The Froggy Ninja
The Blade Will Never Die
It does kind of go into detail, with sub-specializations within forms and the idea of personal styles expanding on them.
I wish I could bring that kind of detail to you all, but I've read fight scenes that try and while they can go on for pages and pages of detail I always feel like it sucks the energy out of a fight scene. Because it's supposed to be motion and adrenaline and opening, move! Hit, bleeding, circle, kill!
This is sounds awesome, but apparently Chs. 1-32 have been removed to be published on KU.It was an entertaining ramble, and since you do seem pretty interested in the subject of swordsmanship, I'll point you to this one original fic, The Strongest Fencer Doesn't Use [Skills]. It's a LitRPG set in a world where everything is decided by sword duels, and sword duels are decided by a person's inborn [Swordsmanship] level. Into this is dropped an isekai, who being from outside the world, has a swordsmanship level of 0.... but on Earth he was a world champion level fencer.
Very true. The only fight this story has had so far was a spar on level open ground but There are all sorts of scenarios with uneven footing where I would have to stop step back and go through it all step by step in my head confined spaces, low high ground, forest area or similar with lots of irregularly spaced obstacles which might come tumbling down on top of you from sloppy swings. Like I said I'm not a dedicated sword master or anything my frame of reference gives me a good foundation to build off of but for more involved fights I absolutely have to slow myself down and think it through.IMO one thing to keep in mind is that not all fights start at point blank range. Often one or both parties are not inclined to blindly rush the other side. So while a melee sword fight might be fairly short most of the time the fight as a whole might not have been. Even in Star Wars where there is a heavy focus on melee with lightsabers fights often start with with blasters or force powers getting used to take out the other side from a safe distance or to score an advantage. There is also a lot to be said for positioning sometimes and that can make all the difference (insert high ground meme). In the end experience fencing may be useful to write a fight scene but it is also in a lot of ways not like a real fight because those a far more messy situations generally.
I wish I could bring that kind of detail to you all, but I've read fight scenes that try and while they can go on for pages and pages of detail I always feel like it sucks the energy out of a fight scene. Because it's supposed to be motion and adrenaline and opening, move! Hit, bleeding, circle, kill!
Which of course, would likely make a fight between two jedi being a sees like it goes forever, until one screws up and it's over. Jedi vs non-jedi would be very lopsided, and anyone whom could hold their own at all would likely be very impressive. And then there is the sith, whom MAY not benefit as much from future sight, but the raw stat boosts from the dark side would make it a an exercise of of the reasons that Force users Can do the whole "extended fights" is the super speed and precognition.
i could see getting a hang of those being something thats taught Before other lightsaber stuff.
Japanese quick draw attacks are the only thing I've heard spoken of in a similar way but I've never seen one of those in a compare and contrast and I've never seen a jedi use them so it's a bit of a moot point.
I wish I could bring that kind of detail to you all, but I've read fight scenes that try and while they can go on for pages and pages of detail I always feel like it sucks the energy out of a fight scene. Because it's supposed to be motion and adrenaline and opening, move! Hit, bleeding, circle, kill!
It is highly unusual for a real fight to last more than a minute at max, yeah. There are a number of reasons for this, one of which is that adrenaline overclocks everything; not just your body, but your mind as well. People in the throes of an adrenaline rush often describe it as feeling like time has slowed down, that is because adrenaline literally makes your brain think faster.Good, well said. A proper fight, life and death struggle is usually only a few seconds, maybe a minute long. At least, ones with no rules, or so I've heard.
The superspeed isn't, but the precognition definitely is: Remember that we see Jedi younglings practicing saber exercises by blindfolding themselves and blocking blaster shots from a floaty ball of the reasons that Force users Can do the whole "extended fights" is the super speed and precognition.
i could see getting a hang of those being something thats taught Before other lightsaber stuff.
