Which leads me to my next point, their skills. Leaving aside for a moment the impression I seem to have created of being a heartless bastard, it's a pretty important factor in more senses than just "how do we get some use out of them." On their part, their entire block of skills will be based around agrarian subsistence farming or light or heavy industry using a model of manufacturing that is utterly obsolete and where even the cutting-edge tech is almost 100 years behind the curve...
The good news is that
our economy is in little or no better shape than theirs.
Many of
OUR people are, or recently were, subsistence farmers until we started providing upgrades, and we could almost certainly use a lot more farmhands.
Our light and heavy industry have been destroyed by Vicks and Nazis and are being rebuilt from scratch, with most of our population having grown up in a post-Collapse America where their own education and technical skills are
very fucking patchy.
I don't even want to think how many administrative personnel will be instant redundancies once they become aware that the TI-84 exists.
Well, that's the same problem we already have anyway, because we can't make TI-84s either. Not yet. If we don't have administrative personnel about to be made obsolete, it's because we don't have much
administration (see our lack of a census).
In which case, y'know, importing a bunch of ex-Vick bureaucrats might not be so bad; say what you will about the Vicks, they probably at least know how to count their own people and things.
[] Agreed. Sell the artifacts from the treaty directly to FCNY, along with the attendant Legitimacy boost. Gain +2 free AP for this upcoming turn.
We need AP like water in a desert.
We're already getting +2 AP/turn,
specifically and exclusively for economic internal development, from the peace treaty. And that treaty is liable to last at least 3-4 turns in my opinion. Combine that with the 'peace dividend' of not being forced to take at least 1-2 actions per turn specifically aimed at actively fighting Vicks or arming ourselves for an impending war with the Vicks, and...
We've got the water.
I believe the last thing Poptart said on the subject was that "a successor state at 25 Legitimacy is universally recognized as the United States reborn." Currently, FCNY is at I
think +9, so acquiring the +5 from this would bring them to 14, whereas we're at -2 and +5 would take us to +3.
EDIT: This is wrong, see my post here:
Victoria Falls: A Post-Collapse American Nation Quest [Down With Victoria!]
I think that
@PoptartProdigy said we got a Legitimacy boost from beating the Victorians, too (it would make sense, since it makes us more credible and powerful). But dunno.
Legitimacy is something that seems to be pretty easy to gain. AP is not, and we should take what ap we can to boost our post war economy.
Legitimacy will be a lot harder to come by in the future. We lucked into a big pile of it by
randomly finding the Declaration of Independence, which is not a repeatable success. We're getting another pile of it by positioning ourselves as guardians of Old America's historical treasures as a whole- which, again, we can really only do once.
In future I think we're going to have to gain Legitimacy one or two points at a time, often by making decisions we may have reasons
not to make. Like, decisions to pursue specific policy or political reforms some of the quest's voter base will oppose. Or by getting +1 point each time we laboriously diplo-annex the territory of several former U.S. states. Or things like that.
[] Agreed. Sell the artifacts from the treaty directly to FCNY, along with the attendant Legitimacy boost. Gain +2 free AP for this upcoming turn.
Legitimacy is not inherently good, while AP is.
Legitimacy can be leveraged into lasting good, especially if it helps us rally the fragmented, shell-shocked "wait the Victorians just
fucking evaporated like a bad dream" remnant polities of the Mississippi River valley and the Great Lakes.
+2 AP for the upcoming turn, well... it's nothing to sneeze at, but I don't think the knock-on effects will be of the same order.
Whatever would have happened to Buffalo would not have been our fault. Seriously, don't let Victoria gaslight you into feeling guilty for their atrocities. We are not responsible for them being fucking monsters.
OK but we should still be able to acknowledge that we're endangering people by
exposing them to monsters.
If you leave a baby out where the baby-eating ogres can get to it, the ogres are VERY much morally blameworthy for being baby-eaters... But that doesn't mean you made the right choice.