Reading between the lines, Manticore is basically Space Dubai.
They were an economic and technological backwater, more or less competently administered but clearly third-rate, occasionally splurging on an advanced weapon or two but usually not bothering because meh. Then they discovered a magical spatiotemporal whozit on the edge of their star system (the wormhole junction) that gives them massive fuckoff stupid amounts of free money from literally nowhere. They don't have to maintain infrastructure to keep it running. They don't have to DO anything, except just maintain the fortifications on that wormhole junction so nobody gets any fancy ideas about conquering the system in order to control it. It is the ultimate example of a resource curse state.
It actually speaks well of the Manticoran aristocracy that they haven't fucked the place up catastrophically, that they've managed to reinvest the ridiculous massive fuckoff firehose of money pouring out of the wormhole junction into building up a modern state, and that the society that's resulted is more or less capable of convincingly impersonating a liberal democracy. Most real life countries starting in that situation would screw things up repeatedly and misuse the money until eventually some real power (like the League or Haven) moved in and took over.
I'm kind of hoping to keep a relatively tight focus for the next ship class on "American/Chicagolander heroes." This means not digging deep into mythology or fiction or other countries' history, or picking people who aren't remembered in an especially heroic light.
Remember, these ship names are meant to reflect the spirit and hopes and resolve of a nation that is fighting for its life. Stuff 90% of the population has never heard of doesn't really fit the bill.