Note that the appearance of 'weight' behind a lightsaber is, canonically, the result of a gyroscopic force that attempts to 'twist' the saber in the direction of its magnetic field. This twisting force is why lightsabers are really hard to wield and require quite a lot of strength to do so; as the wielder must constantly 'fight' the twisting force to prevent the lightsaber from trying to drag itself into the wielder's own limbs. This is also why the majority of lightsaber fighting styles involve sweeping, arcing movements, as they are taking advantage of that twisting force to enhance their blows. It is also also why the whole 'throw lightsaber like a spinning disc of doom' trick works; once spun like that the twisting force maintains the spin all by itself and the Jedi only needs to control the direction it is going in with telekinesis.I think one thing needs to be said: Lightsabers aren't swords, they don't have edges, they don't behave in a way that makes them weightless either. They have substance. The darksaber is most famous for this nature, but it isn't unique to it. All sabers have this weighted element to some degree, possibly depending on the makers desires. So something that's 3 feet long could behave like a 4.5 foot claymore if so desired.
Like you said Force speed, mobility (ie positioning and footwork) would be far more important in a duel than merely knowing specific moves or parries. Its why I'm not really a fan of the 'lightsaber forms' themselves, they seem rather stunted when you have the mother of all abilities capable of allowing you to adapt on the fly with battle prescience. I always imagined that the best duelists would flow with the force around their opponents and disect said opponent metaphysically and physically at the same time. A sort of ultra force instinct that isn't based on a massive collection of built up reflexes (thats is exploitable) but is a state of some sort of battle zen.
Trying to explain in prose a lightsaber duel is pointless, better to explain in broader terms and the battle of the minds of the participants.
Incidentally, that is indeed generally how fights involving Jedi and\or Sith tend to go: Non-Force Adepts tend to get merked instantly, whereas battles between Force Adepts tend to last until one of them pulls some trick that catches the other one off balance, at which point one side or the other either flees the scene or gets chopped in half.Which of course, would likely make a fight between two jedi being a sees like it goes forever, until one screws up and it's over. Jedi vs non-jedi would be very lopsided, and anyone whom could hold their own at all would likely be very impressive. And then there is the sith, whom MAY not benefit as much from future sight, but the raw stat boosts from the dark side would make it a an exercise of endurance.
Huh. If you watch literally any videos on clever evolutionary mechanisms of mimicry and camouflage, you'd find a lot of the same patterns. I assume it is true for most survival mechanisms.There are subtleties within any style that a person will naturally gravitate too to make it their own. Defensive, offensive, people who thought fighting left handed made them invincible because for some reason that just tripped up a lot of people. People that liked certain moves and built themselves around those. People that tried for fancy footwork to trick opponents into giving them an opening. People who just honed the basics as much as they could. People who liked to go for particular target area, people who go for any target area. People who crack under pressure if you push them hard enough or people who float through it all without losing focus…
I'll give a second recommendation on Strongest Fencer, it's a great novel.It was an entertaining ramble, and since you do seem pretty interested in the subject of swordsmanship, I'll point you to this one original fic, The Strongest Fencer Doesn't Use [Skills]. It's a LitRPG set in a world where everything is decided by sword duels, and sword duels are decided by a person's inborn [Swordsmanship] level. Into this is dropped an isekai, who being from outside the world, has a swordsmanship level of 0.... but on Earth he was a world champion level fencer.
The story goes into great detail on the technical aspects of fencing using a variety of sword styles, you might enjoy it.
Errrm the link is dead. Maybe fix it?*Sees thread has updated*
*Opens thread and. . .*
The directions this thread goes sometimes . . .
You tell me.Um I have a question would soon to be count dooku be interested
"I took the time to watch them, sir. He claims anyone can learn to sense and use the Force. Though it's a bit more involved for people not strong enough to be recruited by the Jedi. He's not charging, and they've been spread to at least a dozen major video sharing sites. I don't know what the outcome of new Force users outside the Jedi popping up everywhere might be, but I'm pretty sure the Count will want to know."
"Indeed he will! Though he failed to leave contact details for this business of his that has taken him off world. I'll have to bring it to the Count's attention when he returns. Thank you, Mr. Branson. I'm grateful that you brought this to my attention."
"Look, all I know is half the people or groups that ran me off or turned me away saw my lightsaber before they started with violence." John threw his hands up. "They don't trust the Jedi, I've never got much of an answer about why beyond a lot of distrustful grumbling.