They were stacked to 20,000 feet, orbiting the flotilla. Old prop planes ambled around on the deck. The brass didn't think they could down a F-16 (and the jet jockeys were
certain they couldn't) but at least they could disrupt any attack runs made under the AA envelope. A handful of jets above that, civilian jets and ancient museum birds that could theoretically chase an F-16 long enough to get a missile lock. The lone wing of F-16s at the top, operating as radar platforms, trying to avoid target confusion and, frankly, using the rest of the Air Group as bait. Not good odds, frankly. Even if the improvised 'fighters' took out a couple of Falcons, even if the real fighters made every missile count and the gunboats got
their say in the fight, there were just too many of them. And everyone knew it.
But the odds were better than they'd been a couple months ago. The squids had downed a couple Falcons on their raid, and a last second scavenging project had come through back home. Against an entirely different enemy, over a wholly different battleground, a full century after its retirement, the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom was put back into service.
The idea came from abroad. That is to say, a helpful NCR agent with access to Wikipedia, and its pre-Collapse page on surviving F-4 airframes. The Victorians had been brutally efficient with their sweeps through the country destroying abandoned military equipment, but they skipped over quite a few museums and private collections. The Phantoms weren't alone in their re-activation, joined by four A-4 Skyhawks, two F-105 Thunderchiefs, and a lone turboprop A-1 Skyraider even more out of place than it'd been over Ta Chan. These 'aircraft' were older than their pilot's grandparents, kludged together with cannibalized parts from three or more airframes, none of which were the right variant.
But they had one more fight in them.
"All Sapphire call-signs, check in. Holding up alright?" Sapphire-1 (150444, F-4N, Prairie Aviation Museum, Bloomington IL) was an old hand. He'd flown in the last days of the Californian War, even scored a probable on a Victorian plane. He was far too old to be pulling Gs, and they'd just brought him in to train new blood. But there wasn't time. His poor RIO was trying to make the best of it, being trapped in a metal coffin with a walking heart attack, but...well.
"Sapphire-2. All green here." Sapphire-2 (66-7468, F-4D, Capital Airport Air National Guard Station, Springfield IL) was great. Quick, sharp, a bit cautious (admittedly a cardinal sin for a fighter pilot), she knew the bird's limits and when to push them. The only reason she wasn't element lead, hunting her own Falcons, was that -1 wanted someone good watching his ass. Her backseater was quiet. Nobody knew her, but -2 wasn't complaining.
"Three here, all good. You ready?" Sapphire-3 (148412, F-4B, Heritage In Flight Museum, Lincoln IL) was, frankly, an idiot. His backseater wasn't much better. Members of the first generation born into the collapsed Deep South, they fled as soon as they could...towards Victoria. Upon reaching the border, they promptly fled
the other way and ended up in the Midwest. The flying thing just sort of happened. They didn't have any experience, but neither did anyone else, and -3 certainly seemed aggressive enough.
"Four here. Severe engine problems, might need to turn back if our guests don't show up soon." Sapphire-4 (155764, F-4S, MAPS Air Museum, Canton OH) was just bad luck. He'd been given the most 'modern' of the fossils, a late-model F-4S, but they couldn't find the fancy smokeless engines that variant was built around. They stuck an older pair in, but those things have been trying to murder him since his first takeoff. His RIO is a joker from Brooklyn who everyone in the unit loves, and is thus destined to die in her first mission.
There's a pregnant pause before the radio crackles. "Uh, Three, you there?" -3 swears like only a redneck can, glaring at his backseater in his rearview mirror. "Transmitter's fucking broke again, man. You're the Radio Officer, handle it." -3 starts signalling to his flight leader's poor, doomed RIO to explain the situation. In the back, his buddy explains the difference between a Radio Intercept Officer (read: radar nerd) and a Radio Officer (read: mule carrying an officer's talky-phone.)
