Voting is open
Not so much when the Hellfire plan means either we lose due to crashing our economy or we "win" in a way that paves the road and builds the truck for an American Caesar.

At least the other plans mean we have decent odds of building a society worth living in when the war is done. There's more to fighting than the fight.

Burns Vs. The World includes all of the economic pluses, giving us the tools we need to settle the economic problems. A rail network, an efficient bureaucracy, a fledgling pharmaceutical industry, and independent merchants offer a firm basis for building a functioning economy and a society worth living in. This will be true long after the population boom and the disunited currency are dealt with.

And a strong military hardly paves the way for a Caesar- I only called the plan "Hellfire Burns Vs. The World" because Burns and Devil Brigade would be at the forefront of holding off the Victorians and the Russians in the initial turns. The military pluses I picked make sense; old world training offers a universal bonus for all of our military units, a brown-water navy has economic benefits as well as protecting us from attacks over the Great Lakes, foreign sourced equipment gives us a foreign ally to help counter-balance Russia, and aerial reconnaissance is an invaluable tool.

This is hardly an army with a country.
[X] Plan Great Chicago Fire
-[X] Maluses
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood (1 CP)
-[X] Russian Attention (3 CP)
-[X] Fringe Elements (3 CP)
-[X] Disastrous Start (1 CP)
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers (2 CP)
-[X] The Greatest Sin (3 CP)
-[X] Outbreak (2 CP)
-[X] Disunited Currency (3 CP)
-[X] Population Boom (2 CP)
-[X] Import/Export Professionals (1 CP)
-[X] Empty Spaces (1 CP)
-[X] Technological Conservatism (3 CP)
-[X] Crossed Wires (2 CP)
-[X] Malus Total: 27 CP Gained. + 4 Starting CP for 31 CP budget.
-[X] Bonuses
-[X] Foreign-Sourced Equipment (-1 CP)
-[X] Green-Water Navy (-4 CP)
-[X] Old World Training (-2 CP)
-[X] Revivalist Connections (-1 CP)
-[X] Domestic Connections (-1 CP)
-[X] Established (-2 CP)
-[X] Good Reputation (-1 CP)
-[X] Good Security (-1 CP)
-[X] Aerial Reconnaissance (-2 CP)
-[X] Resistance Contacts (-2 CP)
-[X] Independent Merchants (-2 CP)
-[X] Rail Companies (-2 CP)
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations (-3 CP)
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy (-3 CP)
-[X] Libraries (-2 CP)
-[X] Universities (-2 CP)
-[X] Bonus Total: 31 CP spent.

The mega plan to end all mega plans. Hellfire Burns takes a mere 16 CP of disadvantages. My plan takes 27. Here's how the bonuses work out: Military gets 7 points. Diplomacy gets 5 points. Intelligence gets 5 points. Economy gets 10 points. Technology gets 4 points. This plan goes for both the strongest start possible but also the most long term potential of all plans. And most importantly, it takes enough maluses to overwhelm even PoptartProdigy. I'm not sure it's even possible to attempt to model the the conglomeration of maluses chosen here. That's the real bonus you get for voting Plan Great Chicago Fire: Making the GM's head spin. :D

Anyways, my older votes, just in case this masterful plan fails to gain 100% of the vote as it deserves:

[X] Plan All-Round Start
[X] Plan Entrepot
[X] Plan Just the Government
[X] Plan Great Chicago Fire
-[X] Maluses
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood (1 CP)
-[X] Russian Attention (3 CP)
-[X] Fringe Elements (3 CP)
-[X] Disastrous Start (1 CP)
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers (2 CP)
-[X] The Greatest Sin (3 CP)
-[X] Outbreak (2 CP)
-[X] Disunited Currency (3 CP)
-[X] Population Boom (2 CP)
-[X] Import/Export Professionals (1 CP)
-[X] Empty Spaces (1 CP)
-[X] Technological Conservatism (3 CP)
-[X] Crossed Wires (2 CP)
-[X] Malus Total: 27 CP Gained. + 4 Starting CP for 31 CP budget.
-[X] Bonuses
-[X] Foreign-Sourced Equipment (-1 CP)
-[X] Green-Water Navy (-4 CP)
-[X] Old World Training (-2 CP)
-[X] Revivalist Connections (-1 CP)
-[X] Domestic Connections (-1 CP)
-[X] Established (-2 CP)
-[X] Good Reputation (-1 CP)
-[X] Good Security (-1 CP)
-[X] Aerial Reconnaissance (-2 CP)
-[X] Resistance Contacts (-2 CP)
-[X] Independent Merchants (-2 CP)
-[X] Rail Companies (-2 CP)
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations (-3 CP)
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy (-3 CP)
-[X] Libraries (-2 CP)
-[X] Universities (-2 CP)
-[X] Bonus Total: 31 CP spent.

