After going through thr story in one go, I must say I loved it. Only part I didn't like at all was him taking on an apprentice against his will. If it was the will of the force, why didn't he just obey it earlier and spend the rest of his life as a farmer? Its still someone deciding for him what he'll do with his life with no consideration for what he wants.
After going through thr story in one go, I must say I loved it. Only part I didn't like at all was him taking on an apprentice against his will. If it was the will of the force, why didn't he just obey it earlier and spend the rest of his life as a farmer? Its still someone deciding for him what he'll do with his life with no consideration for what he wants.
Nooot entirly sure what to say to this. He was looking for another crew member and he's not apposed to teaching, his issues was more... why the fuck is this teenager throwing her life away and how do I prevent her from getting me arrested for abducting a minor. He still thinks it's a bit insane that her parents are letting her do this and that she's a bit insane for leaving her family that clearly loves her when she's only 16 but considering the life he's lived he's not really willing to cast stones in his glass house.
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...Sigh... read and learn something.

K I read it... now I am now laughing my ass off. Do you honestly believe that shit? Bloody hell mate you need to learn how to tell when something is a fake and not. Also using a site literally called "disney star wars is dumb" as your proof. well I'm sure they are incredibly unbiased:rofl:.

'The Force is Female' is not about Star Wars – Bent Corner

The "Force is Female" t-shirts were part of a marketing campaign by Nike. They had nothing to do with Star Wars. The campaign was designed to get women to wear Air Force One shoes.


Re-imagine solar.

The Force is Female: A BS Story

I see a lot of people using the "The Force is Female" photo as prove that KK "hates" men, that she has a feminist agenda, .... The truth is, that the...

The force is female at Archer’s annual film festival

“I ran into resistance, but I never let it stop me,” film producer and Archer Film Festival keynote speaker Kathleen Kennedy said. Kennedy, who has been in the film industry for 40 years, began her involvement at age 19, when she worked as a camera operator for NFL games. Since then, she has...
Disney is dead to me. Budget that could buy a small country all they have ever done is write fanfiction, and they still managed to fuck up the one thing that made them such a huge name in the industry. Which is again, writing fanfiction. when the biggest possible pay day was on the line. Two different remakes of sleeping beauty, Macbeth, half of the brothers grim fairytales, every super hero movie they could think up and then when they come to what should have been the crowning glory of their empire of rewrites and fanfics they fucked it up by finding a couple of idiots who write like the dregs and novices of this community.

Fuck Disney as far as I'm concerned the only way they could redeem themselves is if they retconned their entire trilogy and started from scratch. Maybe in twenty years they'll come to their senses and we'll see something actually worthwhile.

As far as I'm concerned there are only six Star Wars movies, Episode 1 through 6.
Disney managed to get their hands on the goose that laid the golden eggs and then proceeded to kill it and desecrate its corpse with disturbing glee.
K I read it... now I am now laughing my ass off. Do you honestly believe that shit? Bloody hell mate you need to learn how to tell when something is a fake and not. Also using a site literally called "disney star wars is dumb" as your proof. well I'm sure they are incredibly unbiased:rofl:.

Show me the Nike Logo anywhere in those pictures taken at that film school, because we all know how much Nike sports shoes have to do with fucking film schools. :rofl:

Look I've ridden this ride more than enough times to know when someone will ignore anything that doesn't fit their mental narrative so I'm not even going to waste my time with you because I don't care about you, as the majority knows better.
If you're... naive enough to believe their ass covering feel free to keep believing just don't bother us about it.
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Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful: Don't call women whores.
Don't care if the force is female is a bullshit or real. Don't care if that whore decides to become a literal whore and sell porno's of herself using a lightsaber as a dildo. They fucked up the movies more than the prequels and that's really all there is to say about it.
Show me the Nike Logo anywhere in those pictures taken at that film school, because we all know how much Nike sports shoes have to do with fucking film schools. :rofl:

Look I've ridden this ride more than enough times to know when someone will ignore anything that doesn't fit their mental narrative so I'm not even going to waste my time with you because I don't care about you, as the majority knows better.
If you're... naive enough to believe their ass covering feel free to keep believing just don't bother us about it.
Well If your asking for the shirt with Nike on it, I now know you didn't even look at the links. Literal shirt they are wearing were in the links, notice the nike symbol . I have supplied far more viable and trustworthy evidence than you have. As for the rest of your post, I can only surmise that you have subconsciously described yourself. the type of person who will believe anything, as long as it conforms to their worldview. And will reject anything that says otherwise, regardless of the evidence thrown in their face. All I feel is sorry for you, but I'll at least hope of have a good day regardless of this.

