Er, 2075. Why is that in confusion?
Well, the Turn 2 vote took place some time in the later half of 2074. Events following our Turn 2 vote took place in the winter of 2074-75, including people freezing to death from our incomplete success-ish-thing on the housing crisis.
Then we had the Turn 3 vote on what to do
after that, which I figured meant that those decisions were being made, oh, some time in like... February or March of 2075.
But then our heavy military equipment got to Detroit "just before the Straits of Mackinac froze over, which implies some time in... I don't know what month that normally happens in, but let's say December or January.
If so, then either we'd deployed our troops to Detroit by January-February 2075 (which suggested a
very busy autumn and winter, effectively containing two turns' worth of action), or we'd more or less skipped the year.
It complicated matters somewhat that I don't think we know what month the declaration of war itself took place in, exactly.
You have successfully deployed military forces to Detroit, and they proceeded to spend the entire winter and spring digging in. The city is as prepared as it can be. -1 Military AP.
Implies a year passed between this and the battle.
I mean. It's okay if some of our voted-on spring actions take place
during the first half of the year chronologically.
It's just that when we've got seasonal events like "the Great Lakes freeze solid," it's fairly important to keep track of the calendar, more so than in, say, Terminus Quest.
I may try to patch together a month-by-month timeline later today, circumstance permitting.
You know what Chicagoland needs?
You know what it's alarmingly possible the Victorians have, what with how they are vassals to the world's leading producer of that particular class of thing?
Also icebreakers.
Sadly First Contact day was 12 years ago. Presumably some Victorian or Russian somewhere in Montana beat Cochran to death with a lead pipe fifteen years ago.
Alternatively, he gave up the project as impossible under present conditions and is out there, somewhere, waiting for the time to be right.
I don't give up that easily.