Actually, if a First World nation had the money to spare, and the inclination to fuck with everyone in the Russosphere?
The path it would take would be to pay California to build and ship weapons or industrial equipment to the Midwest.
California's currency being weak means that you get more bang for your buck by buying from them and paying in euros or rinminbi or Australian dollars, and you simultaneously support their economy, strengthen the Commonwealth, and buy diplomatic favor with both nations.
While fucking over both Japan and Russia with the same move.
off discord how Russian's Hegemony is more tenuous than they like summary: The Bear is not meant for swimming
But in this kinda geopolitical environment, heavy trade is probably over
@Corripere That is the sort of thing that is finally starting to shift again, but yes, that happened.
Russia could cut it off anytime though
@Corripere They do not quite have unlimited freedom of action. If you get a non-Victorian line of supply, Russia can't do very much to bluntly cut you off that others won't absolutely counter. Hard to blockade Louisiana when your enemies are blockading Istanbul and the Danish Belts.
The days of Alexander being able to point his finger at a country and make it go bang with nobody daring to object are solidly over.
Now of course nobody is going to attack Russia on your behalf unless they were already planning to anyway. But if Russia is so clumsy as to actually blockade you, it will find that blockade and its naval dominance elsewhere instantly challenged. They'll pay for that blockade in other powers going, "Oh, are we no longer pretending to have norms? Very well, then."
The issue is risk—if they start shifting things to us, then it's much easier to fuck with their supply chains
Well, yeah, but that is the case with literally all sorts of trade, and it's recovering anyway.
Never fear, you will not be locked into autarky by virtue of other powers fearing Russia's dominance of the seas. For one thing, Russia does not actually have dominance of the seas. Oh, they certainly contest for it, but even given the premise of this quest, you can only really make Russia so good at Navy things. 
It hits me that Russia still doesn't have their treasured uncontested warm-water port
The Baltic is vulnerable to having an EU fleet parked in the Danish Belts. Crimea is vulnerable to the EU just bribing their way into Turkey and putting some serious fortifications on the Bosporus. And so on
Even the Med is vulnerable to the Suez & Gibraltar/Morroco
I've been banging on about that the EU should really try and pull Egypt into their sphere
Because without the Suez or Gibraltar, the Bosporus is worthless
Like, Russia is fundamentally fucked on trying to be the dominant world naval power. To project power from Vladivostok, they must get past Japan; here they have, but at the cost of giving that to Japan anyway. To project power from Archangelsk, they must deal with Arctic ice, which isn't tenable. To project from Crimea, they must secure the Black Sea, the Bosporus Strait, the Mediterranean, and at least one, preferably both, of the Suez/Red Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar. To project power from St. Petersburg, but must get through the Baltic, past the Danish belts, out into the North Sea, and then past Britain and Ireland.
And they can't choose just one of these, either; at minimum, all represent ports of immense strategic value — aside from Archangelsk — and thus, before Russia does anything else, it must ensure that these far-flung ports, incapable of supporting one another, can all be defended from attack by the sea.
@PoptartProdigy Carriers can't use Arkangelsk, St Petersburg means transiting all the coastlines to get to the North Atlantic which is doable but makes tracking extremely easy and given the number of chokepoints makes some russian captains extremely nervous about Rando the vengeance fuelled polish speedboat. In the event of a war in Europe Russia isn't getting carriers out of the Baltic if it gets declared while they're there.
The Black Sea depends on who controls the three chokepoints, Turkey and Egypt are toss-ups, Gibraltar/Morocco is probably EU aligned but that's still more of a risk to ships that are essentially a dick waving contest due to geological formations.
@KhazintheDark I was saying that Russia does not build with contesting the Pacific in mind, not anything in particular about carriers.
Japan covers the Pacific. Alexander builds ships for the Baltic, the Med, and the Atlantic.
The fact that they can contest as much as they do is basically entirely down to the IJN and Indian Navy covering duties in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Alex does push for naval strength; however, he definitely recognizes that he's not going to rule the waves any time soon.
Naval dominance in this timeline is very much an ongoing and undecided contest.
Even Archangelsk you want to have something to watch the approaches.
Conclusion: The Bear is not meant for swimming
@VoidTemplar2000 Indeed not, because even addressing the disadvantages I've covered here doesn't get into the fact that all of this only gets to happen after Russia has addressed the primary strategic concern of securing their longest border in the world.
Edit: bonus
Alexander does not at all care about women in or out of the workplace on a personal basis. Societally, he's intensely pro-natalist and regularly passes legislation encouraging mothers to be unemployed homemakers. That said, he doesn't explicitly legislate against female participation in the military or workforce, and if he finds talent he can make personal use of, he makes personal use of it.
Kiaraeli går kl. 00:37
Lol, I bet native Russian population growth is like .6
Kids per family
Because the only natalist policies that work are STRONK social support nets
And forcing all your women into the home is like, an utter kneecapping
Russian would have been overrun by like Mongolia
PoptartProdigyi går kl. 00:39
This interpretation of Russia is, "What if I gave the right everything they claim to want." I never said that it would work out for them.