[ ][IDEALS] New Capitalist: Aims to restore the old system with badly-needed revisions to address some of the obvious flaws. Among other things, it mandates a living minimum wage tied to government-collected measures, writes into foundational law the de-personhood of anybody who is not, in fact, an actual person, and institutes broad protections for employees against their employers (protected right to unionize, protections for whistleblowers, pension laws for companies, etc.). The New Capitalists do not give a single shit about democratized workplaces, positively or negatively, as long as they pay their taxes.
[ ][CRUSH] Some of the central tenets of the founding government's ideology are written into foundational law, making it difficult for even violently opposed successor governments to fully roll them back without immense popular support.
[ ][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
[ ][TEXT] The Constitution serves as a broad guide for the structure of this document, and many legal concepts integral to it carry through, but it is rewritten from the ground up to serve its new situation rather than simply amending it until it fits.
More seriously let me just say that some of these plans are proposing negative legitimacy. That is a nice way to get any other revivalist faction either resistant to being absorbed into us or become outright opposed to us. I'd be willing to go to full democracy in regards to Crush as well as going to modern US for Power and back up to full implementation for text Text, but I will not budge on New Capitalist. This is because it addresses all the problems people ACTUALLY have with the current system. Living wage, corporations aren't treated as people, baked in protections of worker's rights, and it allows those oh so coveted by some democratic work places.