Don't care if the force is female is a bullshit or real. Don't care if that whore decides to become a literal whore and sell porno's of herself using a lightsaber as a dildo. They fucked up the movies more than the prequels and that's really all there is to say about it.
Doesn't matter if the films are crap or not. But unknowingly or knowingly propagating obvious bullshit, is something everybody should fight to stop.
Though I would Advise you to look at every movie she produced, you will be very, very surprised. ET, raiders of the lost ark and Polergiest just to name her three earliest movies.
Though I would Advise you to look at every movie she produced, you will be very, very surprised. ET, raiders of the lost ark and Polergiest just to name her three earliest movies.
... I'm sorry not sure what that was supposed to make me feel but it only made me feel like she's an even bigger fuck up than before. Like she found out she was getting a giant paycheck and decided to just fuck around and not even take her responsibilities seriously. Which makes her an even bigger failure.
Stop: Stop this.
stop this.

@Fencer, this is seriously unacceptable. The casual misogyny of this post is a violation of Rule 2 and is getting you a 25 point infraction and a three day threadban. Seriously, don't call women whores.

Don't care if the force is female is a bullshit or real. Don't care if that whore decides to become a literal whore and sell porno's of herself using a lightsaber as a dildo. They fucked up the movies more than the prequels and that's really all there is to say about it.

... I'm sorry not sure what that was supposed to make me feel but it only made me feel like she's an even bigger fuck up than before. Like she found out she was getting a giant paycheck and decided to just fuck around and not even take her responsibilities seriously. Which makes her an even bigger failure.
It shows her track record. She has done some amazing movies, some middiling ones, and did some real crappy ones. And it's already taking place with star wars, Insanely good Mandalorian, middling Rogue one and Solo, crappy ST(though personally I like TLJ because of the way they portrayed Luke). But besides that, this clearly become a Derail, wanna take it to PM?
Rip this thread.
Inb4 it gets threadlocked and people act confused by it, like they haven't spent the last 2 pages screeching about Kathleen Kennedy using a lightsaber dildo.
Honestly, never quite got the drama, I mean my opinion on the new trilogy is rather clear, but harping over the staff at lucasfilm Disney? meh. talk with your wallet and done with it
Rule 5: Don’t Make it Harder For Us to Do Our Jobs

What? Are you taking fictional characters to the same standards as real people? And even then, what's the problem with whores? Are you shaming whores?
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@Fencer is it just me or have I read this premise before? I could have sworn there was an unfinished story of a youngling SI CYOA with this setup.
Nooot entirly sure what to say to this. He was looking for another crew member and he's not apposed to teaching, his issues was more... why the fuck is this teenager throwing her life away and how do I prevent her from getting me arrested for abducting a minor. He still thinks it's a bit insane that her parents are letting her do this and that she's a bit insane for leaving her family that clearly loves her when she's only 16 but considering the life he's lived he's not really willing to cast stones in his glass house.
That's not really what I took away from it. It more seems like hes being suddenly OOC by not standing up for what he wants and instead being told by her what she wants is good so he should do it, with her not really caring that he doesn't want to. It also brings up the question of why he didn't just force a Jedi Knight to adopt him as a padawan against their will back when he was with the Jedi, if forcing them is q good thing.

Sure hes not opposed to teaching and looking for crew, but even a starving man will duck if someone throws an apple at their head. She never really backs away drom the same state of mind as when she first appeared, making her extremely unsympathetic and me wishing she'd just move on away from the protagonist and the narrative as a whole, getting "put on a bus" as it were.
Doesn't matter if the films are crap or not. But unknowingly or knowingly propagating obvious bullshit, is something everybody should fight to stop.
Though I would Advise you to look at every movie she produced, you will be very, very surprised. ET, raiders of the lost ark and Polergiest just to name her three earliest movies.

She had no say on the creative side of those movies as she did with the current starwars.

Yes I looked at your evidence as well and it's shit, doesn't matter who made the shirt it matters what it's for. As you obviously didn't read the article Kennedy's own words damn her, or as the article says.

So she opened her speech with Yoda, closed her speech with Yoda, finished off by stating that "The Force Is Female," but the T-Shirt didn't have anything to do with Star Wars whatsoever you silly goose.

Believe whatever you want but actions speak louder then after the fact ass saving PR statements, and the Shills that help that. This isn't the place for this so if you want to continue just PM me you silly goose.
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Let's hope nothing would happen to call the mods on us again.

Good luck Fencer!
God forbid anyone have a strong opinion on the management of a childhood staple destroying said staple.
Definitely enjoying the story so far and looking forward to more.