than just Canada style single payer, but giving coops excessive advantages rather than just a small tax break seems economically inefficient to me. If these coops were that great they would not need special advantages to compete.
What do you expect. Even most left leaning people are not tankies and just want to eliminate poverty, not potentially break the system that generates wealth. I am surprised socialism could be leading at all. If we do end up making a coalition government I am okay with compromising on healthcare with an extensive NHS style socialized system rather than just Canada style single payer, but giving coops excessive advantages rather than just a small tax break seems economically inefficient to me. If these coops were that great they would not need special advantages to compete.
here's what I want long term. Universal Healthcare, public R&D for pharmacudicals instead of private ones, Universal Education, Low Interest government Loans for people to form businesses, co-ops or not. An emphasis on science and technology. Equal rights. If we're going to be interventionist on the world stage, we only do it to help democracies survive and grow, and not to grow our own economy. I want a nation that isn't manipulated by special interest groups. I want corporations to have zero political power.
What do you expect. Even most left leaning people are not tankies and just want to eliminate poverty, not potentially break the system that generates wealth. I am surprised socialism could be leading at all. If we do end up making a coalition government I am okay with compromising on healthcare with an extensive NHS style socialized system rather than just Canada style single payer, but giving coops excessive advantages rather than just a small tax break seems economically inefficient to me. If these coops were that great they would not need special advantages to compete.

That's not what Tankie means
Adhoc vote count started by Flectarn on Mar 16, 2019 at 11:25 AM, finished with 666 posts and 128 votes.
What do you expect. Even most left leaning people are not tankies and just want to eliminate poverty, not potentially break the system that generates wealth. I am surprised socialism could be leading at all. If we do end up making a coalition government I am okay with compromising on healthcare with an extensive NHS style socialized system rather than just Canada style single payer, but giving coops excessive advantages rather than just a small tax break seems economically inefficient to me. If these coops were that great they would not need special advantages to compete.

There is this thing called economic inertia in the present day economy that explains how corporations maintain a commanding position before even going into the plethora of tax breaks, subsidies, legal protections and other supports that the corporate sector requires to stay dominant.

There's also conclusive research, along with the other stuff posted (and tellingly ignored by the QM along with the reasons Social Democracy even works), showing co-ops actually offer greater benefits and stability in war-torn and failed state situations than private sector corporations.
Voting is open