Unless you want to completely wreck the soil and spend staggering amounts of money on artificial fertilisers you kind of have to rotate your crops.

And that would go double in a sci-fi setting where you might have to import those artificial fertilisers from several lightyears away, so the agricorps are probably big on permaculture and organic farming techniques.
The whole notion of farm planets is kinda bonkers and says volumes about how absurdly cheap interplanetary shipping is in Star Wars.

Also since there's so much interest in Agricorps: One of the best short Star Wars stories ever

The reality is that there are insanely few Jedi for the size of the galaxy. Every single Jedi needs to be an incredible force multiplier. That's why they do things like mediate planet wide or interplanetary conflicts for the knights.
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It is also canon or at least EU that Obi-Wan was briefly sent to the agri corp despite desperately wanting to be a jedi. now how normal that was? No clue. I'm not well read on the EU. I don't even know how many stories there are that have anything to do with pre clone wars initiates. Probably not a lot.
Basically all the noteworthy stuff we do know about the pre-padawan life is Obi-wan getting involved in a bit of minor dark side corruption in the temple before Qui-gon picks him for his Padawan. That event almost left him with a robot hand like every other main character Jedi eventually winds up with, except Kyle Katarn who is a smuggler before Luke teaches him. This is also the same events that introduced Sabine, or as the fandom now knows her, Obi-wan's ex.
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The whole notion of farm planets is kinda bonkers and says volumes about how absurdly cheap interplanetary shipping is in Star Wars.
Especially when with the technology they have they could go for space based hydroponics in orbit or on a moon and just ship the waste back the short distance. do it well enough and you need very little input to make up for whats lost over time.
If on a moon the soil might even be usable after processing to further reduce the raw materials you need to add to the system beyond the planets waste.
Add in the more well built stations in SW's last centuries with little maintenance and the use of droids the operating costs could go ridiculously low.
Edit - hell for the ships transporting waste back to it you wouldn't even need to make them FTL capable making them very cheap bulk cargo ships.
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While I'm very happy to be responsible for the latest hair pulling rage at Star Wars planets and how they make no sense. I just had a thought about a Jedi that could be an interesting antagonist for John and everyone else. I would like to introduce you to An'ya Kuro aka The Dark Woman.

An'ya Kuro

She is a strange one—even among the Jedi. Her devotion to the Force is such that she even renounced her own name as a sign of selfless fealty. She is known only as…the Dark Woman!Lekket An'ya Kuro was a Human female who gave up her name in service of the Force and became the Dark Woman. A...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcPs0nII2xE
She was also the one who helped to create Darth Krayt. The guy wearing the Tusken Raider mask, and she also helped create Aurra Sing.
The whole notion of farm planets is kinda bonkers and says volumes about how absurdly cheap interplanetary shipping is in Star Wars.

Also since there's so much interest in Agricorps: One of the best short Star Wars stories ever

The reality is that there are insanely few Jedi for the size of the galaxy. Every single Jedi needs to be an incredible force multiplier. That's why they do things like mediate planet wide or interplanetary conflicts for the knights.

I remember reading this, it was amazing…

Some other fics on Jedi AgriCorps that people may like. I hope people enjoy them!

The Other Side : Dozen years ago Obi-Wan went into AgriCorps - now Qui-Gon Jinn is taking a new padawan. Somehow, this is Obi-Wan's problem.

Lost Reflections : Obi-Wan didn't become Qui-Gon Jinn's apprentice, and Ben didn't exile himself to Tatooine. On Bandomeer the two meet.

Out Of Chaos : Rather than making the Jedi generals, the Senate votes to see them exiled after the Battle of Geonosis. It takes some time, but the Jedi and Republic both find that the Jedi got the better end of that deal.

Parrallel Processing : Obi-Wan Kenobi has been with the AgriCorps nearly all his life--researching, working relief missions, and traveling across the galaxy. He loves the work and always has. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi doesn't know what to make of him.