The mega plan to end all mega plans. Hellfire Burns takes a mere 16 CP of disadvantages. My plan takes 27. Here's how the bonuses work out: Military gets 7 points. Diplomacy gets 5 points. Intelligence gets 5 points. Economy gets 10 points. Technology gets 4 points. This plan goes for both the strongest start possible but also the most long term potential of all plans. And most importantly, it takes enough maluses to overwhelm even PoptartProdigy. I'm not sure it's even possible to attempt to model the the conglomeration of maluses chosen here. That's the real bonus you get for voting Plan Great Chicago Fire: Making the GM's head spin. :D

Anyways, my older votes, just in case this masterful plan fails to gain 100% of the vote as it deserves:

[X] Plan All-Round Start
[X] Plan Entrepot
[X] Plan Just the Government
Oh my god. I've gone too far. I need to stop it before it gets any worse! Vote closed! Everybody, vote closed! :rofl:

Nah, but seriously. Vote closed.

Somebody run me a tally?
SEE has 44 votes to ARS's 42.
Adhoc vote count started by Usili 2.0 on Mar 29, 2019 at 10:29 PM, finished with 543 posts and 104 votes.
Curses. I was in the middle of concocting the perfect plan when I was so cruelly silenced by the oppresive vote ending! I'll leave it here, so you questers can see PERFECTION ITSELF!

[] Declare Chicago a Failed State and Fuck Off to NYC Alongside the Ex-Air Force Officers With the Nuke
-[]Incompetent Military
-[]No Navy
-[]Hostile Neighborhood
-[]Russian Attention
-[]Fringe Elements
-[]Disastrous Start
-[]Victorian Sympathizers
-[]The Greatest Sin
-[]Disunited Currency
-[]Population Boom
-[]Import Export Professionals
-[]Empty Spaces
-[]Technological Conservatism
-[]Crossed Wires
-[]Old World Equipment x36

Burns now has 37 purchases of OWE with which to rearm NYC safely before victoria can interfere. This is a flawless plan.

Yes. This is a joke
Curses. I was in the middle of concocting the perfect plan when I was so cruelly silenced by the oppresive vote ending! I'll leave it here, so you questers can see PERFECTION ITSELF!

[] Declare Chicago a Failed State and Fuck Off to NYC Alongside the Ex-Air Force Officers With the Nuke
-[]Incompetent Military
-[]No Navy
-[]Hostile Neighborhood
-[]Russian Attention
-[]Fringe Elements
-[]Disastrous Start
-[]Victorian Sympathizers
-[]The Greatest Sin
-[]Disunited Currency
-[]Population Boom
-[]Import Export Professionals
-[]Empty Spaces
-[]Technological Conservatism
-[]Crossed Wires

But also...
-[]Old World Equipment x36

Burns now has 37 purchases of OWE with which to rearm NYC safely before victoria can interfere. This is a flawless plan.
Cha-CHING. Damn. Talk about gutsy.
SEE then. That should work fine- we get our Established, our Navy, and Vaccinations. It's the Greatest Sin that worries me though. Hopefully with Good Security we can catch the assassin?
Rather impressed that SEE caught up and flipped the forerunners. Democracy at work in this thread.
It will be nice to see the next stage of this quest. Hopefully it will be fruitful.

Extra hopeful it will be fruitful for us rather than those blasted Victorians.
There is now zero chance the winning plan isn't one you included in your post. Especially since you "helpfully" included the meme vote, giving it all the legitimacy it'll ever need. I'm giving that one 50/50 odds to win against all the others combined. Baka.
Rather impressed that SEE caught up and flipped the forerunners. Democracy at work in this thread.
In part due to deals involving vote trading with the Hellfire lobby, so The Machine is operational at a meta level. I don't know if the shenanigans there were enough to swing things by itself, though.

Yeah? Well, 100% chance the Victorians attack on Turn 0 at the same time all the Communists are assassinated and Putin is resurrected by Robot Hitler. Just you wait! You miss all the doomsday prophecies you don't make, so if I just keep making them, I'm sure to get it right eventually!
I'm not so worried about Hostile Neighborhood; we can win them over by our actions, though it'll take longer. It's the combo of the assassin and the sympathizers that worries me. Either the sympathizers will turn out to be the cover for the assassin, or worse yet the assassin may be using them as distractions to throw us off his trail.
I actually have a hope.

That the assassin could try to shelter with the victorian sympathizers.....

