...Wow. I knew it took a lot to build a tank but... wow. If we don't have anything to build a tank with already (and according to Poptart, we don't), we're probably not going to be able to build a tank, much less a decent one, until the 2090s, maybe even the 22nd century.
Pretty much.
It's going to be easier to build MRAPs, wheeled APCs and wheeled IFVs than full-up tanks, because those often share a lot of the same parts as heavy duty vehicles and we'll need tens of thousands of trucks anyway, for both military and civilian use.
But even there I would prefer to get a license of a proven, working, reliable design and have someone hold our hand as we figure it out.
So domestic production is a no go, how feasible would it be to buy surplus tanks from a sympathetic nation?
Fairly straightforward, actually.
If California doesn't have the excess capacity to sell, I suspect somewhere like Poland or France or China does.
Not much of a chance until Russia gets sufficiently cowed.
We'd be better off maintaining a fleet of technicals and APCs to complement our rapidly deteriorating Abrams tanks.
Black market arms dealers have always been willing to sell at an appropriate markup.
Back when the Soviets were in Afghanistan, when the IRA were fighting the British in Northern Ireland, in Ukraine today, they've always been in play.
I don't doubt that if we have the money, we'll find someone willing to sell.
OTOH, we probably don't have to wait very long anyway.
Victoria is currently occupying a French island off the coast of Canada, after invading and expelling its French citizens back when France was having domestic issues and didnt have the effort to spare. This is in addition to the whole Quebecois cultural genocide thing. Add to this the fact that Rumford deliberately fucked over a bunch of Chinese govt sponsored corporations when building the Fundy Bay megaproject.
Then there is the fact that if/when news of conditions of the black people in Victoria gets outside into the more prosperous parts of Africa, the reaction is not likely to be especially amused.
Im not especially worried about where arms will come from.
Victoria made a LONG list of enemies. And more or less neutral countries who won't cross Imperial Russia will happily piss in Victoria's teacup; see what happened when we sent out diplomatic envoys and the majority of people accepted our credentials. Even India.
Turns out that doing things like executing professors on TV while wearing cosplay set to music leaves an impression.
I will note that there are probably enough Abrams tank hulls in the area that can be refurbished enough to fill out the Big Red One's ToE.
Engines and transmission may be trashed and electricals fucked up, but the hull intact. Get spare parts, and make it a proper mechanized division again with 90-120 tanks representing a tank brigade supported by two infantry brigades.
But beyond that, we'll have to wait to import.