Give a mad man a thermal detonator and you'll have fun for a day.
Give a mad man the Dark Side and you'll wish you only had given him the thermal detonator.
That's just wrong and silly. The force is not a kryptonian physiology, or a green lantern ring, or an iron man suit. It takes decades of training to be equivalent to a squad of marines with just force powers, and you can still get taken out by a bomb or enough blasters pointed in the right direction. Forced unleashed is not a good representation of a normal dark side user, and no Dark Side user who wasn't fan-wanked to infinity by the author was more powerful than the average swat trooper on the basis of force powers alone. They've also got their lightsabers, an incredibly powerful defensive tool that MC isn't teaching them how to make, you also have the scheming and the getting into positions of power (which requires the sort of "stability" while drowning in the darkside that you don't get if you're just experimenting while hopped up on dark side). If you give some random psychopath the dark side, they're far more likely to self-combust in some sort of blaze of whatever that could just as easily be accomplished with a blaster than cause problems on a planetary scale.
"And I mean aside from the combat precognition and enhanced physical abilities? Force powers? Not that big a deal." His voice shifted to something deep and intentionally over dramatic. "Look upon me insects, I can shoot lightning from my fingers, but a large enough bomb would kill me as surely as it would anyone else! Fear. My. POWA!"
I just have to quote this as proof
Quite frankly, any special reverence given to the dangers of the force in general, or the dark side in particular over and above the dangers of a spaceship, a well-coded virus, a big enough bomb, are solely the result of religious reverence and not factual concern. It's not about danger, it's about the force not being special anymore, which, naturally, is the entire point.
Sebban Keto would later quietly re-establish the Krath in Cinnagar, several thousand years after the deaths of his ancestors.


The Krath were a secret society founded by aristocrats Aleema and Satal Keto in the year 3998 BBY, in the Empress Teta system. The cult was formed by a clique of bored youths of the Tetan nobility, led by Satal Keto, the heir-apparent, and his cousin Aleema. They named the cult after a...

The Krath cult will be happy recruiting the bored scions of noble houses....again.
In a manner of speaking, they could argue it is a part of their cultural heritage. Also, as far as secret societies go in the Republic, they will likely not even get so much as a bat of the eye.
A big part of the force users are especially dangerous comes from the whole Jedi lords that happened before Russan. That was a result of the militarization of force users which the MC seems to be against given his whole the force is just a part of your life thing. Ironically that how the Jedi started out for the most part so if anything he is advocating a return to the origins of the order.
So there is a lot to be said about what this means for the galaxy... But there is also a rather more direct question about what this means for John personally. Because he just got really famous and a lot of people he meets from here on are going to have opinions about him.
"Look man, the talking heads can argue all they want about how this is going to screw up the galaxy but me? I want this. Not for power, or fun bar tricks, or whatever the hell else. I want to be able to lose myself in the Light side of the Force. I mean, look, my life's kind of shit alright? Like I know plenty of people who have it worse but I'm not happy, and I've got no way to move up in the world. This guy says I can spend a few hours meditating and the whole damn universe will run through me and let me feel at peace? Kriff man, I'd pay for that. I know addicts that are kriffing up their lives for a shadow of that. But nah, all I got to do is work out for a few months and learn to sit quietly? I'm sold, anyone says I don't deserve the chance at that kind of peace can kriff right the hell off."


"Look I know this is going to sound shallow, but it's the Force!" The man waved his hands energetically. "What kid didn't imagine flying between stars and stopping evil with a lightsaber in hand? Maybe it's stupid that I don't have a better reason for wanting to learn but… it's that childhood dream we all had to give up on and the only thing in my way is putting in the effort? How could I not want to learn?"
I love these two. I love the very human reasons to want the Force. It just feels very real and poignant.

"I'm learning with my little sis. None of the Dark side bits, I mean, she's ten and her tantrums are legendary, and I'm… I try to be level headed but sometimes, anyway, yeah, we're practicing together. It means a lot to her you know? And when she said she wanted to learn and we watched the first few videos I decided I was going to learn with her. It's been good. We've been getting along a lot better since we started practicing together. Finally have something in common you know?"

...and then I think about what this is going to mean. Like that first guy. "I'm not happy, and I've got no way to move up in the world." Then he starts seriously training Makutai, and just spending a lot of time meditating. He's probably not doing a lot of training of specific force abilities, but he's doing a lot of meditating... and most likely a fair bit of opening himself to the Force. So now we have a guy with a meaningful level of force-boosted martial arts who's just this nobody, except that oh, hey, something happens and the Force calls for him and of course he's going to go along with it because it's a break from his suck life and also following the will of the Force feels good, and then it turns out that this random bystander out of nowhere thwarted a kidnapping or something.

