Weird thought, I wonder how the UN is doing these days. With the fall of the US they probably relocated their secondary offices in Geneva, Switzerland.
At the same time, given Lind's hatred for the establishment (((globalists))) at the UN, he would probably want Russia and their little buddies to do the "right thing" and pull out of the UN.
If China wants to oppose Japan and Russia they might stay in the UN, hoping for some influence with other nations. India was mentioned as being aligned with Russia to contain China, so Pakistan is probably pro-China. Africa was also said to be doing alright, though given, uh, a lot of issues China probably doesn't have very much economic influence in Africa these days.
So you know, you could see Africa actually using the UN to keep the peace and prevent too many countries from collapsing. Did you know that the five nations with the most soldiers in the UN Peacekeeping forces in the present day are Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria? Food for thought.
Actually, Europe was looking pretty hairy for a while, and did you also know that the United Nations' tertiary offices are located in Nairobi, Kenya?
The MENA region we've confirmed to be screwed though, between the petrostates going up in smoke, old enemies taking potshots at Israel, Russian adventurism in North Africa, Iran and Saudi Arabia doing a bit of "from Hell's heart I stab at thee"...but if anyone's still around they're probably in the UN camp and form a toehold against Russian neo-neo-imperialism in the region.
Latin America hasn't been discussed at all to my mind, but I can see South America divided between a pro-Russian camp (Brazil, Venezuela) and an anti-Russian camp (Peru, Bolivia, Chile?) who might range from pro-UN to, I dunno, leftist. Throw in some odds and ends - Argentina is Argentina, so they could go either way, Colombia is probably going seedy around the edges again, etc.
Now I'm not saying we're looking at a Cold War between China, Africa, Pakistan, SE Asia, and parts of Latin America vs. Russia, Japan, India, and their puppets, with Europe and Latin America divided between them and a chaotic North America and MENA caught in between. I'm not
saying that because I'm not the one who decides what's canon.
However, getting recognition from the UN as the legal successor to the United States of America could be an interesting goal for this Quest.
(What? If
@EBR gets to be on-brand why can't I?)