Before the percussive maintenance can make things worse, a fifth voice buzzes in. A squid from the radar picket station onboard one of the gunboats. "Sapphire, this is Red Dog. We've got bandits on the scope, 11,000 feet. One hell of a dot." As the data pours in, -3 squints out over the waves towards the radar dots. He spots a flash of light in the distance, sun bouncing off the nose-cone of an anti-ship missile. It grows into an F-16, doubles into two Falcons, doubles again into a full flight. The other pilots catch on in time to see the mitosis continue, the flight multiplying into two formations, then four. Sixteen F-16s taking up a vast swath of sky.
"Christ almighty." -3 instinctively holds down the transmit button, but the flight's morale is spared by his still-broken radio. His backseater finally gives up on the radio set, turning to watch the dots off their 3 o'clock grow by the second. Sapphire Flight freezes for five seconds, and in that time the F-16s close by a mile. -1 snaps out of it first, barking an order to turn to 10 o'clock, let the Vicks into the AA envelope before engaging. They kick into full afterburner, gaining a couple of miles, and turn back in for the attack.
"Gimme a lock, man! I need tone!" The four Falcons that turned to engage the Phantoms were brushed aside with ease. Their air-to-air missiles dropped like rocks, corkscrewed off into space or simply failed to launch. They'll be turning back on their tail, of course, but they won't have nearly enough energy to stop Sapphire from slashing through the strike planes. Sapphire -3 places the pipper of his gunsight on the tail end F-16,
screaming at his RIO to get a lock. He glances off to his right. "Where the fuck is Four?"
Before he can think his wingman's absence through, a Sidewinder on his wing starts
growling. Low and primeval, the kind of sound evolution taught us to fear. -3 cackles like a man possessed as he pulls the trigger. The two tail end Falcons have realized they're in danger, broken straight up for the clouds, but it's far too late. The F-16 cuts a hole in the cloud-bank, and the AIM-9 follows it through. When Sapphire-3 comes out the other end of the cloud, they rocket through a hail of debris. Scratch one.
The other F-16 is still climbing, too shocked to react. -3 slides his sight onto the bird. "I've got boresight, man, c'mon! C'mon!" Another missile starts to
howl at the F-16's exhaust. As the AIM-9 leaves the Phantom's wing, the Falcon pilot makes his move, reversing with a sharp high G turn to the right and diving back through the clouds. The Sidewinder's homing head fails in the turn, looping off into the distance, and Sapphire-3 gives chase through the cloud layer.
The lumbering Phantom outweighs the cut-down F-16 by more than three to one. It might turn like a bus, and fly like...also a level flight, but it has no equal in a dive. Whatever lead the Vick pilot built in the climb vanishes in moments as the two warbirds race towards the ocean at thousands of feet per second. In his windscreen, -3 sees a full-blown furball. Dozens of aircraft duel over, around and in between the gunboats, coming together and breaking apart in seconds as they all try to avoid tunnel-vision. Arcs of tracer fire and telephone-pole sized SAMs pass within feet of the Phantom's canopy while the RIO hammers his controls. "No use, man! Can't see shit with everything down here!"
Sapphire-3 snarls as the F-16 pulls up feet from the wavetops. "Fuck it. Gimme-" His words are swallowed for a moment as he levels out. As he pulls a little too hard on the stick a little too low, as his body-weight goes from 190 pounds to 1000. He breathes, refocuses on the Falcon running like hell. "Gimme guns baby, I'm ready for fightin'." A switch flips in the backseat and a turbine crawls out of the pod on the jet's belly, spinning up in the wind stream just off the water. -3 fingers the trigger.
Two quick squeezes, a second each. Twice, twenty pounds of high-explosive incendiary and armor-piercing incendiary rounds pass over the Falcon's cockpit without hitting. The Phantom's nose just can't drop any further; at this speed, even a slight dip would put them into the waves. The F-16 is coming closer, practically filling his windscreen. -3's about to overshoot, and he knows it. He has to peel off.