One Audit is All it Takes : ... to completely ruin your day. Jango's day is ruined. The Kaminoans' day is ruined. Seire Kari is on the warpath. The Alpha Batch are having the time of their lives.

Seize the Means of Production : The Jedi Shadows do not throw in behind the audit. The Corps (and Seire) are just going to have to figure this out unofficially. Quietly. Discreetly, even. How do you discreetly rehome over ten million identical pre-teen Mandalorians?
8 billion people require lets say 25% of earths land mass to stay fed so we are within the range. That's 14,327,184.5 square miles.

Google says star wars population is over 100 quadrillion.
Make it a ratio.

14.3 million sq miles / 8 billion people = x million sq miles / 100 quadrillion people

convert: 100 quadrillion = 100,000 billion EDIT: this was wrong (why Google? why?) and the actual number is 100,000,000 billion

14.3 (land) * 100,000,000 (people) / 8 (people) = x (land)

x = 178,750,000 million sq miles (or 178.750 trillion sq miles)

Surface area of Earth = 196.9 million sq miles

Total farmable surface area to feed the galaxy = equivalent of 908,000 Earths (assuming the entire surface, pole to pole, is farmed)

Also since there's so much interest in Agricorps: One of the best short Star Wars stories ever
Cannot recommend this enough. MarbleGlove has some really good Star Wars content.
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... For an entire world that existsas a galactic hub with how many differing species? No. Makes no sense. There are likely thousands, hundreds of thousands of large scale farming companies and corporations. Worlds that exist solely as a farm. Its ridiculous to think that the Agricorps are the ONLY large scale farming organization to supply Coruscant. Especially when the old republic is shown to be capitalist as fuck. The only thing I know about the Agricorps is what little is mentioned about them in the films. But as someone who has done subsistence farming and worked on a commercial farm? The Agricorps exist to serve and maintain the Jedi and their numerous temples across I don't know how many worlds. Much more realistic and feasible.

I could be wrong, however. The Star Wars universe seldom makes sense
it's even more likely that each planet contributes to at least a significant part of it's own food needs. Even desert worlds like Tantoine could easily support underground mushroom farms for example. Or closed-loop algae farming.
According to my math you could feed the galaxy with 1,790,898.06 square miles which is less than Earth total land area….. I… have either messed up my math somewhere or the star wars galaxy should have a much higher population because I'm hating these numbers with a passion
Can't remember where I heard this (so take this with a continent of salt) but someone said that the number of clones used to fight the clone wars for a galaxy spanning war was severely underestimating the number of bodies for it, so unless most of the planets in the galaxy, including the ones where life sprouted and weren't colonized, had majority of its area inhospitable to life, I think your numbers are correct
One possibility is that, with the sheer ease and cheapness of hyperdrives, everyone just kinda moved around until population density took a nosedive galaxy-wide.
I agree that for every Ecumenopolis like Coruscant there are probably a thousand worlds with barely a handful of cities' worth of people on them (like Naboo?).
But that doesn't really change anything in the total amount of food/farmland needed to feed everyone since canon(wiki) gave that (very silly) hard number of 100 quadrillion overall population of the (known?) Galaxy in Star Wars:
The galaxy was home to between five and twenty million sentient species, and over one hundred quadrillion sentient beings lived in one billion star systems, interacting with each other through travel, diplomacy, trade, politics, and war.
By any realistic metric a 1500ish Agricops Jedi simply can't amount to more than a rounding error in the overall food production of the Galaxy.

I can only see three "solutions" for this:
-The Agricops produce highly specific foods (read: luxury foods), that would allow their small number to have a impact on their niche food "market". It feels a bit doubtful considering the Jedis' overall goal and mentality... but to be fair it wouldn't be the first dirty little secret of theirs we see (and is far from overtaking the whole baby-snatchers or the slave clone army on the despicable podium...)
-The Galaxy is made of largely self-sufficient worlds (which a low population density would indeed help), so only exceptions like Coruscant would generate significant food trade. The resulting small(ish) overall volume and limited relevant actors in said trade would allow the small number of Jedi to have a notable impact. But even that is doubtful since aero/hydroponics isn't exactly rocket science, so things like a lack of "farmland" shouldn't really be an issue anyway...
-The Agricorps specialize in timely high value food stock (read: humanitarian help and similar issues) which is a really cool idea, but I'm having hard time meshing that idea with the whole Clone Wars thing...