Like, sure, we're absolutely going to have force-powered criminals doing force-powered criminal things, but we're also going to have random schmucks following the will of the force because it feels good or because they think it'll help them get girls or just because, and criminal enterprises kind of depend on secrecy in a way that "random heroic bystander comes out of nowhere following the will of the force based on no evidence" can seriously wreck.

...except that it won't be "bystander". There's going to be more than one of them. I mean, this whole thing is going to turn into a whole social movement Real Quick, and the fact that five different people each individually following the will if the force suddenly just discover that they're in the middle of a team-up? It's going to be like no-warning flash mobs, but for vigilante justice.

...and speaking of justice, this is going to have all sorts of legal implications. Like, if your attempted legal defense for breaking and entering is "I was following the will of the force", and you really did find something awful in there, where does that even fit in?

All sorts of cool implications spinning off of this one.

Man, that guy who wants to substitute force meditation for getting high? Bro gets it… Not something I've ever considered but damn is it not an amazing alternative to drugs.
"Man, I get it about drugs. I feel that temptation, but that stuff kriffs you up. The Force is like the same thing, but it does the opposite of kriffing you up."

It's actually really dangerous. If you go in hard enough you may very well never come out. If you are pretty weak in the Force you'll just die. If you are really strong you'll meditate forever until you become a Force Nexus.
"Oh, that sounds so nice."


As far as "dark side is dangerous"... the real thing that the Dark Side has that a thermal detonator doesn't is motive. Like yeah, a murderous psychopath with a bag full of thermal detonators is going to be able to do a lot more damage than that same murderous psychopath with some half-trained Dark Side force powers. That's true... but delving into the dark side of the force has a tendency to turn people into murderous psychopaths, in a way that a bag full of thermal detonators really doesn't. it's actually kind of like what's going to be happening with the light side of the force after this. You're going to start with some random schmuck who just thinks that the force might be kind of cool, who no one's paying attention to because they don't matter, and they're going to get into the makutai training, and a year later they'll be out there with whatever force powers they've managed to develop and whatever gear they've managed to acquire, either playing hero or enacting villainous plots.

The real impact isn't going to be on the force lightning or telekinesis or whatever, though. It's going to be on the folks who were already skilled at computers who are suddenly force-empowered hackers (white hat or black hat) and all the other ways of having the Force juice up your skills, because the force can do that with surprisingly little in the way of training or raw power.
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That's true... but delving into the dark side of the force has a tendency to turn people into murderous psychopaths, in a way that a bag full of thermal detonators really doesn't.
The psychopath part is more of a Sith tradition thing. Pure Dark Side without their specific training is much more likely to lead to obsessing over your favorite subjects or kidnapping a girl you like and locking her in a basement. And similar stuff.
Sith on the other hand spend time on finding ambitious students and then make them destroy everything they care about except for their desire for power.
What I kind of want to see now is some guy, like maybe the main person who already talked about it, gets into a feedback loop in dark side gets out of it because something like how John got knocked out of lust and realizing yes it really is that dangerous and actually post his reaction to the dark side and apologizing for taking it lightly and trying to downplay the dangers John talked about.
"I orwhoooh aoacwo ahscakanahoaraaoahoowhc ooww aoacahc rarcwo aorcwowo cacraorahwhrr rhhuao akworccoowhraananro I'sc shhucao aooooo wokoaahaowowa rarhoohuao anworarcwhahwhrr wwoorc scrocanwoww!" A wookie news anchor declared before slamming his fist onto the desk in front of themself.
Never contemplated this before, but yeah they are a modern tree-living society, they must have Wookie Holonews with anchors, talk-shows and all that entails. Fascinating. Now I really want to see a Wookie woodworking show.

But yeah, the videos have reached the news-circuit, that should cause some significant changes and headaches... but I wonder where our favourite force holotuber is on the getting recognized scale.
I'm not convinced there will be Force Sects in the same way that the others exist. Force Sects exist as a result of the barriers to entry for the Force. The number of Force users is small because it's restricted by the rarity of Force sensitives. The few Force sensitives that exist form into Sects because the knowledge to do anything with the Force is kept secret.

Here, everyone knows the basics and a trick to get around the sensitivity barrier. The barrier for entry for a Force "sect" is no longer interstellar influence for recruitment, generations worth of lore and funding to let them spend time to study that lore. Now, a Force "sect" could literally be a school club.

And to make things more complicated, every new "sect" will be built on the foundation that sees knowledge sharing in an extremely positive light. The Jedi might be able to keep some knowledge secret, they have a big institution and a massive recruitment base that can afford to be selective. The new "sects" aren't going to be keeping secrets, they are going to be publishing every new discovery for the foreseeable future. know, I wonder if there might be people in the galaxy who end up being resistant to the temptations of the Dark Side simply by being neurodivergent.