And then be promptly turned in, as they are still very much loyal citizens right now.
I have updated the timeline in the Lore Screen with dates and also extended it to the quest's modern day, now that we've finished with faction creation. WARNING: this quest is in large part an exploration of why Lind's ideology is horrifying and monstrous, and we are not shying away from displaying the logical effects of the calamities he so gleefully depicts! This is not light reading and certainly is not for the kind-hearted. Be advised, and read with discretion.
Weird thought, I wonder how the UN is doing these days. With the fall of the US they probably relocated their secondary offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

At the same time, given Lind's hatred for the establishment (((globalists))) at the UN, he would probably want Russia and their little buddies to do the "right thing" and pull out of the UN.

If China wants to oppose Japan and Russia they might stay in the UN, hoping for some influence with other nations. India was mentioned as being aligned with Russia to contain China, so Pakistan is probably pro-China. Africa was also said to be doing alright, though given, uh, a lot of issues China probably doesn't have very much economic influence in Africa these days.

So you know, you could see Africa actually using the UN to keep the peace and prevent too many countries from collapsing. Did you know that the five nations with the most soldiers in the UN Peacekeeping forces in the present day are Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria? Food for thought.

Actually, Europe was looking pretty hairy for a while, and did you also know that the United Nations' tertiary offices are located in Nairobi, Kenya?

The MENA region we've confirmed to be screwed though, between the petrostates going up in smoke, old enemies taking potshots at Israel, Russian adventurism in North Africa, Iran and Saudi Arabia doing a bit of "from Hell's heart I stab at thee"...but if anyone's still around they're probably in the UN camp and form a toehold against Russian neo-neo-imperialism in the region.

Latin America hasn't been discussed at all to my mind, but I can see South America divided between a pro-Russian camp (Brazil, Venezuela) and an anti-Russian camp (Peru, Bolivia, Chile?) who might range from pro-UN to, I dunno, leftist. Throw in some odds and ends - Argentina is Argentina, so they could go either way, Colombia is probably going seedy around the edges again, etc.

Now I'm not saying we're looking at a Cold War between China, Africa, Pakistan, SE Asia, and parts of Latin America vs. Russia, Japan, India, and their puppets, with Europe and Latin America divided between them and a chaotic North America and MENA caught in between. I'm not saying that because I'm not the one who decides what's canon. :p

However, getting recognition from the UN as the legal successor to the United States of America could be an interesting goal for this Quest.

(What? If @EBR gets to be on-brand why can't I?)
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Weird thought, I wonder how the UN is doing these days. With the fall of the US they probably relocated their secondary offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

At the same time, given Lind's hatred for the establishment (((globalists))) at the UN, he would probably want Russia and their little buddies to do the "right thing" and pull out of the UN.

If China wants to oppose Japan and Russia they might stay in the UN, hoping for some influence with other nations. India was mentioned as being aligned with Russia to contain China, so Pakistan is probably pro-China. Africa was also said to be doing alright, though given, uh, a lot of issues China probably doesn't have very much economic influence in Africa these days.

So you know, you could see Africa actually using the UN to keep the peace and prevent too many countries from collapsing. Did you know that the five nations with the most soldiers in the UN Peacekeeping forces in the present day are Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria? Food for thought.

Actually, Europe was looking pretty hairy for a while, and did you also know that the United Nations' tertiary offices are located in Nairobi, Kenya?

The MENA region we've confirmed to be screwed though, between the petrostates going up in smoke, old enemies taking potshots at Israel, Russian adventurism in North Africa, Iran and Saudi Arabia doing a bit of "from Hell's heart I stab at thee"...but if anyone's still around they're probably in the UN camp and form a toehold against Russian neo-neo-imperialism in the region.

Latin America hasn't been discussed at all to my mind, but I can see South America divided between a pro-Russian camp (Brazil, Venezuela) and an anti-Russian camp (Peru, Bolivia, Chile?) who might range from pro-UN to, I dunno, leftist. Throw in some odds and ends - Argentina is Argentina, so they could go either way, Colombia is probably going seedy around the edges again, etc.

Now I'm not saying we're looking at a Cold War between China, Africa, Pakistan, SE Asia, and parts of Latin America vs. Russia, Japan, India, and their puppets, with Europe and Latin America divided between them and a chaotic North America and MENA caught in between. I'm not saying that because I'm not the one who decides what's canon. :p

However, getting recognition from the UN as the legal successor to the United States of America could be an interesting goal for this Quest.

(What? If @EBR gets to be on-brand why can't I?)
We're sorry. We're so sorry.

But Switzerland no longer exists.
Voting is open