(I would have added a fourth option where these jedi work to make new better foods and hence contribute to the overall food production... but Star Wars doesn't ever see improvements so that's not really possible)
One of the ones I've seen in some of the fanfic is that the Agricorps goes to places where they're having problems producing enough food, helps fix said problems, and teaches them how to farm better in sustainable ways. So they're doing the standard Jedi "troubleshoot the galaxy" thing, but instead of diplomacy investigation and combat, they focus on the food supplies.

That said, that's an after-the-fact explanation, as all sane explanations must be. I'm quite certain that the true canon answer is the blatantly absurd one.
I'm just going to go with my head-canon on all the farming being mostly just a cover for them having a Force powered moonshine still they use to make super Force booze to drown their sorrows over not getting picked to run around the galaxy hitting people with laser swords. :p
I agree that for every Ecumenopolis like Coruscant there are probably a thousand worlds with barely a handful of cities' worth of people on them (like Naboo?).
But that doesn't really change anything in the total amount of food/farmland needed to feed everyone since canon(wiki) gave that (very silly) hard number of 100 quadrillion overall population of the (known?) Galaxy in Star Wars:

By any realistic metric a 1500ish Agricops Jedi simply can't amount to more than a rounding error in the overall food production of the Galaxy.

I can only see three "solutions" for this:
-The Agricops produce highly specific foods (read: luxury foods), that would allow their small number to have a impact on their niche food "market". It feels a bit doubtful considering the Jedis' overall goal and mentality... but to be fair it wouldn't be the first dirty little secret of theirs we see (and is far from overtaking the whole baby-snatchers or the slave clone army on the despicable podium...)
-The Galaxy is made of largely self-sufficient worlds (which a low population density would indeed help), so only exceptions like Coruscant would generate significant food trade. The resulting small(ish) overall volume and limited relevant actors in said trade would allow the small number of Jedi to have a notable impact. But even that is doubtful since aero/hydroponics isn't exactly rocket science, so things like a lack of "farmland" shouldn't really be an issue anyway...
-The Agricorps specialize in timely high value food stock (read: humanitarian help and similar issues) which is a really cool idea, but I'm having hard time meshing that idea with the whole Clone Wars thing...

(I would have added a fourth option where these jedi work to make new better foods and hence contribute to the overall food production... but Star Wars doesn't ever see improvements so that's not really possible)

Food security is a huge thing on Earth with most nations trying to be fully independent of outside sources in an emergency/war. Seriously, the US had cheese caves with almost 1.5 billion pounds, the EU stored shelf stable butter and milk products for decades, China imports almost half it's food, and it's considered a national security issue by President Xi. Some of it is strategic reserves like oil, more often it's used for subsidies and price control, but the idea is something that's pretty universal, and I don't imagine it's any different than the individual planets there.

I'm sure there are specialized planets that need food imports, and others that are specifically used for both bulk and luxury food production, but only a very small number of planets were an ecumenopolis like Coruscant, the rest seemed to have enough space and growing conditions/crops to manage all the food locally. Pretty sure that even in the EU the number of ecumenopoli was low single digits. Some of the other worldbuilding comments indicated that most named planets in the media had a native population that was seeded or evolved and survived before the near unversal use of hyperdrives. And several places that were considered lost during the many many Sith wars that had to survive indpendently from the galactic marketplace.