Perhaps someone who barely feels emotions in the first place so even the Dark Side feedback loop ends up being muted, basically only letting them feel the norm instead of the extremes.
"You know if you and Anakin weren't sharing a cabin you might have gotten your own visitor?" I savored my drink and Obi-Wan's sputtering. "Kira really had her eye on you, not sure if it was the beard or if she had a thing for older gentlemen."
I am imagining this co-ed is played by Kiera Knightley, because the idea is just too funny to me.
This story is great! I am so glad the protagonist is an OC and not an SI. The MC fits very well into the Star Wars universe - one part Han, one part Jedi, one part SI/audience expy - he plays straight-man to some of the silliness of the star Wars universe but has likeable rough edges.

And he is stuck with Anakin and Kenobi. And Kenobi is stuck with him. And Anakin gets to have his worldview blown open in a relatively safer setting (also GIRLS) - Anakin is the one who comes out ahead in this! Love it.
Perhaps someone who barely feels emotions in the first place so even the Dark Side feedback loop ends up being muted, basically only letting them feel the norm instead of the extremes.
They actually may be more vulnerable. Imagine getting to feel everything properly for the first time. They won't fly off the handle like your average rage sith but they would be constantly immersed in the Dark Side and may very well go for hedonism, thrill seeking and the like.
You know, him getting his hands on and interviewing a Sith Holocron would be funny. Especially if it is a "reasonable" Sith like... ehm, okay that is difficult. Oh I know! Lana Beniko! She's not too juiced up on the Dark Side kool-aid.
You know, him getting his hands on and interviewing a Sith Holocron would be funny. Especially if it is a "reasonable" Sith like... ehm, okay that is difficult. Oh I know! Lana Beniko! She's not too juiced up on the Dark Side kool-aid.

I like Kel'eth Ur, a long dead Sith lord entombed in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. He was in favour of using positive emotions. He's from the quest Burried Power on SWTOR. know, I wonder if there might be people in the galaxy who end up being resistant to the temptations of the Dark Side simply by being neurodivergent.

Perhaps someone who barely feels emotions in the first place so even the Dark Side feedback loop ends up being muted, basically only letting them feel the norm instead of the extremes.

For myself (and some other autistic people) it often feels like we've been working on emotional control seemingly forever, supressing or releasing our frustration/anger/hate as well as the more positive emotions enough that actually accessing the Dark Side could be far more difficult because we've already trained ourselves to reflexively resist the emotional side of things, or far more dangerous due to the intensity of emotion some autistic people feel.

I suspect that some species, by the nature of their culture/biology etc would probably have stronger or weaker affinities for the Light and Dark sides of the Force. For example, Trandoshans are described as naturally angry and aggressive, and while they can control themselves, they'd probably find it easier to use the Dark Side than the Light, whereas species such as Kaminoans (and other 'calm' species) might find it harder to access the Dark Side.
I am imagining this co-ed is played by Kiera Knightley, because the idea is just too funny to me.

Only if you don't mind the same actress playing multiple roles. Kiera Knightley is already in Star Wars, as Padmé's handmaiden Sabé (the one who gets blown up at the beginning of Attack of the Clones pretends to be the queen during scenes where Padmé is in disguise in The Phantom Menace).

Edit: Dangit, me, you know you can't tell those body doubles apart. Check first, you dingus.
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For myself (and some other autistic people) it often feels like we've been working on emotional control seemingly forever, supressing or releasing our frustration/anger/hate as well as the more positive emotions enough that actually accessing the Dark Side could be far more difficult because we've already trained ourselves to reflexively resist the emotional side of things, or far more dangerous due to the intensity of emotion some autistic people feel.

I suspect that some species, by the nature of their culture/biology etc would probably have stronger or weaker affinities for the Light and Dark sides of the Force. For example, Trandoshans are described as naturally angry and aggressive, and while they can control themselves, they'd probably find it easier to use the Dark Side than the Light, whereas species such as Kaminoans (and other 'calm' species) might find it harder to access the Dark Side.
Pretty sure there is some basis for this in legends: the red Sith species and Zabrak were both noted as being naturally aggressive and often prone to dark side use (significantly more so in the red Sith, the Iridonian Zabrak pretty much subscribed to sending their force sensitive kids to the Jedi since they became space faring), while Neti and Yodas species both have all known individuals being generally very calm and light side users.
I think it would be funny if he could find and repair HK-47. While it's not a force user, it can provide first hand accounts and visual recordings of the true history of Revan. I find it highly unlikely that any surviving records wouldn't have be edited "to ensue a true and factual record of the perfidious nature of Darth Revan".
I think it would be funny if he could find and repair HK-47. While it's not a force user, it can provide first hand accounts and visual recordings of the true history of Revan. I find it highly unlikely that any surviving records wouldn't have be edited "to ensue a true and factual record of the perfidious nature of Darth Revan".
That might be one of the biggest cliche's in the fandom and honestly given just how long the killbot has been lost finding him is so far beyond unlikely that I honestly just dismiss it. Yea it's mildly amusing to read but I just can't take it seriously.