And then, a minor miracle. The first the Phantom crew sees of it is the tennis ball-sized 30mm tracers bracketing in the Falcon. The
CWS Audrey Jameson. She's pulled out of formation to fight fires caused by an enemy strafing run, directly into the Falcon's escape path. He should've seen them earlier, skidded to the side a ways to dodge, but he didn't. It's the last mistake he'll ever make. Her smokestacks loom in the pilot's vision and he climbs.
Five seconds, this time. A hundred pounds of high-explosive incendiary and armor-piercing incendiary run through the Falcon like a buzz-saw. Its fuel tanks catch fire, its control surfaces are irreparably shredded. The pilot, almost certainly dead, makes no attempt to eject before his pyre hits the water. The Phantom crew hoots and hollers, the RIO kicks the back of -3's chair. "We got him, man! We got him! God damn, Dee, I love you man!"
The celebration's short lived. They pull up over the stacks, through the fireball left behind by the F-16. The Phantom's hungry intakes swallow fire and debris instead of air, choking and shutting down. At altitude, it'd be a momentary problem. Shut the engine down, restart, carry on. On the deck, though, it's costly. The F-4 glides a few hundred feet on its speed and the tiny bit of altitude they built up, as Sapphire-3 battles the engine, before pathetically splashing into a wave. There's a short *
snap* of whiplash, but they're mostly unscathed.
The two aircrew are hit with the full weight of combat fatigue. The whole engagement was, what, a minute? Ninety seconds? Feels like a lifetime. The RIO chuckles. "God damn. Two Vicks, man. We're heroes." He tries to punch the canopy out, but it won't budge. "Hey, you got the canopy breaker up there?"
"Nah, dude. Don't you have it?"
"No, it's meant to be with you. It's in the fuckin' pre-flight list."
"Ain't in
my pre-flight list. Why don't you have one? Not like you're doin' anything else back there. Ope, found it." Glass rains down on the back-seat, and the RIO swears.
Sapphire Flight:
Sapphire-1: Shot down by friendly anti-air while pursuing an enemy F-16. Pilot did not eject. RIO ejected, but became tangled in his parachute and drowned.
-Pilot: Major George Meyer, KIA
-RIO: Captain Roger Fitzpatrick, KIA
Sapphire-2: Killed two F-16s with missiles before being engaged by three F-16s. Dogfight lasted eight and a half minutes, the longest of any Commonwealth aircraft so far in the air war. Shot down by Sidewinder after killing one F-16 with cannon fire.
-Pilot: Captain Ria Morales, MIA
-RIO: First Lieutenant Bryna South, MIA
Sapphire-3: Engaged two F-16s in quick succession, killing both. Crashed, water landing.
-Pilot: Captain Lieutenant Jackson Welles, Recovered
-RIO: First Lieutenant Zachariah Howland, Recovered
Sapphire-4: Control surfaces crippled by AMRAAM in initial pass, returned to airfield using only rudder and afterburner, crashed into a barracks building. Credited with one Sparrow kill in initial pass.
-Pilot: First Lieutenant Alvin Baron, WIA
-RIO: Second Lieutenant Hailee Richards, KIA
Honorable Mentions:
Solo-1: Lone turboprop Skyraider. Credited with 1 kill, sharing two head-on gun kills with a T-6 Texan trainer. Returned to base intact.
-Pilot: Second Lieutenant Gwendolyn Harrelson
Lolo-1: F-105 Thunderchief fighter-bomber. Credited with two gun kills while protecting downed wingman, Lolo-2, from F-16s. Returned to base intact.
-Pilot: First Lieutenant Rudolf Dhanani
i wrote a thing.
imagine ace combat 5 but instead of writing about blaze I decided to write about chopper.
also in this universe/canon, our air kills are being carried pretty hard by the F-16s using everyone else as bait and SAMs.