The only weird thing about it was that some planets were described as having the whole planet dedicated to a single product. Usually it's only areas deliberately exploited for natural resources that are so mono focused on a single export. Earth as a whole can't work like that, but depending on the level of EU elements used, there is any number of ancient Force using species that engaged in wholesale planetry terraforming, and even solar system and larger terraforming works.
That's even somewhat supported by Canon relating to the Naboo blockade. Where while not self-suffecient, they(Edit:Naboo) had food stocked up with the food shortage happening because the food stocks they had on planet was reduced under Padme's predecessor and had yet to be restored to previous levels before the blockade began. Though the wookiepedia page legends section don't actually mention anything directly about any such stockpile.
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Ok can we actually stop and talk about the agri corps seriously for a bit?
From what I read into the Legends argicorps article:
  • The agricorps mostly produces food in conjunction with charities, it doesn't serve as a primary producer for any planets and likely involves many more employees or partners than just Jedi.
  • There seems to be a heavy focus on research (and a mention of geology). I would guess that a major focus is using plant-, earth- and precognition-based force powers to match the billions of species of plants (and exponentially more possible hybrids) that exist in the galaxy with specific planets' soil conditions and specific species' dietary needs, figuring out what species should grow what plant on what planet, as that is:
    • Extremely valuable in a 'teaching a man to fish' way
    • An absurd amount of work given the number of plant species that would need to be considered
    • Probably lending itself well to asking plants what soil they need or asking people's bodies what nutrients they are missing, and precognitively skipping that process
    • Not very valuable/likely-to-be-invested-in for agricultural megacorps given that they can choose what planet to farm on, rather than having to figure out how a species can support themselves on a planet they're currently living on.
I would guess that even the non-researcher agricorps members are likely overseeing large droid or mechanized farms, using force powers to look for issues and encourage plant growth on a large scale.

That article also implies that most agricorps members do become padawans, either of agricorps jedi or knights who didn't go find someone at the temple.
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You know for some reason I'm imagining galactic football 😏

Well If we are going to be honest there will be a LOT of things along those lines in the future. Because for all the issues the vast majority of the Galaxy lives in peace. So those that want to show off their Force skills or who are competitive will try to find ways to find acceptable ways to use their new abilities. And sports are one of the most obvious options there.

Add to that that many old sports are now in a bit of a dubious spot and the transition is even more likely. Because it is hard to ban using the force in sports since many uses are not obvious and honestly it is rather unfair to expect force users to stay out of sports if they start becoming a significant population. So considering that many value sports most likely there will also be a push to replace the current sports with ones suitable for Force use.

It isn't like things are fundamentally unfair since Makutai and the rest of Force training are freely available. Talent may vary but anyone can try for it...
Could the food thing have something to do with the fact that every few centuries someone tries to either conquer or just set on fire the star wars galaxy?
I've been deep diving into Star Wars Legends lore and Pdfs and sourcebooks, i've had an itch to write a fanfic and it's like i'm drowning in the info, and it kind of made me curious.

Did our intrepid protagonist ever get the chance to visit the Sorcerers of Tund, learn about Sith Alchemy, or the history of the Sith Race?
Probably not considering there sith in hiding and he already said he didn't know the origin of the sith let alone the sith purebloods
A Helping Hand
Omake: A Helping Hand

Janice was crying as she sipped from her glass of water.

It had been two years since the accident at the chemical plant had left her completely unable to use both legs and one of her arms. The other arm was almost as damaged allowing her to just barely move her fingers and barely wiggle her wrist.

While the company's insurance had paid for her immediate medical bills and for some aftercare, it had NOT covered the extensive cybernetics needed to allow her to return to regular life. As a result, she had been stuck in a medical hover chair ever since with a cheap nurse droid looking after her.

As a result, Janice had practically lived in the holo net since then and was one of the first to find John's video.

While unable to follow the Matukai practice she had been able to do the meditation and today for the first time in years she was able to have a drink without someone else holding the cup.

As the tears streamed down her face Janice knew two things. First, she was NOT going to let people bad mouth John around her. The second thing was she had read references to force healing and she WOULD be researching how to do that, not only for herself but for all the others out there currently without hope.
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